HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 07-07-19494swo .o as pop +44*41010,tk ytisa swsaw
tisispli�vfi Olt issekttoo � �
Aikido W�i M�tw►MWt1 i�d�T tsS�
1V1N04 w wog cw, on +telw
Piele g1wtOfod $ITIU
•Y ‘41
�3Y1�tJRo4 M4� � i=ce W+� $MIU
' Aviiku aii#!:
sawwag 0T144 £isIrt**T
41 £.vns 'a �o�1�CLSZ
440t Oft *t Smvdmor) tuwwasn sxi.mi ve 4414 •rcsasmol DRi j.ii+'J
411040 • IMO All Woe Mil ,o Mr+rLra aA +004O44au viatioi; sad{
��i► !1�l to; 4I VoalsomosAniment� 4646404 i: aal is
�+T� w arm tsi pu •w+� sus w• •.surtool .. a..tii .OK pin
SRC Wig^ mi 101400100 � �s� a�pi sons owl pswio. Ilrq
WJ't iNpSsrYds eetrSltStnyt oil *i :S 'iniitig
4�msMS 410, w{ia►eusse erg fYt omen wow inn esti ieDwis+
*woo aj: J. Woo ►a io sai posome sq tuilk W“..
*014.a64ytJ M! VIM 6wwn 1S it wo
$J4$ viamow4dWIT tai sVS
40 woe «r< Jo *rod w wu�� �t ap �+s*tt yaw %setd �SK4 �sw.,o+t
awMdin wta ►• a+R6t*f^ javvonts +44 ,a moms loplift 40i9 q OMNI
Ilimams00 '1� $.1WQ. ijpt a���l� M�1 M� � wog M�
Nos Loratime •M��AI/tl �i i HTi A Rl:oSsi�'6t; M�
K++T £iIIrnu �►m1 40.0woo is *INK suwJ .i+vmxmatio0
•1 £;tte1t 001*fRi trr t+#4se 1T »us.st.J mist qp no Poet
rpm =m .atei+ia a► *.w_vtnm.MMr! .p a1;A V+lTKf'itt ••t
'O'! +la!' W PN*tiIIEI pR '�_SVg 9 £4 peMZ 'trt tit *NMit 3witi oft K asp patio rest
sMwv 'itssrriiup £%T1U$ 044 1C)J MU £;SS
,tufsaeae Cr Peoti ad 410041110141:wiriD Vint Ted gmhti 41144401
•LMltow amt. NttN 43'x[ /swab; Nt uLxodita im
goiaLoZs e3 G4hryei*td Sum tpi:iriP ration *TO 414 t%' neo►*W
2.019101114 lielkleiTAIP. =Mr1 'asc: 'f tSXI 'SZJ jIhZd
as jo wpm.. latimmomm uRL+lmt3: 'r nogg `fit 00411 a<iiw'[
**Ms oft 1ri togyeeekt. 1'uCc elm sow so jo 44193•L
_•�a�_•s •��:
pug gz w1f Yo 4.44•11 A •�i+�etst �3 aot
V; o4 ,Uid'03st weft MIii=II *143( 'V4=.0 'v tivehti) Wi
SO rtnenitljtit eta w[ moron sti 2Kattp4v oK4 404 viegetviss
Mommiott +40 WO ammo, !pit ogot 440401 0 uwiaj{ iQfld rn; ild4J,
teuollIvim us Nasi imoihnieg war imp 41144nialin
sou Aurtt•mmow eoa9sturta itme9*se 44044 s+rt
actin 4��tV� M Ieot� w�c '� �I!' melt? Jo �+s»� •c •v � �ti Oirog 9
fl [i:`; 4@3 Wits41111100.t4 qua �MtL�YIM'J
'11101Mafi i0 atiDe'ht.
111043;01 Vodi long *tZa'
A s,Olkatr,2uA AN1,t of *de! N a71i,14M i Co. lotgirl! if tbo Di64a26! '!S 14:#m1Oi 1Va61mM!' 1i *1 Maio Zi
SMI* *i$ tit* nelawrix! ; r1rtt1nr et Os !t* for
.m a9' Osi4tst. A ea. 1l/ Wilma wa6wwt tbio s3wstNik
lattive tsars notions! *tU A.aariatlss Worm
mottles as Its s►rtisut 4.te Mil Now arreiM rill be ?Dr
piverisegiste north of Cyd 1§rM libst Passim. $iiq liumotMs
sattesoition. aSIlMN.@ latimmr !aM K AIM rlstd�
1AItt Miriam bs ls1M6110 1i11! ants immitT
mow of 1S.
Lefty tNS City AttsTws. or ',Ailing! Gbit ad1ti!'that RM Witt
dirtosradimid tAa: tu, 41*ad of same7 F+lR4s1H sever
!as! mar b! 4I1*tamM4, YSII! iota Dirt Dr1opRpM l0! &tvtttgOle*imp* ffl� :: . iat.ly 2i !!ut U. eYt Mwts tar* CoAe
oUlaU4it as tws aoi.ir, t. loot to * shalaimases ids *pus
et mach Aw14wle Oat tirs 113th �t4 for Ease -14,01,
Eh! aas! of LAS sor1s La ostilait44, M Iwo .1, 82300, s+4
*ts Iuis bow aaltolpatM to SU eartest 11 S•
viesimidal OKA O. Soar. i p�eKet h!ist1�3AEr, re1 Vott �Aor
"be watt :a dolot m tate ANN
CIA* friss G. i. 16eInYl foages toz ?c+Ci13 1.Jir*e$ time
aaeis•.emt WbLrls hia w!'l.r.0 aa Iim nik Ott tatr�l� ea
fads too wowed our 3nsn�wlrlt M1l1ar for
kart reroraleattims Seg 'gait ardts for ui 7 tr °P� �Ta_21s{'.
V flits rss t*t*s ?�'1 KLM Frozf=t'�!' sod lawn •n+7 adlottdai
and assxletiy tDs^efls A leo AMMO Rt�ws7 sod IOM 01110!l1lAlri
SII safl arosyr+ ipm1w14 stys114 er y teaM1!to r
petit 1/4 alio apt this.... of �rr= snit
r ., 1q Roelt. Is u s+NiotrsilMt tlist hrxriaE flab M
rat tor a old *b'* legal awfwerttaime A« o11aacQoa eit
7ris1s61N flztrqM tsz Nth tortetrta$ApMsg4Mse ti{
pgit sa p1411014,14. �,ai�MrMt 1S 4011111tsadinp times tor e1u
ftvi 114/G. rtts, Cow*/ ftwatiortisi sMlatt tht *be total
vaiaaiiea et' no $sttiar7 AissrLtt for reel *litato.
� eind wrwM ! pevyattai11f
round .0 1�
� r6T2 090.Ofl. this hos wof bKw a�s�tfasn by �M
sesapa o� �� �� ilist it411 Xi : is �:s�u«i. � of' s%is irk..
Oda w� is tern as flottewsi
turf lissiveisior Ull nt+w 'YMtN111 c 7:li' t!
OAA lam��1�.i.. 10420
10046040 14fr11M14/ al4*tOs
t_so NS1MS i1V::liQ
427011740945 00
it. +ws6 NrtlwsMt tS' rae3ft ae {s8
the easest M��
i��!Se r�4rs K� a pri,i
Wt final 141144114
et. saOqst rfcialrM fst buetr ter tem!!sh*4
tafir ft! Count" 0.A±l1tM sit �n3340•=j. '� 111f � .... 'Waft*w at
'4*4tt9 9 �hse� elf!gi�n jgg* fess lis FSatr1#S as lQ
use i1�st��NerR at 1111 lref Noritd.moist
#aai�l�11! $121,9d2.10 for 33t�tv_�si aid _ _ � *1IM't
PO, primoottoil mai srr
fi1�r ��ili� +1�. �s�mrseetitrattettror
!Mr 1«�t
Ike fax 1411 far 1�%$9 e�+Slit6 will safer �r 1 at X19). - awl*�+wISM ss� sN►3M,��e� ��Yi11 4eUi
r 3tats. �t7�m«l1sur�yl�
3n U. 1uuMl tvis* at +he Dealt �rt tat s+rra+ieaS dear. t!» Gee*.7 mattas
stioasmpW tea s1lo,eaMs fss dw'ixs,Ewal� of Mk lase Om
�Ae see s,�te rises 1* U. resaieclaM to 0.513 t�t *MA *NA
~vie*. file is a s�rtisw � &0.063 trate sea rat* el as 1.0
tLMsl $?. *$0 SAN !t Raw of 2.0 r�stLoe tot promposik
! tuna
*met us iamt�
tt1 tome* daM 1!�'! Sfl2 s df�i�li tor
ieripise aislela
tar Use istlrrs6t oat 3'odsov4#A11 for LSM *Oft etlaw !'woimpooflusetioa armea►liin itfitOM. weir* !!
Hees iswo *Ma bee UMW aat� etwa ars �Lsv
e �~v*137�
meals* s bsisase ft b*tab oid AlltetIas�.oaa4. IC {7��t
��1tsyr �ttr*r
t&st mat twos6.11,44.11 la 1e Isot ritmal�tr
t$ms es i �sM��by
�Oia* tb*iatita: tbts i!si firiSitt+IN
wt soiwet3as bo sat �� ts►isr $3.$3140.ta*t xe�[l�*total
dil nor SU ttt rate tsr titis ft* Mt
et $0.1) �M is
sMwtlfis c! *0.20 !*r this j't as esyas.i3 to last.
Goitslltp rawest et Now Crotten taus sr6taslae of *1.. for
saatraet (err 1.0 Psis., to *j1at tar irlssat,
a Osesteter rooms% roval
of R of *tssOrsito ce* Ce Irsum. �titrt �dQua �dletstlsMCo.
!llite441 X11 l3afARSi1 it+akgtwtt 0l other 0*1* tfki+1tit afi. )sa
joisiommot 10 111 the 7V Lid at 1*11*Yf � �load sot boss reeiliiii• Woe
�R1' «S: X10 stater be rased
Cois14sg' pseslattfan 04r'rr1aE Rears we "mentions
istrtct .vi.d+.s. this slat.? ..a ..sl sot trio Wow
of to riNpolsts• l.s.• (*) rlriliest sr sly Ms Jei�I$ to
vitt* fvMttetioa
tti is to b* aAeppLiA
*hts a*stet or (b) it wIr s xtom2er
AU* It shMld LMisNh
Ths�n$ ...,t !s be vV .,. .., as usgeney!w err
S of sixth , .. 1¢iexy IA to 14aysrse epiwlss a.t it
'be "err declarable ts Ulm *tot team wior to tt+s srt
4T saslOnt OE2am@s, y.*r. It Se MineutW Os* a MwlEtas !f
Ito lbsard be ipDOSn3N to aoOldAtiot T1s. fr4tss oat s!W Possamwatatii10.
sem* SoismtiM DageID2. Mal eeat!lieitibt I Me MMmla 41414
Sa tIr soloifta for tba aaefift of Jam 23. it wokf aggeratisd tlist
She kt+xw{Rw +citSsia1 Th tha Mai! x111 Sri fat110144a
emspl8statlis c the naep;{rnca at :4e11ttAMl oasts mcmEsirlplA
1;-"' mk's't SMI if lbw iaum68 at 1$20*. f07► tbe Mst/�M:ienMtsrirt of sesadtrim*rf �ssee�s rwo2s Reap 741 � via
�.aa�wdrx ?tIs to or befor. Ju1 3` i� a�R a�, Olio natter
�rw��p � Mss" 9! t*r. !st �oET�• 73t���;•wlrll� ttfpet it
mit , ft :. T -ant for LTD 15.
fix". Mi* Si riseaussiftits
U. Gantimts the rater of =... risEri+xE epItike
Pttf It, dkr.trtaeldar o!,p infiktti ts? awl els tet etI i'
t� �,,,{ru.,,•.leak 1ItoaolLii�M 31 tMNrstouts*re� touts* Flim to fo alas iJim.t ?9:
13. ?Telt int aiM Nteretes7 to a300M010 aipr+ivain+s visa p 0 ,s A
tem ~se *II sr,n4a 3a t:ir3 i; *ad Zi. M psitlitist invollroi*
X14. Coasldst era* C4 Portobas* mRportion sf !Ir Mrmos* !r*•�Lo+se
als �y�� g� vest arky or tie, goat* fir. +r. �
local tleaitsr. bag MiIaM be -10 allot* Ow wooQ.n
ir tygl'D7llaR:l1J ie. *OM Of this or/ `i l Prte4
per avrr. t.s. rallirr • Th. r$tttiriat rareass.11,
s WI Vial fps' Mrwq
11 1 e t vas nr�ui.^iod to 010.1100iiia 141 *me WyssI eysftMs fma *pier aralA
i.v*rsass to waft wt a aita1, sasistwterr to We Um *wort.
Atne *twat.
Ito iwssa3y •. -rtoa of Ma pripfiee is aetiriadi implies to Lair
MNli s! tbs aLr1{t turd ts soli ts a 'Auto &rt *NOW 1y
santldtteE. Ths 7,11w et pis is tkprt 4k IV to be ka ltfts wi
aesQ=: rsyrs9eatli an eirpitelals,4 q3# Is Ltrto*. 2A 1s rorimaateli
cwt lyts A ler .0484Mai RIA DtstIet x�l'! gill. s t).s
�aosl�atq ta�in • Sl�oa WI !rt not to novel 2!1 toren of�
rs�i+rsa park et +r tswiimanL Dlaset iaLe st w yrlM of pit aort
lees r>.l1sr`a owzlesiaM.
4awantion aoe+Rmin pu.s1* In tX Q.
P. Rtfls
r Oar
of to
troolwrot Apirese
totsigna Or LID 314.
CIO eillimP of 004) ter ?area 60, 15 3* ?his **mutt tot
3 f _041to prooirtir is iiirsomot by Gout tetiorli
to And, groat WI .eitotaart boa, fogionittol sidatiot
.1.16.10 try 440, Dietriet of a sertrmettisit Ito 10,4 awes? wit
tilso Omsk rots spetifist is tiro ;.;toriovir• etieit postiort ete 41.00,
If it to held to 'Ids **d.`prisoroam. grapiteit for
ommiltiMANI .1' ''fir ?lAabt*t Of' ► Os owstt ts =-ro't
Mot la. Aelliticrislikii WO so Oaright .Paimet.tot boy way rat VW
ittimstest. litsiesh spieviorty to but outstitio tie
Jute 29* 194,
rho i4striot bepri5
I-. I .41,titLs �s it s areas within the z t rtct
�r sewer Lostsliation is gamed* Niforosoos Mew
Jos. 13 and 20.
Anse Asa. 20 the ‘omaty twain) QM** has ae#'esod tRire a �'orro�bl�r
*pintos ail sm. #titied�1►�, tNwl,desite la the,�?l+�'�.+��M woe for
4} ioh the plans of a now reeid[w1meiM vets.* int iti*0! bs 'fit Oeunts
4141412m Inspootort,
iusith4r eofirtrristl$ns with the County Mosltri Ara**, partiavrla+►ly kr.
tomorremand wtth Atro wakotield loner of the ioloirto, Ammonite,
of1�ia�►. �ead so to belVorso Oat the County s#siIik u1`floo #.$ arks s
dirost Wort to try to Toros M. Zr,nitslry 4lstrie1 to seism. the
re+r�aomo ibI2 i tjr tor okeson ssOiii e+ UAW, aewered arose. MA*
belief en aq, pert is ta!'iusnoed list the reported ret'tiotor►1+t of ibo �►�1��
:)fries to rive tar►+srol►la opiates os ',master Liesiless on V* boots
tfali Who somrtrmritien at additional homes in WOOS arose wi11rra1r,e
the�+�s�• �f s truee�ptla 'Ratwt +��ini�#�rl�l. curio, the ��
aortths, In at least sirs eater tho 4~4 Mee1i1ri 4tflor has Wiwi So
appmr* the 1i.11.tton et as eeptlb tom, and has stomp riid 1*..1I'
otter tortber soliottottas tor ft* olikom,
Tho rtxsiiouo inv4olaten# tsaus.a whiob harp leen eiskiss offers fly*
tssoptate1t rens 'cottnvo ito advise, that Ora fist fest a rest,
maillet for 3911 bones on tnuean# iota Isles. are la ari►o s Ammo
1iaItd iar is *slave sof wimp* 2, or Nero of 00 Isti aro essipt+rt
by +aam;�4"i,ptt hormilo Omo ottim only vos msft tor the rftwomeesR r+r1.1.
on LID ors4 in this 110*1 di atriet *0LtIU��! I. fairly mittirro,
�eppro�ciso�:fly 40A of the Wailing Moo Iwo*+xre�rer+��#s„ r offer
fit LID $ +was WU +s she X11 sr.
It appease #& Oars at, four *teas *MAW be at°trrerso3g o!i's,elled
emboss memo ressenabio tRtu'protsttis it 'aYg.r Os sewn* teak rikiviirsm
sent*. Memo ars lb* bans Cruintlei Id10,004 sod r8ja+rlrt#
so#ftho►et ti!` walnut Croak,� tfl.r1sI*s 'alloy, Sloop, gIriYol►
Gros. and �s # Del May area of vr ft*S +rtots aro mor
Woo tiun �,�issompisio 140,vitst tor ball',waits ta that* •r.Rs
is very menu,. witle the bvlk el pilspookod noir has.. to by tont
for tw1vts1 +eva*rs. Ths *enflamed 'trios 1at.apt*$ton or the
Y►rqu.i.rowoets so soptlo Wks eon result ta * series* stow's' op
of aft aoaatntotie1t.
It app,*x►'e that la softiies loll #.n now aes/taiei►timrr► in those aros.s
eead rakao 4s+estl+stnalrls t WINO 4100,14 be t*at4• taloa 1950
as Mew Iiittstiviety planned*
rhe suggtus mf kr. ermosto Collins that the Sanitary P3,alriet
assume JiuIsdteitse ovol, th* lofting of pormltt for aepti+r teak
iarliali►i#ons in unstvisrsi aM.S. ;awl th* inspetest on of path law.
sta3lations mity hem« nese merit for the folloylmg realmist
a. The usaitary Li sL ric t e oul0 Kiri sonAitionol *rriva1 of melt
*opticr ts in+etallatish►s so that bulidisi atastrusltisrt svidd
�r amid.
The County soaltb QM.* is mot ta.loo11y asa,ot!►tin.d a wit
in those salltoxe of tvittt*1 &myna slaos it Is sot ay to
3,nspe+ers and apt tite mtttfrs of *1lminsiing lima* nuisame4016
An stational woos aou3o 1n.st.I tato tht picture 1�
toke We dialth 011ie* out of the present position of Asia
a pesrO s+l�►ilatist a.� ' M rroqui 11.tali*,�
# motion
40*bats a imiw►ase sssaltlas from fbr► use of ate taat.flafl�i
%tash it lei pr*fiOmily apprete4
m tit iayslmN tR aPiorouimatMl,1r S0 of the saw e+csatrvrtLom in
ingisrlrg leans. The Utanctt of tho owl tion Is flnotMM tri
tnuir*a.e oosp►r bank, or lrpttldi' to.n assoolattem te*Pse, in
41410 Us PIA Is not involved
Flo bail advised thgtt It vol1m rcial►3ss appw►a1 trate thelr issttington
Wise to substitute %he *WM'4��P1��a►t for �a Health e tri
La the signior ie +�;�3r�iox�S for loans . as eumb saties is r+Rguir4c
for other lo*vis.
Ito summarilo %be non sodia Ulf the lailtriet Maw. it is trt* t
the imailisay lasts* IMMO oiwr the UMW permits
to! aid lus Use 4f ttw sonsof ossectiis tank tnst4l*ttofls
fa the 00a011 of !'fie Sanitary ailrivt. Tht* sotto, s►ild
Us tam lir tin adeptios of a Sultabla eralaamie. Moro woad boo
aso* tnrolvsd 10 tbe Dlstrist g tbs p.iatt And ts .oa tssI
'wad mover *II of Ow sans ter Ow poresimil re,tuired, This 19
sot LaSWIm$INI$ la view or the tsst that ori bows asismot 3UPt1SS1I0S
ovor awns limit t*staUsttaa In eibusawed areas viLiatrictil
Solassift of Os ar`!'l+trs ot pe►l ' noard i� this matter thistheprelliam it I* veloweitee that a t'