HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 01-20-1949AGENDA . MEETINO JAITJY 20, 1949
1. Roll Call
2. Consider appointment of 3 -crt ry to replf,ce G. Cutler,d.
4. Consider motion definitythe boundaries of L.I.D. 12. $ee attached memo,
1eadinv of Minutes of previous meeting.
5. Considier motion instructing District 14ngineer to proceed %in the
design and ether engineering procedures relmtive to L.I.D. 14. Sas
attached memo.
tc. Receive and open bids on L.I.D. 6 if 8.15 p.m. or iter.
7. ...;onsider e'lpointment of Robert D. Mott 'is auperintendent of tilt..
aewage Treatment Plont at a salpry of .0450,00 per month. )4r. Richard
Eennedy has advised that the 14strict Engineer is w5.11in to release
Mr, Mott ln order that he mey be emplopid by thio District. ' Mott
is an experienced sewage treatment plant opervtnr„ haying sJer,r-ikemem""""""
years in this work prior to his employment by the District Er ir-4111111°"giff"
and assignment to the seware treatment plant as the construct&
inspector, The District vill be quite fortunete if it mey obtRin
the services of a man of Xr, Mottos qualificetions.
It appears thrt the tre-tnnt plant will be completed on or before
JPnuary 31 and it I- recor,%tended thet 4r. ott b• appointed effective
upon the certificetion of tbe District Lngineor that the plAnt is
complete, or effective February 1, which ever apte is earliest.
3. Consider acceptance of the wolik of L.1,D, 2 upon the completion of
the installation of sewers and the backfilling of trenches and
restoration of treets to safe traffics on the basis that the con
tractor will post sufficient bond, guaranteeing the repaving of the
trenches when ,-:eather will erpit this wort to be performed properly.
bee letter from Jtolte„ Inc. and refer to Instrict "Engineer and
Attorney for further details.
9. Consider suggestion of Martin arothers for change in aiipnment of t
short section of sewer in main trunk section V. See letter from
Martin Brothers and refer to District iLngineer for further details.
10. Report on Side 4ewers. Side sewers for house connections are being
installed in L.I.Dis 3, 5 and 11 after the District Engineer has
indicated that the particular runs of sewer to which connections)
are being made have been saticfactorily installed. 3ide sewer
connections are partially suspended in L.I.D. 2 Pithouph Stolte Inc.
has made approximately 12 such ebnnections for hardship oases during
the past two weeks. Stolte Inc. advise that they stand ready to
release the entire Area for side sewer connections if they receive
some assurpnce that the job as a whole may be accepted with final
repaving to be completed later and furthPr assurnne, thet the District
will adecuately police the work of the ride sewer contractors so that
will not be dompped by having to rework lame aroma where
they heve fully or oertially restored the street.
There have been 45 additional side sewer permits issued during the
pest two weeks and the control of side sewer contractors appear'
to be reasonably satisfactory.
It is probable that it will be neemissary to increase the deposit
covering restoration of streetsi however, it is recommended that
further study be given to this matter before such potion is taken.
11. Consider furnishing assessment lists to interested parties, The
District Lngineer and the District Board hnve both been repeatedly
approached by Title Companion and other interested parties with
the suggestion that they be furnished copies of all eses-went
diagrams and lists for lossil improvement dist;Acts. They have all
indicated a willingness to pay some amount to cover tha cost of
furnishing them such extra copies. The costs of preparing these
P,ssessment diagrams and lists is a major it as far as the initial
cost is concerned and the costs of preparing copies will be quite
appreciable since it will require s complete re -run of the type
written antiment lists es well as 9rinting of the assessment
diacr , It is considered that it would be proper to charge a
considerable amount for such lists more than the net cosi of printinE
and typing as their assembly will involve considerable work on the
part f the District Engineer.
It la suggested that the Board decide ps to whether or not it
desires to furnish such lists and if so a determination of the
charge for them should b. made
12 Consider possible service to the pro °sod Contra Costa County
Juvenile Detention Home on the basis of payment of a connection
charge and annual service charge. Refer, to memo under date of
January 11, previously forwarded to each Director.
There has been no formal request from the Gounty in this 'atter,
and it now stands as a verbal request of thupervisor Ray Taylor for
information as to whether or not the Board will consider such action
and what charges would be made.
13. Consider payment to Wm. Menegus of 00.00 as damages for the deo-
truction of ono walnut tree in easement in L.I.D. 6. kr. kenegue
has executed this easement and delivered the same subject to this
payment. Payment is recomzentled by Mr. McPhee and Ivkr. Macon.
14. Order condemnation of Parcel 16 of L. 1.1). 6- Wm. H. & Annp, Lucille
orrison. The owners have declined to execute the easemnt on the
advice of their legal counsel that this easement represents valuable
property lying westerly of and parallel to the State highway for a
distance of 300 feet, The location was selected by the District
Engineer after converence with the Division of HiGhcays and in
consideration of future plans for wideninF the State highway northerly
of walnut Creek, and so that the sewer would be installed outside of
the limit of the planned future pavement. There is one disturbing
factor in regard to this matter, 1.e.„ that the Division of Highways
plans ere not firm and we are not in a position to state that the
easement Iles wholly within property which will 1pter be taken for
highway widening. Further, the County zoning in this area calls
for a 10 foot setback and the easement strip lies.inside of the
property from such ,oning setback. However the subcivistons in
this area have established their easterly lies to conform to the
future plans for highway widening. The horrison property is an
acreage peel lying southerly of suoh a subdivision. The easement
strip is 5 feet wide with its center line Tapproxtmp t ely 15 feet
westerly from the west line of the highway. The highway widening
plan indicates their present intention to acquire a strip approx-
pprox.i tely 27-1/2 feet Nide at this point. All other easements
connecting north and south of the Morrison paroel have been procured.
. . Report on proposal of San Pablo unitary District for the formation
of a League of nit , ry Districts in this County, See memo attaohed,
16, Adopt resolution reconveying easement of John Perry.
17. Information on the request of assignment by .Albert J. Kiss. Mr. Kiss
has furnishedthis office with a further statement requesting that
mll warrants drawn by the District in favor of Chas. T. Brown Co. pnd
Kiss Crane Co apPny be mailed to the home office of Chars. T. Brown Go.
This appei rs to cover this matter at the present time since we nay
honor such a request for mailing as that address is also a business
a&flress given in the contract.
18. See attached memo riving analysis of District funds in reference to
total obligations and total deposits. This is for the information
of the Bor rd end. no Action is recommended for this meeting, It is
probab1' that such action will be necessary pt some early future
19. Report on City of Walnut Creek. Kr. $ra11i ford has net with the
District Attorney of Contra Costa County, and the City Attorney of
Walnut Creek and has received an opinion th ►�t the City of walnut
Creek mut pay its proportionate share of the taxes other than the
taxes for rpintaining its own lateral sewers if that City should
elect to continue the maintenance off its " own 'stew:. sewers. Messrs.
Brailsford and Mason plan to meet with the City Council of Walnut
Creek at their meeting of Janwry 21 to attempt to reach some
conclusion in order thst the work of L.1. D. 4 may go ahead or that
the City may acre, to turn over the maintenance of its sewers to
the Sanitary District.
20. Read Mr. Osaundeen's letter and refer to Di et Engineer,
21. Adjourn to FebruRry 3, 1949 at 8:00 pile
The area in Orinda north or the crossroads including:
Haciendas del Orinda Unit No. 1 - Lots 1 to 161, inclusive
Orinda Townsite
De Laveaga property IyAng between the, San Pablo Highway and
the Orinds Country Club
The Orinda school note and adjoining properties of the Orinda
The OrindaCommurity Church
All as outlined on the Accompanying map are considered to be in
need of sewer service in order to eliminate the presence of sewage
in gutters and drainage ways,
The District Engineer had init *tad engineering studies in this
area without specifically limiting the area.
The area requiring service has been jointly ex*rnin,d by the District
Engineer and District hpnager.
It is recommended tha the Board instruct the District Engineer by
motion to be entered in the Minutes to proceed with the preparation of
plans and specifications for a local improvempnt district to stqrve the
above described area, and the said district to be known as Local
Improvement District No. 12.
1 A
January 14 1948
UBJECT: L.I.D No, 14 Orind* Area south Of Crossroads.
The area of Orinflq south of th' crossroads has been jointly
studied by the District ,.:Tipineer and District MAnAger, and it is
coniAderfad that the following listed subdivisions and adjoining
propPrties are in need of sewer service at the earliest practicable
orsga business property and adjoining individual holdings
south of Tunnel Road.
17ncinas de Moraga
Yioragft sate
Moraga Manor
Indivlual holdin's lyingwesterly of e,ras Hijthay and
north rly of Glori tta Boulevard.
The above are as outlined on th,, accom)snying map.
It is recommended that the Bore instruct the District Lngineer to
proceed with the preparation of plans and specifications for local
sewers in the above described area under Locel Improvement District
No, 14, with the understandinF that the exact boundaries are to be
modified as necessary to fit the topography, it is recommended that
this instruction be made by motion and entered in the Minutes of the
)ii L. IA, 14, DI *ft
anuary 20 949
Mr, Carlliell« Secretk:ry..''Anager, of the aan 1-ablo Unitary
:45'6r3ct expanded on the orb ststiv�es of the nry sei subject n,��rsiatie�t�
during a telephone nn Arnd a visit with the wr3ter. He
considers thAt such a lear7ue wluZd function similar to the work or the
League or California Cities and prSnarily in Jotnt action to *Msot
possible amendments to the Sanitary D#:striot Act under which his District
and our own wore estahliehed,
Cultield reported enthusiastic response from the Stess:e
aanitary District (Si Cerrito god vicinity) and from Imo. Vier Sanitary
District (wi,j&e.nt to Martinez) but that he had not hem from the
rrrraininf7. tour districts in this ceurtty, them, beinT Brentwood, Oakley�
BaenaVista (southsast qt' Jheli Chemical) sn.'t Xnets (southwest o4` Ihel1
There are t aa.nary Dietriet• tn Contra Costa County,
throe of which, namel�r, 3t404an Pablo and Central Contra Costa are
of considerable ei#t+e and smirving pepulretions in excess of 25,000 each.
The 4thaP districts �e re�.r�tiro�s small mc�r� �� �;ul�.tlo�ts of srs��c—
�.};'�.te9,;p' 800 to ?,000 daeh•
There eacnrs to be little to be aincrd by the Cenral Contra
t,oata Sanitary District in being a member o much a league other thnn
3i,int action in recommending ahsr► s in the Unitary aistrict Act which
might to to the benefit of x.11 dle trictr. 1V. Car].2'ield is +za►ite
enthusiastic aver this idea and Asko that this District be represented
mt a meeting When he is able to cell it inardor that the various diatricts
represunte!!. at Each meeting -,47 decide whether or not they wildt to
estabiieh romch a league as a first stop towards expanding it into a
larger organization similar to the League of California Cities. I
=vested to Mr. Carif3.e3d that we both investigate the possibility of
our districtt beeoninG members or the Le e of California Cities on
the basis that our districts ars munioip=' corporAtione end more night
.be gained by nur being representtod in an organization of this character
than to be a n: -,rt of a small Irganisation,
There are arxoxima.teiy 24 Sanitary M,stricts now functioning
in the :�an Francisco Bay Area, however, not gra than 5 or 6 of 'those
could be considered to be extensive and none as extensive as our caln.
It 1 s�g ito$ that "��"t.� �i District to3'+�'dseY'1��i. atsuch
as Mr, Ce�.r��l�`le1d may call and by aueh of the Directors Is u4tt1d
ears to attend on the basis of becoming acquainted v!.$h the boards of
the other districts.
from becoming. a =saber o!' * aas't.l mour. or sanitary 4tetet to jiZify
January 19, 1949
The follouing analysis has been worked out in collaboration with the
County Nuditor from the data shown by the District's accounting records
and the fund balances as indicted by the County Auditor's records. It
is to be noted that our books are in agreementwith the County Auditor's
Tbe County Auditor advises that the District may establish a *special
expense fund" touch all advances for local improverent aistricta could
be charged after these advances had become a firm obli,ption of each local
improvement district. Thene advances would become firm after the Board had
held hearing on the Resolution of Intention for e-cbindividual local
improvement district, and had adopted its resolution ordering the work
A study of the following tabulations of the District's funds shows
that the total obligations against sewer construction fund for the basic
project of main trunk severs, treatment and pumping plants, office building,
District aid to local imrrovenent districts, land purchases and ther
miscellaneous costa is approximately equal to the total funds which have
been deposited in the sewer conatruction fund from the proceeds of general
obligation bond sales. In addition, the District has an obliRation to
extend the main trunk sewer to the Rheem south property line at Jonas Hill
Road in the Moraga area. The total obligations exceed the amount deposited
in the sewer construction fund by ..90,096082, The 3215,000 received from
the Morama Company and Donald L, Rheem was depoalted in the running expense
fund ane„. establiehed the working fund for the Diatrict and in addition
00,000 general obligation bonds of the Pacheco annexation remain unsold.
There armeare to be ale rands on hand to aover all definite obligations fo]
sewer construction, with a theoretical balance of approximately 1154,000.
The running expense fund has received a total of 03,5,145.46 in
deposits since the formation of the District. 97,299.56 was traneferred
from this fund to cover the first years bone,. interest andredemption on
general obligation Anda leaving a net deposit of 02370843.90. The
running expense fund has a balance as of January, 1949 of 3165,658.40
which reflects a total expenditure of 4720187.50 for the running expenses
of the District from its date of formation to January, 1949. This reflects
a very healthy condition since it contraata -Jith total tax !Ind permit
revenue of $120,145.46, thus shoarinR that the EAstrict's running expense
have been less than current tax and nermit receipte for its life to date
in the amount of A7,954.96. It is further estimated that the receipts
from taxes and permits for the balance of the current fiscal year will
exceed the running ex- enses by arproximately an additional 0,000. A
tabulation of the status of the various funfle of the District follows:
h.ECEIPTS District Gener,A Bond Bale 4 400,000.00
Pacheco Bond 3ale 40,000.00
Total De7osited ;$2,444,111.50
Main Trunk
Yain Trunk 11
Yain Trunk 111
Main Trunk IV
Vain Trunk V
Vain Trunk VI
Treatment Plant
Oxidation Ponds
Pumping flants
Pumps for Urinda
Pumps for Trentnent Plant
Office Building
Dictrict ad to L.I.Lr's
)iso. costs to dat,
Field Engineering Cota
Estimated Field lng. to completion
Estimated 1 Trunk VII
19 337.03
0 000.00
12,2 7 72
Total Construction Contractfi, incl. District
aid to L.I.D.18, Land, Pumps and. Estimated
cost 9ain Trunk Section VII to Rheem Prorerty
(Moraga) T:2,267,772.68
Total Engineering and Architect Fees,
Including estimated cor3t to complete
Main Trunk Dowers and Plante
Total Obligations and. Payments including
Estimated. Obligations from Sei-Ter
Construction Fund. 42 $34,208. 2
Total Deposited in iewer Construction
Fund to date
Amount neces‘„ry to transfer from Running
Expense Fund to meet obligations of 3ewer
Construction Fund
90 096.32
t) 2,540.51
10 000.00
Funds to he trineerred to ewer Construction Fund fts availlbleqn.'1. required
Moraga Contribution'.215,000.00
Balance of Pacheco Bonds 10 000.00
Funds on hand, plus advances to Local Improvement Distric less
returnable deposits on side sorer'. January 17 1949
On deposit in County Treasury
Refundable advances to L.I.D.Is
Sub -total
Leos returnable deposits on aide sewers
Net working fund
Total advances to L.I.D.Is Nos. 1, 2, 3, 51 6, and 11
rhich have become firm obligations by virtue of const
ruction contracts or call for bids $149,601.60
This amount could be charged to a *Special Expense
Fund" and credited to Running Expense Fund to make
present balance on deposit $92;024.37
plus $49,01.0 or 141,625.97
Thur making money -ivailable for transfer to
Sewer Construction Fund
Estimated tax and permit revenue for balance of Fiscal
Year to June 30 1949
Estimated expenditures from Running Expenne Fund for
balance of Fiscal Year for all costs other than
advances to Local Improvement Districts
Total deposits in Running Expense Fund, Deceriber 1946
to January 1949:
Moraga Contribution
Fees and Permits to 6-30-4-8
Tax0s 1947/1948
Fees 7-1-48 to 12.31-48
Gale of Safe and Bever Code Books
Taxes first inntallment 1948/49
Transfer to Bond Fund to cover first year bond
interest and redemption
Total Running Expenses other than advances to
L.I.D.Is, July 1946 to January 1949
Net working bilance - January 1949
32 000 00
4 608.
$165 658.40
BOND FUND: Self covering by Tax levy.
Balance covers requirements
for Bondinterest and
SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND: Total deposited to January 1949
Yoraga Money dep. in R.E. Fund
Unsold Pacheco Bonds
Sub -total
2 444,111.50 (B)
215 000.00
0 000.00
Commitments for contracts awarded 2,444 70P,32
Estimated to complete main trunk 89,50L,00
Sub -total ,57 (A)
Required for 3.C. Fund from
Fund to meet main trunk
commitments (A) (B)
On deposit January 17, 1949
Advances to L.I.D.18 1 1 49
Less returnable depottc on
aide ewer
90 096.82
92, 02407
0 40
In order to make funds availEible for transfer from Running Exensi
Yund to Uewer Construction Fund and to provide a sufficient working
balance for advances to Local Improvement Districts the following
procedure may be followed,
a. Charge all ,-reliminary costs for L.I.D.G tip to the time of
award of construction contracts, to Running Expense Fund*
b. Transfer ail advances to L.I.D.fat after award of construction
contracts, to a Special Expense Fund and reimburse the Running Expense
Vund for such advances*
c. Charge all advances to L.I.D•Ist subsequent to award of constr-
uction contract, to 3pecia1 Expense Fund, which fund. wouloWteimbursed
Progressively as contractors made payments for Incidental gixpenses at the
time of signing contracts and at time Assessment Rolls were complete;
d. Transfer from Running Expense and to 3e!rer Construction Fund
such amounts as may be required to meet ob1ii3ations for Main Trunk 3ewers
and District aid to Local Improvement Districts,
It is suggested that the Board give considenation to the estlblishment
of a apecial Expense Fund to carry the advances to L.I.D.Is after such
advances have become firm obligations. The County Auditor advises that
such action is entirely prorer and that all warrants drawn on the 3pecia1
Expense Fund would be regiltered and would bear interest at 5% until
they were called.
tt is estimated that the interest charges could .mount to a maxi
of 418000 per year for the cowing two years, on the assumption that the
ecial Expense Fund would be carrying an nverage of6O, OOO in advances
for Local Improvement Districts. If the fore oing eu-7 estion is died
out It will require a resolution of the Board instructing the County
Auditor to establish this 3recial expense Fund. The normal operation
would then be to drag warrants forpayments for advances to L .I. .' s
against the Running Exne ~ ee Fund and to make transfers at monthly intervals
by warrant drawn on the Srecial Expense Fund and credited to the Running
Expense Fund,
How to: Diatrict Ioard
..lubject: Inspection of Sit
Installation and aewer
we gre advised that the Board ot aupervisors of
Contr- Colt* County have adLopted their Ordinance No, 473
which clarifies the jurisdiction assumed by the County
Building Inspection Dertment end the Sanitary District
over insnection and control of house sewer eonnections.
The County lists amended its Plumbing Code to the
effect that their Building Derlrtment will continuo to
inspect Oeptio Tank installations where sewer cervine is
not available and to the ether effect thnt they '4U not
inspect house nova's in the Sanitary Di5ttriet where sower
service is svailsblws
This appeare to clear up the over1apping inspect
tions formerly required by the County Plumbing Cods snd
our District Oever Code,
1i i