HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 08-25-1949vt•
3C tiLi rStrelaM
iecu as at.
rf..aieg of ittaae.4 es pa'vtoss 4441441..
v). Gowning e'wave*!is �to A�MI! tor z11) Attiltional latter ham
batm y�tMe{ Lt rrtwrss. 110 ammo**
sat *llalari the of aro 1,ry $, L1us. ?bIa tsIter
rNMfa1r.l#U sto Walk the stlrswii tor Kr. Loa via
ilta SoNvit to oeagiidrsr
likti 0,101 blais tor 4104 rs�MNreiea. lLtu KIK LIP 7. NM. 140 se�feiNs fear %S*1%1ee
Omaha**, oseseselan ice* pria�A� moi"
aceods re�y
dr P441110.0 mid fliiI.Ur.aalrt lot Isttsr�of nvscei 11 w:: memo to » nova *Sos3r et
AlmoSt 2 • Nolisitir r�e�lw��dt !emsest4m in U1spertiondar
.os. o� ,.erepn r truA .. der Mua sia+nretf+�ro tae b,wst
AM* voila eMlt to bis Ss .: 24i to elms Chet# 111.1141ne slier arutlQ
:vvie+ for labor es¢sewosa to .arts Rmo=aiir iz .sten 1t16
tho the nowt swit the
ob..* or
( N�� this, Sm�' dims of 1+0r of 11b � tv1st_•t °'r�et Miaaess g,m*,e, rtri'. tri. F1.gr.],ar,irt Isi«e. firaoru.s 3a las
Melsa4 iertiAa of Lot g of fie MN Mlibdttld0* at i.404, •;, per
bst1dtn d1N vials Oa radar libit *1._i11 1si� ptrf•_cr� ss asforitemktis 4itt epWfat .�ug3�eN 1 i�iandLfris Ulm AftiSAMON M Cq�s�. tI
i�+:itoe �littlest is4, :ns��artesvi,414:14,44.4sse•a
rierity Ms
+� Assimmiseat So* 10.43.042 1.D
ii Mew at 10.0. araa�i $.111 U. fi1Nieisamost
LIS 1 eau to. ft. fsct spas r st fear 4ssllasI to w00 toa..es.
sorMangltste9, that O! Nsriee Ntsiwitles t1s pa!N 1 be NE !e
tbs amnia t! *473,O ter 411 i:wM11M'q aft 1S$il an Us* q-- --
whisk moatYq� doable Ow anis or bemsttt are
ma*. ritdanittl lIt lea this aNminiunt Diatriot•
'!• isaiddior slMNtlAi ..,.. :e tsr 3 pasM1s 1.s.t*I M Latystte �lrll.
br Larry .aaa 1nimpait+i M+►sesr17 K LTA g.
oi w wry In rsssipt of rsoMst tvis fita. M11a1ri11410 111.1 qr iufwnt K
Ulla tai. tfds yireyerty lues Ismtainisidedot arNNW4 i4 !s IwL8s6
R7 CEi6siM Ot s ~to' � *Man*trim :l
trim is[ 1Its,.tt.
Mgt* and caloara F+rse will ask. as+zc• awirbls to Ws rmwr
yasso�le� �lstw� 1M feria+' lie bs *erred !A tbst tot !u^.
Boilers. "ate weenie mod M be M be xr. Sol3asi fa trYarNfe
Rua* wfiiotc rOsld *was• D3ArleteDls te. essessettim
by*lbw*Ser Stsr titter.0 " It 1* rf art Os *ma* wt a
�t�6tO.00irbsUrthR tinatomen Um t1ars os*tisoirthrss
1. d'csA.ii4"1311fi"8o
D Litt'r tress City Brigizeos oC 1 to L>iaSsi t Board 840.1
II 10,11. on iimut seas tervardig
or Utter tutit
ts s�iMIA� WO. W. of Mprt M. Ziietrusfles tss Use *ssM
is ritgtNliN *a to fuwIt *slaw it Utts Me4sse
L+6tdr trail aiw lio Soar da1K kiwi 1.2 tit rel+raMNa. to imatimmill
is 7rwiel 32 of LW 14. "lade lellanMi lifter !'am MMr issiger Ofd
Migu1t $ is to r request fiss lir. D"irl1MK tik tsfua lir.
1,, ., te +klo. ++i`. ittisitss .: ti. $esir .t Atty I� wNw.a.
Maserefeg w)' AiaMM M iMr. fuws tOP 11N wntioat. RP. IMIP
wggsets akt sanwrat taatpsxtt a MrrMeir +K slasrM oitinat
psstt.a1iy all
K �tispestistek � 1$ It
3: tiN t� .
luuer thin a..aNa►s. iftio ape% of aui...�es +sae e ads 'Y.
•sswipagaN lir i tp :61AIt meat iSjyattlMt !f the
tiNI#!aN ipositteatUm• vas a tiaa p" the �asrvw
awl notedaoanoted LI IOU, of Await �lt to tnstioe! but
boot tan ria* darns it it INerrwMM t art order of f'osooselita
mai Wei bS 11~44 semi • this M1010001tl.
Iat* flrss a. a. rsa*w datedAvamit 14 .OM1 g u•i :.ss.r
triS 4114twart es Omit�.�i .mow U.olist IIi.s.tom
to Jim Maio
moat a ye!lteai iralkeiss�t,��r with Msh raw** to
at boy
tbs dlip
Rest +iia iInfsi'sattss
vas turtasdI bog sat me 1ttsrr of Aaeret 111 Mi 1Mrs4f .teas s
Iattr tius fldl P. *tow attotM" tor J ljlsU reek S.
leflea tiip
U. lkgar ir�A Ale*" 1'. �lr► 1•tt� or 7
w written rl sAa ger. tAbuti ti writs. 11t. , h*.
111.11 WWI *air tri tyre to as. ts Srs40.14 ter alt piirps.so
0t0 wild sat ta$ewfets via s!M tam it aik sassrsus t,t: the .v1stMa4
for 16. aidataaaaa! of taaltarj sem► irs. 9. to
WIWI Vitt ies911e::aa1 • � � ts dMPI�d Dn ix lib* pima
ai uaeret bqi tsips as. rlapdasll *IS'pSIS$S4 is Woos
pimills as sfuatM b/ 10M ZlaRtlst• Ifts tulR iwt. this Clsisiot
Ms MR 1- 111515 rtatsletteta sad pMltiou Se Oa gnats of
•aMMDf dits It bs* bs.s Mwv1eR W it ryl+eM M is SW Mist
Pallgoito #olIlt+xn this . flis. Ysni ad+rts! elves tir Ds 1! :1rsstIss1lb►, trli�K
satteam of Ma.��a t.tt.. N LID � sal Tw1ttf�Uttart�kM t*rUu,'
SA nil wsbt of the oessessit is Use PSSkpa�erlI0 TC is
*bat taliuit tsatrt qUis r tri a�atiss xr. ammo ar4 r,
lW. ANIt psi re wt Hat Msspt a groat of *amnia le mar rust
bs Lir tk shed:see taw verdlwR bioP* e trM.
unser trim 'Ow f.U4i
x. aaaliparaes
+1aI8en �«. �wS�
�. Ca1dMt11
eeearrlainlse epclitit rsMj3lslid warn L+ 40 0.4 soft* *Wm fear
*wart Aa'rrer317 moot srMewell.Ssr !s owe 0lyr+Vcvie+l
sot &1=• Th*' tt*W 1•tt*ri h*7* mot hsM aasvMrt ito thim
tint c.>,ke!r t*ean sn his so!'sarrd M Eta IttOneeth few bte Lat.tt.
The SEL«r „f tP �t*$ tor 10 a+etw42
ob+11 $jt4!Itt
the caNitbeim-+ae*low hew* 41 rti� fir. 71tailefasd and, lbws
eoarislieLlritle Mia !NM ti siiiot. Int s...: err that Ito titiw1oWlte
hrr* the Melt of NlZ,ae! Rla#ast uowrtu! if •. ram" vri7�s+s Av�.r:4P
t�a�r ot�sw.awl�e�H�t
:s Aa. n�i.-��s by ria'
lit ens+ ow. •r lir* Montville"? as t*M we recortM da$a of Jium. 9
edtief he Oats' ws tiles be awaMrt of =32.Oi1 oat wpe ttutir lwr
eteao sot $Mt*IS .AMre. to 11I1 1raM aLais.
G1at$ f Itr. ceLavali it 1r UMP wrMi of $3?a.00 taw a M Ww1,
AAI4, for *et thanes iN imam 01l8I042* kpsd oat Af •. auto
It ts r+im11MMi tt Woo Sestiol 411101010001 *MOO wrlm. Ri+lAN ad
t.trttct the teenager se lie viu4t 40116w *odd e. Wes to ss.**
Make of Cin at titariom s►s see i2sa4rie 41to;,Atep i aaaieea fer
*awe �1M�w sail to
� abitall�pZt taiaaar�ipt 4•t
slats Vas DisOrlet Tosi*Nr M rKrarmit M We*
lo. lk+a4aas.t Cm". VW szsa.xws .t tis. Pot ...pleti.m opt
t.Ir, 3416 p! 1111 ssAaMNM IOW t Rio. Dfia±tRr *ma c�mxllft .SII los
swittottt d *1* rtstisR.
%i. nssiaor or Mum 1yam i et a.pe*ses w � e a Ce.roatigms� et ..wee s a
lospelq. ts et
�. zrallam lstos'd 1M� �M�s f �s! tbtson his Mt WSS
mat to t: t a Cr,fw in sisar d O. M attc.oim.+.s1! ti1arlY Lew
bi filt4 for District M bul1f of HMS!!• sat* .oak
abetwitoff ; Faeltatitta ag.t*ss �brta1 r,-�ssr.set.. 441mooky.
L. J. CveM set . d. �siD4tsi. TAS ktnrh Y�sld of a Mr
d��it doss 3�ittM qleati a t tfle
M ahM ad�ilc�a�gt that
IOW pollemitt Awl's arils. 4!M Kamm nlSer:Mqmets *10* !trS ItIifoM
lm* Wee 3M Memcp+tdt11O1 with ft* sitoi'er NV es2lY *Md
�C!= f� sin it tin ••s11ss xtll rasa** Om lora* of
tZ. pqa*uit to fleet of iwrLoa Camasit illiramhip an tor
I.ttta *vso. • of Mal � 41.1 M Ws iWs* Ae¢tlas 1a tAu
i �' anawlbt tit! *tS.3�.�6. t�er�3x�MrMe. halm Mid **Uri*** sta0west
Witt on
btlta awl 1*10 t.i1UI1s1 Ok. helm bus OA on
Vi Dsajeat. ?hie iota meat is recut rird is the aoatraetWore
Mot parasol to rwarr+i.
13. W. Nods Co Sias rips a COMiniftaalk trw ft* tteNi ew taw
�t oft fsMw wiwgM sM1eM lar Mrnamtleu to tame 1&t.ursl
for LIG 13 le tit. oust 91rt INr vows to w]3 ths'sS bst1d1 it1ts
js tI +risofee1► pas" Dia :. adjWain¢ ottasmost Admit
figs bsas r+gaa'CM e! Ata. e seasseit is fer Week 1.IMIPI
Pau pagle•rti** 'shicA ate rt 1aI�L !s %hs arts los
NNMM !fin' 1S. ltt. Souls W ius **wised th 14Mps Oat
� pRMIIA: Oir4$aaINS MeIELI Mim1ai*• $25 siss.tt 1e 1911
solaiNties et Ma AVMwM 101.1 dA 130 isr liwmmitLrs of Us wet
tostiags Now a Kits kows.tit appears *10* s
M*ttto.g .ts
bit s►13 is /M vNllows psst
bis pbe
ist Owd satiegior# awl that at two Omit
M �ZStvr � fMM Rr sad if *At* 'mow Is
O'Wlt. Z3 is that !* toast tastsist fits M
•Ss1N a!• feeds.
14. Latter la at We ti Ntlmtvr Ciwp aRsisinr *uil ell frousatos
Gapessilr waas tri L. Iliamida M Mrs! sau►«tiM . -• to takes ea!
1,/ ta the sum et tmv eoep. we.'Oa pi+oP�+Q+ e w. TiawMls sad
MP. bin. Itr. Drrnly 10it t tiat awl ;wait.
So the few of yersrr Corp. for *Int !r Lib 3 eewa his ova arM
tMr tri. !R fesr asowsmp At ti*e *f t1t* dii i4 Ii INA11lOtbdl
*10* ft^• Me1Nas x112 ProN* t ftllliet lr!!Is udlLl3nR tbati Imo 1a
09fisaLias VOW' aensrece dM Deraiser Corp. Mt is fir *gist M over
eautast3alN not LM!! liaslvalss *vat tltest ti7 lista I1"n
oeaswf is sus *there to met Was often of LID 3.
atippoorelitf 1Y tsr
1! gs �aeonnpE3e11 tsi*
the ammo tot i�M pat1I a sfl pIII$J tM Mat sad it to t2asrsf0r
14/ lMCInisAM Ott 1AM IsaI aropsNit of as �hI resits la
')Mu am, �t Mr. �Ils rafter *Min !a tits ammo of �lrVomit cell,
Sr off*wiles Mid Wiese fty ass. apMesesiR. =t this
snarral is sins K 111. IPS €3I.a ►f fir.
aauei2` la Uso amok of leMier Cipp. *sad Ma be rs'rssialls to Mul,
te saw 41N +rIlpOalEe MafOse Mesiglossisti 1.0 10 IAsfM wattai Slll
swims Cods rbis law 0et17 to* rs1y fter iLnl rqe+►la�
mai .wissawr► owe" tri oats for tome soeweoeiass.
13. OaMUid+ra es • eatior of y0117 Spelwfw et aofiaes to the itiattes
Msirlas law
fl1*1r1101t05 of the aoniN roost's* frit taw LUtsiet
04,1**411P fOP LastItIZ on lowl taprOI05**t ASsirlets. 1lr.
britillemilt US. rill. Mflii* that It res umINNs N imretigreu
iN � 1! �. I10oo
ft tats M it7tOM4
Q '
TifiAt fseiq !N=3tM !OT tiiet4iSI1 tsPeMli Mlld D! QUb'11e1tM 1�
tiIS aiikriot *tas.r, bwermri, at ttle vr1glt�al ilflu or ger.
����'�llaZ�or�f auAel�Aar�w audio Os
tied iaMtio, 001@ *W *di K azuli9Y
*WNW $w .w.s w.. *,flSq .ter .» .�ia�ir��:a�r+++li
ttamiMr ST �•IPIPIPPIVIrs�i A 11� Pwit
ITTA AMA" Ira 111112 vs' *i i2 "OS elf isian es POMC
�wsi�i`n pg*p. i �tCz *'I.'MOM! on
wrSs+� }i�oMs [psox+aad pew so• *MU4111111.
'i[i'9 �Ef� tJ*IflZ1d p+e **WO "AIM 1111 V1iMN «ti J.
hapatwf 'CtSt N_0U9_mneN �prs �o�&+'i«GrMiMN o$i 1�► �iRa�Memo 404.i{'livallall AM"' M
oi1 1101141sabsix elm ait41011Prlt +Ri 'M 4 wawa
1104 et IPNns £tt,Stfl..d,_ue VP sni}e! Mm, .fbSsiR9 Pie M+sslot sram ceryl s{' w allernitelAr. 11110111f# 1�[ Et
$IPSJ,RT srrMtisf ura 4410.1413401. pets t w hw Mt •isAid
40.4 r saw
ws tu* log Jst!0p aR Nf+iwi! ORS WIPP K
4SD��tsiO ONNO140 41141. siossitSeasesi row* �,R 'lNt liktypasosi � �+ats+es ��sirut *mg
*um oft N ps.t.'SI WA WIMP
Aired *Sin Mi aoi mvtf►atwdusi Mq pi,i *R 'Niiei
4 JIUP4M els fit en Jfit t...x Ito siostat osweiw+y
•eivMstrB lMitsmpe e!3 el, 'EVA n Mss 111,*$ et o3wer►d
311ieltsWIW moi: +73 IT *MIN iriseasTddas s1Z seq4 pus
1,11.111WO. K PStW .4.So1a:M( MAgMKd si3 Sal rifilimmemm et iI
**** 111111411111011011011N► •. T�ii M WI* .t�jlMtlN��i g 40/4 �
OM 1101.14 Iaiid ani AWN* pin i'pTtcso of itsrrM3 oRi
1. .1114.1.z:etp +Outi io gra* .sol 1Mjiift ploprtrug 30
10•14 t%SS •0 Plat a,Vt.111I..w ss :...�• .er+�•r+s � .*carp*carpfoiemMl i.d .
�'R Li Mo it *al es sowlMr Jo 110104144110
tT4 U Ww i �YI'1 3o Ntt! Ni rfswam 'Mn susemposity
11�1� 3� 1��R stj�lK�iY %11&Siait'�Ni �+i N PSU
�jer���➢0 � � Wi� � Iwtoau MEM 6.1111 ISA SIR Niop rVi
1PONSITIPO. in SS li q'Wu+orl*d
mow* *two 10�w�L31pr *moods MM 1.1. OttL �NT�
en 40 �t� •II�Irip�+t�A� psmwp4i� wag
Dw qfirl +V7 *vsiad is IN gt towirmel siin
.a k
ugur t 25$ 1949
;UMW? t 311t141 3MV/C% TO LOT AS 24A, Mt 27, 28 AND 29 OF
BLOCK 4 or LArAnnt
The original subdivision' vamp indicated A thtrt feet wide street
extending sauthwestPrly from fourth Street end deelgrPted as Ran -
mold etrort. strict psrollPled and wee' sontiguous with the
then Osklpnd Rnd Antioch )tern APilway, now the ;4aoramento Northern
At the tine when the work of Loup' Toprovemont astrict 0, w a
bring lidd lut$ It was noted thRt the improvements on Lote 25 ond 25B
1104 been plpeea Putherly of the southerly property lints of these
lots, and that the entire section of Rpilrood Etre % for a distrnee
of approxim-tely 170 feet hs ben fenced in adjoinint, these two lotp.
A roadway extrted into Asl1r(1 Strept t-e,r,,ter portions of Lot! 75 and
25* and providsd. acoeso to the subject lots. Title to the 'Tinting
roAdway and the fenced in ares In itenroad 9treet 4,4-pPered to be in
tlueption at the,: time.
Service Into Late 24111 red to 29 incln,tve. WAS crmeidered;
hmeever, in viPw of the queRtionpble seals' to there lots, sewer line •
to serve thew was not included in tbf plans tor Local Improvement LAst
,I. It further notp4 that the sewers incltrlled by the ori.
Insi subdivider 111M.CAtPd A service to these lots, flthougb no fvidense
�t the -wesence of 1 sewer could be found during the preltainFry surveys.
The rvine to the eubjrnt lot, enuld he provided under Ordlrumei
and the assessment egeinet the lots in Loc,1 Improvement Dixtriet
could be nljurted in conli4Pr-tion nf the fozet tY-i!; immediAte rzfr-
'doe was not rrmrided under LiNr1 Imprlvement Distrtet #3.
cn July 14, 1949, v41119112 flramer, et ux, reoorded an easemr!nt
ever the vester11 20 feet of I.ot 25 es a nonexclusive', right of we'', in.
cludtng right of way for sewer PO an appurtenance to the lots whisk
out off by the blocking of _ailro*d ltreet by the structures on
_lortumer property•
Inveetigntion of the old Ltf*yette sever systra subsequent to
4v9rd of controt for Local T4;x.,,versent District .1 Aid not disclose
the presence of a sewer In Kollrned Street, elthough the sewers were
found to be in plass and usable itt some of the other streets in Lat..
layette. Thin sewr system lop* conistructed in 1917, lad we hmvP been
unable to locate Any plAns of the syetem other than martpd subdivision
ps. The system was partially in Ass'prior to the forwition of our
-nitary nietriet$ find approximately 2,000 feet of the sever vos re-
habilitated and put into use or reriaced as part of the work of Local
isprovoment District 3.
9 'NT Or MAI)
Service to the lotcould no** be provided with use of two pro-
';wer inttolled in iftilroad Street and the recent recordad
right of limy AS s subdivision sewer under primmtie control.*
under ,Astrict permit tInd inspection, or
b. rixtension of sever under the present oontroct with Downer
Corporation miter receiving the written consent of the
owners or the referred lot' to assessment for their share
of the coot of thie work