HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 08-11-1949.f 7fall. tit Ze. /P411101,1,4; or xtviiitis or proilimmi *testing L._ OF . X O Or �,►� ciamoieatiess* is everestod *I% th*• bit talma up *nut ho*rirtrs en a.a,i ,AsP 21 ?:to,selttts o►!"tantiesi. v Letter !'rte J. $« Carnal eolidalittg of tet dialogs* against -teCiteri Cmstraelitemi Callow la Us oasmort or* 4114 mitt farther cuts that Ms tot 1.1a* stake% wore dostroyell and ropiestiag paplent of X73 for *. This**tit*? 2%4 I bar► ib* =won or seas tots convt rea tSons prinrseaai31r, sadweasktht K,r. C�-l.►tl bait awl* ir�t �.���sad *bolt loading Ay* y� � �i,���{ vl� e�tt�t C..M•ar► *lashre i *Or toed * letter at =' *tart that a* Di riot ifitsulA proovoil to resat the tine Oak** were elefllregrM►Q anti was t*r%Par atvised thot bia letter of 'qwriiiiit 6 was is a fone that alott qpiestismalikti It vas si e3,a3at ,raah °av'1,d be reelogniferdi, iaillost stirlamogi 'fit pa** !rte mat twins saii,r r the oAitiofrotor bis claim womil4 '!Mi bra to the attention at the Soma st is **atilt,• t qtr. Brolsterd advisips that . vitrified elorLet obarw be flj4sad ttr. Carrell Is b1n go aer►l,ssd as of r�•ugust As. Bralkford furtive" 'told ttat the watt*, Investigoted tb. District and that rtietriet *cad Apt* amt a r► tr#, fl itill, elate awl wititheitt t to ',Itiodikktios Cesislimftien Ceopoity itt the taste varrsalled iwittles. rtaket psePit is die oftit Artiguit no sad b.fro p� be nods�* oontractor flcoeirail to IVA �fi'� with 't�! Ir��r�o�the* bpi ha* **nestled+�►�:� +��#� �+iri�t fres J. roast refer. to se. vice So h5.# prop* !a Ut . otteimett on date it was received after Ar, .gm*hod confotenvit Simi Posts' all the WAIN It wpm* that tkis - - - ratter 3iIts blitl3 preSakes oars of tig PlArarts sold fthst w stairlsed by air toStsro /WM f'g'= $rns* !1sllptaiil,' of vest to ‘1D }t xampored V edit� M446�r�s�r' IAA Work Ot**$ 1400. t$$tstst was nota�lir!t! and Mr, laint out Naos rertsima Sol Its 'snidest tin* Alb imp4dest that b* sttoppt to est slow, itOsaltedo CIPY ISM" fres D3xtriat Atteisey rsterette. to .../.14taitv Xri. fi* tout last condition of mitts LID 3. lbs work is dtetrist to --700,1111 orsi seiwtolat ha *MN rettrriod too less PAitirldwit Frwines;0 tor TArrnk. two Bonk of Astotrisa Leo AWC1111110 21041111011tirt# She SOMA ale � + xi +�' # 'fitOhiis, 1r* Bet '�► kik. *awls* �prrL all seistios atm or tittlift imay him* boom* Aim W lmw1t be la eider sad it is traporeste4 It Me awl Saartriot l, setwitaav MA aid rilliwasell on tutors psonesits to Mos. to. Ittrorwa compear. to adaveledi* riposagot et this assigaievet sad SrgiU. ass Liev.-t-)1.A.,-&-ti.:.4.-0, • 7111110204aui Anournosi or =Turns riait tap 34. routs vault ammo Iuiia boon reimotted few cliallogs 114k coral" rinartmarttalt is. CU:Us Wan 4 14.1.4. asillott. Kr. Comb* bas aitviseit that Imo mid Kr MOM be mill pritiernik sit Os Nootiagge lir. 001101.411 2. preteigit IS baled on 41110.011111 asseingottes that Uto proposed line a41.01111 *hs MOW% prop.,ity wealdi be a Atiositiss, of * ~yr nag at tb• imams eittio et the MOM ps yo Kr. Ceraistit 'was sidintiosa Of talla$ bf lotiwor et Aisost 3 and '111, eoirveriatiort. limi pattoat .appeass liCbe 0.1•11 1.00at316 *1 the pieposed rilletsist tree nay S. Wyq's all al optitist stiatair wort Were April 1950* If the kora Mae LW IS to bok 1.1 ts rosamaimidell tbat las resolution lordlortrtg vim* be asibitpte fam-,1 WO tor aorstractien to be isseivoiti loptisilmor 4YA3R1W1 ON AISSZSMIZIT FOR LLD 5 TAIL= Cesolitter proton* ebb* hem been 11,110141140 priPtint11 WOW 10 be altitinst tb• *quit, of the astasseasali ulth So lawipttio of Vat 7( at Sze ,.:,*sipsi As has requested s redietrilmtion or asseseseat dee to etyroreranos of a part or Ltit et 41914.11 Orehards traet ithe mow st $ of that %met.tirRilatort bas prostatiol rossivieles ter U. leardts aorsaidersktion senhatifft imistationacatt *t* OWNS dye to the mos ot Us part LOS 9 fif *darn This caliagio egni - street Was atursosawitati Oft Letell of that millittittabie may laammising the aaiiiit is WI 5ant tbs wasolat on Loot $ i/.40/00asidorr awasigaitit of Soar Colo to Itsb lit la ifilimforimulee vitis CosaV ordimesse Ptio• aftpleill ix, isleaasa or suparguers ion Avow tts nits. Alder Umi new Ooiatty oretlaaase the Oseatif *grim to t gimiss* ou)ritilt poomet tor tint ttasl SPeoirtaidaig sad issitatestsaile of Rm. min ,?tet moor trim& outist willow lie Ws tin Dikirtriet Neil SO MN* latirtionts 244. Ion 347 and %11 e1ow, Seem Cods retativii to too repaving tit limo speasosottan sever tree* Oats* Part is at Istrid for Use Secolis 00111111140414101 and aria Sersotr .edit as It noir stands. if ts rootorammodat that Wm* asaitema.nts be adoptimis vie 1./ 40111111ir resolatior 4jtamerimitles. or Astestmest owns tor len 1. Dm to rooms siva estate trastefere sad as filtag for a sidinvistaitaiip for a Farad 11431,411 was pertioust is Oar* axe 14 ill before as rinap Oa Aiwittinsamist SO this loe-,1 Ito Q several alsisips SU 144aftsma for LD Alt* be adapt.. sorrootiot sheet* Lre await *ad Ns** Harris*411 proem* or tlistate the mmisesary re es, 36. /Cattetiliar resatatitias *Mot mg teams for t tor sever eirvisi� ►t1sto Ita i`att ox also Vett 2. Ntisoluttort gat Wei tor Us 2104,40 / * mostatiss outterLs ties al ossometist is LID 14 (4-7 4 Ightrs r r t of 41.4 swim M# boa usiabas to sitgottists for sat., 6 10JAISept refoballiet ix' rosi. ile LID 4 to C Li. Alaias• SINOP , 47 2 lino bits 16.4141 Iblialet• 44:11.pt releintl.11 redilkalittinir 6 limbs. r .es+ t t.a. 91 of LID . 4 t-1 i,t tisi (*.Ivies E. Joilinsen ,va 12. J4cpt rirseloti+IO*V sever Was boss beim ,riwli� t ?drama 13 Liz 14 to Sotahrtmor. viostalides piabehssw or oae asblitioast tck fes' Pistetot tatwootorii. +fir addllional sew �r��i �r is ae s464, at this Una tor Or of Dislirslot porosnai►1 easitaing Usit !t or oldie moor AM LeptSAI tank lajpeettions. *motations Isom *WM roitetred ryas Ike 4041ze ts9 CDtlrreaet ;lima ors. u1 total 'r1er as te11*s cwrrralikt ;1333.Mt .29 •up!►� prism �N'P�'��r�rw wwiw ttikoir ltrtitor ter.--+..�.�...r .. Sio n heirstrs� Week � �.issithmist t* WIsomse *rem a hrokopitasty for 312 }*t Pasts rioselittime staRsiorislag, cAstiasialliami sir 441101110.ta LID tr4onslatitior sksti twits? sAttotrat torf ;Ara.% tor sogosimitlio totttoh nay lave tom assettiktot Itty right e!' tort or Soar* ,s 4f bt +► set known tot �Ifir,l�► �:� tMf &tsttD(. 1,6+r ., F`et intesisation ot lag leareist Via. Irst1iiPSo tietrist atnit Xostokro borisost Ns. 3toortit tor taw Ma Bantered conferees.* ?lastly* to las and Ow borax* Ceepow far the pkirseat Sao It that gra .s .114 lorlis!`aetion tttisitettor. dr." of toblak to fit i� t��► !fit �rdt• st 1 sod *mos for O. tikwargy bolsi Ulm tbk. Distriet the rilstriet has bele vesems* 411 10441.101 ti• 25. 1949 tt 8100 ol clock posto