HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 4-22-1948AGENDA - MEETING APRIL 22, 1948 1. Roll Gall. 2. Secretary Pro Tem 3. Reading of Minutes of previous meeting. 4* Adopt resolutions - Deeds of Dedication for easements 5 • Authorize President and Secretary to execute agreement with the Sacramento Northern Railway covering installation of a section of the main trunk seer in the railroad right of way northerly of St. Mary i e College. Th . e is a consent agreement and no payment is involved. Receive consent resolution from the Board of Supervisors of Contra Costa County covering installation of sewers where the work is to be conducted under Local Improvement , ot Proceedings and order it spread on the Minutes of the Sanitary Board meeting. �7. Read letter from walnut Knolls AseoaiatioA 81 Consider proposed grade revision and contract change in creation �ZI Main Trunk Sewer. 8tolte, Inc. p contractors for Section III have suggested the grade revision between !nations 110.85 and 143,53 of the contract for Section ISI to avoid excessive deep cud, and by their letter osier a credit under their contract to gave the District $1000. Contractors agree to install an elevated creek creasing and all other additional items of work incident to this proposed revision and to return a net credit of 418000 as stated. This proposed change has been reviewed and is considered to be in order. It is recommended that the Engineer be authorized to instruct the contractors to proceed with the work as outlined in their letter of April 16, 1948. Hermosa Manor Subdivision -Proposed improvement district therein to be -under juriediction of County BoArd of Supervisors. The Lindell Company, as owners of Hermosa Manor thibdivielon were granted permit on February 1, 1947 to install community sewers and temporary disposal unit under our Ordinances 1 and 2. Work was started on this project and abandoned by the owners approximately five Meeks later, with approximately 60 ot the sewer pipe only installed. Thio subdivision has remained in this statue since March 7, 197• The surety bond guaranteeing the operation of the temporary sewage disposal unit and its connection to the sewer system of the Sanitary District (when such connection becomes available) remains in full force and this bond is in our file. The Lindell Company now propose to complete the improvements of this 8ubdivialon under 1913 Improvement Bond Act Proceedings, under the juriediction of the County Board of Supervisors. The work involved includes paving, verba and guttere, and the completion of the sewer system wbich the company started under the beforemsntloned permit, This has been disoueeed between County Auditor Teeter and Mr. Mason and it appears that it woad be neoe ssary for the Sanitary Board to give consent expressed by resolution of the board, to the Oounty Board of Supervi sora to give jurisdiction to that Board to conduct the proceedings including Fewer work within the Sanitary District. The owners have been repeatedly urged by Mr. soon not to confuse matters by attempting to include the completion of the sewer work under a separate improvement proceedinFs because we plan to serve the entire area down-grade and grade and adjacent to Hermosa Manor with sewers under the 1911 Aot Proceedings during 1949. It appears to Mr. Mason Vhat it wou1 ' be unsound to superimpose a seconi assessment for sewer service on the lots of that subdivision under our proceedings if nn ssessment has already been levied under the proceedings pond oted. by the County Board of Supervisors. It.. Ernest Wilson ie advising the owners& and we have been verbally informed by r, Treacy of the Lindel . Oompany that Wilson sees no conflict if the Sanitary Board surrenders Jurie&tction to the County BoPrd of Supervisors to permit the sewer work to be installed jointly with the paving, curbs and gutters. Because of the desirability of integrating the 0o11eoting sewers of this, subdivision into the collecting sewer syetem serving the entire aroa of whioh this subdivision la a part it is recommended that the ni tart' Board take the position that the Lindell Company $bould complete the oommunity sewers under the permit previously issued to them for that pyo s e& and thnt the Board ahpuld decline to surrender jurt1iction to the County Supervisors in this matter. 10. C3angider Resolution 421 of the Oity of Walnut Creek which is quoted as follows: "Resolved by tbe City Council of tbe City of Walnut Creek that it be recommended to the Sanitary District that the Locust lateral be so modified as to extend to Lacaesie Avenue to provide suer connection for tbe Walnut Creek Canning Company with consideration of crossing Main Street at Laoaesie rather than Ignacio Street to eliminate the Xnaoio traffic problem. It being understood that additional coag so incurred in excess of estimated coetg of present plane be borne by the cannery. Requested that a apeoial meeting of the District be held immediately to consider this resolution. This suggestion on the part of the Oity Council le not recommended for the following reasons: a. The proposed rerouting would extend the sewer approximately 1800 feet and would further require increasing its size from 15 to -TM/ inch for approximately 1100 feet of this distance. b. The ground grade is adverse to this installation and would require further change in plan to tbe disadvantage of the construction in flatter grades. a O. 44'^i I 9 ArelVir k/W' c. The additional coats for this change would be in excess of the cost of running an industrial sewer from the cannery directly to the Main Trunk Sewer. d. the work of Improvement District No. 2 is to be charged �, �" by assessment against properties lying wholly south of the city hits of Walnut Oreek as they existed prior to Decembers 1947s and it appears impracticable to incorporate the canner into such r � an improvement district with these properties from which it is separated by approximately half a mile. e. It is believed that the cannery waste should be carried in a separate industrial sewer because of the extreme fluctuation of the cannery waste flow, 11. Consider additional office help for typi. Also additional al f il e cabinets. 12. Consider givin- notice of hearing on Local Improvement District by mail. Section 5072 of .the Streets and Highways Code states as follows: ° The failure of the cleark to man any notice �r the failure of any person to receive the same shall not affect in any way whatsoever the validity of any procdidings taken under this divisions nor prevent the legislative body from pro- ceeding with any hearing so noticed." Section 5194 of the Streets and. Highway COde States as folio. e: "The legislative body shall direct the clerk to and be shall give notice by mail of the adoption of the resolution of intention. °# Section 5195 covers the contents of such notice, which are a statement of the time, place and purpose of the bearing on the resolution of intention and a statement of the total estimated cost of the proposed Improvements etc." Mr, Harrison has expressed an opinion that the Sanitary District may avoid the expense of this mailed notice but that it should be considered as a matter of policy as to whether or not such mailed notice should be omitted from Improvement Act proceedings. Further details on this matter will be given by Mr. Kennedy. MEMO TO: FROM n SUBJECT: THE MEM RS OF THE SAN I TARS' BOARD JOHN L. MASON SEMI SERVICE IN THE MORAGA AREA By the agreement executed May 1, 1947 between the Moraga Company, Donald and Alice Rheem and the Sanitary District, 426,000 was given to the District with the basic stipaat3on that the money would be used for the extension of trunk sewer to Jonas Hill Road at or near the south property line of the Rheem lands in the Moraga area, A further stipulation of the agreement is that the District would further extend the trunk sewer line in the Moraga area if less than 015,000 were required for the extension to Jonas Hill Road, and that such further extension would be along such route tae the parties of the agreement determined. The Moraga Oompany and the Rhesms recently accomplished the in- clusion of 1964 acres of their lands into the East Bay Municipal Utility District system. Tater service will be available to those lands shortly. All of these 1964 acres lie in the Las Trampas and Grizzly Creek drainage northerly of St. P2ary;s College, with natural drainage to Suisun Bay via Lafayette and Walnut Creek. Section V of the main trunk sewer is laid out to terminate at a point immediately northwest of St. Mary e s College. This will be a gravity sewer and will seri.e all of the Moraga Company and Rheem lands recently taken into the Ebmud water system without requiring any pump ing , Since the death of Mr. James Irvine, Mr. A. Ho Breed, Sr. has served as the executive officer of the Moraga Company. Mr. Breed has advised me that the Moraga Company a s plans for future development of the Moraga area are not firm, however it is his desire to extend the sewers to the Moraga Townsite during 1948. Mr® Breed has asked for an estimate of possible savings in the cost of the work to serve the Moraga area, to determine whether or not there is any credit due them for the further extension of sewers to serve their lands. Work and estimated further work serving the Moraga area is as follows: Sewage Treatment Plant Land acquisition Trunk Sewer, Section I Trunk sewer, Section TT Trunk Sewer, Section V Trunk Sewer & pumping plant Jonas Hill Road to Bt .Mary s X559,000 30,000 X86,000 1 000 41,270,000 180,000 (est) 60,000 (est) 1,510,000 Field Engineering, plans & specs, inspection, legal cost etc for above work 160,400 $ 1,670,000 From the above it is indicated that the total cost of the basic projectutdal the Moraga and Rheem lands are participating in is 41,6700000. These lands equal approximately 16o5% of the total area of the Sanitary District, and approximately 25% of the land area which would be immediately served by the trunk sewer from the plant to Moraga. It appears impossible to apply a logical factor to determine just what the coat of the work to serve the Moraga area will be, A reasonably balanced figure appears to bel300,000e At the time of the sale of the bonds the assessed valuation of the Moraga Company land, the lands of Rheem and the few private owners, in the Moraga area arae approximately�600,0o0g and the bonding capacity at 15% of assessed valuation was thus 49O,00O. The Moraga Company and the Rheems made a cash contribution of 015,000 thus their total share in the financing can be considered to. be �30.5,000e On the basis of actual contract prices and estimated further costs it now appears that the sash contribution made by the Moraga Oompany and the Rheema bas been fully adequate to cover the original deficit in assessed valuation of their properties as it stood in 1946/1947e It further appears that there might be a small balance in favor of the Moraga Company which is estimated at not to exceed 5000, The oontinued construction in the Moraga area from the present terminus of Section V (immediately northwest of Bte Nlaryis College) could follow three alternate routes, as listed and estimated below: ao End of Section V to Jonas Hill Road at Rheem south property line by most direct route, in- cluding pumping plant - $0000 bo Rheem south property line to Moraga School with gravity sewer, pumping plant and force main from Moraga School to end of Sec. V 88,000 co °A°1, above, with additional pumping plant at Moraga School and force main to pumping plant at Jonas Hill Road 98,000 The District is committed to provide sewer sel'vice at Jonas Hill Road and Rheem south property, but is not committed as to the route for the oonstruotion0 The Board1 s consideration should be given to Route B shown in the paragraph above, since this would provide immediate service to approximgIely 2000 aores of subdividable lands in the lower valley and King rota area the Moraga Ranch. It is suggested that the Board undertake a part of the additional cost to extend service to the Jonas Hill Road and Rheem south property line via the Moraga Townsite, vhiah additional cost is estimated to be $28,000.