HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 10-23-1947AC#ENDAFOR MEETING OCTOBER 23, 19 7 / 1. Roll call. /2. Reading of Minutes. 3. Receive Engineer's report and recommendation of award of contract for Section 11 Main Trunk Sewer. / 4. Award contract for Section 11 Main Trunk Sewer. / 50 Hear Mr. DeLap concerning intentions of the Gogv estate regarding contract on Section = Main Trunk Sewer. RECESS Recess to consider next action in regard. to Section 1. .,r.6. Instruct attorney to make formal demand of estate of Toni L. Gogo and on National Surety Corporation to produce executed contract for Section I on or before 5 p.m., October 28, 1947. . Pass resolution accepting deed. to Loucks property (Treatment Plant) /8. Pass resolution accepting deed of dedication for sewer easement on Le onhart property. 9. Authorize President and Secretary to execute supplemental agreement with Southern Pacific Railroad Company covering change in easement for Section I. 34. Order condemnation of easement through Loucks property in Section I. Mr. A. B. Tinning, attorney for Mies Loucks, and Mr. William Sears, nephew of Miss Loucks have advised that she is now incomp- etent to execute the grant of easement which has been agreed upon in all particulars, namely at 10 per foot. Condemnation is necessary in order that we may have possession of the property. Receive report from Mr. Rothgery on Barker property in Section II and order condemnation i n event that he was unable to reach an agreement L� .t - � • ,' rr '#�F+F 4r m� ' #��M't + 9i � F, •' 4 ••� �� ■ '� �-� ,�:��� �.'■'1' �. � P+ .�F' • h r Report from Mason concerning negotiations with Orinda Country Club. 3i* Report from, Mason concerning rights of way in Section V, Main Trunk Sewer, walnut Creek south, regarding coordination of Sanitary District's work with planned widening of State Highway. loo Discuss possible action in regard to Sanitary District's request for concurrence of Board. of Supervisors in the installation of District sewers within County roads. The status of this matter is as follows: a. On September 12 your Resident Engineer requested. the Board of Supervisors to concur in the installation of the District's trunk sewers in County roads listed in letter of that date. b. On September 20 Deputy District Attorney Wakefield Taylor advised that the County Surveyor had recommended that a deposit ofPoo be required for this work in accordance with County Ordinance No. 185 c. After conferences with Deputy District Attorney Wakefield Taylor and Mr. Brailsford, your Resident Engineer assumed that the County could legal .y require a deposit and by letter of September 23 to the Board of Supervisors objection was made to the amount of deposit specified because of the amount involved, d. Tinder date of October 6 the Board of Supervisors entered into its Minutes a motion authorizing a deposit of 5000 only to cover all of the work of the District in laying sewers of the main trunk system in accordance with the provisions of County Ordinance No. 185. e. On October 9 this matter was brought before the Sanitary Board and the opinion was then expressed that the County: Ordinance was illegal as applied to the work of the Sanitary District. f. Mr. Taylor has personally advised. Messrs. Johnson, Brails- ford rails.ford and Mason that he considers that County Ordinance No. 185 can not have applied to work being performed under the Sanitary District. go On October 21 Mr. Jos. Barkley, County Surveyor, advised Mason that the Board of Supervisors was gravely concerned over the fact that the Sanitary Board did not consider Ordinance No. 185 applicable to the Sanitary District's work, and that he, as road commissioner, might find it necessary to stop the work of the Sanitary District by performing work with Oounty eauipment in the same area if the District saw fit to proceed without permit from the County. Mr, Barkley strongly urged that the Sanitary Board meet with the County Board of Supervisors to "work something out" to the mutual satisfaction of both bod.ie s. h. In telephone conversation between Barkley and Mason on October 23, Barkley stated that he was aware of the pro- visions of Section 8 of County Ordinance No. 185, which states as follows: "None of the provisions of this Ord- inance shall apply to any work done or to be done in any place where a permit is required under the provisions of this ordinance when said work is done pursuant to a law of the State of California, and that we could probably get by, by disregarding the County ordinance. Barkley stated that differences between the East Bay Municipal Utility District and the County on this same matter had been amicably adjusted and. that Ebmud now secures permits for their sub -surface construction in Contra Oosta County roads, however, Barkley admitted that Ebmud does not post any bond, nor require its contractors to do s o a Barkley particularly stressed the fact that the other public bodies, such as Stege and Ban Pablo Sanitary Districts did. post bond with the County. io The tenor of conversations between Barkley and. Mason and reported conversations between Wakefield,. Taylor and fro Brails- ford indicate that the Board of Supervisors anticipates some written correspondence from the Sanitary Board or conference with its members. To summarize, it appears to your Resident Engineer that the Oounty Surveyor and Deputy District Attorney acted in bad faith in demanding a deposit since they have later admitted that there was no basis under law for such a request, It does, however, appear to your Resident Engineer that the County Surveyor under his duties as County Road Commissioner may probably insist on being fully advised concerning subsurface installations under County roads, and that we should have the concurrence f the County in our work. Please note that our original requests f9r Sections I and 11 did not ask for permit, but simply that the County concur in our making these in- stallations, and. the County issued its permit for Section =, but has not yet issued a permit for Rection Il. 15. Petty cash needs Vio. 16. Adjourn to , 1947.