HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 10-7-1948100/1. Ron Call.
e.h. Secretary Fro Tem
vsi3. Reading of Minutes*
,444, Reorganization of Board with election of President to serve until
the next generia elections
Open bidm on trucks and award contract or refer to erwineer for
06. Appoint right of way agent for L.I.D. No. 6. Tills to an area
generally designated as Pleasant 'Hill Eastlying north of Osary Rod
and ester/7 of tile Ebmud aqueduct and weeterly of the Walnut Greek
Conord Highway but Including the Olen Taylor School and adjoining
subdivisions. It is recommended that Mr. McPhee be appointed right
of way agent for this looR1 imnrovement districts
417. Receive letter from Kr. 'layne A. Littlejohn certifyinF completion
of the District's office building. Your Assistant Geners1 Ranag.er,
acting in that capacity ha* reviewed Mr. Littlejohn's certificate of
completion and considers that the office building is complete In
accordencs with the specifications Pine, contract and the previously*
approved extra for the drafting room cabinet work. The certificate
of completion includes additionla extra work In the total amount of
:4332.81 of which amount nr. Littlejohn states he to personally pAyinr
l'aving a net additional work of V433.10 due the contriotor.
This extra work was occaoloned by the requirement of the Unto
Division of HlOways to lower the grade at the front of the building
in order that the gutter line should be ono root below the crown of
the State Highway, This requiremont was not known at the time of
preparation of plans and specificationa and was ordered by the Ztate
Division or Highways incident to their permit to the Sanitary District
for the paving of the area between the District's property lifte and
the edge of pavement of the 3tate Highways It is considered that
payment for this extra work is in order an that the action of the
Architect in personally paying for work which bad to be taken out and
reset indicates good faith on the part of the Architect.
It is recommended that the office building be accepted in accord-
ance with the Certificate of the Architect, that the payment amount
4pu1ated, namely the balAnee of 4814509, due the contractor be
paid, and further that the Board order the recordation of Nottee of
Completion. This action to be taken by resolution.
On the boots of the rRoommendation in item 7 immediately above, kr,
rSayne A. Littlejohn has n total amount due him for Architectural
services of t2,548.49. Of this, $1,856.88 ha been paid to this &Ite.
leaving s balance of 6691.61 due kr. Littlejohn. It la recommended
that the Toad author17,e this payment upon receipt of a bill from Xr.
The sewer code requires depositcash a Santee of the
inaIanation of specified work. The deposit covering work within
the property sewer) le returnableupon the eittieractory
completion of that portion of the work.
It recommended a the Board authorize the President and ,1
to Tawe a warrant for payment of such deposits upon the certification
of the after InaR5ctor that the work for which the Ospoolt la made
ITFIG been satisfsctorily completed. This will require a motion for
recon in the Minutes.
/10. Mr. Jams Correy has been ended as a sewermatntenance man subject
to the approval of the Board on his employMent. kr. Correy's rate of
mfr hAs besnthe first 3 months to be ndvpincedto
3O0 if hie services prove to b4 satisfactory. Mr. Corrtybad been
previously employed by Coast Counties las a Company
servios man for their work and he is very fAmiliAr with the area and
a min of exceptionally high cslibre. He is well qualified for ths
dutieseak!. It is recommeniled that the Board approve
his employmont.
1 11, Interpretation of OactionSewer Code, rhe r Code permits
the connection of rleidentialestriblishments direct to ownhol*s on
the trunk or main s were outside of local Improvementdistricts upon
the lanym4nt of a fee of 25O for the first residence and if50 for each
adationnl buildin7 occupiedR living quartera on the Game property.
A numbqr of such permits have been issued rand in the imas of appy
imnutely 1/2 of those the s1g manhole to which this
connection may be made. In the case of the balance 4f such connections
it f r to construct a new on the trunk eut . 'during
the dIscussion of tbq Ordinance Sewer Coes) prior to lto adoptIon
it appeareid to be a conemsus of opinion of the Board Members that the
District would construct such manholes as night bt necessary to provide
these connletions as Incidental coat uhloh the tae or 1250 Wag
. Mason has advised threF1 perone who hair/ sewer
connection as follows: 'That the connection shat be gid. to an
existim amniote nsuoh male is located within a reasonable
distance. The District will pay the installation of a new
mabbole when such mh 1! is requtred, up to a total cost of ;250,
and the permittee dballpay all additional costs for the construction
of the manhole and the connection to th, sewer.'
The foregoing appears to be reanonftble and appears to ropreaent the
desires the SoPrd as informallyseed and and a ood by me,
It is requestsd thmt the foams confirm or correct the sotionce
Assistant t r g In this matter End enterthe some in the
1.2. Complaints arainGt co -dors on conduct of their operations,.
Stoltel Inc., is engage in the work of L.I.D. No. 2 with approiriactelyy 6O, oof that project . l as far as layer pipe is
Downer Corp., s rts:4 on thework k of . ..Da . No. 3 on Neptenbe l► 3
and bag made a start only on that project.
Stolte has begin embarTassect In the conduct or operations by the
unavailability of road oil and paving t 1a due to the oil
workers atrilm and bythe delays in delivery of precast wholes.
This contractor has endeavored to take advantage of good ueather
conditions and has installed the seuerfs throughoutserfa vide area
ps.rticulArly In the Saranap d zt ict, with ver3r coni e eon.
ventence to residents. in ' use of the stresta. It appearsthat this
matter is now under reasonable control and that the critical streets
will remain open to traffic,. State bas been ab1re to brie soca
road on by r Winitfrom Ba 1d i and other remote Dime end
bybringer in 6p1 nt
t paves: materials for repaving. it is
believed that complaints gains Stone's operation can be generally
clandified as complaints moist inconvenience.
Downer Corporatton pption ?ons have been seriously hindered by:
Inadequate and- incoznp.teflt labor. Ma Construction Laborers Union
baa been called on o f'ntab mini of the men needed an the job,
but has reforred men who would not stay on e job or who 'piers so
incompetent that MO land to bei discharged, with the refit tivat
Downer has been .practicallyatoriped fromc Ont t inany' operations
to anyreasonable degree . efficiency.
b. ': ork in tbe center of Lafayette to front of the Park Theatre had
to be suspended dui • to the -preenoe or severe.hunted gallons of
Ga.Boline which ,ieae4 • lnto the trench trim a leaky stogie tank
at the Union 011 Pia ton Immediately north the theatre. This
hazardous, enation .was brought user 'control on Thursdrky, october
7tb, however the rOati has been blocked and the oo t . e or' s
operations interrupted for approximately ten diaj&.
o. The sewer trench opened on Roust' Avenue became flooded with septic
tarik effluent and the contractor has bad to organs - e his work to
i t p this very unpleasant 'condition. a has suspended ditching
s of October 6th La an effort to get the pipe installed tbrugh
this hazardous area so that streets msy be reopened to traffic.
It is believes that the circumstances interfering Bring the o rer' s
operations !la been beyond the control of tbat contractor and
constitute a misfortune to him and to the public s inc e it is
sierous4 delaying Me program of installing sewers in the IAWtie
It is believed that tbe public has Iletin sPriously inconvenienced
by owner's operations but that thay have no cause for complaint
under these circumstances.
MAE?= To the Board Ksr�bers October 7. 194$
Subject: Control of Septic Tank Installations
From: JOHN L. t4.A:� OH
A obastihat critical situation has developed, primarily in the
large tracts of boxes build by speculstive builders, in that these
builders have consistently installed the plumbing for the homes
with the sew►ape outlet at tie approximate center of the' back of tie
Mouse running to septic Danko in the back yards of the homes.
Individual builders have been repeatedly requested by Masan #wt
and the County Building Inspector to Install the house plumbing no
aa to make the ultimate connection to a collecting sewer in a
logical manner. The builders have generally disregarded this request
on the pica that it would increase the cost of constructing these
speculative homes by approximately $30.00 per home.
Sound engineering practice dictates that the consisting sewers
to be installed under the control of the Sanitary District shall by
placed within the streets where ever possible in order that the
District may have proper access to such sewers for maintenance.
The varying topography Yi#bin the Sanitary District forme tbe in-
stallation of sauera within +sasrmsntn along lot bAok lines and Side
lines in a fairly large percentage of the work.
The County Building Codi Which reguletee ,plumbing within the
houses, among other factors. 1e applicable at present only in fled
subdivisions and/or properties for which a record of survey hap eeen
filed, and further where the areas hive been covered by the County
Master Zoning Ordinance. At this tine the County 'Building Ordinance
covers only 10 of the area of the Sen3tory Distriot, The Board of
Supervisors has 1egislat*rii► pendlng to extend this control to all
areas other t3nn these zoned Re agricultural,
The County Building Ordinance went into effect covering a ma1l
part of the area of the Sanitary 'Dietr#.at in Harch of 1947 and has
been extended to some properties in the Lafayette Area and the San
Ramon Valley area since that time.
There exists an overlap of ju•r1diotion regArditg the in atalln-
tion of plumbing and septic tie to serve properties which may not
now be connected to 'sewers. The County Building Ordinance covers
all plumbing work within the property lines of a property over which
juriodiction has been taken. The Sewer Code of the Unitary District
eetablisbee JttrisUotion over the work within properties from a
point two feet outside of the building foundation to the collecting
Under Section 3.25 or %be Sewer Code of the :►anitary District.
the 3]iOriat indicates that it takes jurtidletlon over, the install-
ation or septic tanks. This section requires a specific permit
from the District Board for each such septic tank installation.
During several conferences with Messrs. Collins, Taylor and
4alker of the District Attorney's office. and Me$srs. Sraint and
Mol#arraw of the County Building and Health Departments it has been
su3geste4, particularly by the District Attorney's offices that the
Sanitary District assume control over the Installation of eeptic
tanks and side, sewers within iridiTidnsl properties throughout the
District in order that these Installations may be so made as to
permit a Iogical later connection irk the side sewer to the collecting
sower to be installed by the District. The District Attorney states
that if the Sanitary District X31 assume this Juriedietion whieh 18
granted to it by the Sanitary District Act, that the County Wi1
amend its Building 4rflinonae to surrender juriedtetion over the
plumbing work from, a point two feet outside of the building lines
retaining in the County Ordinance the control or the p3wdb1ng within
the house. Me suggestion appears most 1ogYaa1 particularly since
the County Ordinance does not directly cover septic tank installs --
tions. but merely indicates an opinion that an individual installa-
tion may function properly an a given buildIng site.
It appears to tha writer that the following would result if the
Unitary District assumed control over these septic tank Installations
and the County eliminated 00 section In its Suildingt9vde assuming
control over side sewers
a. ' The overlap of Juridiction would be eliminated.
b. The Sanitary Distri-ct could control the Installation
or hams sewage disposal within its boundaries including
areas not covered by the County Building Code.
0. Th. control mould prevent the present illogical iri-
stala.e►Lions and enforce installations so that house
severs could be later connected to collecting sehers
is R logical manner*
d. The County Heni'th office could perform Ito assigned
T'ttriation of expainlng unhealthy conditions and the
abatement of nuisances.
Adequate fees could be chimed to cover the cost of
the additional Inspaction work.
f. The purchaser's of speculative homss and the owners for
whom new homes are being confit noted could be protected
against the current bad prnctices of builders,
The County Building Cods requires that the house plumbing be
extended to a point of discharge from a building at the point on
the building where the extension to later connection to a collect-
ing sewer Is most logical. As before stated, rhe County Suilding
Ordinance does not cover a sufficient area or the Sanitary District
so tbpt it la avers reasonably effective in its control. In
addition, the legality of tbe County Building Ordinance is now
being attacked, with tbe Court hearing scheduled for kandayr
oatetber 11. This action to declare the County Building Ordinance
invalid is being basad on the poet that it is discriminatory since
it covers filed subdivisions only within areas also covered by the
Xaster Zoning' Plan.
To effect this desired control it probably be necessary
to amend the Sever Code under Section 3.25 to alloy for permits to
be Issued by some designated agpvf nt sd officer of the District
such am the Sewer Inv:Aators sndfuxther to amend the Sewer Cade by
the Addition of a fee covering inapeotion of septic ink instAllativns.
It la FNoommended that the Board consider the action diecussed
above and that the Diatriot assume control over septic tarik in-
stallations for all new buildings to be constructed within the
Sanitary District.
To svmmerVa the foregoing'
a, An overlap or JuD1dtCt1on exists between the County
Building Code and the Sewer Cede of the District.
b. The Building Code is applicable to a ama33 percentage
of the area of the District, and even when it Is ex-
tended to all filed sttbdivi sivns„ it X311 Mill be
applicable to less than 50 of the area of the District.
c. Builder* In general have disregarded normal good practice
and have Installed the house plumbing on new houses sv
that the future conneotion to collecting sewers must be
dare in as illaglea3 manner and at excessive expense to
the purer*.
d. Certain speculative builders are now disregarding the
Building Code In areas which It is presumed to cover
pending the result of the Court hearing on its validity.
e. name vers. in a great number of instances, hadiscovered
their predloament and have a expressed strong
objections to your engineer 14salnet the plans for collecting
sewers since the locations selected in a feta entail high
expense them in nng to the sewers, which expense
could hilt bAen saved had the plumbing been originally
installed in a loriestl and proper location.
f. The now s-pttc tan inGtnllatIons by ths Sanitary
District will be difficultand the cause of many #int s„
however the benefits should juatify such control,