HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 6-24-1948AGS -mEETING or ' ?On COIL 2. Appoint Seeretax7 Pro Ten. If 3. ?Arab* of ;-4.1.ntrtes prervious meeting. tVen bids on aziclation Ponder and miler to Engineer far recornendatton. 5. $idopt zltiorss 251 tgt i irexusty% accepting Duda of .Deatiivh tor lower easertf-ntse V644 7. S. v9. motion sutborizing Preeldwit 3.1v3 $eoretary to execute lio-enee . _ ent with Cattramo ”orthernMay for arasc11Mo LIQ Via. 3. Appoint Right of `-,tom Arpn't for Lab W. 1 iP1*asnt Rill u3a! area). It is r»cagr;sfzdedl that lir. CJancte ta. !48TIuse be aysgolnLeft fess thio wort. Aon eontratit far Oatidatttem `:'ordS. Pass resolution w•.• .'c boat election Sin the ilia Junction annexation to the 'Sant DiStricta ghts election Is only to taw area retoontly anninitd aryl the mount at the bond* bas . _ suggested at 670000 to be In comma,. sonforsience with the *malt voted by the, R�` +'�. DistrictDistrictin June, 1911?. Hr. Brans -ford has "�'� +@lEl6a3*7 x'e/42�ons prepared and at hand. vi 10. Adopt resolution approving planes, grades anti sps01.ficrxtioats for LTD Ito. 3 ALafartitte area). / IL Adapt reeOluttort apprOving aseeessent eastrite. nap for Till) No 3. AddPt reaeattion or Intention for LID 710. 3. „FAN. Consider ettablitabling commotion charges for connection to wan trick saver sanholes of house yrs from unottbdivided acreage paroel.e. Corta8er 1,41,1111.0. request orMr, Joe:. Bone. 3ee aMelted aim. v 3.14. Consider sateschedule tor eiployilkes to be dixepatl,i explo set by the --;anitax7 Dist* * Aurtnr the 1mp fiscal pear and for asp a :F e of the District LINTIliteer %those salaries are inarectly postd by ttlirtriet for time: vented on projects for the District. Refer to moo of May X948, a.nd attached memo r ConnieItivr appolninent of' ranarer for --'..Autlitar7 Dixtrict aottilties. see attrairthed moo. Adept budrilt for yermr endive' June 30. 1949. Lir-ee attached mews 450. petty atish reinbiaratment nemeed. 4 Distrist Vicfrird: ,ubleott Coni " c4U a of c#o ' o x A *haremoumvated ne: Lettor fo f • D' ot Eof,:stt &stied Juno 194B retersnood letter*'`*nom._requests:14 the prititnegi at Goinrivyting house army maideme =kw 03nstractilon t 0 trust Miter or riktetion. ru rrarthAc Lo to to _ T -1 of the `' ' r the low !oh int and °tam the 'Etorle (Arcot co=ieetior to this wattoole amid ba zwecaly Ward remota-- stuttivrirrea Ivo F F .731Ier esallraentine tOr tb* teat A 7sznie ty Distrter tto cttTI rn of Vac,th Truth after, conneati_on tharrar for thfryt servalcv was cot let .00 per i. aru atitabliabadby the writer =Ur auticalu,tion ear, tbau NyeatttI er �iitL emoiderattert alr the f act that the 4,3*MtLitto. twitted farz *' ttZ"t&Diatriet rIstritArgate. and operiatian or bore Uttarevot erx2 retivrticln* lucre ttedto the SioZatorlI0C. and Boo* ynxmortlAss v.:Nes dareet earineetion st utriboterm the Hari antr. • the are the Crow* reditnirs. 2Lerganarid L5iion prerraartioa the,, Voilev Ow. eat the Itiaravi, Van dert Betivat is -#ons :AcrPo -4 o .Vowel and randy. o ;:riAtet • ties in no lox,s:r a a3e7 oplaglarlsy oflifIrtlyettet_. in the cane or tr.„6-28 ani *Vier resislantla7G arid agleultara. arras property' Up wan horketiltes ix not tinamild to trattslis ettel) IAMB due ta moot of etch murk and 4* area. for the tar,ks zlija 414, --tart rialAct. alizttlar bol,clince rvati need as and witlere aublivIcaor of the intiefted or plannett arvare total "..:aproviverent LAAriet „he fact trot cach tomer* haw, cp7nUnued coperrttlor sortie rt 23.7:10.4ra that the °Imams _r' eve the Tgio- vilmwr of' a moor etwitteetlortz Garmy tIvIr ilizecrtlies are berg time far mintsinsme aria Greration baad n ' ` t x7- ' - ' x r o i Mat tITickard Tamil;the amrteetion of boas. Mie tO the, noili e n'only the fob , battles Thz,..t. the ti-aat of Le: cam' cotton be 'tome ST71.17 tly th0 Vr,pert7 mer miAm7the m c7 - =d 1 existingto for tiAa parpoes• C. Mat the property to be oomnected shall be so locnted that It vould not nvirnally be a part of a Looal Improvement District for 1tu'ii sewers to serve thp t particular property antimoar oar surroundinf properties. �. That the connecting owner be &urged a connection t.t of 4 Q tor the first reslelsnos on the »i0p*rt7 plue 0fay each . additional reintlence (such its servant ciaarters In a e �• That the Sem1#st3`7 District will construct a sa17ho].e and stub lateral 0012nOteE#.Ort Awl', required ijor instal & atm 1atexal eanneoticm In art axtetinP nartho1e• F. That these connection °bantam Won. apply way to protases oorieklas stneIq farall,y residences plus servants cmetexs. ''.4.4W. &;;„ 1:11, ziersVulz: 1.4uIC •icmchAt .irdevq,a intracat 4-4.4 uw,11, ?fon I3Oi 4X crir. taccrazacl arrj wrt isAimoruje oral eq, sows acetif. 4.uta, powooctaa x1 ,41 iounor,0 mAraz UW woe 410.3 tUOTri <or. ilmOkr4Z1 414t,U Ce4 aq Zit2 .sa4,,. sus tutew licrizawie att oa goriVul; 1PTE =Ms: Ptv =Pm Witti cam VilmouAliziklaz 044 ul •esAtdx2014274. =j, vezeaatio $ow rfuoisurr eta, teue UTS40;t1 15147141 "(AVM' attekai;;IV draa"-?0I CNA Via revura;coita m2,1 fte•awsira imE4 DerldcriTa iwregobt se= 3114 ErrawisaMO ttiogrotis aza Lam ant 3 oltiora initmneri4 vrthrflowd 11.10% WI *tag 2144tW ital.0.11.10a ZiVj t1 0 J4j44tria*Ce nolltra inn ac, *WM nik? 4vaint az 04206uTmko ITATa 40.4ncssm vuv Ignswira ovo znj Ur agog; saz zwi.44 iigvapinvuot, WasatmAtoOj ouro= tucau UPE trittusianw &au v.; OtOrtertIVAS. MN JO AID 4K.TA mitt istwi aT 0.4146al •e prolle trZ 194171',.; """*" 44A- 414 almIlm1111,70.1101111WINIMINPEO, zurptit•s:r ua; 4,* ertaTilfit 01,4 ‘,.111:101140 ox; Un1:00000044 14"..==.5) ifimmoun."-.• 4.12.4rmir$10 4..VPL4 IS g sfjW tiVI-45311„, Lnqitrzp, exica 40.1 cnur VeZzazZr4 men- 04. ramfr4co 201-4111 Liza Scarp frzu ittorluzimatc,0 zoj ow? 10-c* up Aug Wag Po 1;i4C truAr ,pb Zaurazt.4 rowekoal.rd 2..xrco OcA JGJ altroalpz turret= clazettL‘3Tir trz Ott" stz Avg vfortirs snuce tral-K teosappizajz 6,46TI6I ortiox, ..x.rj; TANitz,vic Lat-tut zUmatiqvc c1.4 La.vilxxxaatil Arma lividintatritiw gicumor$ neva wriZtev.) Pfre'd ST2 0441 41z war Mme: i 30 P : Astritt Kanaffieri Durirw the Mang fisesi year tbe Sanitary Distriot have a number of Employees workingdix►sotly for the District in operating tbe Swag* ,reatnent Kant. in wintertanee of SWIM ayaterie. and in tn5pe*tton peerzostnel for it corsteotiona. eSv. it appear* that it nocesessi for someone . to be In charge with authority to engage or discharge h firip3.ayses /um generally 'direct them, There pre other administrative functions or tbe District whLah have been carried out by tie Resident Erginser 1st the ilast which ssre reit severed by the contract with the District Engineer (ma for vta0h no lle1egateit authority exists, Such mpAtere contlime to arise and there is Q owed for some individuel to have authority to act for the District Boartio or to &sours tnfox*t&� for prisentation for the Boerdis action. Such mattOre are tibe anima budget. the issuance of matte fig sewer connections. FreliaSrari negotiations VIM various attested property aenere,t euld other such actions. 'Vit1e the program of construction is int Its present anti,* state it is considered that the m-zer Panativa mom► hest be egoblited with the wort of the District Engineer tna his delegate13. Restilettt Witten.. Thera ears 'to be rso ae►ni'iSet of duttes reepions1b3litie. posiible under arrangement. 7'C it therefor. auggosted that the Diorrict 3oard otTik.anierst the present contract with the District Exgine'or bar' APPointlifig t� District ignginear 'to serve ae Diatriat Manager end at the aearare of the Bva'rd. It is further suggested that the etvispeqiatlan for this additional service be set at 230 per month for the present while this position would be a parteptim activity*. Thls appointment to be on the tails that the District Engineer. and Manager would delegate authority to the Aesldent Engineer, to perform the neamosEry functions a management at the site as 414statant Nanag^ar: Firsorsatinta. itri 9, ,11.1 Daibete 313acr,tc6-, for 7inexti, e .: d.irg ',, 1949 The Indlet torn attached in igtgrAtettel, irt the l'AIL.,„-ot 74-1,11at a plica to iirraglass And ,.boaers. 7 . d o` a tAtac,oft. not definitely ralt.drett�.. Di '3 '' e:t o if the ia litstances were in V ` heli t° r epee a a at/ la, alit fires setboag, sardtarn, distletto. eta*. thin fog Irould dilxvetly arid t C0131117 AlaitOralft tri2t raft ter natintenarte, an -3. oparatieri rands Slin iacmolidarat ion of unexpandiolt bilartees firm the preeeedirtr :rear tAte llama experittittireit or the ti:mar* ems* .3 h-' Coreaftra Conte Coate aerAtary District receive& ,- t C-004.00 agt a Vie% tionteibut146 from Vie Moral% company and. Dt.A.strietb ..- eibr `. T '�, elP* P but boat tirsristivred firm the 1:bawling ;Ivens. Auld, tel the Bona rule to mat 'the fir6t lmers.wizeipla „gid..interelst rinuareriont of the ,_teriartil ?kends of The r.loratary Disetzle trkutch Turivace no tax me ativire tb current nolo. year. • 153, o4) trao wileetedfor zardateliame * Operation a dwritti Vie =vent fiterti yreitr Vitle) isikkla away* dounituryt tax still totobe reastrodo 1*--onts in a =mints u ' 'e or n batutea r %me ti, 1;, "' , LI theit &,tareprozWateiVyMar000.00 rue rtnr„,7Nyestitteily 00040 flyer' Tr -rent tiat reolisetionts tor a, toil air rroximt44iOOO.flO. '#.* tAnovenktett btarinn.- the Auntrinc Fiala gela of alma Immo' were a truet traAmm4 it %Pallet be tor reaneire Utzele in the nava Too" hotiever., the Adtrict bas an dblicatiln to cottnraan7 '`' e. 1215,0:)14.00 from t - - fix -penes raw ,t the Praine= far atwunt cme rviti ett Cur sVasa the aryMaittlastrimy beat eanp1y with the intent `tof the Statxt kat 1142, ireAoattng th.tt the hams= In the . &vb al mai !Inc* and 97mation iry owing wiritZ eta Urear- ; ' .. i the ,Iloara may rleatrit tivr traneferrod to 3er-er Costsstvotion ?and eirour, the Teat. For s mesons abovetand boosamo of tzle neoessita to keep ` i W1 tnt-tt under the elmtroi. of tivi District Doard, the bal4letito not rerresertt Ittio true, foto*