HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 01-06-1949LT
Sall can.
# 949
• 4aeinf of !1,nut m of previous Rest.ng.
, Authorize ohnnr, th contrpct with XartIn Dr09. for 3,ction Aaln
Trunkmer, to substitute reinforced concrete pipe with collared
joints for vitrified pip, with concrete encasement in the remaininc
-ortion of the work in the adverse ground tomedimtely north of it.
Mnryos College, This °hang* VAS aug:ested by the District Enminser
and Nertin Bros have oubmitted their proposal covering. There will
be no increase coot to the Dirtrtot incident to this *hangs
4(4. Acdept the work of Hein Trunk -iewiltr :Amtion IV, iAPnl*y roller, con
tractor. This mutter has been deferred for approximately two weeks
however the District Engineer has certtfie' thnt the wcirk is complete
and recommends aoceptence. The acce.ptance reaolution &Quid also
putborize riling of Notice of Completion.
• Authorize chotm:e in c,:ntract for .ewapiti Tr.intment nant to substitute
different paint for the inertol specified. in accordance with A:ac-
donald, Younr 41 Nelson's letter. This change is recommended by the
Listrict Engineer. No chpnge in contract pries!, Is involved.
Consider assignment of interest:: of Albert J. Kiss in the cont.act
fax' the Orinda Pumping PlAnts to ChAc, T. Brown, The oontrpotors
for this contract are * joint venture of Ches. T. Brown Co. nn45
Crinp Co., and it flpftftre th»t the 9onrd mar provrly recornise the
assignment sibmitted by XT.. Eine, however the fourth paragraph of
the ofmtrnot agreement between the Axtrict and the Contractors etnt s
"No interest in thie Agreement shill be transferred by the onntrr,ctor
to any other party, and any such transfer shell cause annulmetnt of
Thi s contrAct so far es the owner Is concerned.* It is recomme'nded
that this matter be referred to the Attorny.for opinion tlfore the
tmArd takes any action on ;,...corni2inr this v.asicnment•
7. Conrldr letter fro C 4,6 G Company in reference to guarantee itpoolts
for house welters *net road cuts, Mr. L, J. C unio represents that the
C t 0 Co. have tak'n river resporsibility for completion of work
oterted by Lucas G9n•ssi. Mr, Cunto also redrentn that the C
Co mad, all rtlarants. deposits for both Luca Genessi an Gabriel
Construction 4,c. The receipts riven for the guarantee deposits in
question were to the contractors involved, namely Lucas 6. Oieneszi Co
for 33 permitc, rne! Gabriel Conotruotion Co. for 74 ctresite. It is
recommended thIcit the District Manager be aut1ioried to advise Mr. Cuneo
by letter thnt the District cf-7.n not recognize his reueet that these
dipositrt be returned only to the C & 0 Goo
/8. Authorize the Manager to order (I change in telephone service at the
Trostment Plant, which is nearing completion with the office
and laboratory in usatae condition. The phone nt the plAnt has been
tempornrily corrected in the main pump plant building. Me permanent
tervic, desired is for the phone to be, in the office bulidirR with an
extenttion to the main pump building and with an outside gong
9, *point John L. Kasen as 2ewer Inspector in p1ce of kr. C174. C.
KiPnnedy. This would be in conformance with the understanding between
the District Engineer and the. District Manager as to the responsibility
for differenew phases of the District activities as per tbo functionil
chart attached. This appoiltment would not Involvol any additional
Authorire the Attorney to prepare amendments to Ordinanoes 1 and 3
covering the instAllation of sewers in subdivisions wholly at the
expense of the subdivider where the District limes psrmit tor such
construction and where the volt is done und,r District inspection,
to substitute the definition of Sewer Insp,otor for Distriot Engineer
where tbAt definition appears, This would clarify the record to
conform to tbe understandine of duties and responoibilitios which
he8 been rexched by the Dietrict tnrineer and District ManapOr•
(nes funetionPA chart attached )
consider invitetion of Son 'Pablo rAntt:y lamt let to joint with it
and other flAttriets in an informal acsociation Mr. Carfteld, far
San PAblo 'anitary Di5trict has suggested that all Borrd Members,
Attorney nne rAlt'ict 7nr1n44re be present at the meeting. Authorize
VI* 4 war to advise r. r-rfield of tilti,lesiree of this zietrict on
the matters
‘,112 Consider set lement of condemnation of i.he Velprede pAreel in 10 E.L.
at a payment or C450. we have received OrdOr of Vossiesslon end Use
on nig pAreel and the owner has advined that he will settle for a
payment of t2.5n. This is A reduction of his firet demand of 1000.
The eacement in question is in three p%rotels with ft total length of
671 feet. There is so*e Reverence sinoe tbe easement could not follow
the property lines Oue to th, rugFed topoFrephy. Mr. McPhee considers
this a reasonable settlement and recommoinde
13 Authorize reiNburcement of Petty Cash Tund in the amount of •
./ViAuthorite payment of bills as audited and presented
15 Authorize the XAnager to order purchase and requisl ion forms for
normal supplies. Those forme to hair* a place tor the party requiring
the matgtriel such as Vinnt Operiktor or Apantenance Man, and for
epprowl by the DiRtrict Msmager before the purcham, order becomes
complfqe. This will necom2110 normal control an4 socountinr for
materials And eupplies purchRsed for mointemnce and op,F)retion /kna
edministretion. ?lace limit on inavidual purchases of t100 without
prior authorizetion of tht Boerel. and authorise Maneger to make
purchased to thAtlimit.
16. Authorire purdhaes of drmptIke for th, lowsr per% of th, trent windows
of th lobby to be of the same moterial AP the drapes on the viper
section. The f1r� from the run makes it extremely difficult to
work in the lobbyt-portioulrrly, over the counter, and in addition
it huts been fctund impossible to belittle* the heating an ventilating
in the building due to the expose, of window In the lobby in whi0h
the thermostatic control is looated. The lobby will be exceonively
warm while other parts or the building prrtioularly the dreftinir room
_re too co/do Burns Nome furnfthers who supplied the dretpill for
the balance of the buildIng have submi4ted a bid of 4100 93 for
this work, It is reoommided thAt the Rumbas' be Authori-tild•
Four bids Nolte boon rewlived for Venetian blinds for these
windows whioh proposals vary from a Ugh of 179.47 to a low of
#65,96. It la considsmi that the drapes will hft ',tory much more
satiatectory than the Venetian blinds
17. Ikesd oorrespondeno* from
4. H. rarnowcrth
j18 30, ottnched mono refarding City of Walnut Creek, It is reoommndod
that tilt *ttoryllty be quthorirod to request a formal opinion from
the County Distrint Attorney,
19, Adplurn to J*nuPry 20, 1949 at 8t00 p m.
nuary 6 949
FMK: ?WHAM) R. r: JoiN L. WON
Me City Attorney of the CM of walnut Cm* raised h 4ueetion
os to whether or not th,1 City could be exempte?! from the tax for
runninr ewnse of thm 1;anitary Ustrict i it ,14otmd to maintain
its own lateral sewarg.
The Oity Attorney requested an opinion from the ;tpte Attorney
Gon'ral on this matter. which opinion is ommewhat inconclusive except
that it cites two court deoicions in which it was held thAt *current
expneos° are equivalent to running -expenses, And moan any continuinK
repular expenses in connection with the carryinr on of btulness for
which the municipality is organired, The Snnitary Die let Is
municipality in this sense.
Runninft ,7 swiss of the Sanitary Di trict ludo:
a. Payment of admlnistrative costs for
Salaries and expense of lArectors and iAstrict °Moors.
2 Salaries of employes engaged in dministrativp functions.
3 Expense or Alstrict office for cl_rical supplies, tele-
phone and utilities
4, Legal advertising and printing for general i)itrict
matters, sucb as ordinances and elections.
b. Pyent of maintenance costo fort
1. 3a1arles, equipment expense and supplies for maintenance
of sewers, pumping plants and sewage tr,Rtment plant.
• Payment of opnvting cos for
1• 'aInries of pumpinfr nd trmpAment plant operato e.
2. rower And other utility expense for pumpirlr, treatinr and
disposal of Beware and **ware slurs,
3. ,Aapplifte requ red In plant optrntion.
It is estimated that the runn1nc7 expense* o the District Aur
the current fiscal year will be in the following pro,ortionit
Administrative costa
orating costs
Maintenance? costs
It is estimated that this proportion .4111 be ohAnced in future years
by Increasing operAtine costs*
Administrati e co�te 40'
Operating costs 524
Maintenance coots 44
It thitrefore appears thAt if thy City of 4a1nu, Creek wore to
mintain its own laterpl sewers vol reapir, that it could be excused
from its proportion of the mAintenAnce coat only, or not moral than 104
of the tax levy for runnin! expenses. At this time this would amount
to 40 per hundred,
The businese for which the Sanitary District i organized is define
under 3ection 6512 of the Her:1th and Safety Code to include among other
matters ssewerers collection, outfall, Iroptment works and other
sanitary disposal systems*. The District is engaged primarily in the
foregoing matters at this time.
Sewage collection systems have been completed to a usable status
in several nreoe of the District, nd aro under construction in several
additional rreas, and under design for further aria*,
'IA planning for .his work tire b'ilm on the basis of in egrating the
City of Walnut -,"'reek sewer system into the overall *ewer KrAten of the
3Arit:=Ary Diotrict without distinotion as to service inside or outisde
of any any boundary, The luin trunk sewer was routed through tile
City of Walnut Creek with the rpAcific intent to intercept the City's
sewers and Miami?e tbe cot of connooting the City of walnut Creek
into thil trunk sewer syctem.
Considerable areas of the City of alnut Creek rly of
Pieroon and Cnrmel Road, And nortberly of Ygnaolo Avemue And in
the Prrkside.Biviera area westerly of the -tate Highway do not ilve
sewer servics. The plans for oollecting sewers in Local Improvemdmnt
Listricts Nos, 4 and 8 have been formulated with the intent to bring
service to these now unserved areas.
Th e Cit of Walnut Creek hn bo n dirostly served as follows at
this time*
a• The 12 Inch city lutrAll sewer on Xgracio Avenue was cut into
the District's trunk sewer at the expense of the District on
.,eptember 13, 1948, and the Distriot lo now reoeivinp and
disposinF of practically all of the eware flow of the City.
b. The south fmnamation to the City in no being ss,rved with
collecting citers built un- r a District contract under Local
Improvem*nt District No, 2
C• The District has contributed to the cost of a sower on
Lacassie Avenue. wholly within the City of ifilnut Creek,
and the City accepted this contribution which was mods
on the baste tbRt the larger sewer would be used to
transport sew. which would oririnate in areas outsifle
of ths city limits of Walnut Cripek.
It la 4:mite urgent that this matter of a contract between the
City of Walnut Creek Anti th, 5an1tary Dlatrict be settled since plans
for Local ImprovemAnt Metric:to No 4 and 8 cAn not be buttoned 411
until a decI.Aon is hod.
The District Attorney of Contra Costa County has informally advised
thst he considerr that the City of Welnut Creek may not be excused from
tax for runnim expense for the administrative and operating costs of
the District. It is recommended that the Attorney for the Sanitary
Dif.trict b sutbortred to request n formal opinion from the County
Digtrict Attorney on thitl matter, an6 on receipt of this opinion that
our Attorw and Manager to authorized to a,pear before the City Council
of the City of Walnut Creek in qn effort to close the matter of
maintenance ot the City of wiflnut Creek sewers, and the consideration of
additional sewers to serve Miff unsetisred areas of the City.
L. .iA;;ON