HomeMy WebLinkAbout09. Authorize agreement with CDM Smith for $760,000 for Program Management Information System (PMIS) Software Implementation Services for the Asset Management Program Development, DP 8238 CENTRAL SAN BOARD OF DI RECTORS POSIT IO N PA PER M E E T I NG D AT E : J ULY 20, 2017 S UB J E C T: A UT HO R I Z E T HE G E NE R A L MA NA G E R TO E X E C UT E A P R O F E S S I O NA L C O NS ULT I NG S E RV I C E S A A G R E E ME NT W I T H C D M S MI T H W I T H A C O S T C E I L I NG O F $760,000 F O R T HE P R O G R A M MA NA G E ME NT I NF O R MAT I O N S YS T E M (P MI S ) S O F T W A R E I MP L E ME NTAT I O N S E RV I C E S F O R T HE A S S E T MA NA G E ME NT P R O G R A M D E V E L O P ME NT, D I S T R I C T P R O J E C T 8238. A P P R O VA L R E C O MME ND E D B Y R E A L E S TAT E , E NV I R O NME NTA L & P L A NNI NG C O MMI T T E E . S UB M I T T E D B Y: D A NA L AW S O N, S E NI O R E NG I NE E R I NI T I AT I NG D E PART M E NT: E NG I NE E R I NG A ND T E C HNI C A L S E RV I C E S - P D S -A S S E T MA NA G E ME NT RE V I E WE D B Y: D A NE A G E MME L L , P L A NNI NG & D E V E L O P ME NT S E RV I C E S D I V I S I O N MA NA G E R E D G A R J . L O P E Z - C A P I TA L P R O J E C T S D I V I S I O N MA NA G E R J E A N-MA R C P E T I T, D I R E C TO R O F E NG I NE E R I NG & T E C HNI C A L S E RV I C E S R oger S . B ailey G eneral Manager I S S UE B oard of D irec tors’ authorization is required f or the G eneral Manager to execute a prof essional servic es agreement in an amount greater than $100,000. B AC K G RO UND T he A sset Management I mplementation P lan, f inalized in March 2015, identif ied the need f or program and project management standards to establis h consistent practices, improve the ability to manage projects ef f ec tively and ef f iciently in a reliable and rigorous approach acros s the organization, and to as s is t July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 66 of 151 ITEM 9 Page 1 of 13 staf f by linking as set management into the c apital investment process. C entral S an’s C omprehensive Wastewater Master P lan (C W MP ) has identif ied over 87 projects, with a 10-year C apital I mprovement P rogram (C I P ) of $873 million, which more than doubles last year ’s expenditure projection of capital improvements and predicts a 20-year c apital spending projection of nearly $1.8 billion. I mplementation of a P rogram Management I nf ormation S ystem (P MI S ) will provide active program and project management, vis ibility into program perf ormanc e and streamline project management f unctions and processes. T he P MI S will be a tool that interac tively organizes and reports inf ormation about C I P projects and programs , enabling C entral S an’s management and project managers to track real time status, view program perf ormance on a continual basis, and monitor work so that the C I P is delivered on-time and on-budget. T he E ngineering and Technical S ervices D epartment is responsible f or the planning, design, and construction of c apital improvements. C urrently, C entral S an’s design and c onstruction teams utilize Microsof t O f f ic e sof tware to track and communicate project progress, sc hedules, and budgets. D ue to the nature of thes e reports, data entry tends to rely on manual entry, be very repetitive, inef f icient and time consuming. I n addition, project documentation, submittals, and approvals throughout all project phases tend to be extens ive and time consuming. F urthermore, these spreadsheets are not automatically linked to our f inancial s of tware. G iven the projected annual workload presented in the newly adopted F iscal Year (F Y) 2017-18 C apital I mprovements B udget (C I B ) and proposed 10-year C I P, the E ngineering and Technical S ervic es D epartment needs a tool that is ef f icient, easily acces s ible, and that can manage and track all aspec ts of capital projects f rom inc eption through completion, inc luding f inancial planning, projec t scheduling, integration, monitoring and reporting capability. A R equest f or P roposals (R F P ) was advertis ed f rom March 29 to A pril 26, 2017 on P lanetB ids to selec t both the P MI S s of tware and the implementation consultant. F our propos als were received f rom the f ollowing cons ultants and associated sof tware: Implementation C onsultant S oftwar e C D M S mith e-B uilder C H2 M Hill E ngineers I nc.I ntegration of three sof tware programs G aea G lobal Technologies I nc.O racle Hill I nternational I nc.P MWeb A n evaluation panel included staf f f rom the E ngineering and Technical S ervices D epartment’s P lanning D ivision and C apital P rojects D ivision, O perations D epartment, and A dminis tration D epartment’s F inanc e and I nf ormation Technology (I T ) sections. T he panel evaluated the propos als with valuable input f rom subject matter experts f rom the I T and F inanc e work groups, and criteria s tated in the R F P, including usability, technic al requirements, data migration and integration with f inanc ial sof tware, system administration and security, implementation team, and demonstration of meeting C entral S an’s specif ied sof tware f unc tional requirements. T he panel developed a short-list of the f ollowing three consultants: 1) C D M S mith with e-B uilder; 2) C H2 M Hill with the integration of three sof tware programs; and 3) Hill I nternational with P MWeb, that were interviewed on May 19, 2017 to present their proposed sof tware, implementation plan and team. A sec ond interview was held with the two-top ranking f inalists, C D M S mith/E -B uilder and Hill I nternational/P MWeb, on J une 2, 2017. T he evaluation panel selected the C D M S mith team to implement the e-B uilder sof tware f or P MI S . C D M S mith provided the most qualif ied implementation team, f amiliar with the was tewater industry, and with experience integrating f inancial sof tware with e-B uilder, and was the mos t c omprehensive in meeting C entral S an’s requirements. O verall C D M S mith was selected f or this important project based on the July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 67 of 151 ITEM 9 Page 2 of 13 f ollowing reas ons: e-B uilder is a leading provider of f ully integrated, cloud-based program management sof tware f rom inception through completion T he sof tware is used by similar public agencies locally and nationally e-B uilder met C entral S an’s sof tware requirements C D M S mith has a proven implementation methodology P ropos ed team has experience implementing the sof tware with public agencies P ropos ed team has experience integrating with S unG ard and other E R P systems I mplementation approach includes meeting with staf f and ensuring that work f lows and processes are adopted in the sof tware P rovided an implementation schedule that is logical and reasonable P rovided training and support to ensure stakeholder and user buy-in S taf f recommends C D M S mith f or the P MI S implementation of the e-B uilder sof tware platf orm. I mplementation will occur over the next two f is cal years through three phas es: P hase 1 P rogram Management, P hase 2 C onf igure P roject and C onstruction Management, P hase 3 R oll-O ut of P rojec t and C onstruction Management f or all D istrict projects. T he A sset Management P rogram D evelopment, D istrict P roject 8238, has a critical ranking in the C I B and supports B oard P olicy 15 (A sset Management). ALT E RNAT I V E S /C O NS I D E RAT I O NS (1) R eject all proposals. (2) R educe the sc ope of work and re-negotiate the agreement, which could c aus e staf f to spend more time implementing. (3) Have staf f implement the sof tware internally without the us e of a consultant. A ll three alternatives are not rec ommended by staf f . F I NANC I AL I M PAC T S C entral S an has negotiated a scope and budget not to exceed $760,000 f or the implementation servic es , which includes e-B uilder as a sub-consultant f or conf iguration and integration services. T his agreement will be paid f or by the newly adopted F Y 2017-18 C I B under A sset Management P rogram D evelopment, D istrict P rojec t 8238, spanning F Y 2017-18 through 2018-19. A ll costs ass oc iated with the P MI S , including staf f and consultant costs, will be tracked under a sub- account f or D is trict P roject 8238. T his will allow staf f the ability to monitor and track the costs of the P MI S implementation and report the f inal costs at time of project close out. C entral S an will purchase the P MI S sof tware s ubscription licenses direc tly f rom the sof tware vendor, which will be f unded annually through the I T O &M budget. T he F Y 2017-18 I T O &M budget includes approximately $95,000 f or the annual sof tware subscription licensing. W hile staf f does not expect to us e 75 licenses the f irst year, there may be a dis c ount in purchasing the f ull quantity up f ront, so the $95,000 is a maximum amount. A t least two major capital projects (one under design and one in construc tion) will be used to conf igure the sof tware during the implementation plan. S taf f time by the conf iguration teams f or P hase 2 will be f unded by the specif ic c apital projects that they are ac tively working on. S taf f training time f or the roll-out will be charged to O &M training budget. A ll other s taf f time directly involved with the implementation will be charged to the project, such as the project management, I T coordination, data gathering f or conf iguring the program schedule and active project data f or the roll-out. July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 68 of 151 ITEM 9 Page 3 of 13 C O M M I T T E E RE C O M M E ND AT I O N T he R eal E s tate, E nvironmental, and P lanning C ommittee reviewed this project at its meetings on J une 21 and J une 30, 2017 and recommended B oard approval of the project. RE C O M M E ND E D B O ARD AC T I O N S taf f recommends that the B oard authorize the G eneral Manager to exec ute a prof essional consulting services agreement with C D M S mith with a c ost ceiling of $760,000 f or the P rogram Management I nf ormation S ys tem S of tware I mplementation S ervices f or the A sset Management P rogram D evelopment, D istrict P roject 8238. Strategic Plan Tie-I n G O A L F I V E : M aintain a R eliable I nfr astr uctur e Strategy 2 - Facilitate Long-term Capital Renewal and Replacement G O A L S I X : E mbr ace Technology, I nnovation and E nvir onmental S ustainability Strategy 2 - Evaluate Business Processes and Optimize Business Operations AT TAC HM E NT S : D escription P MI S B oard P resentation July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 69 of 151 ITEM 9 Page 4 of 13 1 ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT DP 8238 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (PMIS) IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES BOARD MEETING July 20, 2017 PRIOR PMIS BOARD AND COMMITTEE PRESENTATIONS •March 2015 – E&O receives Asset Management Implementation Plan Summary Report (Carollo) •Element included in CIBs for DP 8238, Asset Management Program Development •January 26, 2017 - Board Workshop to review revenues and expenses. Discussed PMIS as a tool. •April 17, 2017 – REEP update on RFP for PMIS Software and Implementation Services •June 21, 2017 – REEP presentation of PMIS to review selection of Program management •June 30, 2017 – REEP additional presentation on PMIS July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 70 of 151 ITEM 9 Page 5 of 13 2 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN ASSET LIFECYCLE Acquire/  Dispose •Program  Management  Information  System (PMIS) Operate •Supervisory Control and  Data Acquisition (SCADA)  system Maintain •Computerized  Maintenance  Management  System (CMMS) July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 71 of 151 ITEM 9 Page 6 of 13 3 PURPOSE •The PMIS system will provide: •Tools for program, project, and construction management •Visibility into program and individual project performances •Streamline project management functions and processes •Interactively organize and report information about the projects in the CIB, CIP, and 20-yr planning horizon •This will enable management to: •Track program and project status •View program performance on a continual basis •Monitor work so that it is delivered on-time and on-budget EXISTING CONCERNS •Many projects in varied stages •Too many spreadsheet duplications •Reports are time consuming •Communication between divisions and departments •Efficiency – Not everyone uses same tools •Manual data entry and lots of paperwork •Unable to get speedy project status snap shots (% completion or financials) •Difficult to determine encumbrances July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 72 of 151 ITEM 9 Page 7 of 13 4 CURRENT TOOLS & PRACTICES TOOLS: Microsoft Office software (Excel, Word, Project, Outlook) to track and communicate project progress, schedules, and budgets •Templates for forms and workflow routing (progress payments, RFIs, submittals, etc.) •MS Project or MS Excel is used for schedules •MS Excel is used for budgets •MS Outlook is used for project correspondence •Electronic files are stored on the network with hard copies in filing cabinets that are later archived •Some use of CM software such as EADOC PRACTICES: Data entry is very repetitive, inefficient and time consuming •e.g. Every PM tracks projects with several spreadsheets on IT network and then has to duplicate to several spreadsheets to update program reports via admins. •Schedules are developed individually. •Spreadsheets are not automatically linked to financials, SunGard, projected cashflows are manually created CURRENT TOOLS:FORMS & TEMPLATES July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 73 of 151 ITEM 9 Page 8 of 13 5 CURRENT PRACTICES: DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT WHY NOW? Two year implementation schedule July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 74 of 151 ITEM 9 Page 9 of 13 6 FOUR PROPOSALS RECEIVED Implementation Consultant Software CDM Smith e‐Builder  CH2M Hill Engineers Inc. Integration of three software  programs Gaea Global Technologies Inc. Oracle  Hill International Inc. PMWeb  WHAT DO WE EXPECT UPON USE? •Minimal use of spreadsheets & data entry •Easier maintenance of project correspondence and records •Safe storage & easy retrieval of project records •Easy access to the projects from anywhere •Easy production of standard reports •Easy generation of logs and reports •Dashboards will provide easy access to program status, project progress, encumbrances •Repeatable integration with existing and future ERP •Time savings (reduce manual entry, duplication of work) July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 75 of 151 ITEM 9 Page 10 of 13 7 USERS OF PROJECT INFORMATION Program  Management  Information  System Capital  Projects  Division Planning &  Asset  Management  Groups Executive  Management  Team Board of  Directors Finance &  Accounting Other  Divisions’  Project  Managers ©2017 e-Builder, Inc. SAMPLE DASHBOARD July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 76 of 151 ITEM 9 Page 11 of 13 8 •View documents and workflows in the field •Address or start action items •Daily Inspection Reports w/ photos •Take photos and attach to forms •Redline PDF drawings and photos, as-builts •Any e-Builder form can be mobile enabled •View documents while offline Apple®iOS® and Android™ Bringing e‐Builder on the job site  will saves time for the construction  manager and staff MOBILE RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTIONS •Staff recommends that the Board authorize the General Manager to execute a professional consulting services agreement for $760,000 with CDM Smith for the Program Management Information System Software Implementation Services for the Asset Management Program Development, District Project 8238. July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 77 of 151 ITEM 9 Page 12 of 13 9 QUESTIONS July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 78 of 151 ITEM 9 Page 13 of 13