HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 12-22-1949j,.
Amplang or of re**$1.
leosommimatt r g t�� F,t�' j for ° Imvil+ 1..
fiv Alio. . 111*. 111 0t*tmos thfttwould appoer to bit 1
orelltr for tho Zietrtnt t r*timA to Ur, ftwes she palaent or ca.,175
tterr doto tor Jo. pitifemear tri tomjursetion lath the paintists
mode tSgr Mom*t.visw et the tisat et. sow's* hill
not eoutpiotod to thip t* point la the itorook area speetrioll
to ,grit of Ni,Ay 14 t9117.
›erhit *clan trunk 7elle. endue merinos to to Xboem and lamco.
133. e *A*4 were*anz the van= LA191,411,4J41* 0Up hod
*t 11Ast A/3 of ft. Mork torvbtells orWeal 11;15,00G0 was pile by
%h. Col. .od tbe A . In respoSore to *i .ni r f Yrs
Moos r dote 0 Wolmliblor 3s 19440 sA4 furs r *. •l s try by RI-. Hall
uslepor date of sotatublzt 17. 4 n :. s y�
4*ice r. Ka. I that the work 01 anal extoricios to
Fittimist sow prOpOrtir Ilite et 4isaits • progrome4 tor 1949.
r fobs.o a a letter stotot tom.t th s asettir was 41m014414 st the
as t lag 13the r of Dirootors ot l r, 18. *t� st tik
ttt - 4f,A41 the *ers ' olk ; .0:4400,0b414 , 0**rd i r•P a
Put t sr **tension of sewer* is a and for ruipther
)444,14,nt by tIsk litoritra net*' .h to 114 t t or has bviegi *mei to bottom
tit Pomp., Cot otiv. bs Distriet6. Mr. HAW. isttor t i belie
r f rte. to M. RriaUford fir ea °AMA's
)4 It to to bo noted that ! V s tett*r is sot Vs117 verr401,
rts.tesont tat the r .rt esti not bo 'must Ut until sttsr
pporro Arelastaniod,etatis4t014 aolnwta that the
*epee10963 of Ahemsad Moro*** tompsorlwitts t* tlie Las T ..p $
vaillunwit optrired by Ulm f' ru .A tet ton voure a exOd O. 'AMA:
AtArlot Dior to the word ot oont: r, ,4 end *he con-
ttruetion of Ma = V, tit % t that tbe
sorroosporrt of iii " , 1947 CA net frmpoify tine for tookplotion
or a t'ooiosi fst softie, to t,u v t prop*rty lift, at J01140ff 4.11 acoad,
74 troy e v anA All*ootat's repot tv Va. Board tie Ostia
VI* basis tor ennezation of prikomiti•sireterrar ate4-... rod ,rr tbea mut
emiteminglice to the tarAtory !Aqtrioto rhtee pr * ' s*vs the Aodk
prsperty tying tomediatety soul:boat:4 of the Conesr. xioseemat,
npproxIsAt*ly ao and 41 nart at tbo AsObt, prewerty lilag
Istrtedistoly north and vett of 'the existing.r, ` mifJ
to the , reomory .4ardenot st„abdiorielion, This roper , roxisk. *1y
rooros. "',71-..4 sone a effecte4 the arz ion f *Ulm" propti:.ty
to tb, Districtr *11 *Sets 0? %be tnnotation proces4inge
`e* of ,500 te the ' DiOrlet for admitastrAtiv.costs
the Dittrtet issittent to Vbatm xation plus, 4.11 * . ul.Atth the
vropot-rlims sevapitdo fro* `* of formation of tho
tstrtet. pluss t r t .11 future z for aerkintionfo-Ite sad
ration ancl for bead 1atst.t 4100 24040motionouvetavadinp bof $'.
reessamited itimkt las iliwrit its tororsble oestsidiatatios
thyse prttpattivol annevatiems ea the bests tbat filmy- to oft4tieted
*titles at' tb� owners of prevail.* representing not 1,*a
la yr aommiosed volvation. la limo woo :100004.argo as privirissiely
Ct1mss 'Iowaea the asmistoftwrillosOlablo ?tontine tor assotat#.oR
v/e/ centimes lbwr oil tommosswft% for LID 12* It umderefood that
rowslation is a band em.sstime thts itsipeaseent in the as***, Alai)
V* !Mord Isattraitiod the Distrist r 4111 the neirting of Loos sr
V Apaps's* of tree Asiesdatiol Elmotried Itesbogoal CO*
taof aet� ba#ter ettisistietles at the boss* es LCD 1,04
Ihs Oftrd of Mitalth, through Ws Wawa of elt neirmortme
has ea* prit swam*. #0 * wietsr eiwaseties this pa* with
01001040nett by deobto Mos* voltivo as
pvtt1or with Ow roiralt lbet Oeirtrastor boo bsei vow'''. to
otoploctor is work* Alt ether work nests atm* tot.. Lod sr
Roberta %SAW arrotromort vith 'frr itits *nt
of t►s�' ter ' s°�ot � order t*t'' D1Lattt �.t �.s'�e
thts � itrte► SU*. NNW* of ��stth flattny aolvi as to
what they woad reipstato. ft mosametied Oat this to. asolptiod.
Constitor rolsosalt of bsaaamis et toga its itir* Cirto Cl Itimaihti fat
140111. or. tentwity has reatiserril bans for iths linlassoks ths. wash
bins aro outset:4 istsivtlasbilio rot Weis �10.16.tot LIDis 14 ?it 411, 1$ *it eirtesolaabla widt
bins tor LW'. 8 skid
34 sem bit 4tottsetotti to et figure Wads a ttiit of civet eat I*
appears that the met amnia due Iii'�M� ��� Its
may b. elosely astitridaiid WW1 tbs board *wad Agrs* to
iricipt and par bins priiisiinte4 by xrs rim's., SObstag ths total
sa.01011 *is isisdor hie issibterik fin the seirries. sipagtified ing
.ter bill,.
It le riessompaded Oat taw swot pArky tktios. bilis at ULU Us. as
forogoing, bastits ,
rt is reellaellidtairtheit assilt mithetriz. Wks Ofssani Melt r to
arm r th* asteent fisesfloCkrt Spottlat ono* 1.1km and owe%
last to twit Ilkaantre Upon, Paid Ott' th. Dt.iri.*. emselii*
raprtitertts the skeronses EttAit by Use rletrist I. LID 3 to asie inelmnair
!ssirtsamor 1+, for *bieh iii tlcrit$ 1te sosishersio4 11* the�u
poem% Om final owed et Istotdortat *• toes ftr this �. .
It is tur1, reeeintendet MA the sdidlti +: 1 ''R`s for
,,y4Asisee alviineigt for LID 13 be oboes. te tb. Itipestiti Irkpease rUnde
Ad4ourn to J-nual 5, 1950 or to 110000, 01111 iIM1' 'mss Ptilirrnt*