HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 11-10-1949y 14,v/ roll Call `3a VISLe oP v1efsAwsr pe.73. F c! l+eilt3ecw "oa6l� 4ors�4Ess�. sr�Comer has been le3 as Snt�• mttfie amG ipR� � ; 4nt QwpgoM itiwer Oa* Ia Lir lion srCMswd to $bs sod on. to eeuelr �►i syo+tM. asitior Adttiosal 14011 shoosts"ld,, #stemit tul4 Cliverdse ,orrsor f Le orto zed flit4140 vvx, is oaf OPJibs MM 'i7ift tNi Vowear one stop Cirtals* two room voift ne)awosed tion home eatt Me awg riNrsitfi tb M or oafs 1 2" worn otitt tio meal es sae sop st 4Cii,lug 1tr. 11Yii Odses se tba1* *II$ +wru sow out at the tmu_lL1.* to tFiSsie WOB tr 1t8il iIssaa+�re llPiiMl. '�!a tu�l bIMPt lamit veer 411s cad Is nw Certtvny vhis '�el!!'� t*;�ttrb# 0 46.1111. up &raw i� Rb. roe* Oro* wNu. Ms :&xerrilNDew leitmed w tar 'as to i!mottles. otCloi vhieh },gyp �hq�].ANMsweii l�to MMS E 4*.ireli !a a �apSicwte it the v Sok/MOO faro ewe Aswan roar tool I rnArtriet %a. ib. 'u Imo et limo Job 11eastastip is lir 0s 1tflttou of �}p�1 are lawnJ %� xeinaa' tWs.r int only 1YaalYinrq to ftteh *to 3 40/Viltrig or lb* itak tiellestet AwMtesart4 6n 24tee2 ItoprovesiNort flltrtt ego. Las Mt* 3rl12 Ds ttt t oietzSe! ora this 4sM and is to apt a a rs sac listartre on iSmit saisswwer. The arc se asto tai *Me Iiipsring'st two* It is tottstthis taaos'frR bt MR tcr I IssiP - 1l1! net, vitieidme rout .:_ gym. livertiors tow m+Monasiaw K ts Alserrpsaeixta. Dtat*io naMa. ':ALU -+ Ike bii bs thai guiblialmod vittt not !Q!' ?aMr"SrN 10. N tt The It*ism'and t tow ewe Adiaf aaat! p1tto&• V' t-.. �!$ � �13oisw� aft 30.117 Owls rNetirw tt t .fr AOtislitisxs 6t ■ t sN44ast treandiers, rigs tte faatsiT + �Na�o4ti 4istak ths Igiaseir, it �w�s ! t2s��rt ors00 r1�Qark a the area.. . , tnr a-+�.as+ rogation tl.MNlylOs! s1tfls tn Tha -remota.* The Maretlstora soder *lob V*iSaR carte! Is russ4Qorod litre I illitr ffime 'sn maws Unity sosithrn, rAw-lttM tir unit dew Nor 230 1 oph4ch letter iIi4as Mt .01111AXIM011 %Mat weed solit NI Mori if viviamilet atsd quailiStod ti es rettetrivit ammiker fat a toms* It* Istioar or Par 13 odirtistot 'Mit prrlaet tin1,iQ es;rZ bif 00016111 2 or 21.1049 imam an tga1Me * bag ellc4tam aLiorb3s to. , ias r!!laln ear .�n+as.sto�rr an giro **tot ti�owo..,Rs .r .. as fr the gaasaiaae� 1M WM.. mwaelTo to weer ewlt et tocuKeC1- trux* Sine AMM' fr ft* *.m Kad oft war w11m1 Wm Taft riamitten Y its t7slreilblr= Us coot et 1'3a nra/Mst rrat i prowted sham !1r vaw3 stsvM4► ootisteWil t3I 1W sortammi Milk rNi!t him soraie# ad Ali worsted 1** twee *lab the 4Ivt would 114M sileepoi. NOM. /WO sf tbs f4iaitA "rid coli 4OSM's 4YN point tit bads @f enestst limirrtikiey lklki tb* settee i!4' tbt moriQy saga ta dile Areftior 6ir not lt31fo7FEmtite would i! iiip tas*tt tar imlos, stisMkig tailkiblettamoit of EA:o 4111411wl Y2lss!l6to li the %iwt at :1di AlistelassVon v.% -4, !'/Miv�! pasimols te is *tea* A wan* of E?* irRal �d* ,t NNL 3o taa , • . ♦ � dws+es Th*t them oft 11642 1IId tiri1i,tau*1 larraelt of land iti tass or mow ma warts The totSor et th* floM *t qsL, Ito 1tgty ttadt khat it ts Ln timber at ds. NMdw �. io leto Xmas., !or . , M istal:47 :rii mrd tU **V* to mike s ftsd Vit lyt to iRr fl1NK tu.ai,mt W MM Mose *n4 whirtber C4' net The largo lr be*fltL te*do ta tis Melo rrwILt be to rar«trs arm poclesaes, tie Et rear Um a Wier Stag sr.* go, #4 *urn to scrierttaat 1.710 1949 Aden sa ie *IOW or mot *tt.t sacie�n annex* nosed. i'iNigas1 to *Otto poiLteries WWI pollittoo has b reastimili secias.t that V* Sant D:Atnei root oau an .ie+ttno fir of ikemlittor tor rot the pViit�* I�i,iNtbili v1:2 yeti os 1 to aressiod to iha tiMIMg1d, Co*** Costa anSLnai Dtetrtet. Yr sulu+e 14) a*irt e ; m.slt ease fa.or:sar iitbarster or set it i*�S�N'�� T411StlM Md IMI*rmot Vs. isAIl1 Mosertbsit te1.':!d!5 aosimiattat So 100* tw !kM *Aft "dee Ike i lite *mire dUaois+stlEti 1e� IN or 141N sod 10 +rEr^rsa3AE: ass tot twat iR P�t11WNt wt se W IaMY'. - IN benefited b1 1� srnmN' Ibe tornt107 t i DlntPtiVt eas #esZ.ltteest, lads E 141,1141,1Mi WI baron .. �! -ittebiltsli ,ascan tre, *:-�, e +Dors100110100101 le a 1111WWsc.a. 3, PAetil tt .teMp *PA tile t*I$ at !Yi rip as 41114or �1N� ueatla�n.'�6"� it tn6#s� dl sMIISMtA the ttct �:�Rpgl� with 3w'�+1�'# CV 7N�M0ln11i at CWi t1�Al�.,..• t1e ::nerd. Mar csner� Mid 11l? 3eter ev Ot M�j�n1 fhat WOW 4 no' 171 19119. law assr4111 lies lac** tor Ito artimistioie IN* OW Neswi sentliszi as %taro aid sir awmrr. s.. .