HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 9-16-1948AGENDA -- MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 1948
1. Roll Call
2. Secretary Pro Tem.
30 Reading of Minutes of previous meeting.
40 Appoint Right of Way Agent LID 11. See memo attached.
5. Approve employment of Melvin Klemmick as assistant sewage treatment
plant operator at 275 to be advanced to 300 per month at the end
of 90 days if his services approve satisfactory. Mr. Klemmick is a
resident of Walnut Creek, age 4i, with prior experience as an auto
mechanic and general mechanic . He appears to be fully c ualif ied
for the position and was engaged. on September 8.
For the Board's general information: The plant operators are working
8 hours on, 24 hours offs in order to provide a man on duty at all
times. This shift causes them to work 40 hours per week and permits
us to operate with 4 operators for the present. It will be necessary
later to engage a plant superintendent as a 5th man in order that the
men may be able to take two weeks annual vacation and to provide for
possibilities of sick leave.
6. Authorize payment of $5.25 to Edna Coryell for easement for Section 111
of the Main Trunk Sewer. This payment is at the rate of 150 per foot as
previously authorized by the Board. The easement in question is 35
feet in length and. Mr. Murphy advises that he assumed that Miss C o ry ell
was not serious in her request for payment for the very small amount
involved, and the matter was thus overlooked until Miss Coryell made
request in writing for this amount
e Consider payment to Manuel Smith of 45421.04 due on accepts nce of
contract work. The work was accepted September 2 and all monies were
amm held. We have been advised by the American Concrete Pipe Go.,
Lafayette Building Materials Go., Nobe Supply Go., and other creditors
that they have received payment in full for money due them from Manual
Smith. If we make the payment that is technically due, the District
would be still protected by the retention of $19,875.60 against any
further claims. It is recommended that Mr. Smith be ,aid the amount
now due,
8. Approve Plans and Specifications for Orinda Pumping Stations.
9. Adopt wage scale for construction of orinda. Pumping Plants.
100 Advertise for bids for construction of Orinda Pumping Plants
11. Authorize purchase of drapes for lobby
Office. The drapes are recommended to
very troublesome, and to help cut down
received from the following lowing and at the
Burns Home Furnishers, W. 0.
Jackson Furniture 0o. W. 0.
Aiman Bldg. Specialties r a 0.
and assembly room for District
reduce the glare i Which has been
the echo. Quotations have been
prices shown:
$175.00 or less
These bide are on comparable materials, and include traverse rods
.nd all fixtures. It is recommended that the order be placed with
Burns Home Furnishers.
12. Authorize payment to Abbie H. Johnson of 370 for easement in Section
ME VI, Parcel 114, recommended by Mr. McPhee and Mr. Mason.
13. Authorize advertising for bids for 1/2 ton pickup truck for District
maintenance crew, The Board previously authorized a call for bids
for a general maintenance truck with various special equipment
including tank pump, oompree sor, eto, The Engineer has been unable
to get data as yet to justify calling for bids on this item.
The 1/2 ton pickup will be Immediately usable and suitable for
transporting hand tools, sewer cleaning rods and personnel for normal
maintenance work. It is recommended that the call for bids on a
larger truck be temporarily cancelled and call for bids on the pickup
truck be substituted with bids to be returned October 7.
11+p Payment of Bills. Bee memo attached.
15. Adjourn to September 23 at 11 a0mm
To Board Members:
From: John L. Mason
Subject: Costs for negotiating easement agreements.
The District work involves a very great number of easements through
private property and to date this has reached a total of 293.' Three
right of way agents have been peiforming the service of negotiating
these agreements with the private owners. The coats for their services
has varied didely as indicated by the following tabulation:
ROW AGENT Number of Parcels Total Cost
Average Cost
per parcel.
Mr. McPhee 179 2,300.25 12.85
Mr, Rothgery 89 2,770,54 31013
Mrs Murphy 25 865.38 34.61
It is noted that the total paid for the service of rights of way agents
is $5,936017 during a period of approximately 13 months.
The private rights of way will continue at approximately the same
total number per month for at least the coming two years, and it is
therefore suggested that the Board consider the appointment of a right
of way agent on a monthly retainer in lieu of the present arrangement
of $50 per day plus transportation and incidental expenses.
It is probable that a saving to the District may be effected by such
an arrangement.