HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 08-04-1949//
t/i/MU Cadi
172./Nrwitiftr, AlsoVA,
/3. litteetivit ale eves tildis ow LID tr bow of etUp.a. hst gaited
sal rft? to tvtiortritter for taVvitnitivot *ad relesessilanmit
tlito toki von IttlAs ea torabliptioolit er sm. ity *t *alma zglikskp'
io -‘,,061100MTSMIS. Lotter* fres la* tt A*rte iktie3 04 ',urn% 1
eastbditillr ot **MM.* or loft itID 3. *vs* wits aAiriset
th4A tho immilt of eat otoottraelli was aell aimplitte Oat th. 00.0
tritatesi valid 'octave Do sow 10011 atter esivilvtlim1 an lark
11011601Pip %bet tow eowiplaist vas resrritifl tteit F:ritlinesr for
Igiettor free *r Ala or Latayettes steteirkg of Wan 10 Whe sea
lbw mooldent aftwor vork of toleater einsr• Letter wits ateaditiessompti
*Ad restived .11 014111t1 Istorltb tiowirdboulpit: bita not 'boos somwOrsd
taw of Mots% ibis sototetuis.
• istittbr itrantro 111010144 elatitteR etAtotfites art4 rost**141311111 Paii.ent tor
twee in work ;ism moor LID 2, Kr. fliskisms will lie Iiihr Awl last *mo-
ttos for Mize alett alas bit* .*Pod ade. .11htileatilWto 416.144
have Won bzwateht10 th attimtittm of tits *Kra "AM le Oil tiontitran.
Um of Os Assamitatiellit eat Mal approval of Use vests of .3*416 ts.
had duo iiiivUtotts
UM,: figs Re y. tor Carrie "r rotsr. iwatorniett lark to
NJ LID 3. X. �uh fl bit wilvtoof That thy wort of tbio *titrtset 1*
edvalwiteits and will be lisfonsid of tin rthta of the Owswiiii 1*
pretostimr thsir iitrikets•
Rad rtoarinfr
pnotitsto recol
14. 1.• *look*
aso tit* County
Pitr UT?. iteml iPstriso.
totanris-• PPIS ,;itttes. wakkietisad Taylor and
bats stat*il tboy will be pritimont U• sisotlive.
offlaw vjU b rrprolosistedi•
7./ititas notions distraistellag Via iileUtfiatel, ••1441111110110 tor LID 6 tad
vitsi am* Mat Mi. asseitalt appreviats
vteatildor iservt.. stone or oortmetlaii ties ter laN*7 figalli ales alit* 2*
rids matter toks (3itws1s4 at taw lest okteilills sae Wad ono? for Ulm*
fienatit*rsktiort. 111 tsnoted that iltwo tntttir. 0.4144 tor 6011140.tos%
LP, 1 yin. Swim as aossimant 4freso ;ow 144 Ss law volts. onto.
divisteas is that 4,11.11trisi whom* tilbe lionvei 'ow* inManiii the
inthavitior within lb* intbdiviittaii. ?hits ft?* of *pp
pork lot awstrop to vett INS fatrl oonststeatly and ts tber*for0
iturgastod ss a basis tor future a 'seer Grtirtotatte sks elses4041.
lb* Ilr.ra ..7 via coMlMr 11A. t.m UNA qpaoss..te1f 3/s or
16r J0 lona in rt _. 7411V in 74Ki 2 boa twit Moa 11 aeleso
anaAitilMl a
tts. M nattilN Sham st w! awasiliamt N
tbsis ualimiteed tA4 1� !!a=MMt trYt1 Y! Pprm*
� 3A. of I*tu TlaMaes Asuettatfat to Iiv. stes*r
pwdts tIMI�!Me $M1411ttIuI Mo!' bs swim tree Imo to
t.t1 Was ' !� • sr 'Ma
to t �►ss UMW more 1�
satt.:.ar su.ww.
tett. 1..s .s.«M y.o asst way. n rpp..ss
Ut tr. $su,Iv ,rte ,tet , .• t this sotto*, 14s11 ttwitorilier is
Mow la this
�.�'� AIMIt lot a3seW�hS*I�utivimisaly
Th. wet if iqpmpi isail 4ta%irt.t� is tNesfae l0111plffiM WM ISMS
11111 !r 41mia u► 41 ptimillers awe Mae oMsraolay Is
WM MaT Mrelw. Thom ari e. < rrYlMtili 400 umionhooted kMui.S
11u tho sMas i00 az tip is - *at inksi!ai
airs ins trio OM, lwi7, dLfrLSEa vuIt.
lastaimoi i�i sty as�irss � y-�«•�
• 1•tts
r. ste
�sl�srwiil�rl la M pasiit to statue. t., lams
re It voot MLS 411/0 4** tI�13+. � for
i+6!!" N #� owe 17N �MML *bst w tasu•sM e- to II
when tQrea� to Ito M b� aeat+ as t�Oa p4NIt$U(
of Ijr.v.1$ *t ethorr we! 41e pert +rwdA maw it
w4ttfaL7.e L! *atVUI1 O!0ltr
ii. ✓q taaama2tetl�
Mt r+A:�deR mew MMertM M r�t1�� r. JQus.
taped 5+M a! 3111 $„ Iwo M a of lb.
./124/ F"or 1I$$t1 rK law liessia. lb* instrialt Attar irs uirirtd
tat 11*q balm ltraftt+l a !w Ciesstty GrdttasPs imam' *lab take c.uuv1I
LU assort • , 6 tSr separl'+g site sfarsr p.Mflt .�
oil WW1
14P7 Hili tItS adi St* aAesesesasy assisio tbetr
ailntiag of MINIM* 114, This aatMY' las bS�* diNaNst d!
41w 1s.i War +lht PseyNed prom*** ilk* •. eltl 4 tee
rnpnr#tg MIS tow* cuts +uM rsiRta3* th Ii rS11 tot
amolosseare tor tits Dists40 to eased z4sites C Wo iswlMt Ladl
*ji*fl et ammesout st11 los P+'ikposigt ths awe seigiettsrstiam
at the Au/00 11 *eating.
i bsit"s taut if Vb. we00,04$ Opttn.P!* SIM SNa etfast est �
11Mit tri *en PrNeM M • psa'ellul rtttr !o faw/lJ +rSSb ti �W
war skdlaarrs weld not 1N rlia6ea is ti'r1eE oIu aimiliMmat
0 at %41a! si1M UM%
IN" malts aft law **counts e! the toirtriat fug the t1Nai roar suiil�1/
Jun V. 1911. bref. Mit AeNl1ril. °beAif! «!t Wits ad. M that
*sob illMrt/R M/ hiii* sou ±91t bi1NM Omit ea pegs 4f tlf0
,uasral��rnw t dm* Ike .. t , °r tot
i AL MO*
u ba 'Mai sp le 'sne mss. �.a��s.
r�NN M lasal girt t1s. ted.� tag
are self�l�AabIs dtviatts
ta a WI1 d �12,2.a}6,1�► wait
1. biot. .tIi.is ot too DistriAtt *boy* an
%low as of Ike *at of tamp ftemosa :oar bet $.11st.
•mitt to to. vett sot is se vaiptstos
mpita43, 4110 aossigitr ba4 est SAO, It 41 n looses
bowintsr. west"t 110000411111$ * iron modiocivittio malt tnoirstaorottoit
tb. town* as*. tor ttr. *wet far hi* igiorriste. II
IAA16 '<MN.* to Atom*
11, VP% al