HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 6-3-1948. ±. JUNE.
1. Roil Gall.
Appoint aecretary Pro Tem
3. Reding of kinutes.
Hearing on hecolution. 210. Local topXrnprovementistrict• ..
Consider written protests receiveds
3. Adopt so ion ordering the work of Locol Districto
. 2.
6. Pass resolutions 221 to 244. 247 and 248. accepting deeds of dedication
for easements. and order their recordation.
7. Authorize the President and Leoretary to execute ar em with
Southern Pacific Company for license to lnatall sowers within their
railroad rpt of way southerly of Walnut Creek. and authorize payment
f iA0 as a angle payment for the crossing involved.. and 413
year as annual rental for longitudinal encroachment.
8, Adopt Fesolution No. 216 establishing wage scale for contract for
construction of Oxidation Ponds at the She Treatment Plant.
9. Adopt Resolution Wc. 246 calling for bids on Oxidation Ponds.
10. Authorize peace of one M -Scope Box Locator at list price of 85.
The H.Boope pipe locator gently purchased is in e&y s. and in
view of the number of field parties and Inspectors we have working
it Is hely desirable to have an addition 'instrument of the
charaeter suggested. It is recommended that thla phase be authorized.
11. Order the Judgment of the Superior Court vAlidating the Pacheoo.
Highway Jution annexation read on the Minutes.
12. Pay monthly bills.
13, Consider salary schedule for the next fiscal year of employees of
Kennedy whose work is covered by the reimbursable aocount of
the engineering contract (for inspection. field engineering. etc.).
Also consider salarr scbedule for next fiscal year for employees to
be directly employed by the Sanitary District. See attaohed memos
The attached schedule Is recommended to bring the sal ari e s of thls
peroonnel in oonformance with the amounts. paid by other publics,
14 Adopt Resolution No. 249 estabilahIng wage scale for contrat for
construction of Local Irk.;rovemont District No. 2.
Mo to; District Board
From: Clyde C. Konn0d7
Subjeot4 Salary Sotidule - Fiscal Year 1948/194%
rtal 26, 1948
The salary ra$os for various engineering and ■Slb•prorasuf►onal
claseirie4tions eloy01 on wort for the Sanitary' DidtriOt where these
employees tiria carried on VII, parPoil or the Engineering Ottte of
01y40 C. Eannedi have been empared with the rate. for eininar worlt
reoehtly estab1'1ehed by the tae Division of Htewtyesthe • Otfy of
OakIa, tbe 3aot Say Municipal Utility District and Contra Gota
County. It hc been .fatand that we tame been paying in genera at a
alightly lower omit" in most classi,tiontions than the re.tee holding
for the other public bedise• •
.� of these public( bailee have recently otablis%ed a higher
ealary schedules some of which hcive boom?. eff,etive -Rind others will
become effective JOU' 1948.
.There have been instances of attemptc) to attract purr employee°
to leave tbls organization to go with the other pubut loca9s involved.
It appears necessary that the estart”." paid by 'Ito Sanitary Dietrict
Gln effect) through the reitabureable work o1` Us contract with the
District Engi noer be in agreement with tie salaries paid by other
publio bodies,
3'C vgZl be nectegoary to rst01/0 a amlary rate and, range
for etaplc►y►e%) to be directly employed by the Sanitary District during
the coming fiscal year,
It to recommended that the Dietriot Board approve the following
1ieteii salary schedule for the various cleirioetians obewnt
Presort Pate Present Fecommende
Junior Mier. Aide 4 . 3 200 to 225 200 to 25
Engineering Aide 9 12 250 to 275 25n to 27
'Spinier Engr, Aide(Ustrument) ? 4 300 300 to 3a
2?5�InspeQtar 5 10 300
to 100 g
Laborer P4aint. tin 2 200 to 250
?molt DriVer Maint • Man 1 225 to 275
Plant Xechanio 1 250 to 300
Ma.i,ntenanae Zrnpeotor 3 275 to 300
Asst. Plant Operator 1 300 to 3450
Plant Operator 1 35(} to 400
It &a further recommen.ded that the District Engtneer be
authorized to adjust the rates where upper and lower 13atta ars
shown to promote men on merit.
JO T, L t