Held at 320 Hall of Records,
Wednesday, May 23, 1945, at 7:30 P...M.
SONAR 00011 IMMO =0111.
Members of the original Committee present:
C. B. Kouns, San Ramon Chamber of Commerce, CHAIRMAN
H. L. Cummings, Supervisorial District #2
Ray Taylor, Supervisorial District #3
Col. H. M. Smitten, Lafayette Improvement Club
W. H. Eddy, Councilman, Concord,
J. P. Connors, County Plannin Commission
Thomas C. Heaton, Planning Technician, County Planning
owe wawa sm.
Members of the original Committee absent:
E. J. Farina, President, County Development Association
C. E. Fleager, President, County Taxpayers' Association
John L. Garaventa, Deputy District Attorney
W. A. Powell, M. D., County Health Officer
D. M. Teeter, County Auditor
Sidney A. Smith, Councilman, Walnut Creek
Members of the subcommittee present:
Charles L. Quintin, Concord
R. Narberes, Concord,
Also present:
Joseph F. DeRosa, Concord
Bruno H. Gelbke, Concord
Ervin L. Lehmer, Concord
Dr. Henry D. Neufeld, Concord
Frank R. Rose, Concord
Paul Bayard, Walnut Creek
G. S. Cutler, Walnut Creek
Edward R. Rowland, Walnut Creek
W. U. Barnes, Moraga
Louis Borghesani, Lafayette
C. R. Turner, Lafayette
William A. DeVore, Martinez,
J. Dlgardi, Martinez
Joe Tavan, Martinez
Thomas McMorrow, Martinez
F. W. Draeger, Orinda
Melvin Jacobus, Orinda
Alden Macomber, Orinda
Milton L. Selby, ()Anda
alum 401,10 amln. MOM +sop
L. Cedric Macabee, Fn -ineer
Chairman Kouns called the meeting to order and called
the roll. He stated the first topic of discussion would be
reports on the various meetings held in the communities
since the last monthly meeting of this committee.
Col. Smitten reported that the Lafayette meeting was
held on the 11th of May and that there were between 150 and
160 people present. He said it was a very enthusiastic
meeting, and that no ane was against the project.
Mr. Heaton stated that he had attended all these meet-
ings; that one was recently held in Pacheco which was pretty
well attended, there being about 20 or more there, and that
no objections were voiced. He also stated that a meeting
was held in Concord just previous to that and that the attend-
anca was very meager. Another meeting was held in ori n da which
was well attended, by about 60 people, and at which a number
of points were brought out. He stated also that Walnut Creek
and Daville had previously held their meetings and that now
the most major communities of the sewer district have been
Mr. Mcl orrow reported that another meeting had been held
in Walnut Creek by the Presbyterian Club which was attended
by about 70 people. He stated a few questions were asked by
large property holders on what procedure they would have to
go through to come in some years after the district was formed.
Mr. Eddy of Concord was asked to make a report and he
stated that they were up against it in Concord because they
had to do about $7,000 worth of work right away. He stated
the Council is not going to do very much until they know what
the district is going to cost Concord.
Chairman Kouns asked if they would like a separate s e t
of figures for Concord.
Mr. Eddy made a statement that he didn't ty;ink they
would get far on elections unless it was made known what
it would cost the people of Concord for a district.
Mr. Heaton stated that he had talked to Mr. Garaventa
earlier in the day and that he would not be able to be here
as he was ill. He stated that gr. Garaventa had told him
that Concord does not want a petition signed at this ti ,e,
but want to wait one month hence, in order to find out
whether they want to come into the district or not. This
is something for the Committee to discuss tonight. He
stated if Concord co , _ldn' t see their way clear to forming
their own district, they would undoubtedly join this district.
T.ley wish to hold things up for thirty days in order to find
out what the costs will be.
Mr. Cutler stated that the engineer should determine what
would be the cost to the district by the elimination of Cc cord,
because we wouldn't want to jeopardize the sewer district for
those who need it by havin. Concord stop the formation of the
district. A certain percent miL.ht stop the formation of the
A question from the floor was asked as to whether it
couldn't be told how much Concord's assessment is.
Mr. Macabee answered stating that the City of Concord has
approximately $2,000,000 assessed valuation within the city
limits, which was .approximately 10 of the total valuation of
the district. He also said that regardless if Concord wanted
to be l of t out of the district, the people ouiside the city
limits of Concord must have a district. He said that no com-
munity of that size could afford to build a system for the en-
tire area. Concord has had figures available for some sixty
days. Mr. Mcorrow gave the figures. to Concord verbally. He
stated that when a meeting was held at Concord he gave the
figures on Concord verbally and that he also had them in
writing. He stated Mr. Bates had made an estimate on what
it would cost Concord to form a district alone, which figures
between 128,000 and X1.58, 000. Pyr. Macabee stated he took
the figure of 41,000 as the cost for the City of Concord,
and, taking into consideration the maintenance, that was
quite a difference. He stated that amortization of both
interest and redemption of bond of;p150, 000 to Concord i s
only a minor cost. He stated that the cost of maintaining
such a plant does not afford quite as complete treatment
as would be required if Concord formed 4 district alone'.
Costs run around $7500 for treatment plant only for one
city. That would cost the City of Concord for maintenance
34 on 6100. The interest and bond redemption itself would
take another 20i or 25f1, so cost of operating alone is from
54 to 55¢x. As to the comparative cost, Concord's share
of assessed valuation to date would involve something be-
tween 6% and 8% of the total bond issue required of the
district, because the assessed valuation of the larger dis-
trict will increase in greater proportion. It would approxi-
mate $100,000 for both interest and redemption, not in con-
sideration of federal grant. The maintenance is where the
joker lies. If the Federal overnment could give the whole
amount to the City of Concord it would cost more in mainten-
ance than to join the larger district. If Concord went
alone it would have to have complete treatment where, on
the other hand, we have a larger district where we have pro-
vided only primary treatment by disposal into the bay, which
would neutralize the sewage so that it would be of no harm
to any life in the bay. The costs for the two plants are
almost identical. He declared that he would Five a written
report for. the City of Concord if they so wi sbed. It could
not cost the City of Concord more to join the larger district
because Concord has to spend 67,000, or maybe even $70,000,
for a district. Their large assessed valuation will help to
take care of the cost. From a standpoint of comparative
values it is conservative to say that it would cost Concord
less to join the larger district from the point of mainten-
ainten-ance. The difference in tne maintenance of a treatment plant
wo5-1d be on a ratio of 10 to 1. We must provide and have
available equipment and personnel to repair the sewer system
throughout the whole district. More personnel would be re-
quired to operate a system such as would be needed if Concord
formed their own district. The success of this thing is by
group cooperation and group sharing of cost.
Chairman Kouns stated that one point was that the City
of Concord can put in a plant to take care of Concord, but
not the outlying territory, whereas the large district will
take in the entire area.
Yr. Macab e e stated that at the present time Concord has
a population of 4,000 within the city limits. If we add
another 4,000 for the outlying territory, which is 100; in-
crease, it wouldn't affect the treatment plant for the large
Chairman Kouns stated that the request of the City of
Concord that we delay action thirty days is actually before
this committee. He said they have good reason to believe
that they can j;t iv a us an answer within thirty days. Of
course they have known as Ing as we have that this propo-
sition is before us. Chairman Kouns announced that he
would like to.hear expressions from other members of the
committee if it is advisable at this time to grant an addi-
dditional thirty days with the understanding that they let us
know how they stand definitely on this, and if we should
attempt to proceed without the City of Concord.
Col. Smitten asked if it would jeopardize the City of
Concord's interest in the main sewer district if this com-
mittee acted tonight to put the petition through and then
allowed Concord to come in like anyone else and annex if
they found that their own individual operation costs were
more than the cost of joining the district.
Mr. Macabee answered that according to procedure, there
would have to be a hearing before the Board of Supervisors
as to the worthiness of this project, and that it would be
at least a month before it reaches the Board of Supervisors.
He stated the petition will first have to be circulated,
Wa i ch will take time, and the Board would have as I: any ad-
journed meetings as necessary tc hear the whole picture.
We should put it up to Concord to determine whether they
want to be in or out of the district, the same as other
properties in the district. That will _I've Concord two
months to make the study and satisfy themselves.
Mr. Barnes asked if the City of Concord had 4,000
people and they visited with people over all the district,
how many votes will they kill throughout the district?
They will undoubtedly spread the news over the district.
It would be better to work in unison all the way through.
Mr. Cutler stated that we should proceed as if Concord
were to be included, and then after Concord has had time to
compare, they could appear before the Board of Supervisors
and ask to not be included in the district, so whether they
say "yes" or "no" in thirty days, It will not delay us.
It was mentioned that that wouldn't be possible because
the boundaries of the district would ha v e to be outlined in
the announcement of the public hearing.
j acabee stated that we only wanted to go along as
fast as was possible, and that if at a meeting a month
from now Concord wants to be left out, all that will have
to be done will be to exclude them. We have another meeting
before the Board could possibly have a meeting. This comm .t -
tee will be able to £rant Concord the full request.
Supervisor Cummings stated if Concord wasn't granted
the requested thirty day delay, t= Bey x i ht be opposed to the
whole thing.
Mr. Keaton said that if this petition was circulated
and Concord was included, there will be a certain amount of
antagonism and if they are ' iv en a month there won't be
the antagonism created.
A question was asked from the floor when the public
would vote on this.
Mr. Macabee answered it would le sometime in August
at the earliest.
Mr. Cutler asked if the petition designated the 0ound-
ary of the district.
Mr. Macabee said that it will.
Chairman Kouns asked if Concord c ald -ive a definite
answer by next meeting.
Mr. Narberes asked if the City Council asked for this
Mr. Heaton stated that as he understood it, Mr. Garav en to
ran into a member of the City Council who stated there would
be a delegation from the City of Concord here toni ht to re
quest the delay.
Mr. Turner said that the general committee who started
this and the engineer hacl done a considerable amount of
work and during the past he didn't think that they had
to back down and change their dates due to some unknown
question coming up and he felt if we could get 98% of the
committee here tonight to ask for this petition, to go ahead
and at the same time rive Concord consideration, and follow
through. You will save time and save turmoil. He stated
he felt we should go ahead with this petition tonight.
Supervisor Taylor stated that since the City Council-
man in Concord said he would like to have a thirty -day ex-
tension, apparently he must have been to a meeting. He said
he lilt they would know definitely whether they would want
to go in in thirty days, and that personally, he would like
to see it worked out in harmony. He said he couldn't see
why a thirty -day delay would mean a whole lot at this par-
ticular time. He said. If it would be harmonious to wait
thiry days, it would be his wishes to wait thirty day s .
He said he thought this was pretty serious, and since it
was in his district, it meant a lot ,to him. He said that
Concord was all mixed up on this thing; that there was a
cross-section of about twenty people at the first meeting
and he believed that group would like to know the figures
and facts from the other side of the story. As there are
several men here tonight we might get an expression of
what this group from "oncord would like. If they feel
we should wait thirty days, Mr. Taylor .thought it would be
a good idea.
Yr. Narberes asked if it would be in order to have a
five minute recess and have the "oncord delegation step
out into the hall.
Mr. DeRo sa stated that he had attended both meetings in
Concord. He stated the Chamber of Commerce was discussing
it and felt that time was the essence of the whole business.
There was a meeting last night and three councilmen were
there and discussed the sewer problem at length. Realizing
the position they are in he stated he tholOit it would be
well-advised to go ahead and consider Concord one way or
the other.
Chairman Kouns: "To lend official sanction to the action
of this committee, how would it be if you took five minutes
as representatives of Concord in this committee to discuss
it, and then make a formal request."
Mr. Barnes: "would it not be wise for you tb pick a
committee of three from the general committee to interview
the Concord trustees of the City Council and see if it
would not be possible if they could 7ive a definite answer
before the next meeting comes up. After all, Concord is
quite a locality,"
Chairman Kouns stated that if these men wanted to make
sl formal request of the large committee to give them thirty
days, then the committee could consider the request.
Mr. Cutler asked if the City Co lnci 1 of Concord endorsed
this project was it to be considered that the rank and file
of Concord are also in favor? He stated that there may be
other dissenters in Concord.
Chairman oun s stated all we wanted was an official
The Concord delegation left the room, and recess was
The Concord group reentered the room and Chairman
Youns called the meeting to order.
Mr. Jacobus moved that they be granted an extension
until the next meeting to decide whether they wished to
join in the district or not.
Mr. Macomber seconded the motion.
It was stated that the date of the next meeting should
be established, so that there would be some definite time
for this extension. It was agreed by Mr. boacabee and the
committee as a whole that the ext monthly meeting should
be on Wednesday, June 20th.
The motion wls unanimously carried that Concord be
granted an extension until June 20th.
Mr. Kouns stated that at that time Concord should be
in a position to give a definite statement whether they
want to be included or excluded, and they are to under-
stand that if their answer at that time Is that they sant
to be excluded, the rest of the district probably feels they
want to go right ahead without prejudice to Concord.
Col. smitten stated that the Concord people will pro-
bably have some hot sessions on their own problem. In order
to help them along on their thinking, it might be advisable
for Mr. McMorrow to read some statements made by th a State
Health Department.
Mr. hcMorrow stated that when the Navy decided to build
houses outside of Concord and then serve them with sewers,
the FPHA engineer got the State En :ineer, who in turn got
him, and they all went out and picked up Mr. Eddy to see if
Concord could handle adds. ti--• nal sewage from these houses.
They found the situation was in a bad shape. They thought
it would be advisable for Concord to make a few minor changes
so that they could be sure that they wouldn't be letting
the whole load into the creek. Mr. M cMorrow read portions
of a letter which was sent to the City Council. He stated
that the State Department of Sanitary Engineering feels
that Concord should tie on to the trunk line sewer. You
must realize that the State Department of 2ublic Health is the
one who grants permits for the sewage disposal plant. If
you do not have a permit you will have a time getting money
to build a disposal plant.
Mr. Eddy stated that the Board of Health will accept
the plan they have now for the temporary disposal plant.
The cost is about $7,000.
Mr. DeRosa stated that the City of Concord was cognizant
of the hazards, but the Navy came along and said they were
going to build 217 units. Concord had already stated they
couldn't take care of any more sewage, and the Navy said
they would pay half if they would make some changes and
build a temporary system. That is how the City of Concord
is going to get a temporary system for $3,000.
Mr. Eddy stated that the Navy had agreed to pay 6500 to
hook on, but to date the Navy hadn't let them know anything.
Mr. Borghesani stated that perhaps Macabee or soreor e
should get in touch wi th .the .�overnmen t and let them know
about this project. The houses are probably only a half
mile from this trunk lire. Money could be spent for some-
thing permanent.
Macabee asked Mr. Eddy if there was any way to
prevent the ITavy from hooking into Concord's sewer system.
Jnr. Eddy answered that he didn't ?snow.
Yr. Macabee stated that he would be glad to talk to
the man in charge over at Mare Island. He stated that we
should take advantage of Mr. Gillespie's office. He sug-
gested that Concord should ask Mr. Gillespie to come to a
meeting at Concord. Mr, Macabee also said he would he clad
to attend any meeting if he vas Ei v en a f e iY days' notice.
He thought it would be advantageous to invite both Mr.
Gillespie and Mr. Reinke to that meeting. He said he
would like to make the suggestion to the whole eammi ttee
to ask Lhe State Board of Health tc make a study cf thi s
question. "You may get a good factual report from an un-
biased party. Just write them a letter.
Mr. Narberes asked if i t would be advisable to have
Mr. Macabee send someone in Concord the figures in black
and white so that they may know what is going on.
Mr. Macabee explained that he would be glad to do so.
Chairman Kouns: "There is your proposition. Kr. Macabee
has offered to co.- e to any mee tine. I would like to touch
on this thing of boundaries tonight. We have in this county
a Boundary Commission. They attempt to bring all the dis-
tricis into some sort 'f alignment v•i th existing districts.
The Boundary Commission has reviewed the proposed boundaries
of this district.
Mr. ITeaton stated that the new District Attorney has
been anxious to see the Boundary Commission func titin. 9e
said they had a meeting of the Boundary Commission in the
County Assessor's office regarding this particular district.
Certain changes hove been mage, namely, that in Orinda the
DeLav eaga y rope r ty of about 170 acres was left out and put
in another code district. Another change was on the EBMDD
property around the Lafayette Reservoir, and some changes
that were more or less technical. The Boundary Commission
considered the district to be all right. In the Alamo and
Danville section, there are no code boundaries whatsoever
so this fo1lory s a new boundax y to be established. The
hardest job is to get it to coincide with other districts.
Mr. Heaton stated that Mr.� Collins, the District Attorney,
had asked him to direct a letter to the Board of Supervisors
to say that the Boundary Commission has approved this dis-
istrict, to be signed by all members of the Boundary Commis-
Mr. Barnes asked where Moraga stood in the proposition
atthe present time.
Mr.acabee stated that Moraga had been divided into
two areas. The one draining into St. Mary's has been omit-
ted and the area draining into Orinda Corners has been in-
cluded. He stated that in his opinion, it was a question
for the Board of Fupervi so1:. s to decide
Mr. Barnes stated that they had declared from the be-
ginn„.ng that they wanted to be Included, and mentioned the
fact that half of Orinda and Lafayette were made by the
Moraga Company; that they had given 100 acres of land to
put St. Mary's in the county, and cited several other in-
stances wLere they had benefitted the county In various
ways. Be urged that the Moraga district was one part that
should be included and that they did not wish to be left
out and have to work their way into the district. If the
district could be modified so as to include Moraga, he
stated he wanted consideration for Moraga, as he felt the
Board of Supervisors would want them to be included.
Supervisor Cummings said that it had always been his
thought that Moraga was included in the sewer district,
and never thought it was going to be excluded. Be said
that it wo ald eventually have some of the highest assessed
valuation in the district. If there was any possible way
to i n cl ude Moraga he suggested that they be included.
Mr. Macabee stated that the reason Moraga was excluded
was that the boundaries were based on the fact that every
part of the district would add to the benefit of the dis-
trict as to valuation. Because of the fact that the first
cost to serve that area was disproportionate he left it up
to the Loard of Supervisors to include the area. He did
not believe it incumbent upon the engineer to guess what
the ultimate would be for that area. When the matter
comes before the Board of Supervisors he stated he would
recommend that they include Moraga because it has a future.
What portion should be included? He said he had to take
an over -an view, and did not know any owners in the dis-
is-trict. That was the basis of writing the report. It is
a simple matter to amend the report and he said he was will-
ing to do that, as this is only a preliminary report. It is
not to be considered as a final engineering report. He has
the final report ready to put together now, but if this com-
om-rrittoa so desires he will include Moraga.
Mr. Cutler moved that Moraga be included in the district.
Mr, Barnes explained that some land in the Moraga dis-
trict was very rough and that they would want that excluded.
He stated they wanted to include the area that drains into
the upper San Leandro Creek at the present time, their reason
being that the EBS will not give. them water unless they have
sewage disposal. He stated they would like to include it all
now and leave it up to the discretion of the Board of Super-
visors in the event they wanted to withdraw part of it.
Mr. Barnes said he wished everything on the watershed
Mr. Cutler amended the motion to the effect that Moraga
be in ci uded and that the engineer should approximate the dis-
trict, leaving It up to the discretion of the Board of Super-
Mr. Turner seconded the motion.
The motion was unanimously carried.
Mr. Heaton explained that with these changes the Boundary
Commission was out of line and that a new description will
have to be drawn, and that therefore the Boundary Commission
will meet again.
Supervisor Cummings suggested that it be held up until
the Concord situation is settled and Moraga was included.
The Boundary Commission should review it after the next
meeting. He stated that he did not think it would be neces-
sary for this committee to meet again after the 2) th of June,
and that the Boundary Commission could turn it over to the
Board of Supervisors.
Chairman Kouns stated that at the next meeting we should
have a fairly accurate map.
Mr. gacabee stated that there will be a co' tiLi ty map at-
tached to each petition.
Supervisor Cummings: "Mr. Macabee made a statement
concerning the water company. The trunk line will go along
near Lafayette. If in years to come they decide to sell
someland off as a subdivision, does that mean they get
the trunk line gratis?"
Mr. Macabee answered that you cannot tax the EBMTJD,
but as soon as they transfer the land from the purpose of
serving water, the property can be assessed if that property
benefits by the sewer construction.
Mr. Connors stated that at the last meetin: Mr. 'Teeter
mentioned something about the polling places, and asked if
there was anything to report on teat matter.
Supervisor Taylor stated that he had talked to Senator
DeLap who said he would take care of it. Mr. ieaton is go-
o .ing to Sacrsnen to tomorrow and will check up on it. It
looks favorable and Senator DeLap felt it wouldn't have any
Mr. cMorrow stated that there was no publIci ty oam-
mittee, and that when we know the date of election and where
the po _1s will be we should get more publicity- into the field.
Re also asked who should pay for this publicity.
Chairman Koun s said this was a very worth while sugges-
ugges-tion, saying that each Improvement Club could put up signs
in their respective district.
Chairman Kouns announced the meeting adjourned at
10:00 P. M.