HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 11-03-1949Strationst Or MIAMI Mit NIM1111 Ileriaratit 140 v'1..: Nal Call nii et kisolooAs v �„ Comesteatims. Smilass serrespoielimisi bats bow artinisrild ea 2mf. ties. or s+Mttimt *Was aegast eistiPactimii. 'mss follorstag ato+rrsilla oesompliftisio 1* brimOt 1110 2101144111 41100mitis 441intlem. t kieat sian frogs omis►rs ea ewer 3kroi* to Lat'a,�'a1hrt• p.tttt.. was OM� tft the Lmfs7.t i1Nt Oetotor 20• Ut# rroif Rot restitriNt a1► Ms *fins# wtn1 Qatfobry 22. tossitatay prior 110 the Usk* reasislag ttli.• ptittillaili the iiistsasiorIt were oso. their anal oleaemp Is WI Volor Cisetd miss sad ii is umftratiod 'mai the 0410110,010,6 an4 mesiMemi is*sr spas are that ar+ort is tido sass is somplele4 It is eastitipstiod'M M '!fir pattitlemots be sin#w!'! illi 110 *bow* offr tun. fres Corporatiami dated ostOber 20, rogissUag 'waft of tine of 60 diqvii in Wash to eipiploto law salt of tir eis the record vow etailds ibe date tor siMplettistit The *eft of +qtr oant,ewfit a* prrrvly orvit+od expi.xist ` +brtr 25.to Letter tit JOaI w. Vlavklori Cmti-,uuri3� "��Aa# tsour1r11011143111�!" *Minn +��'+�trr�c apt + �t �a�l� �td. ltsr 3s '+f#ad k1' etielPfteistemeis rNpAAfIr diat1► j: 19 °` : • NtIpAir!' 146 and by 1t1er t fir. fiteitard Itl di *r. tt,treklox airtAmOir 1.13� 'moiplow; for 'the wart were UM 400 atter sonsidorsilion of Os esellitissis islet le tb'M vowel a: ,... to !*fi►i ieb 11i1Vsrt lirradeS mmisesery p • loopy/so la LTD The were teitekriod leo taw C.imt Airirertori and Is! t*tt•r of Sat lo 1349. be. sift M objection t4 tho pipit erlM►et as Oft*. 211ear* tha.1 i;'lgAtty 4atrte$ £aijt.er 4 s. esqtt * ,ssttt t work mat prosto.41 plarated �/ LOU" ?Ns 4116 H. Lrs, 2Z2 *SSS• ,�r►t�,,, b�r+��►�'s '��i Mrtsas for almexallMs1 of a am 3 patin! io!' 1.iie attlinatille #1r1! Pi.stri4t oat tL'ttstI17 IP0$% air P1saaY Rowl„ Tito property wattles/Ad ju ine IAD 1 aid � '�CtI+� ooltive sower Wz , thrthe *cI l mtnt*, ~Eft of *et distritIL fts pisp*r*7 is 1.Z$ aim, on libtith a :iatltart tasi* brim i* Rev unler tieaatruttisa• IAC the *wird �i��► tie ters1dor litas very mall oxt.t#on it to smagrestiod tt it :r1► +iONMr es ties telll iag bs1ss Tibet %h. tIcto ft WO psi X11 Ittnrta tad**, tie the artowast0.00. * + of *100 for preparensa et p.ttt2s amt ticA herr. 41 1r+ tastes Aids Oh. *Iva wir+i14 have r00.4, tl!PS *est n t" legal advertising of iair patitioa and the esevieslt of an future tax*** A fhallts fit first gerviere wissise tor Oliimosottort ' �r +x+11 i� a��i of t2$O 1, sot lila an (*sets flvt *SAW r/140 eGsvnte IAa, inotettling air twiWto for rthta -cif way OM* say be r.4geose Iv: to tai Wm. b,t(Ho?. viViatter SS fit. k. Slim 2�AqAte. ortslR. !a mon*mon*� qat O.8orH tstaS2iM Nstna+sfiMa tee for eirRlM La Mi 1otto She �uaid* i4�sts�+ lMi�a �r�s �perttvo �ie e�oAtl�risN bit� 'atm. of ps* si*r1.s of LIR 7. It to rsitsempaisi amt asimeltian !N bi set 311 qM aims* of '100 Ot LAS biste mat W. $ati{ Qom/ b 1aeh most tP et Itit. el :ice Za2et a Lo! AlrYLa Plead. *lib lh++! tedA D711R1l1e t0: it11fr iNIMM4t3/Yi mit tit 1M. M eggJAN Dpi the �M*Mr NwrOdds s1 6tlOdds ar,I t� MaMel b aeaulrt. �o�*A�,���date 27, 1,10). Rlw ttLr1tSerrR 4aEeC* �Ilsut awa 1s*ps wbd.fti ,� .wsi�..i as xo says st .,.-.. rse �s ..cA;.sere �• adms ss a. ��r.Vilina sem a, lift rs+....on.a. er Setbsr /*1M.swi1tsst.b10 .eai.nxson a.esson aen+. si t*tt.r or Nay 13 �s lelmo tigeaMan! Os Sett Noon Vailsr Unitary GerAt4ea Mu MS*1tM t tele bets gist bsi* in tb MIIIA4 K$1'JM as mo1i bs gss,sat NLiyg 14w soots K for arnelrtlr sSMtiea lMiAw�t to the OM *doh 4s bsui reNairif vub1lstMd. in AeaMb1T X311 ro* 207E la tbs Iset wikatw eit tbe Stet* tatefstatwr.. .ett.s 6.i1! t! 11e Isi1Ib aid 3atsty Colo ins araMi M II* concikettes toleotiM Mir riwN'lrss a Pots tdtbla tM ash softwood fp saftalle4i! *My* rilibw{ a wail winds !hik pMNst :listslaL. TAIL S*$5N will ssd*. Mei sulasoat of elgttea omits to leu $.s 1,16 et MN 'oft Alois raiatd WitMMu be $itS1I.4 3,a t4, mesmmtlea s1imrt1,M Nara wr1+ b.Uot. rill gat aeN to lot printed rye all of t0aays latera wterr rl/1tls Ibe ssioti &Lstrtst, sad ps213� piss*. carie apt ylato D. yet q wiiwfssrtiitte asair3at• to is iissirted ties taw assts Ot t1s aNt1Nn vlll De lout Ibes t gad it if tb.rfsas lowisimIeedM that $ssa sot tYat eassaet of • boa to M pit + � tho Isi *.s oh MlIt.ry �sudttS* In tie aaerut or 4300 St 31tw s!' ttts tlL500 prsvtousl set. prs.rtj on the vein* Itittor . a+., � @s sQDiStrlit 0��1q' 2e, Aslat lWltorti at vaal0 Clio& Y�rs113 is Ito �that Voy C4 want $3000 lbw rMs$S by test or US* psop"r"Cy. ply. a /trip lost tit tit1y lilt root "IV aEjaim1/t Oar *My* battling ea Um .s a. biste Oat Vt. )tstrlct viola aewrsre mai an Ott e. ttr. Nrl9ese lies se.taet w ttwisr srNet cats la a rsaeo=Able primp !br L: -is oirporty. Zt 11 i+reMNlMa tbi$ U. $ou4 artR:zrixe • ttis efts to lbw twain tbe saiwat st f300@ for 1� pesrt7 u dsNsupOA al two sop atiaeMt to las amwr of' Cwt. z8. 10,4Aor6lea t3fiMar�sMoat and ppllsiNUauIewNe cf 61t1� wi KswNNe tos tastsUsttai et wssrs. in prewzfM, aaromea4a tLs DSssriet has tei1�s1a gwller tis agrrmiaaLe1u* rear �aet'siting 125.gran4 of Issairsnt »aodra rd�3edia els efts! ts aiiciaetj t!t osasive of soMaw, the arapsrtisr wino *ea tsre1sd with iiM!l~1 sad de.4 et trait wt t,es t*lliw.1 up bi F�+�[ aMl�si�l�M sptruet� true thii holdouts st mob eMs of trwat *ir. ata 0 9 possibl. 'fir s+rsur4 ir weitw iere.ttaa► at" twin rola'kivrlity *tags wisie *be 10.4 'bits hem* beim 3JYe1u4, btu Mir this 04fie: roe 'lswim iterteuslir esewi#ia'liiR whoa ,tom ws,+r► tart point* esteide of U. einvittrif. sowl to 111.40 tort. istaliti tt boa revilliest In out kin"lflw air ti1esMIS *Most wiener** se '+fi�t'� *Xst tt*i. Ulm No siPrimtbaattly 4 044141010Will ill *WO erilloveiThatiall 44irrwisest* bays Pot been uxte. t is 1410.0111014,414 R'ltiiii Uu let isonsidor as to Wafter or The it il linitrible sr rioroos *poet Vie► *Ilan am *splint. or atteriptias to fret tboisiii inaboretaitim awrevateires air itrattoterd has impritimillt Us optatee ilentt it is destraltie to haw. this ►r* ever peoillil. Is *Mar Oat the greats et oe►simmiat bar sitiptiote buttlysemiltte. � 'tisiiimeent Ittf ;,3mperttee 1i1i1ish f* Won grownwed by tamp titikto it ,,',T------.,,,,, :alitorsta Mot ItiOntstz ywripeee. submintat to amt. et Resatottio of '2:.,i.7(,/,a,:*tvttentStoa. , .reslastity ft t paretts or Ism holm pool" trim ,„,�------,: o ?Oats ! : ID te eismisift 'fit ''tsigte ot CsUNt* !'e!'' 4lie g6:„(, ---w--4----4 ' voced six lois froavel latayitte. via ties. trutosetioas e�. ,-3� ��.�� ,�+��o�►��i tt'i �r do� of 'fie �o�k'+a+tiet#'Mw► ter ,.�. me ot' �+1�i1k1'�4r +�lM�`'!i� tate i'��'i. t �o �Italtrequeets4 ate Itlailher or rt. -4 lilleso patron. will be siditj•st to skisasommimeat tor LID 30-0 .0 4,0 Disolaseton 14 3elrel en .01141.411MUCt malt et 'Was by a Crx.P bills so seated. #4401113111 n� blaring; • la� WO et 801 for Als000howillgt. VOtICIEGI ,* 1 1990 1991 1992 1091 1 r494 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2011 2019 2020 ?021 2022 2023 2024 7025 2026 202? 2028 2029 2020 2031 2032 2033 2014 2035 )ILLS PAID NMI Wren 1 C. C. Kennet, 11, H. Bisilsford Robert RSVP/9*R L. Rogers J. 1. Gallagher medsrn rtalibing Att *wet 'vital D. X. Tonng J. 1. Yriodertoks*n ift. J. Williams enntInit Constriction De Tyr t nor* Petrillo, :mos wain, 1. L. Nmedonald, Jr. n. W. ObristRAssn P. Z. Meinbress Jmek avelle W. 0. 'Maas V. W. Volaa4 P. v. Santos L. H. Wetil 1. 1. Wadsworth 1111ott Johnson Weill C. Cormall L. A. Aongosrod. W. h. Brallsford John L. Noses Morns 711111ips Vironio Irmieos Tessa gilirletr Corr)? R.itlort Mott Dqugles Wald lio.fnarti. Wald Ivor Loft lasemidr J.. Com Al births Norris tlungor teseroll Amen 0002T0 Win 7. E. Rogrd Pao. T. &?, Pao. O. A 1r4, Cal. wator en. Coast Counties alas • LTD 1 ' LID 1 n Dep. 20. 1 1 1 $ 1 0 1 0 0 Di e o O 1 Siteistskry 0 Janitor Retainer fee ' Magagat oils Asst. Secroyktary Pear Clerk 1 Pleat Supt Pleat *porn te.ir 1 1 1 Inspoetor 1 1 1 AMOIL 5,836.24 612.61 612.4 10.00 225.00 30.00 75.00 15.00 15.00 MOO 15.00 15.00 15.m 15.00 15.01m 15.(10 15.00 1.5.nn 10.61 56.94 30.00 32.9k 12.10 66.19 52.50 400.10 60.86 226.40 118.18 171.00 1°1 . 20 567.06 265.45 258.11 250 he) 255.1M ranee 512.66 113,44P8 3,0.11 VI. (15 UK 99 15.00 126.51 17.50 1? 0 f1 usp. Rftf. nffios rhnne bill rtfice olostrto till neat water bill Mee gas b411 ?etal '17'7°01.29 Votreittrit 2036 20,7 2038 7019 2014 2041 202 204, M44 204, 2046 204? 204P 2049 2050 2051 pAID IN001 'IMM 15. 1949 (continued) City *iIlmat Creek r. J. Artnkcyvish Merle= trust no Tromourer, C. C. email* • i. 14. X. Yerd, :111310tne mertin H. T. Nailer • W. Voselor L. Ohletiort • X. Young T. Pao, 1'. A T. X. B. N. tr. D. ;taping 3. 1. gelleeter 3. aunild Armapht Forwart WU* wAtor bill Ref. 1;leposit with/W.4W. t Utiresont fund I)•3• le. 01 11 1 sloistri ram* * wator bi Rof. bill 0 Is *12 7E04 29 IL= 5.32 75.00 17.90 71*.76 1.75 15.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 15.10 15.00 15o.6, 11.69 10.56 10.00 vow qt 352.90 r"'tiGPi/it Meg ITT ;1'1 arn AnIVITIM sin Northern nal.v' Alms Drafts. * lista r mats lionniott W. As brallitford Robert Harrison Conte eta Auto 'Arts C.C.C. fails Orton 1 Lehi. A. Mists is Co. fly Islam typovritier MMS llotns Rs 's W Jn C. C. Jd7 • 0 1 0 0 4 0 MsDontssla Nursery tabbotd Ohre. *'e Mule Slum Rom Bin rigid :ill: 'Union oil Thoogpson Ariootrio 11. O. Seo R. I. Wade Brought 'r Timms Pips sts. for -*lent SuPnlios LID 2 eters TWA sorb* Sir Thr Bonds for LTD said t Surtiplt.s Spotlights for trams Ovippliss jtintaintast ropaInting Pomp statleas Wield '. Mai naintowtnoe L �1 LID 3 LTD 4, LLD 5 . .TD LX 7 LTD q LTD, 12 LID 11* LIT 15 LTD 6 S limo '.rttitser Lubrioation for zia tt1 i 'Tints Oats itis oil 5, 1tt bats blisept*t. notarisations Grand Total trunk faun h.in•90 Th!0 405. 3 41.52 722.13 ?22.13 61.'10 51.92 2, 625.7 7.06 12.60 18.00 14./4 130.00 2.1115.68 . 02 tit 9.48 129.72 1,x.'5 3.5e1.25 127.62 471.05 1,027.20 14,•413.04 1,00.6 599.39 ik,h42.06 2.1146.97 1.76 1.50 1.92 2/A.41 53. 06 . 2 29.?? 11.71 473,651.70