HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 4-1-1948AGENDA -
1. Roll Call
2. Appoint Secretary Pro Tem
3. Reading of Minutes of previous meeting.
4. Open bide on office building and refer to Architect.
5. Resolutions accepting Deeds of Dedication for sewer easements,
Nos. 132 to 137.
6. Read letter from County Health Officer regarding conditions in
Local Improvement Distridt No. 2 (Saranap, Sun Valley area) .
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9. Approve change in contract for Section 111, Main Trunk Sewer,
covering creek crossing between Station 107+81 and 109+ 31.
The contract for Section 111 includes a bid item No. 8 at $4315.
for a siphon creek crossing and includes bid. item 12 at 43O . per
cubic yard, and bid item 13 at 14$ per pound for concrete and
reinforcing steel in siphon weirs, aprons and protecting walls
A further bid item 14 is at 485. each for manholes. Stolte, Inc.
have offered to perform the work of bid item 8 as an elevated
crossing for $3790, which will effect a total saving to the District
of the following
Under Bid Item 8
Total 3,070,00 4-,
The District Engineer considers that the work proposed by the
contractor is equal in quality to the work originally specified
and recommends that this change be approved and this saving effected.
10. Meet with Council of City of Walnut Creek. The City Council has
been invited to attend this meeting in order that they may be
acquainted with the program of the District for the following
a. The main trunk sewer passes through the City o f Walnut Creek
and will receive the sewage of the city and permit the present
sewage treatment plant to be by passed and its operation
b. A secondary trunk sewer must pass through the streets of
Walnut CreeIFYAb re,ch the main trunk sewer in order to
provide service to lands lying partly within and partly
without the City of Walnut Creek which would be served
by Local Improvement District No. 2. The consent of the
Oity Council of the City of Walnut Creek must be had for
this construction, by resolution of the City Council.
c. An area recently annexed to the Oity of Walnut Creek is
not now provided with sewer service, and it is proposed to
include that area in Local Improvement District No. 2.
The consent of the Oity Council of Walnut Creek expressed
by resolution of that council must be had as a -part of the
proceedings of that local improvement district, and in
advance of the resolution of intention.
d. Various informal discussions have been had concerning the
City or Walnut Creek turning over the maintenance of the
sewage collection system within the city to the Sanitary
District as provided by Section 6530 of tbe Health and
Safety Code, quoted as follows:
"At any time after the sewer or other sanitary system is
constructed, the governing body of any city lying within
the limits of the district may elect to keep and maintain
the lateral sewer lying within the city in order and repair
and may enter into an agreement with the Board to do so."
As before mentioned, the main trunk sewer passes through the
City of Walnut Creek and consider' ble land areas of the
Sanitary District adjacent to the city are so located that
they may be provided with sewer service only by the sewers
passing through the territory of the city.
It is considered to be a logical move to integrate the
existing sewage collection system of the City of Walnut Creek
into the complete sewer system of trunk and collecting sewers
of the Sanitary District, and it is assuma4that the City of
Walnut Creek will wish to have tbe Sanitary District maintain
the lateral sewers with the city, and particularly in view of
the fact that several areas now within the city do not have
sewer service.
11. Authorize contrP ct with P. G. & E. for power service for the Sewage
Treatment plant.
12. Pay bills.
13. Adjourn to April. 8, 19148