HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 11-25-19491. /Ron 47411. 2 3 lag ort M.O.e tot prindieuit otteettlier )4 WOWS* tsn� at Ulm Simms sports* Noe Iwo *ow* asimorei, on and tatiapistatit *PAW* Thew imilmapiadoweit r$t-is $h� earitttotitisit Ida* 44.1 "aft* prepay -Oa prsbas•eir. ?be Sotosser bats beat adviisfit nast 'ad/erste ?watere that tits* Maw Aa* Is$g.41 bikait reet*: of OM for tie* roar «V. plop* oinUor Itbs. Dialtalot eftlo.im Um watt. ats4 tooled. _ *team in*? a 1 root 0210 ttly * 4546 of 10 ntto prim a resobity es Os, *it simit tof tits Distristtio WU** tf. real *OA, aiptt4 boa aipitAmosti * rim* fard "SU prosest a stativiamet aft WI saielit for tita• lissvoth gad attritsw soot. *ditto* to 1. SOOflopetilt ALtripouti Dstd sat limo toistirte* a. potolow prim*. VI Is tistimparlosed that titt4a* sidditionst twits *re ist tie*. *Oar *t tat4 tt is imaggiated t a t the PreilltillAMt ond 3M0/1001401 110 setbootsiod1.datpootti, this reasktoder of stop raraitase ot f104710 pbs* ol* te 7/ itseisept. otratill u."ritbas. et the prsporlif its soon se *.•titto Ott Os. Lit At 1alvdt4 50i',..-ittolleot irtiotiortnit *Wit triellinv.d tiff 11140, Diattriet inittlivolt to stoetiltreit prop,rts elows, :WU sod loroglartr* bosiolarr 411..044311,er. fitx, Ur* .a�riimplate tutu onairmatistt pittttieme rotlittOd itatextrxt tailltets.40 Theo. 4**411 *PP to tot to te tiof WWI tititteitAL II mlitTseitet that th* ettrtitt.4 shook in tam ..'s%at 00 furitiobid t *a** Vaiirs Sanitary Covedirtio. Imo #f*goctottt 131. *SOU 0K tho Autitur ritiotortat sal Oat More*$ bits stow Sot thit WWI imassaitett IMO tthttlaibm ripteriphaii uMr tut 144.40 ft* 1117 Zortistati Cospaltte.. weft mad** iterd Se4trirtion 110* fasibortioa to .zit. tparrtoto to le essistemem lath Instrostgaili trim t $pard at the taiimeliste *f UPligibor V. two trisittriMI tirseinoor tote rvs1016.1 to /wee Os sikinaer 1st kiiikeSda dis Wats tiartallait toi 'lint of Os iNist Vast it we witted deo 111. errealtagtt tio. of pt? iatt Astro Orr viat or t ID U. rt its mitheratese. /dirt I. itila be prIMPNItt tri 411 ft*** t „:4 soopektrefmr: hts r.p1 ta trot Mi* torttor, 74/ 11010 *Mos Ceoloy by Val at ) pos1/440 If OVINSbitt eat letsy tosemilsolt ttlit :1-„-Altettat tit WOO Is taw tilstiwist la abeortlasta. viesth. 0411. 4ii1ti11alii tor esmilair scrries• late stimmitta tansy Is gotekt,riiktves AO Witattivit somitomet proparld by mem, Itrelltifforo ter 141. Distriolt sad thavirui tor tiss *me. Cospatijr. 'Mob iiiiitatteet wait distoestoetti I tbs toordiIs My aviweato mit Prom'Aipt et '1 keIt amp savviest t Sarni was ow *hong. say in O. sipmerartio 1.." list Th. west weetIA be ea or �`+�a�yl►�i� 1931 as +�cot,r�rr# r� 11*. ar1t1t s�*� by 'fit �m��# warx los eseptets4 ea or betei. 2fl. 21 � � �� la ts : #off �1� Cwry ' � �,t�s�tolo 011001t1, Ott fervsx4"heir to O. Dtatriet mio that 1641 tot la turn say .11040040 agrinallet attar Its moat voisitings C*Pta assesswout tor rati 6. At Um* at this distaides, at 2!t p.. Io,uibi* 250 Omwers lsttn d p#!'st rosoitived othe *wily ot the asitigissitito /Ur. wt. also, LAM* ri Vim* to sitble eesempittwest SUM rrMvio isimmliamt trot al t3ateas4 tir this otatrimstoro ria Ilevealovr 27 *DS 2$0, rt ts sat.d tht"I ��'#t ?lam +091 .' on '�Ir e s� �t .+�"efiao irt = #h. a to et the law rillimaMMormt float salt Vs. �.. ts sad rvilyttege. eit O. prof., iiiveM ;otHt. �� Igo Is$tsrs of :Arotatilit Sloe bot As. eel relmotiv, to tams eavisersi atter all Utters hairs tem Lf lie !'ice a Vs* 41R+p,111I1IMit# tordior 3t S#1 a �► il� that '! rfarislitaw e!"iraing the aarsaatent a.tisa.