HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 09-29-1949• 1. V Roll C*U. 2. viivesettrw of Ittautes 4f previses steettng 3 / Continuation *ir imksting Assimituint fur 140 I. bs praposed mote as Med by the tistrlikt trtortimor Wm. bibm rovrtowed. la sonstiels oration of protests Mod by yokrUpais reprt' SUS ni isad rip.ovssaintisit ot th* proPorti0114b tit. District m. snit Nositssr, of tits Mistrial illwardot tit* sasessasstit bar OS reinetlan or th* asematts *aims*ft ass approdattittir 8 puma/ wit lin basis that itittlaist“ sulidivistas po,etbUtfli of %boss peamolio may iss Emir are aim nweatid. St t flarthirr imints4 that the sissuits by Tifbiab 160 Tutees pored* brava reams* essitettinent bs *prod cenoral17 Giftr the resatallis assfeasurnti iner0siater the boat* mit S*242, n I* eader. stood that ft* Mottle% tagliwor Me proper** a ittar asaipeamost UJt witich lie'. la. in the Itsessinres opinion, s reasonable *id fair dit-rib. eft.* of mots of Us* prOjwito Th. 4•01.spoirts fin* LTV 1 *#4, be Oortfloritedtbe &mywith the aMmLts Ittlieete4 sat tbs Itet p 1ksy ti* Distrita 16' ineor Thoro is is p sod champ, la the 'ti* for Mittel Yabil 4.1 to aids portioa of property ilsted as Aseeratimont 1-434.6 and the ripcord. att." et thi* s1 �t 5teptitabotr to prior to the tortftraittost of Ws Sitaeatailito It Is wecratoott *at -fale simooliattes An wed to *bow lift Wti tkiitmastest and tartber to Meg a 41010.1M41.06 of the UAW** Sha 1110 aft Net ststosto tio.v Commillettiormk. Various tosiovesteationis bon boon reotivoil an anoweriatis ealling **testis* te imemplAtoted merit Itists In LID 44, arid holm bean roferre4 lko the Metric* tagiasor far ht. tufasestio4. Lotter tom fteltos Lss. steptisber 2t# Plitter ibisolarlos ea pewit as ritoolitime sztenstea oft Um Sa ~it ot dialos .ust is eirtalnir asomiessi Arms of vekr *o sstto 31lattioitte on Ms letter si tbis times ead it is et;i1 tbat it be ttlst. Per the Moire s inif*rvisttee it le imIspotss t ardor* *1 244100.41,40 sad Use or sinswassitents hors b**11 *Wned on stl, aps$111001111$ with ttle ttei 4,1 Otelittitt trP"'4, zit I vallyretood Vast sietlion is beint., se to wesiere the Nutt sauffeinit toy ditratiat eimoolessollott with thip C4Ittrt ettegektniag the valve ilrier to tho imitating at Os INtivirimirMit. 'Attr 1 ran art/dim '3.11pasik Soreloty et Ot-a recramettrig iser4 to sot a essiection to* tor *Mar thumb props.t7 located adikomit to the Ort* Schwa proreirlor aM outilais of taw Malts el UN 12 astil 1. Thit tray* latteral servisit Ut 14 passim la treat at this prsrk. sot providis * point ef sottiteotlaa. 'Ito unit of sagest tor ea aen tstrt.t hos Set 71/4 balm alletiradbis4. howlmor It to elittamitv.pl that et likiattatde *Wne. *bow* tor this iiiiiMilottlotet be z:4400. It is stimensuenesit tett tier Dogma svethertite law **two? to advise the Creriotios eleas. Sailfetr eat wax tomtit* *A plumbing tree VW I -mdse* too tbit trio* latimd won potypoorit of i4O0 iriderviest abaft*. 3620.40 Jr�sss foss omr ::sxtaag*i Lnilwaarec Gnurat� in L.,fgNF9s for aormeatiw► o! 'Moir await to Us* 10 1M* wow's. Asparilya vniah pi+wsl7 ttui twashitateir to She wf slabs but oettia! Of OOP 10.1110114014111 et 100 3. An saasitest ru upeirra r11011snip +ice! to sett • S� Q� lt of thw solver LZ*a 1 and pyw�i K vas mei 10 ear atvdi f ilk it.waA +► t tie owes. the lrui wdirin0 flat tis ougroutteste 'my too., Mar A0 bs mi. M4� 103N4!or the frtl� t 11N 01104. tsr th* - be rotund. or Oa* Arilmisit be for the sante MN M tbe searele! elbow be kapt at the arMn1 rDesltleQ th :hi Bower CGds $150. I4 it sNarrwM, that UN 1SE Ii fiteimei*sir 43��M� he lvablow et this *mitt IN, law !u p11 a moon K�ssl�Mps�ei� 4712347 5. ✓Qqma►Qtr outMgarltttion of it to r tbe C3):r kt the @ztea4lN► rNld and to lowat the typo.. ahwma. + psn., tSs west to bs performed adN L'arebite* orf+ts at rrlt Rwount of ;;20w* SM ale! data! 340jk, 2!!. Tatum aoaLr tCterMipeeo61eR its this ores vire 4014.11l1104 ani rasrtin area. ipo. via toueM M bi the *Mr MetraaEoa iiR7ilir 13%. aeamrsray o;+urlZaoat Sisaidilately aaiilaDis 1a IS tifalaai Cmdt OoMlI ars*. 4Ii 04rfRAzehl4 Weld aftt 4 aS E?mitaTtt vestal rRN fortitr *elt Mer aMsas IMO rs oltssaa .ttn Sow. is a lows to sod are 6. 1ncstts an! 8iei Wave MUctta. ?ster to awe 6o Ur saas6 WsM lab et "epM 79. Tt te crootatrrRiol tt*t tRS• aevdatiAlt be vrMatton tint tri1'lwlot the oastllistN► et I prom* MSass 1 4SlIW�a would the0 laMlr4t tst TMa11All Attu* to son ��� MIR r#wt alMf' si! t U. toe Nots mor apMtfilBo sfd veil! clarity M6fuaLMt tot it. peit.ryg+►1aE31M. 7. 1/01WIL moot saa ea ties et $sysr sasy+cwra. am woe Sys. 26. 9bo vest Isal tsr :err ZM.to is 1as'sa1a viol rapidly damp to tW toll mom its tin uious iMsi Uatrtsta bL �*e;lLlit for use and seet**+u'! to *Mt tai sen to tbs Mirtf ils the 1a*dts*a fttir's 40 rotas. Etr. KilYits di0 sees mop kattagoor ee+rtslllgti taut It would to rtforatilLe rn hairs Woe yonmMl gu s fist waatN.r M1u'f t3fKo+ot d�ler�e tat !�ti s:sept ere!!!MM tsr �ieys ll�ps said attar 6 p.a. Al ordinary We! Lys. Ds ereo! N Pini portent p»t, work awl be herr that streets are rsstarN 10 • gate csnctitlan for trsysl ann tsr tbs pubUs'i proteotlae thee* lep►rlssa avert twtrtLr DsitItlaellr �ot dam. Ilmor an apt O:K7� 0,4144411111 ter St* �,!!t il�� 2%Z e beim of work dtsr. _bet bore immie *lifted oviirtialk for * 2 boor low atom It I* that Wei sea owlet la ~Imo destast tile Mot 'Imo wefts 'arN.el.r ..owe. r:;w,al.ns w or s. *awes .r taw lLasrs*.s Ist bsas rat* of tit5 poor entb. it is fertbsr ratio' flat tie isa rats Tar asp p*raosa4 to lcss than Use rates ;aid by ttevit *WI slowtf e! C*s �s,t* br E+'t'i p.r Bron' ts. Yt te riw�YSlMrd 1111** tip bass rot. 1!! thinks !nstors to* set at ` =per math tat the !!!at '!40 da,/II awl 4323 per smith it ttur 5Q 8astYrfaeSGy i++esrvle+s. 400 • hatim sotto* alatribattiv, Lestaiiitel moms* for Uri to sit heats to moms to otototor 1949 It SOO ct look p ** if -71g -t O 70i THE DIT WARD Sopteaber28949 summon LAMML*4 OF WITAMS CIDIINEL AT 0. ATION The 50i4SOt vide through °hetna in the Ox 1iat ton Ponds bas a control e!i+ hien rt?' frat* This elevation to approxioatay 3.5 i'eeL+tr than the last Upstream' pond pcof Gr:,Yeon crook at ftArnold #,.g=.;xayr am! torsi a dam against final 4r*3ijs and run off waters passing throvigh Sim Sown of Pathipoo, Sigh tide from Zs 1+1101 Say reaches en elevation of apprro►ximattXy g.5 iffa,►irdiatsly north of the dtseharp,^+r sad of this tzpass aharmetl. The channel of Walnut :`rte easterly of the Oxidation ?ones 1s seriously choked with tales ar.ii lebris, with water .1forat3,vn standiog at spreolluat.17 i3.0. 1-,rinc,r, duly, 1,44,,, when tlu&thitw *raters from tho Contra Coitrc Canal were drained Into this creek it overflowed 3ssto the Oxio'twtian Powarea, Dikfts *long ua'i.nut Gmlt werei�rxl.,� restored, by tie District's contractors �,ring �'� u�o 19X �riler that the constsuation voricld pr , Dvrtne nobruary fate Mretil; 19k9, Walnut Cron* again or*rt'1+v�er+ed ��it#� th4 �t+er�' �;tatsl lt���.,� end ir+ltstei ^'x,'}► to the southern lend of till') bypase obanrsol arm thence northrrri. is itiachtrre into Petals** Croakwk.?TheAvonRefinery or'Assoc1tt"t+ Oil Company. Tt�s fLoodsrF to February Marsh. 3949 damaged title elk.* of Pond 5 of our Oxidation Ponds ane flooded 1 ard s of Hopper Co Loucks. SAml ane!. th, District proper. Fun and effective drainswe could not be bpi due to the elevation in the byposs enamel Th two distribution Op. lines orsassinv under thx+ bypass ohan»a control the elevation it this time and ter bypass channel eon not be 1ousrsd uhlemi that distributiort pips. are also 1v.ted by the construction of Inv*rted siphons. This has been discussed with the District tneineter and the solution eigaved est is as toUG. +e. Cut ' +r ttitin distribution pipe# at the c.lotaizr#t ur.'Ysr the bypass channel and instal prefabricated eorrurq*ed culvert siphon sections. b., Dredge the sinter sires et the bypass channel to elevation 5• using the spoil to riein101imi tb. westerly d Ll.* of the Wpm ahannrel. Arose D.lttag!! Company (California Corrugated Culvert C41,) have �0,4 on the necessary materials prafabris►ted in the'mount of Additional statitri s ire tbs amount of approximately C') will ID* required, Lofts mss. Inc, quotO n rate of 412,5O rer bout tor a 1/2 y rd da►*Rllnit oport3 vith Wted time of 72 lours riloquired. The mstlaaattd total cost of 1 witting %be 'b+� ss bann*1 Is 1300,. In Witten work lei amount ofapprox3xstfay M4 Is required to repair and st inforc, tht amazed dire at the soutbeast corner of Fond ,�. IL is of tha�! ti�, Board authorise the �taa�gerr'�c► order tbs work done and �.l��al e p�€.�al�ass�t �.» the i.*� ��Z1000 tat lovertng the bypass shannel and re:,eit the danitroli XO Teg lit DI 304.1. ept br 2 1949 wok :. .CORPOSA I OF 3LOTOW The - tate Labor Crade spelSfirs that e hours to is day, and pix days is woven ecxnet3.tuti time of employment* The District esplspiimt hairs been inipigisd ea the general baste at an 8 hour Wilk do bat with apologi►1 aisiditr for variant toplorm as i`oliews;t a,,, Kanagess Aisxstant 50tcretary and Childs -lgnt Oy.erafoc, timet un1lrs'1'#ed as n. eassisa.ry to petters clutite. b. Treatment plant and p operators. 8 being eanti.nuous duty, 24 hours o1`t, rotating to bore one man elf. disly at all tinme. This results 1n a 42 bcur work rril•Ic• a. CUM' 1/2 ?aux norma vo*lc da7, 5 dais Iola plea adtllt2or+a1 Um* r p. and on Staurdays as notassary to perform dutioill• t:4werib Inspectors. 3 boar* per day, for 5 d,ps+eat �a�.ic! a Al*mutant'? Saturday morning *Mee duty. ifvrrrtim: at 10Z/'2 tNA►s average hourly rate boa bosn autha►rired for these ponnel when they have ta d to stay on the, job in ards, to ita streets soh for public use and when the have been sailed out for wars Setup -lays Sunday and holidar tIm0 The usual terms or apto+nu tor Cities, counties and MUD has been !'ousti to be 8 haws per dain 40 hour* per +mak. ftestite O+ccrtr CfMtrx Costa County Ms .tures e+ani`d this to 40 • r volok for officio pikroonnel by keeping their atf3:oea opon Mondays throurh Fridays anly• The Diatx°iot Engineer sloysies have been on an 8 lair flay,L S dAy took eines th4 bl.netinr of Moir work with the notriet, is presumed that t will be neesissegf to aant.+r this Daws1 a after J arman' 1. 1950 Sines the ptrmutel is raid on ai baste it �u1d b p�� t�b�.s thattl�e monthly ;imam*oas t a� their Use as two*airy to perform their duties including irioidonta1 overtime, and Saturday time exeept siorgseey avortio, smell as Stui anA hc+iSlat park. +Q►io.rtimut for Ur** Deputy 'Below 2ns,actors for the first 2, cams of Soptelb r is as followel O+prri 5 lours Jensen 74/7 beNars Blyth+t 13 tours APF1*`ixsr an mortis* ra at 1401, 2 the average hcurly rats, this fgMa3.i overtime pay for this =3triod as ta11ovii Cum 111,00 Jimmie 17".S5 it9lythe 33 30 *� it" � vain renaad+�d th�.t the base �'�`s� �`�s'� first these Pipit, Sever 4i3tr'•'itsA�.�s bat »°°�� �r mouth for�►i3first � throe months and t32,5 der month theripartyr with no provision for overtime ot2or than witergensi Sunday and boat, Use and time atter 6 p.st« This to bests e!'fwotfre October 1* 1 1 MEETIN OF FEPTEMBER 29, 101- '-ason stp.ted thpt 1e Coy ?r ::r that t:nF DLEitrict furnish 's office 7.7)s cp.-22-C„ paynt notices ori bon_. s11 7-7.atte :J3w, but next yepr 2C,C0 cer-cLe F° out." Harl'son T1-;,? cost should DE incuec. in --rJenses , :Cr ec crl L71-provemeniLstrtc. co:71_31y -,:f;f1-: the costs 0 ':ee-j.." Tr,,ps--n-g, , " oonnHon. 3pose yo ov?:r estimate the (.o you Co 1th te bl!,nce: 1E01(71 It shoulcop rly be g , ziuncso see that