HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 10-9-1947AGENDA FOR MEETING OCTOBER 9, 1947 1. X11 Call. 2. Reading of Minutes. 3. Open and read bids on Section 11, Main Trunk 3ewer, (ere bide to Engineer for report and reCoittmentiatiOn. 4. Approve payment of 4120 for easement through Sacramento Northern . Railway. Approve payment of to for each. crossing permit. (San mon Valley Railway property at Saranap Station). 3. Approve payments for rights of way negotiated - by Mr. Rothgery for parcels in Section 11, Main Tri Sewer. 6. Approve acceptance of easement. through Freeman, property on basis of permitting Freeman to connect his 'hoe surer to marihoie on main trunk' sewer within his property, in, consideration for grant of ease. ease- ment without payment. Recommended •by District Engineer. 7. Accept Deeds of Dedication for Eeraty and- Radford properties •#,n Section 1, and Cunningham, . Floy, Freeman, Giibborne and Rowland properties in Section 11, and additional deeds preeehte4 by Mr. Rothgex 8. order comdemnation action on Hyde property adjacent to arnria Ttat o Section 1I. Order additional condemnation onparcels for •oection 11., if Mr. Rothgery reports negotiations uneucoessfui. 9. Approve posting of $500Q lommi as guarantee to Contra Costa County - for e s toration of county road pavements where sewers are installed. County Ordinance 18 pro r#,de a for po,s.ting of cash bond. �rantesing restoration of pavements after installation of eubeurfa a ,construction. The Board of Supervisors. has granted permit to the Sanf.ta.• y.ist:r1ct • � t • f r � t S` -• t i- =3 for a 1 the plain. trunk sewer system on basis -sof posting; i one sin ire . dost to Dover all- work of the main trunk sewer, i`th h ,punt ' • to • be adjusted if 000 is found to be ineuffiotent. • Tad is in .ieu of separate deposits for the work of each contfraot,. our- .oonraot ,specifications fu :ly protect the District aid this lip qcvtissilptroid to be a formality to satisfy the County Ordinance. Reaoen*ed... b nginee 10. Consider runeet of Waiter Pierson that offer for an 4e eemetit�: tbro h Pierson property be inoreaeed�, fr . 75O to •*1250. • . .is p4rc0. F ,,� ,. in Sect ion 1 on which condetion - prooee dings were . orc°reds and., :for_ which we have Court Order of pcissession. hr.: o hes anc ilistrict En ineer have recommended $750. 'pietriot engineer does ,not recommeni. ino rea a ing this payment.. Ask for hophee 0 ,s . op in2on. 11. order title reports for rights ot way for Section 111. Suggest this. be done with Contra Costa County Title Oompany. 12. Appoint teal estate agent for rights of way Section 111, Mr. Wadsworth has, recommended the appointment of Mr. M. A. Murp4y. 13. Discuss sewer service to elementary school site on Walnut 81vd. `with reptesentative a of Walnut Creek School District. pietriot., Attofrnel ' has advised the $ohool District that they may ,participate in the 'OSY of s{ewer extension to+ serve this' site, but that they may not pay. thea entire cost. 14. Mr. Bazett of Coldwell Banker Company asked the Engineer for informa- tion nforma- tion on status of purchase of property for plant site and was advised that the District has option on the Loucks' property, but will not purchase the Hooper property. Engineer carefully avoided going into any details, but assumed that Brett was hinting for a settlement under their appointment to negotiate purchase of plant site property. The Minute Record shows them to have been appointed and it is assumed that we will have to pay them a fee of 5% of purchase price of Loucks property when option �n that property is taken up. 15. Take up option on Loucks property. 16. Puthorize engineer to negotiate agricultural lease with Jack de Martini for grazing on plant site property and leased property during the coming winter season, if the Board desires to permit this. It is probable that grazing could be allowed on part of the 106 acre parcel leased from the Hooper Company during the coming winter season without interfering with the District's construction program. fir. de Martini formerly leased the Loucks and Hooper properties for raising grain and for gran i ng and wishes to continue such use as far as practical without interfering with the District's program. 17. Bear report of engineer and award contract on Section 11. 18. Authorize President and Secretary to notify administrator of Gogo estate the time limit within which they must execute the contr of on Section 1. 19. Monthly bills. 20. Adjourn to October 23. FINANCIAL REPORT OCTOBER 92 1947 VOUCHERS 1 to 281 inclusive Total $150,246.03 Salary 2,988.50 Indy. Auto 84.52 Incidentals, office etc. 1,231.81 Engineering fee 60,721.65 Rent 9010.5 Election expense 10,673,83 Real Estate 1,500.00 Extra Legal Expense 5,626.83 Furniture & F'txtures 2,657.47 Easement cost 210.00 Bond account 60,000.00 * Construct Account - easements 1,748.27 Oondtruation Account - sx. lsgal 860.00 - I.aad account 1,500.00 0 Placed in Bored Account from Running Jzp $n se returnable from taxes. In Ze isr Construction Fund. Received from Bond sale 1, 500, 000.00 Premium 2,649.00 Intere t 1O3.72 1,815,688.72 Previous Receipts 125, 594.00 MEMO TO BOARD MEMBERS SUBJECT: EAS M NTS THROUGH EAST BAY MUM Ie IPAL UTILITY DISTRICT PROPERTY The trunk sewer from Lafayette to Orinda mint pasts through four parcels of land owned 1n fee by the East Bay Muniaipa►]. Utility Distriot. These easements have been the subject of many conferences and oorres. pondence bttween the Utility District and your engineer. The points of contact where the main trunk sewer must cross g.8. M. U. B, property are; 1. North of Lafayette Dam and immediately west of Lafayette pumping and filter plant. 2. Easterly and northerly of El Nido. 3. Southerly of State highway and easterly of Charles Hill. 4« From west aide of Charles Hill to Los Aromas in Orinda subdivision. At the Director's Meeting of the Utility District held Ootober 8, the directors meeting as a committee of the whole, stated that they would approve the grants of easement *0 the Sanitary Distriot for the installation of our trunk samara through the parcels in question, and that they would reserve any decision as to whether or not payment would be required for these easements. From the conversations with Messrs. Longwell and Wickman of the Utility District it is believed that payment w9.11 be required for Parcel 44 and that probably a nominal payment will be required for Parcels 1 to 3 inclusive, Full description of the properties for Parcels 1 to 3 Inclusive were 3n the bands of the Utility District at the Directors IIt9etlA$ of October 8. Legal description o4' Parcel 4 was forwarded on Oct. 9. Wlokman of the Utility District Land Division advises that the date of formal approval will probably be at the directors meeting on Ootober 22. JOHN L. MASON