HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 12-15-1949/1,014.41.1 wtrirtee. or prev* *.tis.
ComnnitbstIM014 Petition* bore been romieived farm restAtrito et 15*
Crstinto arta vitteontik or Altair Ga reutslth:. the, tarettallatior for
sfivitirs t* ar* itr,„enttraly deolgtutst is 5.T1 it tie
Mutt the** be Itolet ter ltn, clositterstiort otter Jrnmr 3, 10.
The boltoo* or the tworromeonderve has boon pessitittio risotetts ter
inforastion sr sowiatits sotimit oesetreeste..
Adept reselottotts st,,,,immotter i&tattrimosa tor La 3 ent 1,114' Ulo
toinisedy sitriseis %it Mi tbs tlishrrsits reatd: OA Is prepared to
premised with t r asspeeseetirt &st soot as the vest to
ViespiotedIn these tow.,,,70,44itrevisteat 113411,rtets. The Attoreei has
thee* resolutions at reatsky for adption.
toritioutoberneknir on 3.Z. it is suaerstotte OA% %ba Allows" has
resolution roads for the aof!rds stotion t thls time
1/(irto Coesider oppotatipiat et kiting Distriet trsinear to errs ettoettre
Jaavutry 1, 19-$0 andfoil/nets. thAt (Sets at the pleasure tb*
It I* uneerstood thiot the 'Ater's./ bias resolution *t baud for the
arl* • etnitsiderxttott.
*s btUs for runt tt okeeoka,b ts soy*, And *edited OF the
AudittUpg CoissIttee. siotIls include sertaln sosifle Items far
which a 1I b*n camp:Leto-1 for sore time. Ind on '4:us&
Laveices wore no% re 4.11,*4 in UMW (Or tibeekiAr and edetior at Um,
241140tin1 of the t*r4, :Mes Loamilk tPs final post toChola.
T. 8r6lot for ths, work"of the Oir1714*. Pump :AstSon, the 411^ntrstor
)aing furniShed affiftvit 1i tot* Alois wit understand to aeeeptshtp
to the Attorm. rte bills *alto include th. payment for Ithe*werk et
Jtolte Cs. **der twformal oontrots% for *ewer to the *mama Croiek Port
vit.* t.kos the last of the *swa* mit of the old V*Inut Creek Bever
V 8, Open Weriar on liet1440A ter annuat elfistias ter the AloW04*Millow.
Ztsbtor,titin Vteininq- 13 stEnntams rosiditat tree..
beidOrs Of the AlgeowrIrmillow teble ens bast*** day stwatlev
aea Lit presented to th* so rd for Its otatiftraStaa. It is uwelmteed
tat*.t *Ili persons who prwt tiltursolirts totbai loarit *I this UR*
Newt b. hems/ It They Are tn*rtttio.1 to CA* gtmttitr trd wish to
exprote themselves
new reciniremonts few slet, edmiselop Ideation. Orditr# to no4,14.
0? Z3pervistors ilr4itr of . 134 of iV100,111 ant fill*r et those
*Piero .with the Stat. :?.*,*.re, apt 7.4uairatisook Were 7ettraskr7
011 the battst las" affIrsettrt 4f440.44 ti.,elicia tit bleu fire as
.,S3.40tiort t toti attvin41,014 tit *02 nottivio ter at teatt 3.
etas* prior to *14.14:41.•
!be till, for ositttmistrig the slimation litiq Ita eaf
day anal* tbm stlimitiost
44 'rho *ithdor et thie .4istrict Doerd thy Com Swat of StAptra.
"Isom east normality bir in OA hiatti4 *1* thy litearS et tw.,upor-
V111011011 401% the Frietifty their next *solo lakeettatc.
Ttai. to be 410sod tor avast et the, *AN *f lorwlsore
to bit d*rid $zt*tI to mar coftt�. 0�► � ta be- apprortatirtolyasso.
.tatio liortr,:f '17quialstaition woul.4 sorsa
id ea * et shamsan 11 sin tex astito **rot ta, int14
Pres tit* te it *Amos Oat art eloottos would have
Wm" riobrosiii 1.9504
Adjourn to iiest ft* doiret
lb* mai or tb• trest4
SATA MAW 0-01132114WU4‘147)41,AD,
homm4ary of %a as *hewn ea asp in cloaftrAme roe.
A rata
Vital mabor -f pitredi
Tetil r*sident freebobters
Total petiflonsre
Xe‘uests fir malssion
t:aspreetatiric 291 rsons 0,114 -roxisLit
245 pAreels or lote.
trim of rit vtoste tor cielusiort
WW1 *wren
1 073
550 ooros