HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 5-13-1948AGENDA /METING RAY 1.3, 194$ ie 1. Aol Call I 2. Appoint Sec. Pro Tem. 3, Readingof ' 4. Award Contrtot for isection Y. Resolution No. 213. 5. ikecept Deeds of Dedloation, Unift L.I.D. 2, Resolutions 214 to 218. ,� 6, Authorise ?resident and Seeretary to execute 2 license agreements with Sacramento Northern Railway for work of LID. No. 2. � �. Authorize change in contract for Sewage �.t►r�ent Plant withMacDonald,* Young & Nelson for installation of electrical conduit and cable with appurtmsnaes for power service of Sewage Treatment Plant. The original specifications for the Sewage Treatment Plant ststed thRt the power pervioe into :he transformer slkb and including the f'urnfsM3.np and eetZlng of trarsf'ormerc would be performed by others than the general contractor. The plans for the work further Indicated that the electrical service would be rain its conduit from the property line to the transformer slab, a distance of mpprt»i,rtstmly Wo feet, The Pacific des and Electric Company advined after the speoificatinnin had been issuad that they would extend the pouter service overhead on pulse but would pertain none of the work required for an underground service within the Distritot'e prvpin"ti7: This neceo5itetee that the District have this part of 'the work done by someone other than the Power Company: The contractors tam, ordbmitted their proposal under date of May 7, 1948 to turniSh and install the necessary conduit, cable and eleatriael fixtures for this, underground power csrvlce at a lip sum price of i13938.00 with an silo; AnQe for credit of 423740 from this amount in the event that the Power Company will install the cable within the conduit, with the cable to be furnished by the contractor. The a1ternata possibility te tbe installation of overhead vervive with abave..grotutd power poles on the Sewage Tr.atment Plant property. It 1a recommended Mat the Board autYori-e this additional work to be performed as a change order to the onntractars, MaaDonall} Young and Nelsons and that the Engineer .be authorized to instruct the contractors to proceed with the !'vGrniihi't`g end installation of the eleatrica1 conduit, power cable and electrical fixtures. The Santtarg District has received a requeet from the City of walnut Greek under date of May 11, I948 for s s'EAtement of the bests upon whish the Sanitary Pittriot would r% the use nf the pipe line bridge at Railroad Avenue as a foot bridge. Section 5513 of the Health and Safety Code undf.br potters of a tr‘nitas"7 DiStriDt states as follows "It may permit tbe use of any property at the District by any aaunty or municipality, or any other dis tsi,ot or gov rIMM, nta gency. ,r e. brag e It appeago to be a matter of gsnz1 public convenience to • emit the uao of this pis:te linin bridge as a foot bridge. The = - F is to have a waikaray . constructed. on 2t by the contractor for 3eotian I, witib the proyisisn of Wee to prevent list use by the General public. The bridge is entirely adequate in strength for use as a pedestrian bridge as well as a bridge to aarry this 3i#{4 trunk after. It 1B suggested that the pietrict Board grant to th• City of 110=4 CrtllG pexmiss1on to use this bridge as a foot bridge on the baste that the Sanitary District be leieved of all itabt3Lty and respon• sSbi,3ity for such use by the public. and that the City of taslnut Creek gismoM such revQneibillty tbat may be required by lam. Further that all additional cost for the construction of approaches and protect fences along the walkway of the bridge be borne by others than the :. nitary Distri4t, 9, The City Attprney of the City of Walnut Cx'eei, unaer date or May 11, has advised that the work of the Iataccie Avenue sewer has been completed and aocepted, and the request is made tbat the Sanitary Dis uri eft effect an early payment of the PS striot i a agreed etre o2' the cost of that sewer. Thie amount is 41277.084, It la ested that a warrant be drawn in this amount and its favor of the ity of walnut; Creak. to be delivered to the City by the District's Atznay with a reqcif.etts agreement coverIng this oayment and the District's 'toe of this sewers 10. ,The -last Bay Xuntotpal Utillt7 District under date of May bat' requested information as to terms under which the Sanitary District VIII provide se-wer °ergots. connections at 0tationg 64+ 60 and 91+ 17,75 reo-otiqely of Section III of the Main Trunk Steer. main trunk sower to to be installed 9.n easements ee8ured from East Bay Mud at the points atated* and the District has a resit3.ence looated adjacent to Station fit 6o and the Lafayette filters and pumping plant ad ja oe nt to 3tation 91+ 17.75. The 3ngitteer luto been advsod that Ebraud vidhes to connect the ann1tary pitiabi. of Its bzt,l.ldiiits to the Lia3.n trunk sewer at the locations indicated, TIP Utility Diotriot may not I9 taxed for the construction 0f the main trunk. sgri,r sysCemnQx' for maintenance and operation Emit therefore present a opectial cane itt the matter of a oonneotion charge. The annual sewer rantal°. paid in various muniaipallties throughout the United States where sever rental's are in effect would be approximately 57.2Q per year for enitili ssirvvce cannec&ion. If this charge were extended on perpAtlity basis an amount of 50 times the annual charge would be the normal single payment charge. It is recommended that the Resident ringifleer be authorized to tideise Etinud that a single charge of t_3$0 would be taus for each of the two services on .the basis that these woad serve the existln4, establishments and their' sanitary plumbing only, Further that the cost of connecting from their existing plumbing to the min trunk sewer be entirely at the u. -3- Er. Sheldon Rankin of T711 1:a1nu1' 'nretk School Dlatriot and ,rir. Ellis of the Lafayette Fohool lAolact Wive biten adviced that lattral aewsre w iI1 probably 114 installtd 4urin5 the oomInzfte1 yr, 194V1949, ilts?: will provide vimer connotion to the Pnamead &rep. oahoial of the /nut Creek Sohool District and to the Laraystte Grftrawr :oahol. of the Lafayette .icool District" and in order that thete gentlemn, may set up their 'budgets for the coming Meal yeer they have bsen advlsea t bat the assoisments for sewer asrviat to the echool DAstriot prprties will be apiproximstely 75 in eath oasts but not to exceed $100. P7its Hessrs. innhin **an.. have been furthsr -ftlood that the Panitnzy District may not enforce an asseement against the achool Mortriota. but that the 4:,ohoo1 Board may conpant to such ausesazirmts md It hr.s, ben suggested to these gentlemen that it might be sound policy on the part or that° Lchool Boards; to consent to ouch ausessnent on the basio that the boundaries of the'School Distriots are not cotormInu9 with the riltay Diatrict nor with the Assessment Districts which will pAy the costs of tbs lateral severs In sac!) case* tir. Kennedy bAs strongly recaragnded that an effort b. made to have the Zehoca Distrlaa consent to the hoosents nnd pay the proportionate Oa* ert the cost of lAteril sewers serving the Gallop' 4i,roperties and these conferences with the rchool StworirC'ericients hie been bad .= Kennedy's re4uest, ve12, Fiankin of the ialnut Greek 3chool Diatriet has requested Rr. Mason to ask the 4atiet 6ard to confine its leatie on our present office space at least for the current tern of thet leas* to December 114 1948. and to sublet the bundling to the Walnut Crtlk Sebool District for use ftEg a olasiram. As now echeduled v* will occqa our new office prior to She beginninir of the Coming sehool It ic beltaviPd that it would be n reasomble courtesy to comp17 vith the peoest of the School ehtlperinttnitent in this matter. It to understood that ht must locate, Six additiona1 elacaroams far tbl next otmool year outside of the present classroom facilities Ala At will h-ve available and n't he to securing othr i:ivartero of ,what similar charaoter to Our present office wilcs• 45;1/e- e4/4 /14- 15. t.uthoritsthe purchase of a pipe finders h.rvy4 model at list Price' of 419-5.fac, ffa, 6-e Resolution No, 219, aflatb 0ficer1i letters Lt.. no. 3. 15. Nosolution 210. 220, Prepartng plans, sp4,00 and alatimate of coat for L.I D. no. 3. To: District Board May 13, 19+8 Subject: Rection V, Main Trunk Sewer Result of Investigation of Martin Bros. The financial responsibility, technical ability and experience of Martin Bros. has been investigated and the following facts deter- mined concerning this contractor: a. Contractor carries accounts with the Bank of America and with the American Trust Company at their Concord offices, and shows a net wortb of $203,500 as of January 16, 1948. Mr. Crane Walden, Manager for the Bank of America, at Concord, and Mr. Antone Cvitusa, Manager of the Bank of America at Walnut Creek report that Martin Bros, are considered sound financially and may borrow from that bank in reasonable amounts on a secured basis to conduct their business operations. It appe: rs that the contractor has adequate finances to carry on a contract of the size of Section V of the Main Trunk Sewer. b. The Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, through its Oakland agent, Mr. Arbon Delvanthal, have advised by telephone that that company will execute the required surety bonds for the contract. Mr. Delvanthal indicated that he would probably have a written statement to that effect before the Board on May 13. c. Martin Bros. own adequate equipment to perform all the operations of the contract as indicated by the a qui..2ment list submitted by them under date of May 10, d. Martin Bros. referred to various people for which they had performed work, among them being: Dow Chemical Company Columbia Steel Corp. California Water Service Coast Counties Gas & Electric Co. Standard Oil Co. of California. Representatives of these companies who were contacted by telephone advised that Martin Bros. work for them has been uniformly satisfactory. e. The personnel of Martin Bros. has been investigated and it is considered that they have men of the necessary experience and ability to properly conduct the work of the character involved. f. Mr. Martin has advised that he based his proposal on furnishing and installing vitrified clay sewer pipe for the 12 inch and 15 inch pipe involved. Our specifications ions placed reinforced concrete pipe and double strength vitrified clay pipe on an equal basis and permitted the contractor to offer either one for all pipe sizes involved. The specification was written in anticipation that the vitrified clay pipe would not be available due to current market conditions, however Mr. Martin states that he can get early de l i ve ry of it. The specifications do not include any item for bedding vitrified clay pipe to 3/4 depth with lean concrete, which action is desirable where trench depth exceeds 11 feet approximata.. It is recommended that the award of the contract for Section V be made to Martin Bros. in accordance with their bid submitted on May 6, 1948, and that the Board further authorize an additional work item for "lean concrete for bedding vitrified clay pipe" at a unit price pc.r cubic yard of $22.50, and an stimated quantity of approximately 400 cubic yards for this item. This would reflect a total price for the work of this section of X155,312 bayed on the quantities and unit prices submitted in the bid and further based on the supplemental agreement covering the additional work item. This compares with the Engineer's estimate submitted to the Board of $181,000, Yours very truly CLYDE C. KENNEDY. DISTRICT ENGINEER by t?5I . MASdN, RET DENT EN INEEE Memo to the District Board: Me Board is requested to meet as a committee of the whole, to &nelder the following matters of goli4yt The trunk sewers reaching the $actren�e points of the Districts such as thelifle from wa].n�tt Creek to .Vle southern bounder and the lines extending from the pumping plant at 4rinda have pipe sizes into which house connections are normally mads, these sewers being 12 inches and smaller pipe. It is considered that it would be wiser to construct these trunk aewer$• canourrent with the lateral systems serving the areas, part- icularly in arindd, in order that the streets would not have to be torn up twice for the installation of sewers, and so that service in the sewers would be provided immediately after the sewer was installed. There have been verve conpider�ab3e delay! in the acquisition of rights of way particularly those requested from the Pacific Gas & Electric Company. It is believed to be to the best interest of the District in providing service to the home owners to install the trunk sewer south of Rudgsar Road and the trunk sewers in the Orinda district beyond the limits of Seotldrt IV evnnux►rentiy with the local sewers serving individual properties, with the cost of the trunk sewers 'Co be borne by the Sanitary District as a contribution to the local improvement district. It is recommended that the Board approve these policies in principle 00 that the Engineer may proceed with further construction plans on this basis. ♦ * +r a r * Consider budget and tax rate for fiscal year July 1, 1948 to June 30, 1949. The funds of the District stand as follows in unobligated balances at the date shown: Sewer Construction Bond Fund Running Expense April 1, 1948 May 1, 194$ May 1, 1948 $537,125. 140, 204. (des attached tabulations of estimated balancer, for end of fiscal year June 30, 1948) The money received from the Moraga Company contribution totals a15, 000, which was deposited in the Running Expense Fund, 46O,000 of this was traneferred 'Co the Bond end and approximately 339,000 more X9,13 need to be transferred on or before June 15 to cover bond Interest and redemption due on that date. Under the consideration that the Moraga funds muet all be ult- imately allocated to sewer construction there will be an approximate balance of 20,000 for the current Plical year. The estir tet expenses oh rge b1e to Running Expense for the fiscal year 194811949 are estimated at ,48, 000. The revenues anticipated based on ' lie{ maxim= local tax rate of 400 for main- tenance and operation for the coming fiscal year are estimated to be 68,000 from taxes plus $12,000 from pets, and #3i000 from connection charges for a total of 303,000. It thus appears that the District strict may have a further balance for the coming fiscal year in the gener. l area of 053,000, which would sere to reimburse the borrowing from the running expense fund for bond interest and redemption. The Distriet must levy a tax for the comity : fiscal year for bond interest and redemption in the total amount of 0122, 70O for outstanding bonds and approximately 0,000 a6ditional if the 4100,000 in unsold bonds is sold during tat time. The estimated assessed valuation of the Sanitary District for the coming; fiscal year is 02,500,000. If the tax rate is set at the malum of 400 for maintenance and i operation c nd at the amount required by Inw for bond interest and redemption to raise the necessary funds for that purpose the tax rate for next year will be approximately as follows For maintenance and operation (Running Lvense Fund) 400 per hundred of assessed. valuation. For bond interest and redemption (Bond Fund) 560 per hundred of assessed valuation. Total tax rate 960 per hundred. ft 0 * 0 The District wl3l need to employ certain personnel who will be carried directly on the payroll of the Distriot fluxing the coming year. This personnel will be *ever maintenance crew and plant operators and sanitary inspectors. Some inpotorc and opPrators will need to be employed as early as August, 1948. It is estimated that a total of seven such employees will be on the payroll by June, 1949, The expense of the sanitary inspectors will be self liquidating since the district will be pxpeoted to charge for permits for house connections 40 lateral sewers and for the cost of inspecting such inatailatlone. ° The normal inspection Pee is ;;10.Q0 for such connection and It is estimated that approximately 1400 such connections will be made before June 30, 1949. The Board should consider rates of compensation and other matters pertinent to the employees who will be directly employed by the Sanitary District. The Board should he considering as a policy matter, the pallax possibility of setting up a construction crew employed directly by the unitary District for making tbe connections to lateral sewers end extending the pipe to the property owners property line, with charges for such work which would make this matter a pelf liqui8atirg expenditure. This method has been in use for many years by many MunlatpalitieS and in general functions more satisfactorily than permitting this work to be done by private contracts in that the quality of the wort installed is usually better and the costs to the owners making the house connections at a standard and pubii6hed rate. Consideration of this may be premature at this time, however the matter warrants the Board's consideration. The installing of house connections by private contracts requires close inspection on the part of the Sanitary Inspeutore of the District and reauires the p�eting of bands by suoM private contractors guaranteeing the Mistioratl.ott of streets and the paving of pavement cuts for a period oY' ons year. Midi is a difficult thing to police when the work is done by private 4ontradEors. There are arguments 'Co be gra aerated on both aide of the picture by having the connection made by District foroes or by private con- tractors but 3n consideration of the tremendous volume of this work the matter will become quite acute during the coming fiscal year. The foregoing matters are presented to tbe Board for its oonald- eration without the need for formal action at this time. The budget will have to be adopted during June, 1948 and some other points discussed may become matters of action in the emery early tuttYre. JOHN L. MASON SEWER Cu31111tICTION Unobligated Balance Unf3ldBonds Balance 4/1/48 Probable obligations to 6/30/48 at. unobligated balance 05/3o/48 BOND FUND — Balance 5/1/48 Required 6/15/48 for Bond Int. & redemption )102044 Balance June 1511948 — 00.00 437 125.64 loo oo.00 220 000.00 7,12 .G0 54,981.69 RUN14ING =POISE FUND Reirnburnable advances for Encineerin.g and Rt. of way for Local Improvement Districts 3/31148 Probable Tax Recetots for Apr. 11914.8 Required Deduction to cover Bond Int. & Redemption 6A5/48 Probable non.reLmburaable expensee April, May and June, 1948 16,222. 3181;737.42 39,000.00 .M237.00 at. Total transfers from Bawlingxpense Fund to Bond Fund 99,000.00 Total Morns cotttribution11215,000.00 'ft...noel:tad in Running Expense Puna. Assumed, Balance of Moraga contribution in Running Expense FOC )215,000.00 minus c99,000.00 or 1160000.00 Approximate Unappropriated ReBerve for 1947.48 139,237 minus A16,000 or .23,000.00 CONCLUSIoN: If Tax rate is maintained at maximum for two yearn it appears that the District will be able to transfer the full amount of e415,000 frre Running Expense Fund to Betrar Constructtop Fund on or before June 30, 1950. ESTIMATED ASSUMED VALUATION OF 5101ITARY DISTRICT 1946 - 1948 $22,500,000.00 Revi,red for Bond Interest and Redemption Tax nate Required with allowance for delinquency OD 3% Suggested for Maintenance and (aeration (Running Expense Rtr%8) with allowance for delinquency Tax Rate Required. Tota]. Tax Rate 22, 700.00 .56/5100 88,000.00 .40/q100 96/ 100 of assessed valuation BUD= ESTIMATE rCR 1948 - 194$ E�eneee Directors Secret Clerks Office applies , Furniture, etc. Heat, Light and Janitor Plant Operation Maintenance Crew Tools, eek and Care Sanitary Inspectors Election Total l Revenues * $.40h100 Tax Rate Taxes Permits & Fees Total Revenue E e t imat ed Unappropriated Reserve D2,000.00 3200..00 $,000,00 000,00 1,800,00 9,000.00 9,000.00 8,000.00 6;000.00 1'000.00 000.0 -88,000.00 .2410 )103, 000, 00 55,000.00