HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 02-03-1949Roll Appoint * Trer,rer'"flAir)17 ') Is 9 o Tern Conc, , of Ordinances 1 and 3. Mr. Brailsford has drafts ready, Consider revn of Sewer Code. Mr. Brailsford has drafts ready. Cons l 'Ashment of Local Improvement District No. 15. Read lettel k. G. andford and refer to memo of preliminary agenda. V80 It '- mi-,urided that the District Engineer be instructed to be entered into the minutego to proceed with r' _pc,-4,fications to extend collecting severs throu7h- , lic Valley from the main trunk northerly to the --,,sant Hill and Springhill Roads with the exact ,411C. e determined to fit the topography. This work to be -;LJ-n Locq1 Improvenent District No. 15. ' ,fgt, 9.1.104 ir • - • Oa , : ' • 0 ry_ -3S1(4H r amount of 0 ,f De Velbiss and. Hearty properties lying t is recommended that the Man -ger be s that the annexation wi. he con arty owners make a cash payment to C D ricr acre and that ' nay all Hear report from W. Y. -ctGreor on ineuv -- CLE e 11C: the District. 9. liAmi letter from ir, 0. L. Betz. It is suggested that this be referred to the gank;er for answer. No definite information can be furnished to r, Betz about his request for ertimated cost of pervice, hm:ever, he may he generally informed. Read letter from Mr. 0. A. Osmandsen. Refer to preliminary agenda for further information. It is suggested that the letter be referred to the Astrict Engineer for his information. Ap'rove Assessment Diagram for Local Imnrovement District No. 2. This dia7ram is complete and the District hngineer can anslJer any que tions regarding it. 12. Hear report by Yr. Brailsford concerning request of L. J. Cuneo that the District hold deposits made by Ouneo for his credit. These denosits were made to cover work in-talled by Lucas & Genessit Gabriel Company and others, We -re informally advised. that Lucs & Genessi and Gabriel Company are bankrupt and that Cuneo and. Garibottil operatin under the name of C, & G. Cour-'any are completing house sewer -ork started by these contractors with the 'ork being done by a third contrpctin7 outfit. Mr. Brailsford has stated that the denosits made must be held as guarantee for the work for which they were made. There appears to be s further complication by the effort of Mr. Cuneo to have this deposit of )1500.00 cover the work now being performed by other contrectors. It is recomended that the Attorney advise Mr. Cuneo in rriting regarding the Borirdts determination concernins this ;1500.00 de-osit. Agenda — February 3, 1949 Authorize payment of bills as nresented an. audited. Adopt resolution inetructin, County Auditor to transfer $5,577.18 from Running Expense Fund to Sewer Construction Fund to correct distribution of charges for engineering equipment rentals and supplies from December 1947 to October 1948 inclusive See memo attached. 15. Pass motion d-recting the allocation of charges to advances for Local Improvement Districts a shown on memo attached. 16. Consider listing in 1949 °Directory and Central Contra Costr, Guide Book.° A Contra Costa publishing company has surxested that this Distric have a listinc in the directory which they are now preparinF; and advise that there will be a 012.00 charge for such listing. It is considered that this listin7 will be of no particular benefit to the District and it is recommended that the Yanager, he instructed to so advise publishers Authorize extra payment to McDonald, Young and Nelson for temporary nosier connection at the Sewage Treatment Plant. This price for the extra work as ne ated between the contractor and the Dirtrict Encineer and this ,,ctIon was •requested by the Ditrict Engineer. 18 Pass resolution authorizing e payment to ,JeT:rage Treatment Plant contractors, EcDonald, Young and. Nelson. Authorize finp1 payment to Iltanley K. Koller for Main 'runs Section IV when the same hall become due on February 14, 1949, providing that thee has been no liens filed and contactor furnishes evidence of payment of all accounts. February 3, 19149 MEMO TO: The District Board SUBJECT: Transfer of $5,577.18 from Running Expense Fund to 3eer Const— ruction Fund to correct distribution of charges for EnRineering Equipment Rentals and Suprlies. The bilis by the District Engineer from December 1947 to October 1948 inclusive covering charges for engineering equipment rentals and up lies for Local Improvement Districts included those charges in the bills for work on Yain Trunk Sewers, and as a result those co ts vere charged to Sewer Construction Fund. This was called to the attention of the District Engineer and these charges subsequent to October 1948 have been allocnted to the various L.I.D.Is in proportion to services performed on each individual project. A distribution of the previous charges he been worked out for the reriod from December 1947 to October 1048 :::-clusive as follows: L.I.D. NUMBER 1 2 3 5 6 10 11 • AMOUNT CHARGIM TO =VIER CONSTRUCTION FUND WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN CHARGED AS AN ADVANCE TO Tit 96 628,22 117.87 167,72 125.24 35.00 401.08 61.6 "OTAL 5577.18 It is recommended that the District „ipard instruct the County Auditor by resolution to transfer $5,577,18 from the Running Expense Fund to the Gewer Construction Fund. It is further recommended that the Board by motion direct the allocation of charges to advances for Local Improve ment Districts as listed herein. The Action recommended rill effect the proper accounting and and allocation of the gubject charges. BILLS PAID SINCE JANUARY 1, 1949 VOUCHER 1111.141:1ER NAME 1031 N. H. Rickey 1032 J. G. Vel,)reda 1033 R. A. Burns 1034 Tessa Miller 1035 Douglas Wald 1036 Leonprd Wald 1037 Ivor Long 1038 Melvin Klemmick 1039 James Corry 1040 James Couch 1041 Al Blythe 1042 Fred Wilkins 1043 W. V. Castagns 1044 W. M. Menegus 1045 D. Cameron 1046 John Mason 1047 1048 Morn m Phillips 1049 Tess Miller is r DouglPlet Wald 1C:r Leonord Wald Ivor Lo'e1vin Y. r' 1054 Jqmes 1055 JAME' ei 0C- 711 105'; H. W. '-ppsso 1057 Al B1yt- 1058 Fred 10.1"-r_v, 1059 Virginia ,•,rondes 1060 H. W. TolPnd 1061 H. M. Smitten 1062 L. H. Weill 10 R. E. Wadsworth 10o4 Elliott Jo-- -1 1065 G. $. Cutler 1066 W. H. Brailsf-.pd 1067 Cal. Wster 3erv. 1068 Coast Counties Gas 1069 P.G. & E. 1070 City Wslnut Creek 1071 Pao. T. T. 1072 County Clerk 1073 1074 1075 Deposit Refund Settlement of easement LID 0 LID Clerk Plant Operator 0 11 11 Maintenance & Inspector Inspector 11 Depot Refund Dsmae Payment on 1 tree F,funtl of Deposit & Fee t Manager Miiee Assistqnt Clerk Plant Ope 0 0 11 P tor 0 pinten nee Inspector 4 Janitor Inspector & Mileage tI Bookkeeper Director & Mileage il 0 oecretry Attorney TreAtment Plant water bill Office gas bill Plant & office electricity Office wster Plant & office phone Depositon condemnstions Oaklsnd Sewer Constr.Deposit Refund Beverly Dodds 0 Chestnut Plumbing & Heating Deposit Refund A-10UNT ,15.00 1 250.00 3 350.00 93.20 144.20 140.00 125.20 11+0.00 140.00 99.80 148.30 148.30 15.00 50.00 28.00 621.90 33.32 255.20 93.20 144.20 140.00 125.20 140.00 140.00 99.80 43.00 200.10 209.83 186.40 30.63 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.70 15.00 400.00 16.00 14.49 157.06 4.00 125.66 157.40 45.00 15.00 15.00 Sub Total 5,435.09 BILL3 TO BF APPROVED VOUCHER # NAME Bank of America W. H. Brailsford Contra Costa Stationers Coast Counties Gas 0.0.0. Title Co. 0.0.0. Titlf. Co. Dahlgren' Walter Friberg Herb's Hdwre.. Inland. Typewriter Claude McPhee Claude McPhee Rector Motor Co. John Schroder Shell Oil Thompson Electric Wnl, Cr. Sheet MetA W1nt Kernel Martin Bros. Stockton Constr, Chas. Brown ' Ki Car - 0, C. flfl'7 - 0. C. Kenne— AMOUNT JanuAry withholding *280.10 Attorney fees 461.45 Supples .36 Filters 3.09 Title Reports 96.00 Title Reports LIDs 2,896.60 Supplies 29.21 R.O.W. agent 169.00 Supplies 5.15 Suppltes 15.40 Court Hearing (Loucks) 12.50 R.O.W. agent 824.50 Install heater in truck 13.53 Comprehensive insurance 264.89 Gas & oil for truck 25.71 Supplies 5.74 1 filters 7.00 -blishing 36.k6 11,267.33 ,. VI 8,483.75 -la Pump StPtions 15,807.00 15,893.51 3Pet. IV & Bnginerring 5,168.42 $ub Grli Total ,766.70 67,201.79