HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 09-01-1949am ILE attiral or
✓L r X12 Cali
vile V tosittliag 4pf Mists'
�� =Ss and Yeti. to st.tria* evitsmoir for tawilstlwp+
,/ /�iSuiS*tt1NN. So 1nwsiaricallans Imo vivedir+rd gam. tart
emotiv�t �+� NordsRt#n'��,.rho f aEi�`1! �o'�i
for t *Web err ns*ollis +ne ar *loop% i
Piscaot %) rim vtakley ~tootles larevairttio seassoltima
of 1MIMMingeseIt tartittery to Sin $si4S*r tstr'lst. 'moi is ovvored
by a art% map o t'caQ.
/ So vi 101/00.44. **Ur/ vat** for 140,...r limikimorteos tdsit saintimailiss Ptsa*
rplighsi* 117111.s Cow %#lkUNI aft ow rr11Mft'Miait
saUbas��UN mat woes � bonLa *Mot r tit mks.
Wow attaila. Ito 61.1111, Ocsiors Cost* Vas it it
ad* tor p* 9111116610 weft or por spoik. ?boss asa
r mat wit itresitio. Ostralsteatly yet la siiess. .t 40 bosys
per week vilitost rimotiviis lofts 401441100146. Ilkoopor p
� 1asreals tivo of Ilse* sows to sea. itess##v. " . , tea**
ars% p"r1rlitise the Worst aslike as reed •
1/ 6,. vootitam4 t ittaint of lsetIssIsi si r tsr tfts t1*s* pqs.51
�'alwl► �Vitirtottlir nag Pellioartst tor h.ra 2. S arm U. )0016.040
bore book sad sir* tat kame*
./0eatimoskties et 5-2/2 4.7 took is Amteist 01"1404, fh. Ctrantii
aro to ba stosimi Setisolsky frefossirt 1.0 es* Vti
gissers1 prastilot SO bet Itek ,14110 Tolobtio torque as sir
ows. rsesimmeti 1 woo issatteme Oki *Me. give. JO ge
*WON* Store an too WV tor Vitorstiatts. set ~it
tree ;.)-kmasse wise Dr* to seek. to tr.* efts* oil oar
etbor time lbws tsturims movelmes• Wafts the liserd Us -00U ofterwies
ltt$s 1411 sessai!! *pea 4.* lstoritir sositiags 1*..srs
istating Istossiklay *Oro
► /?*r tatoreattes of Ike Iil!►Ir OA +! f4ata4 AR '!` la
Lorsett.. iselloniskilisis Iwo tem sale Wash simitinas
rosintsetions of tawe 'UMW sod agar lisevester of Ms Distirtot
relitticr *US *WA 10 on Iasi **tits **mei So PAIlrom4 ,trost
Is Lia47441.4 lhis stover vas p f '` aid i issemostlis 'moi teem&
fres Ow Memo 410 sat it was Maw testi %is* Ike tone
Vag vas esselketeit to itimor sWidstkositAosta, Ow la
toflsIs •f tom► WOOSSetai 'lo*thitis 1- saMmirring
Via flaw with the *go at IIb. mostorest Awl strum asiMmitill Mt OW Ma
%map lioulovard sewer to Litratt,t46 11,40 wort 10eatims taw MOW
issid MIUs Isair. act been diotoratie4 itithou40 it to � thsitooth .7r � tts*. 7i 6 '4i s77F �Y�� 1F J� *itlimsa
iar. Yea rwgfM0 *NO bine #,s as Mr sesswssM0 is b,t setrrsmd
cb,s eaie awss Is ...uss1., w widIa Imo te ea....tet
w we121 Do able Ike intamili1J ti% ar4t:{fwd palls! 111S 1hie mar*
(/!. / ly �+1uWM MnreI�i MMu�r�rM � ue��l�3frl�RaiNaitl mar! 1M
eatosioreste bow bEir�r e�ey toe aaewtm Lai4 Tar Wm Daas+der
1Wt2as. as. L. sr01i. et tis CasWs aorta ami ftte 6100.01W
?iaa itetisM! tbi$ tS Mirs lMiten4aI M NYl.stNilw
taut ft* DiiErie: lISIP t� ii mwngy gMi sa.wwMM tattoo*
Am mottos *Ow tbrR A/ tiffs 91aard.
/10. afles somitinits ItwN4ont bitt 146f4410 WSWN POO*
Int LID %
L//ii,✓rarol ? �s � �.. sa..�et 110 atria west rt .s, *iis :�
tAlivrteq Ito Milo se eassrNM ee net lastiobe alI aim Iowa&
&trim a1*. to lb. awti 44ito b*tr�im ter lint iq of limo
raft*leis ramal, sdi�l be yri#mlstM at the ant iM�.
113. ts :':eptMt!•r ;rel! •1 81 G'S elaillea Palo
80171.T DIT"Rteir
It vas moved tfy TIeriber s, 77econded by rimabere and.
unanimously carried that '.';,61,551.27 receive,- from CLYDE C. Klilrlfit said sum
representing tbs Lnoidental expenses incurred and not previously re Us to
the Unit Otqtrict, and the satinatiod balance of incidentiol exnencee to be
further incurred) at the date of elelivery o the, warrant and assesenent or Local
Improvement District No. 2. which raw vino paid to said CLYDE C. "*.E'rrif uport
delivery of natd warrant ind assosscent, be diabareed, ae arrreved by th Dist.
riot !'anatmr, after receipt of bille duly renderc0. as fortouel
68794.26 to Clyde C. Xonnoety for enginnering services ao final
1, 44.
4 ,t
• for Local Improvar,,r1 Astr4rt No. 2
paid pursuant to eontrnet therefor 3s follows.
W. 11. rtileford*Jr
53,306 75 the tmlanee of said num for incidental expineee to be di.
posited to the credit of the :Ainninr: Eliren. Fund of Cent.
ral Contra Costa aanitary District to reiriburse said fund
for nonies heretofore advanced for incidentAl 07.--,eneos in.
cures by the fAnitary Dietrict for '1041 Trrrovenent
District no. 2 and for which the 3anitury 7Antrict bas not
rroviftely received ivyrient; ana to pity furth;r costs for
incidental ft:ponces for Local Improvenient Dietrict 71o. 2
he bale fax sub expenses are received and authorized
for -ayment by the District Board after approval by the
District '!annger and audit by the !Ward,
ana Vie payments previously annrovad by the Board and 1—de to said Clyde C
Kennedy H. Braileford Jr., and 11.4, x. Harrtoon RO etated hereinabove ars
hereby -114#11 n .inttimr mf reil*mrit, 4r 4ho 0,4ftihmraortent Ft4, irtirAlAtimtot wirmartman
for Local Improwent District No. 2.
lagaamsaT insnIcT NO I
It y'r moved aecot by er--•,r
unaninously carrted thAt t3 1V1.4
receive from CLYDE C. KNY-EDY, sstid ems
repres6nting the incidental exnenseo incurred and not -reviously re mburrad to
the 3anitary A.striet ane the estimated balance of incVlentol er1'ense3 to be
further incurred at the date of delivery o tile warrant and accessrent on Local
Improvement Actrict No. which aun was -aid to said CLYDE XL:,N,LavY upon
delivery of said 14-,..rranu end easeact:lent, be disbursed, nesrproved by the Dist.
riot Vanager, qfter receirt of bills duly rendered ae follows:
255,59 to Clyde C. Kennedy for enlineering cervices as anal
• •
pursuant to contrAct for such !_:ervices;
54,89 for /c)7.,141 cervices for Local TrIrrovenert Dintrict No. 11
paid rimsuant to contnact therefor -s follows:
U. H. Bralisford, Jr.
1L4„ U Harrison
2,751.10 the balance of said sum for incidental expensen to be dem
pocited to the credit of the lamning Expense Fund of Cent-
ral Contra Costa 3anitary Dlutrict to reinbur-e said fund
for monies heretofore advanced for incidental e7enseo in-
curred by the Janitary District for Loclrovement
District No. 11 and for which the 3Anitary District has not
rreviously received -0.ynort; qnd to pay further corts for
incidental ex,ensen for Local Improvement District No 11
as bilis for alm6h expenses ire received nnd 'nth r zed
for nayment by the District -,1Ird after ar-roval by the
District 14nager snd midi* by the 53ard4
igmtiNe raymenq nreviously apnroved by the Board and made to said Clyde C.
Xemmody as stated hereinabove A hereby made a matter of record In the die—
bursoment of incidental expensed for Local Imnrovement District No. 11; and
the President Ind .;ecretery are hereby authorized and directed to execute the
necessary ,,rarrAnts to ay the amounts due to W. H. 3rai1sford, Jr., and 11. W.
-t was moved by !ember
seconded by Rember
that '434,091.75 received from CL. EC. KENNEDY, said sum representing
the incidental expenses incurred to Augu-st 9 1949 on Local Improve
ment District 0o, 14 the following amounts, as approved by the Dist-
rict Manager, be diebarsed from said sum for such incidental expenses
as follows:
315i17.74 to Clyde C. Kennedy for engineering services rendered
to August 90 1949 for Local Improvement District No. 14;
2,159 68 for legal services rendered to August 9, 1949 for Local
Improvement District No. 14 to be paid pursuant to
contract as follows:
W, H. Brailsford, Jr. 1,079.84
R, W. HArrison 1 079.84
161,814.33 the balance of said sum advanced for incidental expenses
to be deposited to the credit of the Running Expense
Fund. of Central CortamCosta Sanitary District to re
imburse said fund for monies heretofore advanced for
incidents1 expenses incurred by the Sanitary District
for Local Imnrovement District No. 141
gio*Ihe resident and Secretary are hereby author zednd directed to
execute the necessary warrants to ay the charges above mentioned,
3 •
rit '00
It was moved by Timber sepontiod by Member
unanthonsiy carried that $8 9990 receivod from =DE C. FaZ1743:44 Datil AMR
representing the incidental =penes$ incurrod and not provioasty rib to
this Unitary Diltrict, and the estimated balance of incidental =pens's to 110
rurther Lneurre40 at the date of delivery or the warrwat arl 3sccu;-lent on L0001
'gyro/foment Distrist No. 5, which sum was paid to Bala Clyde C. \enniAT won
dolivery or
ric% ManerN
sala warrant and assesseiritibe Alabarsed as approved j te Dist.
after receipt of bills duly rendered as follows:
370.58 to ClydAl C. Kennedy for engineering services an final
.lursuant to contract for andh cervices*
154.62 for legal servicen for Local Trrrovemont Axtrict no 5
7=454 pursuant to cortrnct therefor as follols:
W Brailsford Jr
I. We Harrison
7,974.50 the belance of std sam for inciAentn1 expeRseit to bo
d.enostted to the crett o t l'Unninc Expene0 nand of
Central Contra Costa :anitary District to reinblrei said
fund for mantes heretofore sdvanced fir inoldentol exrenmm
Incurred by the mianitary nistrict for 14o0a1 Improvement
nitrict No. 5 -Ina flr which the 3anttar7 District has not
-rovionaly re('etiveel 7,nynent* ani to ray further costs for
incietentl (1.71en8es for Local Improvoment -istrict no. 5
as bills for all,01 c7rennea are received and authorized
for paynent bc: the District !ward after aryprovalby to
District Nanager and aunt 117 the
vi*Vithe sident and the) 3eeriotsr7 sr* hereby Inthorized -Ina directed to
execute thie necessary 'warrants to ay the chArgee above nentionia4