HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 10-20-194910silnii or monass k&i?Mier Cdti4� 20. 1441 Aal ,A11. 20, :4eit4Ine or minutoo isf previous sonloc v/ 141 coemmmleetiono, Awaiting 0010r0Sperdliftee hs* been amswored tntc,raattola or routtrot elrAmm against *ontrsolors, Olieb olslas tv.vy► boot plasei ors file or smswer.ot ae oppli bl+s,. LAtte! fres Ciser of C'ntr* fousty, 1 ,t'd 40#or 17, 1-;74,4 sbortatime4 to Inqxmill oortweriant tbio eolith ot Obisib assu'd en LTD no. lk at *bout ltd Oot r 13: This t•%t.e woo retlqva,id too tato o:ngiuter in vr# t �a� vie Kr,. Artt . * attic, WAS cadvitod of ts o3 tletstoe. atm Reart+oys10.4 iftVor, who bo.roquOitiod 414,1;011, itutuftst, In ar.tlated was wirawotod to appear at th tnqst to riprotemit the . ?b. gpvelfteetteits otwlyring VI. work mogul,. this oeyrtpostor comply Alb 421 ipplissibls stot. fit, wh1ft WAWA* tblk nate Welty role* tor work Of this obwrometmes. Matriot 44144,rit ucp0,5x. to who in70114,4 to tIVDS Settaro i/lhotter fres Daft Dv Num. 7tilltr Akstrist riNuestIng d*Ormination v of th, soridos 'hem tor Lmstaltne oftsitarg straw owlets-1Am to 40410 t3rAmrA. u tin% nest. ` 413".1kr to nlrr f it soft of oote#It! % IVO. ?i.fs appear* to bs no prepoodent for refit * ! for OUP ponitioular lastial*tion. bovireor the kroporty 14 telnit01, it 8.60 ammo it has rol.,ttivs?,x mmall toseitstpr lila.ties osit�ti eof two t roots only, with shower reams tor .$,7,.$ at��piont. 1$ le rocommeaftd that the sarrvittit shore, for this property b* set 1n 1# or 009 r r,e. that Mil ard wai t *WMef* to this art !Rrls%. Le►tor If t7sassittol tres $oiztbrnx'i Patifie Cptal enclosiAr o.rlo. mitts cver3nr -mot itatewtnt for ineellation of max' Us.No. a. ?his east:mint I* for longttu4tasa onoreaehmoot ftp will porntt the lsatall.ation of M. vett tw'o43.tst *alar1:0# 'mor proper'', bit outside of the r= petty lin. of 10,14 1411, v-:ornish rtprItoonti Dom adwisod his ol#t to mast r ftetiORsister ei �+e nny en the but* of trawl's,* sod so aupwasii '# �� �` Zaiisd$at. Poissomit ithich'! 014tr3c#€ mowed. Us oostiesigtr bat, boom from ; repoodimg ori tiD hi* ~Peas rtr LeiNit r/i• dt r�t~ � s� �� t�� .: � lb�1Z�. n'�!'trNerslatMM bins prevailed aaa the ri1oEruMa arr iDlfte/40 @s2n�as��tia� t � rl ta0 M lM1L�re�weAt Distrito* 1. ?tits aaSion is at bsolA Psay for xsseP=ien. :.X isdsr !M ,=e}aeat fer tine to$ ase to +Mlden*� Dis{sioe 4.44.7..• during the limiteria bWsth*rn l:oes1►Ant ti tlJN r4P111198 e voul4 met. Nes*r C+esp+rssttues tnsrrrulte. 2M Ds!':SAmd1as ta*.n. bTimif� Wit �14tiar up tii! 04'!'s11M. A/ maw to awe i1..s.rs MtSd oet�l.r 17 L► Lne ease' et Mta. Dsririlt Jas5. 1.4.21 41r+ 1sst e0r1.41 wr srwsM bit gist lteevt aoMirlalut, exmo1 that is tbs Met of N!. Jens ti. M NsiIIa1etN Int torts 3t7i• tisk 1.aii. Mr. arailetort aMiaN that ygmat tsr this ln*.rta tls of Nr rssic eptimarl with tlbr Bear4 sii as be *Aids it the ass4 oaaddarit it to 'b► prosy. ZI •riatastsa ths* the bogie yup Iliriewon for ON t*as llnt DetrsN t sici?Mt aAa tba amp at Ads* M bsgaa to sMttlfs esepwr1lon cis our tsa*o, M ts basts K pox's" tsr oa.t4ale sick low* M� �tlslodt-Ml D*7r+� tsr slat �lSonrl tisk 1Nn to 1r +a=itMlN q MAI Oenfiuwd ✓ 7.JAuthnrls. the to otrfq +nMMttikit yslats K all orglaal ISs.tn. in psssosslea�lspusnsnt ��s et Ths6se�Tr Elt4tLtt�gA� of 1� 1sa�twith 1r [.nnsdi. pa +rsletnai tid• ryrlR ta the p5s*ssat et '41-5 *'ntt1MH!'. Yt ts )tt1y ilstn11e !fit As{r11e+it4r fros which prints may boo xVpTa3uoM! bio ta t1Mppis� i11n df this Mstrtct, tn tutor Oat resorts soy be kt to dot' 'tor aaatlmai work ts ardor th.t the lessilliat Or klitivitio TOjYt'O@i10$1OM! K laid tri.tims RaA 11! sad. lfl rii'1oMf tipN 1as11*1* . M� �_��trssial$_s*4 spoili photo a **Ma sw.- �71� Iuttssm at `3.00 wipfivr ww14 be Ith. awl wlfiDiit sso.pt515_t4.00 rrella eLth 6r•oiwip. IL tot asst yaasUM M oaks aSSS reptMestfees !n vauAttm that!»s Uei eh tVrISP dttset printa oS` rispioQemtimt !swats. MT be nadls thaw* s111 s presaM17' 7/0 1.tIJS satefrassktshs ter v++atq would aesi �% t1�y and rip da**17, '�0 mall tewadstes r wM/�N wd�1 own 210 ea � * lib* lift gest of ibis it *Masted t: 119t t0 uONd Xt 1* lNisNtMMiL Vie: the %we, aatbmtMxs Ur* Msuriar to lame ate! ss Mgal ilasrzint Co. et ffian Psoselao. fe y,raeMt x1 *1. wise* att. $55is47 coMtontb to tam ?lIj1FOduotiM Of SAS t*1n$ :R his j1isdRNiMi* 0), aotafMs Use tw►al e! celMla Wm{M riAt 111 LID ` ue LM. � ��Mq. eaoss ofproperef%k*ssrs. the . Le. a sw.r to awry. %Mx psspvtfse mat hove grittad p4rat ter VA tlist.11a*toi et Ibis map. Thetas D properties tors soma 9ilT a Mr 11t tM valtlpfPn stip tot *Wm Ylsy1r'�:' bs*uie •..7 ill Of the altli• OoMwas3a �s ei U 1d aN, Um*w IMOt W. wNer �MU*w4 Jl5od�lMstartedl'started M butld s*eIszt7 and. waftMew. *seers. KusllNrt and Day* oMsls of ~T17 on La Mee soot itt LID 8 hairs rn.u4W1Nl the estlmsias or t.la. A.2-1 Of *at tstrteI one two OwwntN to assoesrant oplwri Ustrseperties. LVista vas Pool s not +A�� 1ed st the tir !lyse SW art was lata int a1rionl► it int shewe es the Irk. 'Pais fMitil Mss liar! bssa 41v411.?M *aa Isis naw .rt klaabeau on I yrlgaorei.s «i this $.. IMltt811. e&aImrattp 1ss1IMp ase Ott if► L 16 dad! 1*!4411ls*14 that sews 11m1 paawsMe to Doo tftettU liar 116201,* M rila3ArNt and that i now Ua. saaeassas tktr a:iipp,ersLa t Hort from Unborn 1W4 be substituted. AU Pai'tiN 1N77 MiMeiod to aims** met tar Us *oat at tie works Sik all of those tomp,{� Wises O. ys�tq swam rli� tPe s la the reek weld 'rAo era: moo altwtM apt Owes wsdle mit lwrMs• Mu twat .r the work to oebas peolLtio itt Ow 1es& titrietb *iisars. Surto. sad *rs$2atexd 11an 'MUM that Ole werltmarN yrost on astU**'Iet&Ott$ th. ioaek to Us T+isfr�t S u�s II$ Ito h.yt tbe wait AMS lin lits. vritfwi mraeM K Mia KspN4lrr D4'iYorti Miers and via ths ac most of ttie Misr+tetarr. a+asit.0.1 tor rnrian la itaeo mom Is as t•Uoss �� ✓ Zt is rMt Mat t8e Distr10t n noir M lastroatod 10 fitslMl! U1%. 1 � A.2.4) If L�SI4 lliprsysii.ttt t IP a1itaw1y 200 fes, itt 1.11 r Vista Mewl u west Is be Is as tta i+rim% spw1t1eA in tLi stye re~ •t .spw *.vu..tr Ibe attested rq wmasr. ri1! their *own* Is taw assmissiet o[ as lwidt tlNrir p7'iplettisat Mt with 1M 144~ Mss+ru4 et Ito MNts+sMe to wrong MSW� �,,✓, n 1, now' t*at the Dts111$ __ *. tnt1.te a taw L1s 1110204 Loma. Dewisiatiat Di glattipsdi *al a Use - Swt►tallAW1 in peeOtnefpa Samodirn extenittiogAms 41101.111 Pisa. Mo wines imoseall or the stit.0.111 lese ril1 `i8't for the sew incellstlas. and oonetertt stk t *MOM proporty motors to i iststesimost tot IWO Against trod, p►tMrttiN6 � IQ te moved ictal the 81ott3et WAN" M $ai*resis* to h@N UUS tnst.lt Sf *41._1 esr1 t of laMaslttt1#s K Lo{i� 311 LID 1 ou swse�rl �pt at rtes sicat NtsM a�MrMi p m�to� ?ammo w4tt+ their sMw�tthe �rr�awme{ mot K raR MrinAt *s3 AropeilliN. and w1tM sawfwM fiwt the s+MvMM. Per gan,sul $tms%tos of VM IticlQ. ?OMNI tor anneexstion of agmfooidiatiptui.ptsbuo 4upM los reaeitM at 'tD+o Llstriet ottlsi M Ootobte 1$. '!!be W:1tM wow by 06 rwiAtnR 1Pramibrolders In the sift PropoiM 10 bs Apsst7c ., • k00011K th� 'eui Co11s91eer� A zreaer4sr espy K +:1110 1s la imp offlas tndts.t.e that the 1014 nawmtos of rrslAMt tra.bolditre within �S 0;.-+sroun*�cm d tar ru+n ties is sip111O.rozia.4rls� mot th,t,r. ttu► slows K Who ge0ltlaa rreprtsent &sre liato $Q$ of t1N r+rilAenE tsMAelitort. Thie petition Nis bse* t4eI to qi► cowls? J�tUI for pvb.- 21oafl1r cm ootollr ?A afl n at saw of Om petitimitere. %:ltrs AeRsnt4atlee Ath Sota»3rnt!� the ASM IiSsrL, !arR On as petition was wt tont Mit! 10. is aiwlM. Vol this ratter ar! 8e ppoos..d to Idle nR d.st&os eet or *Wit Jimssry log 1930. v/ Ib'!Ae Cty xutisos ).. tnror.*ty sa*irsa the Max stb*a »na�tw� tut Us�ttriat vlll bare 7'Mf11Lt QT 11ypJtL11wR :'f90Q i�! goosesl� 0i Us estatedNft:iS2aab Jail fot Moat 7ear 1�a3}�✓A, IS ts antlioti"iMN taut *IL. oeditiaad ameruwt it din t1 t*v7 on ptseos»1 am 4as ti troreese in tial ftus!a 01 t1U 'ale The **ttUr uN1 to14 t*1Ot!*$UY that tit woad1� pl+�! to saws lade p 4 se�Y Into tsd reserve* re4tieh aeUN NAlr previouslyin►. I/4 Gjourn o novilibior 3. WO. 111101Aar