HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 12-11-1947AGENDA FOR BOARD MEETING DECEMBER 11, 1947 1. Roll {fall. 2. Reading of Minutes of previous meeting. 3. open bids on Section 111, Main Trunk Sewer, read same and refer to Engineer for tabulation. --4. Discuss site for District office. various sites have been suggested and at least one realtor has suggested the possibility of constructing an office to be leased to the District at a tentative figure between X300 and 050 per month, The possibility of leasing a buildingbuilt specifically for our needs has considerable merit since the District does not have sufficient funds in the Running Expense Account to cover the construction of an office. The need for additional space is immediate if we are to successfully process the work of installing local sewers concurrently with the construction of the Main Trunk Sewer System /Oonsider program of Local Improvement Districts. See accompanying memorandum. 6. The construction contracts stipulate that payments to the contractor should be monthly and not later than the 10th of the month following the month in which the work is performed. Due to the schedule of meeting dates of the District, the contractor t s payments would be delayed. past their due date in order that the bill be properly authorized and warrants made out and recorded by the County Auditor, etc, It is recommended that the Board either (1) change its regular meeting date to fall prior to the loth of. the month or (2) that a speotal meeting be held in the months when the regular 2nd. Thursday meeting is later than the 9th of the month. The foregoing applies to monthly progress payments only. The current payment to Manuel Smith in Section II has been held up waiting this meeting. 7 • /Oonsider annexation of Pacheco = Highway Junction area. attached morandum. g y ar Accept deeds of dedication for grants of easement for Section III Main Trunk Sewer. These deeds are all subject to payment of 1,5¢ per foot as previously authorized by the Board with the following exceptions: Three deeds have been granted without any consideration, and two are subject to higher payment as fol1owst Newel]. K. Wilson $210,00 J. Meng a 150,00 1 05 0.,, I1 01--4-,m- ' Both of these are recommended as reasonable payments for the damage which will result to the partucular properties. Also deeds of dedication for Section 1 from W. Pierson and H. Audifred which have been settled out of court at the prices previously agreed upon by the Board. 9. Approve bills as presented. See accompanying list. In the matter of bilis of J. S. Cowling and E. B. M. U. D. at $126.47 and $20.00 respectively, the Resident Engineer ordered this work done after approval by Mr. Weill and Mr. Johnson. This is to provide an emergency chlorination station if and when it becomes necessary to out the existing private sewer on Moraga Boulevard in Lafayette, and to dump its flow directly to Las Trampas Creek at the bridge near Fourth Street. This sewer is surcharged, and the work westerly of this bridge is endangered by this old private sewer. This hazard can be eliminated by dumping the sewage directly into the creek by opening the existing pipe at the creek crossing, and chlorination of the sewage is a normal safety measure. This matter has been taken up with the State Board of Health and the County Health authorities who concur unofficially that such act ion is for the protection of the public health as well as safety to the public and the work which our contractor is doing. 22, Bill of Thompson Electric Company in the amount of $1649 oovers a small electric header needed for the office, Mrs. Ihi11ips was requested to secure this subject to the Boardgs approval of this item, JO, Note comment of G. B. Middleton, auditor for the Grand July of Contra Costa {bounty in his letter of December 2, Mr. Middleton advised Mr. Weill and Mr. Mason that he was engaged by the Grand July to make an audit report on the accounting of the various districts, school, sanitary, fire, etc., within the County. Mr. Mid.dl.etonc s examination disclosed that the Minute Record did not include approval of all bills paid during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1947. This matter has been corrected in our minutes. We are quite certain that all of the accounting and record of auth- orization of bills is complete and exact for the work subsequent to the time when Mrs. Phillips took over the preparation of the Minutes and the preparation of vouchers, etc, approximately May 1, 1947. This was verified by Mr. Middleton's audit. The recommendations made by Mr. Middleton are being fully accomplished, and have been since May, 1947, with the exception of his recommendation No. 1 and No. 4. There has been no of f inial of the district specifically designated to audit the monthly bills and there has been no specific arrangements made for a continuous audit . The current accounts carried in the office by Mrs. Phillips are in effect a continuous audit as suggested by Mr. Middleton, The full effect of Mr. Middleton c e recommendations can be accomplished by designating one or more members of the Sanitary Board as an audit committee with the duty of checking all bills prior to their presentation for payment. Or this duty could be assigned to the Secretary. The usual procedure would be to have the Secretary act as the auditor. 11. Receive engineer's report on bids on Section 11I and take appropriate action. 12. Adjourn. LEMigU21.1 jau,21 BE IT RESOLVED that the regular meeting date of the Sanitary Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County of the State of California, be and same is hereby established as the First Thursday of each month, at the hour of 8:00 0oolook p.m., at 1335 Commercial Lane, 'Walnut Creek, Calif- ornia, beginning with February, 1948. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if the first Thursday of the month Palle on a bol9.day, the meeting wa1 be held on the next regular business day. ADOPTED by the Sanitary Board of Cenral Contra Oosta Sani- tary District on the llth day of December, 1947, by the following votes AYES: Directors Johnsons Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Will. NOES: None ABSENT: None -1 Countersigned: ueer etery of the o a) anitary oard PAY-EP-oviLi President of the an tary oard of Oentra], Contra �osta Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, Stats of California bEM4s To MEMBERS OF SANITAla BOARD UBJECT: PACHECO HIGHWAX JUNCTION, ANNEXATION. At meetings held aurins April and Mme, 1947 the Board instructed tete Resident Znginees to furnish general advice to the committees Pim Pacheco as to bow they mit become snneaed. to the Sanitary District. Petitions with description of the properties were pretared at the expense of the Qitizenes committees in the Pacheoo area. The petitions have been presented to the Resident Engineer for nheoklng grid the following data applies: Pacheco Townsite Pacbeoo, IIaxkhurst Addition Pacheco* Springbrook Honee3tee Pacheco School DistrxOL (outside of eub8ivieiona) Pleasant all School District (outaide of Highway Junction SubdivisloA Value Acres 11:1=a, 26. 24,835 1 .6 39, 0 620.35 5:3,695 129.00 64. 210 134.2 :1224121. t011. 65 5378.11.70 Total assessed Value* 190/194$ County Rolls Value of properties represented by slgnAturee of owners of regard Percent of total - 79.116% Land area 1012 acres approxima t ely. Bonding capacity to support area share of cost of sewaee plant and main trunk sewer: 15% of e378,470 X398, 470 300, 717 treatment 'A 7'70. This petition is for annexing without el sot ion, and f no3 ud.e s the required signatures thioh hive been carefully cheoked with the re stilt B shown above. The following rtes are now in order: i. Publication of the petition setting a date for hearing. 2. Hearing the petition and determining whether or not the properties as desmribed shall be annexed to the Sanitary Aietriot and under vihst conditions. 3. Passing the resolution of annexation and transmitting awe to the Board of Supervisors for its order amending the boundaries of the Distrlat to include the annexed area, The pstiSi4nera have been advised by the Resident Engineer that service to their area would be sUbjeot to the pe.eaage of a bond e1eotion within the Annexed Property only, to cover their dbare 01 the cost a the sewage treatment plant and main trunk sewer, with the proceeds from the sale of ouch bond to be to the credit of the Sanitary D3.striot. That service into the various areas 'would be by local improvement dintriet with the -cost charged to the areas served. It 3s recommended that the action to r.nnex the Pacheco - Highway Junction area be processed by the Sanitary District from this point forward. The Highway Junction area 3.a closely built up and €urrounde8 on two aides by the existing distriott, the balance of the area le iznuiediat1y adjacent to the main trunk sewer, The amount which this area can bond Itself for 056, OUO) pppetto to be an equitable amount for their Ohara of the cost of the main trunk sewer and the sewage treatment plant. It is suggested that the further coots of processing tb3.s action be borne by the Sap.tary Dgotria$ in aonsid9ratlan of the fact that the petition9? have no organization 4f their awn to handle this matter, and furthers, that the iiistri4t as a mole will benefit through the lower tam rate resulting from the increase of total assessed valuation and broadpning of the tax base, JOHN L. MASON December 4, 1947 MO TO: MEMER13 OF SANITARY BOARD 511BJECT: PTIOGRAM OF LOCAL IMPPOVEKEirr DISTRIOTS The program of dOi1sTrrt2LStiari. of X219 main trunk sewer indicates that eervlce into tnir sewer will be available on or before September 1, 1948, vith a reasonable probability of this date being improved to July 15, 1948. This woull make service avoilnble to the area easterly of Charles Hill, including 1afapetVe, 3aranap, Pleasant Hill and the areae in the fl1sLriOt to the southeo�3the�ip'G and northwest of Walnut Creek before on flbefore�eptember 1, 1948. Service in the ar3nda area may be available on or about December 1, 194a. There are certain closely built-up areae within the Finitary Digtrict which need sewer service at the earliest date that such service can be given, due to the presence of over -flow; sewage and the serious heath bazard as well as the nuisance conditions tram the odors. Ett eneive additional areae in the district may be classed as non-critical now, but which will require sewer service in the near future as they become more oloeely built up. 'mere are, , & addition, extensive areas of presently undeveloped lands uhich will not need sewer service until the propertiE are subdivided and developed. The areas in which the need for service is oritioai are listed in order of present need . as follows: 1. Lafayette, including Lafayette Oaks, L .fayette Manor, Lafayette Horne ei tes, Lafayette Heights, Lafayette Terrao , Lafayette Acres, Biokeretaff, Elowh and Sunset Village tracts, and various adjacent Xll subdivisions, Pleasant Hili area northwesterly of E.B. aqueduct. 3. Sari , gun Valley, Newell Tract, Parkmead, i'i.ora1 nd, and lands immediately south and southwest of Walnut Creek +. Hidden Valley and adjoining small subdivisions. 5. Walnut Heights and Lakewood including Alton Oaks, Idylwood Walnut Knolls and Sans O ra&nte subd vi eione, and intermediate small eubdivi cions and holdings, 6. Orinda area north of Crossroads 7. Orinflo, area south of Crossroads. 8. Pleasant Hill and Walnut Greek areas north of Walnut Creek, west of Highway 24 and southeast of E.B. . T'. D. aqueduct It is suggested that all efforts on engineering and prooeedings for local improvement districts be concentrated on . getting service to these Br9k3ts where tne need is critical A4 as to program this work during the gumaer and tali. months 42' 1948 to have service to the homes when service is available in the main trunk sewer. It is further ouggasted tit the service to less critical areas be temporarily deferred unless More 18 a preponderant sentiment or desire on the part of the propslity owners in these areas to have this service immediately, To accomplish the work of processing local improvoment proceedings and preparing plans for the districts Outlined we 14111 require an in. urea Bed en tnoerrng staff and additiona1 additionoffice space 1m ed.1ate1y# and the District Engineer recommende that the Board approve the following ing stateo Freneral proms and policy: TEAT TM SANITARY BOARD AUTHORIZE THE NECESEIARY i I NEED I AND PROMDINGS G FOR TM SETTING UP f LOCAL IMPEOAWINT DILITRICT5, l' THO t:AITING 1FETITION QF THE AFFIWTrb PROPUTX OWNEn# TO PROVIDE SLRVICK TX THE LISTED mem W4EPE CRITICAL HEALTH HAZARD EXr:„TS IN ORDER THAT SEWER BERME MAY BE AVAILABLE TO HOMES IN THESE KRZASCO U : TL 'IT AVAILABILITY OF SERVICE IN THE MAIN NX SEWER. THAT THE IMTALLATION OF LOCAL SEWERS IN LOQ CRITICAL AREAS BE TEMBARILY PERI) UNLE ' A CLEAR MAJORITY OF THt PROPERTY OWNER!) IN SUCH ABE0 INDICATL A DESIRE FOR IMMEDIATE 8 BV CE. It is auggested that this policy be publicly stated and that the critical Rreas he listed ,as sho ►n p bove so th t the reaction of the affected property owners may be r€ocivPd.