HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 10-06-1949ML or
ft* sittlalki
00111i.a - iMM.
v1,01/ 14.3.1 r,.410
20 tkosalag for Masi.. of -i,-.,,roirteas aimptime.
346v, commidestioas. *trims sommist.eitions bet* Immi* resolvelli wrail
asivrreis visor. thinks Tor* mow** t�t Saromallias +w►reitifitai dMa.
amass% sentrastiores wilitsb slob* boom *ma pladosit tut M. ire
tr roe A,• Ay'My
Lmfsi�tW1s! �!'. Am 1'e+;WleN II,
is Lttet
se WeurM to lb* a of iris CitwVm avid gcEo •
rttn' o! taaose. 2f11 2*$lMw was assMsot til taimi Mawr a1Mi M
masa of tlplaisn $1iI ow* *a4jvt4d 3st ta mall wde!*ixia+m
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?sUsv wawii bs air $Mtr wl/�131l±7
fa! Mgt . til a+id 4ro1at1#ldi tsadi sq1 �amils far
ori�s fl�rsti+Ny �!L fuleP tht It Ma t epiais*
Oat +Hdi«stisli woad set Da sscasa«t�IMps rwuqU�t
Us oat K tiloi weir ling *Oil �' mawsstrMa*ni s6*iesl.Un+al
Mm vas , . r awwsw,
lir• Ariel 1.ttet arwrf IS is as sffiatt M Ms ;our°L to swam law
iseipoisidas of V* **bon Oat eAs�prom*
�nn�<t� :tst.tWm,ft Oat �it sere litaaatiftik lodrosi�tot sgsirw
o..ttsssst..a. Zit ts t raw katk h..
ts*.r*sI ttt tht. comet+r < .r ISisa far pm to 1.Uw bssl*
f! bl tn. inst$1ii et motto *Nlimi a1�,7J
sl� tW i'uw2`A gym? eaSs. ?be Ilasotios oplides ti
tom! ss te Mbtbsr ki dIiSIis t� state *WOW t*tN it ss•
/)/GosSd*r sitt'b siog Oaa TH4es t� masse of webers zatUttiksi
fiffinfwyp,fsvNt !M made 4*3* lb* 4*tt* tirsso esoMf'st lrlr
Mw LasWle4. Mott Of ,, tst*w is atww4r411s I* •.. to of
ristessasN with !M Dist "liy,ppNi} Cessik7 Utrirviorsa of
444rirr1Mni cumuli*. awl %Oar. sed +rsllt YMt as.r or sw arelMsts
as s *sts, Ilis Ctietsty Streiyar Natiewro M try Imo rot tb. `ae3Laef
Astitet eamitiva
p�rm. * 11Rr1g3� 1�1 i VA, t/10joe0163i30,► Of
ibilmut 1M tem* ki*.r'* fSlPSSS1IIPt WI OM se • s+rir ow
3s1I s! istan'rn*wa. +AeM !91 Os resole rMr, tfM► tisiasst
Mit 10 sMpl*ts Uwe x13.1 le sea 4MuittsttstS bss*a. of law
MM1NM for ti! NsIs /Was Us 1tOtlM!}a!► this
p*rtissibm is Ia. Wow ams # 2.
jp. Atosite intim toe dLaiwmwM qhs for I ., 1:$0.0 '4lMI
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a1�rtoo to ftIM*
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Alsthorts. ;40.raltat tot 130 to *to !flotilla. ter ismilesell Pima
or my* reilwrg Pao eittristod ithik imisers 411 gown t
ttiodlosvpitit aro Vats i-possitt*
1 milfterlaut Vt. rierobirA94, or 4 le tat I 111 4/4 tattliSOMPU, ale t at
*10.4m4 35.• usitems oroitsseiti bas bow . :mod so.
imosailissarib*, at * prim, of 35,51 tor VW autism. immitatitia
vill b. Om liest Iset. iph4Ine 101141 *IOW filt% $105, aro
s':istaliseto tt , VD pies tiki. Th. iouni.lsorilsor loss be.41. tried set
sad timed Ito b. iiiititt. afttletootery.
/ 0 bill. Ka Maidted by th. Xitli aliM resirOtt bit the itta itair
Nian, !Ate.*
✓ ,Ae�.i.r a le til! Mr, Sorrow Mr Nred Vt
i.1'= 14. ik Oat to 411 grmitt thoseswott rpt p4,fa itO
lasts mem% atitmatoat 1,4 .,tiostlas I* 21* tOfth zuteetig � Ma,� ps�/` treat ' WA%+�.�+to Illks i� some�'!e