HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 07-20-17RE GULAR B OAR D ME E T ING BOARD OF DIRECT ORS: PAUL H. CAUSEY - President JAMES A. NEJEDLY - President Pro Tem MICHAEL R. MCGILL TAD J. PILECKI DAVID R. WILLIAMS PHONE: (925) 228-9500 FAX: (925) 372-0192 www.centralsan.org A G E N D A Thur sday J uly 20, 2017 B oar d Room 1:30 P M INF ORM ATION F OR THE PUBLIC Anyone wishing to address the Boar d of Directors is requested to complete a speaker's car d and submit it to the Secr etar y of the District. In addr essing the Board, speakers ar e r equested to step to the podium and state their name and address for the r e co r d . The Boar d President may dir ect questions to any member of the audience as appr opr iate at any time during the meeting. All matters listed under the CONSENT CALENDAR are considered to be routine by the Board and will be enacted by one motion. Ther e will be no separate discussion of these items unless r equested by a Member of the Board or the public pr ior to the time the Boar d votes on the motion to adopt. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA Per sons wishing to speak on PUBLIC HEARINGS and OTHER M ATTERS listed on the agenda will be heard when the President calls for comments from the audience, except on public hearing items previously heard and closed to public co mme n t . The Pr esident may specify the number of minutes each per son will be per mitted to speak based on the number of per sons wishing to speak and the time available. After the public has commented, the item is closed to further public comment and brought to the Board for discussion and action. There is no further comment permitted from the audience unless invited by the Board. ADDRESSING THE BOARD ON AN ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA In accordance with state law, the Board is pr ohibited from discussing matters not calendared on the agenda. You may addr ess the Board on any matters not listed on the agenda, and which ar e within its jurisdiction, under PUBLIC COM M ENTS. Matters br ought up which are not on the agenda may be referred to staff for action or calendared on a futur e agenda. AGENDA REPORTS Suppor ting material on agenda items is available for public r eview at the Reception Desk, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, and on Centr al San's website at www.centr alsan.or g. Not every agenda item is accompanied by written supporting mater ial. Repor ts and information relating to agenda items distr ibuted within 72 hours of the meeting to a major ity of the Boar d ar e also available for public inspection at the Reception Desk and on the website. Dur ing the meeting, information and suppor ting materials are available in the Boar d Room. AM ERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In accor dance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and state law, it is the policy of Centr al San to offer its public meetings in a manner that is r eadily accessible to ever yone, including those with disabilities. If you ar e disabled and requir e special accommodations to par ticipate, please contact the Secretary of the District at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (925) 229-7303. VIDEOTAPING OF M EETINGS Meetings held in the Board Room are videotaped and posted to Centr al San's website as soon as practicable following the meeting. July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 1 of 151 O pen S ession - B oar d Room (Video recorded) 1:30 P M R O L L C A L L P L E D G E O F A L L E G I A NC E I NT R O D UC T I O NS 1.F all 2017 C o-op S tudents [C ontinued fr om J uly 6, 2017 meeting.] S taff Recommendation: Welcome co-op students. P UB L I C C O MME NT P E R I O D R E Q UE S T S TO C O NS I D E R MAT T E R S O UT O F O R D E R C O NS E NT C A L E ND A R 2.A pprove the f ollowing B oard meeting minutes: a.J uly 6, 2017 3.A dopt R esolution Nos. 2017-018 and 2017-019 accepting a grant of easement f rom Martha Manzone, G ianni Manzone and E nrique R odriquez, owners of the property located at 3378 D eer Hill R oad in L af ayette (A P N: 232-130-059); authorizing the execution of a quitc laim deed to the named property owners; and authorizing s taf f to record documents with the C ontra C osta C ounty R ec order. 4.A dopt R esolution Nos. 2017-020 and 2017-021 accepting a grant of easement (related to the L af ayette S ewer R enovations , P hase 11, D istrict P roject 8430) f rom T homas A . Marek, Trustee of the G loria H. B entinck R evocable Trust, owner of the property located at 1062 Via R oble in L af ayette (A P N: 244-051-001); authorizing the execution of a quitc laim deed to the specif ied property owner; and authorizing s taf f to record documents with the C ontra C osta C ounty R ec order. 5.A uthorize the G eneral Manager to execute a prof essional engineering services agreement in an amount not to exceed $780,000 with V.W. Housen and A s s ociates f or the preliminary des ign of the P ump S tation Upgrades P roject, D istrict P rojec t 8436. A pproval rec ommended by E ngineering & O perations C ommittee. 6.Award a construction contract in the amount of $58,480 per year up to three years totaling $175,440 to E X A R O Technologies C orporation, the lowest res ponsive and responsible bidder f or the D istrict-W ide S urvey Monument I nstallation, D is tric t P roject 2017-01; f ind that the project is exempt f rom C alif ornia E nvironmental Q uality A ct (C E Q A ); and authorize the G eneral Manger to execute the contract documents subject to submittal requirements. A pproval recommended by E ngineering & O perations C ommittee. S taff Recommendation (M otion Requir ed): Adopt the C onsent C alendar as July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 2 of 151 r ecommended. P UB L I C HE A R I NG S 7.P ublic hearing to consider placing the f ollowing charges f or F is c al Year 2017-18 on the C ontra C osta C ounty tax roll f or c ollection: S ewer Service Charges Capacity Use Charges Assessments for Contractual Assessment Districts and Alhambra Valley Assessment Districts Charges for other Fee Installment Payment Programs. Resolution No. 2017-022 for adoption. (No presentati on i s pl anned; staff wi l l be avai l abl e to answer questi ons.) S taff Recommendation (M otion and 4 Affir mative Votes Requir ed ): C onduct the public hear ing and adopt the pr oposed r esolution. O T HE R B O A R D A C T I O N I T E MS 8.A dopt R esolution No. 2017-023 authorizing the establishment and f unding of a new I nternal R evenue C ode S ection 115 P ension Trust entitled "P ublic A gencies P ost- E mployment B enef its Trust" ef f ec tive J uly 20, 2017, to be initially f unded with the $3.359 million extra reserve f und balanc e at the end of F iscal Year 2015-16. A pproval rec ommended by F inance C ommittee. (5-mi nute staff presentati on) S taff Recommendation (M otion Requir ed): Adopt the pr oposed r esolution to establish the P ublic Agencies P ost-E mployment B enefits T r ust effective J uly 20, 2017, and author ize the initial funding of the T r ust as r ecommended. 9.A uthorize the G eneral Manager to execute a prof essional cons ulting services a agreement with C D M S mith with a cost ceiling of $760,000 f or the P rogram Management I nf ormation S ys tem (P MI S ) S of tware I mplementation S ervices f or the A s s et Management P rogram D evelopment, D istrict P roject 8238. A pproval recommended by R eal E state, E nvironmental & P lanning C ommittee. (10-mi nute staff presentati on) S taff Recommendation (M otion Requir ed): Author ize G ener al M anager to enter into agr eement with C D M S mith as r ecommended. 10.P rovide direction regarding C entral S an new logo design. (10-mi nute staff presentati on) S taff Recommendation (M otion Requir ed): D ir ect staff to pr oceed with implementation of one of the new logo options or pr ovide some other dir ection to staff. L E G I S L AT I V E MAT T E R S 11.Update on pending legislative matters and provide direction on priority legislation. (10-mi nute staff presentati on) S taff Recommendation: Receive the update and pr ovide dir ection to staff as appr opr iate. July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 3 of 151 12.R ec eive inf ormation requested at J uly 6, 2017 B oard meeting regarding C alif ornia L egis lative P rocess. (No presentati on i s pl anned; staff wi l l be avai l abl e to answer questi ons) S taff Recommendation: Receive the infor mation. R E P O RT S A ND A NNO UNC E ME NT S 13.G eneral Manager - R eports a.Update on C o C o S an S us tainable F arm. (15-mi nute presentati on by staff and Bethal l yn Bl ack, M.A. representi ng the Farm) S taff Recommendation: Receive the update. 14.G eneral Manager - A nnouncements a.A nnouncements - J uly 20, 2017 S taff Recommendation: Receive the announcements. 15.C ounsel f or the D istrict 16.S ec retary of the D istrict 17.B oard Members - C ommittee Minutes a.J une 30, 2017 - R eal E state, E nvironmental & P lanning C ommittee - P resident C ausey and Member P ilec ki b.J uly 11, 2017 - A dministration C ommittee - Member Mc G ill and Member W illiams c.J uly 11, 2017 - E ngineering & O perations C ommittee - Member Nejedly and P resident C ausey S taff Recommendation: Receive the C ommittee minutes. 18.B oard Members - R eports and A nnouncements Board Member reports on recent meeti ngs or conferences for whi ch they recei ved the sti pend or for whi ch the Di stri ct pai d thei r expenses. a.Member Mc G ill J uly 13, 2017 - C ontra C osta C ounty Mayors C onf erence hosted by the C ity of C oncord J uly 17, 2017 - C alif ornia S pecial D istricts A ssociation (C S D A ) - C ontra C osta C hapter meeting in Martinez Member Nejedly Member P ilecki J uly 13, 2017 - C ontra C osta C ounty Mayors C onf erence hosted by the C ity of C oncord J uly 19, 2017 - B oard L iaison meeting with of f icials f rom the C ity of Martinez Member W illiams July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 4 of 151 P resident C ausey S taff Recommendation: Receive the r epor ts and announcements. 19.B oard Members - R equests f or S tipend/R eimbursement or C onf erence A ttendance Authori zati on to recei ve a sti pend for meeti ng attendance or expense rei mbursement not speci fi cal l y addressed i n the current Board Compensati on Resol uti on, or authori zati on for conference attendance not previ ousl y approved by the Board. S taff Recommendation: C onsider any r equests. 20.B oard Members - O ther I tems a.P rovide direction to Member Mc G ill, the D istrict's repres entative and voting delegate f or the C ontra C osta C hapter of the C alif ornia S pecial D is tricts A ssociation (C S D A ), on how to vote at the upcoming C S D A E lection f or R epres entatives of the B ay A rea Network, S eats A and C , f or which ballots are due by A ugus t 4, 2017 S taff Recommendation (M otion Requir ed): P r ovide voting dir ection for S eats A and C . E ME R G E NC Y S I T UAT I O NS R E Q UE S T F O R F UT UR E A G E ND A I T E MS A NNO UNC E C L O S E D S E S S I O N (pursuant to G overnment C ode S ection 54957.7.) R E C E S S TO C L O S E D S E S S I O N T he B oar d will r ecess and r econvene in closed session in the C aucus Room. C losed S ession (Not video recorded) C L O S E D S E S S I O N 21.P ers onnel matters pursuant to G overnment C ode S ection 54957(b)(1) - P erf ormance E valuations f or f ollowing members of E xecutive Management Team: G eneral Manager and D istrict C ounsel. R E C E S S TO O P E N S E S S I O N R E P O RT O UT O F C L O S E D S E S S I O N A D J O UR NME NT July 20, 2017 Regular Board Meeting Agenda Packet - Page 5 of 151