HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 12-01-1949t)711.- rtir str.os ?OA ittill*
2. Ositifier Of Una*. Of privialis simittisee
34,./1:-.-3416umod'live on Asst tcrLoolaZ41toY.a*t DtuRrio� .
It is Seggetited thet laterestoi
h4.L.:- 6 that the Oft:A MS sionisse the propertlos *al mei** * Immo
lass to prompt tito ascrovolimitimomormst as papposed
by err D4itrts$mho moo b. prom* tree
amt.* ' logiasesw via smrtaia di* ta siesist vir amilrwrl�r�
and *heart* kb Us, &twos tor emmortption et pielotrtliko• it to imftwo.
Ottoe Ott aunissary rowitutisa will be at mato Xt is s stet
that thitt, rovautio. bot Morsel ond %,ho boartng ism assessweit er
LID 6 b. 010000
41/04paystsgestimsli Pouttnr verre. a . , . *me too Des � '�+►�s. 1114 fits sta
ftp i ntd� �+�t aoni , ` `� p art � +lit
vG �tt4or from 174.er . Ulla Uteri ale Xis. riNuestlig Oat e
Ird pressed at�ta,arii/4S pilloslat ditto with iistonsilesgbialeett stvikst It* serve MAUI" 44134101%* titbit**. stem. aid the general
ourronadim 4,ritsag, 'ice Xfoniuger Ap* beest1b-0t the taco* raiste
Iiitnroveave4 ,'. elatiea, ittv!► dIia Osks grow assi
otboris in the lom.ditt, vioulA*7 of tho tits lo Oudot* 00.41,14a400
plea to p*tttie_t SA it stellr 014.? WO &mlatrw* fit
Diable iktresse iresteroa *310 IS tialt *Ma teidativoili
tli n+rd sat LIP ! on .telAols work vitt siripended.tn 3.9404, It is surrktellA
%had no **nen�be t�� man sal Vises 1 tto�.l p*ttttoNS
fresthR ps +��"�`�y ovweere �y�. i��Fe ns 010 vmOvirdi.
1.ttt.r %' &Mae; • roust, tarroyer. datod sievoliber 15. t9W.this totter bast Wive taw subjimit constiormiblA ttrttotit seririoreitio.
bstvees Xr. $.*1e7, }'uptrvta* CItb sail ?*ytor and .x$ati4t
lastriot &Wm*? vatiefteld Daylor 0,"! wrIttr. A very mist pot
or the immOlalst sada by vr. Spirkley te d*i to lbo tells,. 11n tbs
part of County highvsky esiiis to roar, Orwirrowtetion *rem* mote
for iettob the County bite boon pal* *Me? thotr Ortirianos So* 502.
ecilc#srtv1th Board of 3uprrelM lir. vsketliVi ?u1or
*1. Sara*a govrimbor glit Kr. batfieley rtit#ta Us glo#LiM11 SkS140ther or not thitir Orlitams* Re. 302 vas p most *ad vkithfir sr
they *644 iii to do the vs* ter whisk ther hAd !siolppique*
Ire **tlt!"M,* taftoi advicad mi Mn� 'fit v�o'�� ills/Mardi ofSapwtx�w'ialr�►�It t they wastea aIM�wos�pirestoopi wiei the re*
1� soe!'t yilb their sue sarptsik I*rkl.1 has
requested thit the Illimfoter be prima% et tbilv e: of Supe rv#r.sor* .
slrsting as b�sM' 111 1 hero told "tours. Cessikam Ray rider.
ba3c.arfl.ir%d ?$1.t sad Barna tbat 1 itoseitter this to be * Tory *Mow
its' Ist tile% itbei bare tailtod 'tarry Mit provilttaM1s of %hair
am Covets or ioafWr �r� a1�rgd thi *ow to do tkts �pe�t.s
Y# •- gats to a* the* Ow sir °lows& by 0 41,,r+tet iositrretlor
Is.rt of - ;,ei*vistls to the County Ms: at to pommel
4.44k. provertr fi r► instrostiosiii awl vast of aitoveilit. liatriary
title riper% *.e4 fere ist great et esegoost VIM' alusaapanying *oar.,
Ittst itiono are at Mai rte► Ib. Pe. # , 1 vottersibtend it it will
lite smostion tee like liseird to pass a rose � *ties stttberistieg tho
President amt 5tvorittary to nowt* Us grant of ossiswat oft the 3 dirt
strip of lb* laetrile**. prisent praptilts ead *a * Ill * torth4tr
/*tolation stik* t*r Tht itesit et Am* ?talk* 014 tato for the
iwpwrity *slob 14. stir! puroboldrigo
4 ItoriNgs Co, eettribetiva and agrsitront ?Ito faiseut.4 Itr Ws* .
iterafpx Compasy Is the fors 0* 41ratted * 'Kr. * -lower for Us /40
4wad itik *rails ter* for U. Distri-et *ad *. prilmiousli istitittat
��Soap, 16 0 hand 3.,01311 the first pagioPet ** re4virei usilisr
gogrisamitt Ow fegio further ioartatilei of liewelii, to Wire U. *ern* Ce.
psM tie*r VIASAI esiveammt bas too Ohosate way fN Ibat p ly
.virsysitd. morals' to etirota. Um &A* by which the wait watt Imo
sitsita.tedip OM 4117 ts 1951 ds��"J�` 1„ »Si.It ''fitNsr�nose
tido ogrcerent is wide" I
hauft4 pots. * mottos or resitilsitlis slither:is:tag
the Preeld.st atit to eassitte tbe Aeries*** for tit* Sassitary
/;•474141004311, titte perubske. of dirattlat lei. sad sumfying tiglatAtittal litt tots
oriel *INA to be purehmitad, at this Wesie if it Its 'fid to dollivere4
available tor us at the��' +erg" the next piaro Interaftl
Prilimmas Iv if. WO resolved trim Ai, Liots Co. sit5 fres tiefei as4 Imer
sirrertair sil of Us evatAkeiret lamodistay aestiste, Thu. quotattelle ors
*t Me mure orplostaalm prieis t*slos+r T1s tte Th ttaao
iteaols woad lis walk* 14 be p . �. old at Val. tiaM wei4A bit tigli WiliMillirs 0
tlislairitil end iiii. Ifivole witb lova rias. tapes. plumb bobs *ad alsoolleo
animas items. tail In atViitteitip ttraftlegr UM.* sat atesettampows
anginsees castes* t las. eturesar lettotortng sots, ate, It. tetia
expeaditur. fa,. this IN is sitiorted oat to *scud osloo. or
Otis aftweirt t2.1000 voulAS reottrid isteedlittay toms. arts, 19500 it � � �t :t the a..rd�+�t�cs 'ter w.*s of lads
.411 feat at this Ctn.*
S. V ts.rs, mar porniis et lime 1412 too piaiap tmits tor * by
trarreey torag, The thietrist am hat rivet 1.-Aicuups.
tasrot� �, are 1/2o rasa and � eapawilty amt ose 3/'41 tea. Timm ars is us*.
Mit at tit* treollimiet stilissitiplate �.�a
s +�1t� ., -4. �, three ea
impotitters wont. Tye of
aro r-reapttntly 1.* vitkii, tw 4- , etiViteariris
*toff of Co Co Etna**. Timo Ur** atidittotwil Active stroa14 be Citilipplit
oiri'!h ittaraepy serintne Ir thy 40044 ";1*? to traelt1 ewroPd by *r. 4.4vrtrtedy
aka4 now in us.. SA 0rdsr that thif 1601414 serve for iiirvil, vart1 Vert,
'!to istaldnoted pries via* earl, tri amiiisiW tap, ti 418125. daeitrrered.
solos tax umtediele 2!t le r+ .t9 t 'pantolit thee* three
11404.1.11 be lam.1tt.toly auttiOrtSed with gerattass to be oitayst . or
9,6 veal; from Dovimor
completion ett
U.xclourfek neigratior --4141ber
Auaaris•tit* nutliktlow spiattight•:
ralaaa tar turit+e r eacLsnsloa of tbs. of
tN *t, far Mmplst3ea et t1W eonttvat is ow
VW.. "bey mat tut e::d1#l.orel h0 dr,Yak.
or a* eiseekett by Uot Manager stppirovid by
1,, at SiO 4041041t p.a.