HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 8-19-1948AGENDA FOR ME TI N A T ' . 8 1. Roll. Call. J2. Appoint Sec. Pro Tem. 3 . Reading of Minutes. 4. Open bids on L.I.D. 3 (Lafayette) and referto Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. 5. consider sewer code. This proposed ordinance regulating house connec- tions and other matters has been reviewed individually by all Board Members and the draft as now presented inoorporates some of the ideas suggested by various Directors. The draft as it now stands has been edited by Messrs. Johnson, Brailsford and Mason. It is timggested that it be read in i t s entirety and the t the Board hear interested parties who may be present. It is considered that the ordinance as written is workable, and since the need for this ordinance is most urgent the Engineer recommends its adoption. Accept Deeds of Dedication covered by Resolutions Nog. 325 to 340. 7. Authorize the Secretary to record Deeds of Dedication for sewer easements as received with the signatures of the owners of record and without the consent of holders of Deeds of Trust, etc. We find this is imperative if we are to avoid the repeated complication of the sale of property between the time that we secure the signature of the owner of record and Vie e t ime when we can record the easement. We may subsequently secure subordinate agreements or partial reoon- veyanaes from the holders of Deeds of Trust to make these deeds for sewer easement full and enforcable instruments. The immediate recording of the deed from the owners of record will put all pros- pective purchasers on notice concerning the easement. Adopt blanket theo n'• �. �. pt resolutioncovering a septa c and recordation of easements where no money consideration to the grantors is involved. This is necessary for the reasons outlined above to have our easements on record at the earliest possible date. This has been discussed with Mr. Boyer of the District Attorney's office, the County Recorder and Mr. Robert Harrison. Adopt resolution setting the new office building as the regular meeting place and office of the District effective August 20s 1948. Mr. Brailsford has this resolution. /10. Adopt resolution covering wage scale for Section VI, Main Trunk Sewer. This section extends southerly from the junction immediately south of Walnut Creek and Rudgear Road near Castle Hill. 111. Adopt resolution calling for bids on Section VI, with bids to be returned on September 1 . 12. Award contract for pumps for the Orinda Pumping Stations, The bid of Fairbanks Morse & Company is in a total of 513,129.00 with delivery of all items in 3 to 6 months; the electric motor driven ,pumps to be delivered in 3 months, and the gas engine driven pumps to be delivered in 6 months. The bid of E. C. Cooley for Chicago Pumps . is in the' total amodnt of $13,120.35 with delivery promised in 35 weeks, or approximately 8 months. The pumps compare favorably in all engineering items and the only difference is in the matter of delivery. The Engineer recommends award to Fairbanks Morse and Company on the basis of the promised delivery of the equipment. 13. Authorize the District Engineer to engage the necessary services an a forde account basis to correct the channel conditions in Walnut Creek northerly of the Oxidation Ponds, Walnut Creek bad a water elevation of 6.2 feet in June, 1947 at the northeast corner of the Oxidation Ponds lease hold wh i oh the district has from 0. A. Hooper and Company. Due to the blocking of this channel from various causes the water elevation now stands at 10 feet and floods back on to the Oxidation Pond area, This interfered considerably with the contractor's wort for the ponds and has been temporarily corrected by dikes placed by the contractor in order that he might perform his work, It is necessary to clear this channel down to its normal depth which mould rpvi.e a dry Feather water elevation of 6 feet in Order that the Oxidation Ponds overflow may discharge as originally anticipated. The Mate of California has declined to act in this matter although it is partially responsible since it effected a channel change in 1938 which it has not maintained. We have the consent of 0. A. Hooper and Company to restore the channel. We estimate the cost to be less than 0.000, but can not expect to get firm bids on this. Various contractors offered to do the work on an bourly baeie of 1i per hour for a 1/2 yard dragline up to 0.8 per hour for a 1-1/2 yard dragline. It is estimated that the work may be performed in not to exceed 80 hours working time with a 1/2 yeard dragline with the possibility that such equipment may be able to complete the necessary work in as short a time as 40 hours. Since this work Faust be done before the sewage treatment plant will be operative and since we are not in a position to force others to do this work within the time necessary, it is recommended that the District Engineer be authorized to hire the necessary services on a force account basis to get this work done, at a limit of dost of not to exceed $1,000f 14. Authorize temporary power installation at the Sewage Treatment Plant. The permanent underground power hookup for the plant can not be com- pleted before September 23 approximate, due to unavailability of cable for the instalIatiOn. ,The duct work is in place and the trans- formers have been set. We endeavored to prevail on the contractors to install tdmpdrary overhead primary power at no charge to the Dietrict, however they declined to do so unless the District share in thiel cost, on the basis. that the non-delivery of the primary Gable IMO a matter beyond their control. Thj.s installation must be in place if we qv:, to receive sewage at the Plant before September 1 as now planned. The contractors have been instructed to proceed with the temporary power installation oil the basis that the Engineer would recommend that the. District Board authorize an extra. The amount of the extra cost hs not been determined, however, it is estimated not to exceed 000. In accordance with the construction contract extra work may be paid for on the basis of: a. On a lump SUM b. Cost and percentage o. Cost plus fixed fee It is reoommended.by the Engineer that the installation of temporary power supply be autbo4zed by the Board in accordance with Article 1-24 of the specifications for the Sewage Treatment Plant, with the. amount to be determinpd in accordance with said Article. We believe this is necessary in order that the Walnut Creek Cannery waste water and sewage from the various subdivision and the City of Walnut Creek may be discharged into the main trunk sewer and pumped through the plant on or before September let. 15. The County Board of Supervibors, through Supervisor Taylor have approached Messrs. Weill and Mason on the possibility of the sale to the County of a part of the sewage treatment plant site for use by the County for a Juvenile Detention Home. The most westerly 8-1/2 acres of the sewage treatment plant site is entirely surplus to our needs and we were ,forced to purchase it from Miss Loucks in order to avoid equivalent severance damages. This is high lying ground suitable for building construction and possibly also suitable for the County ptirposes. The County further suggests that the District might contract with them for treating the sewage from the Detention Home. Such an action is covered. by the sewer ordinance flow under consideration. This property was purchased at a cost of 0400 per acre. Mr. Taylor has requested that the District Board set a price for the sale of a portion of the property. Mr. Taylor has suggested 4500 per acre as an equitable price. It is believed that property of this character in this locality might have a somewhat higher market value at this time, possibly as high as Z600 per acre, however, the price suggested by Mr. Taylor would represent an appreciable profit to the District. 16. Authorize the District Manager to hire personnel. as District employees for eeu , e treatment plant operators, sewer inspeotors1 etc., as needed and within the salary ranges previously approved by the Board. Authori7e the District Manager to advertise for such personnel and receive applications as may be necessary. 4 r 17, Authorize the District Manager to purohase various Incidental furniture items including additional fi1In oebtnets1 draftir stoa3s venetian blinds for the Secretaryand Engineer offices These items appear to be required in order that the office be properly equipped, 18, Authorize the District Engineer to purchase forms for sewer con- nection onnection permits, applications, eta, It is proposed to use standard snapout oarbon sets similar to the sample herewith. The four -sets of forms needed immediately ely are: Application for se -r connection permit Optimise= Permit for sewer connection Rene ipt for fees and deposits Appliaation and permit for excavation in pubilo streets. O)The se forms have been reviewed by all Interested County personnel and. represent our present recommendation toy this purpose. It is proposed to use standardj x. 8 forms for convenience in filing, with triplioate copies, The snapout carbon sets should produce a considerablesaying in time and expense to the District. The price quoted is 422.35 per thousand for two thousand each of the forms now considered necessary, r total of $178.80. 1. Authorize the District Manager to purchase sewer cleaning tools consisting of flexible sewer rods and attachments in an estima ted mount of $900. 20. Authorize the call for bids for maintenance truck equipped with 500 gallon tank, pump and flushing hose and 100 cubic foot compressor and with -attachments for carrying sewer oleanin s and necessary hand tools,: with bids to be returned September jj-. 1, Authorize engaging janitor service for new office building. Informal bids have been received from the following at the mounts shown: Jim J. Berk, Contra Costa Service Maintenance of office daily 085. per month, H. W. Compassp, Walnut Creek Care of floors, windw is and shades, furniture, lighting fixtures $43. per month • l exander Mood, Emeryville Care of building 5 days p'r week, care of garden, mowing and watering 465, per month 22, Pass resolution calling for election of members of District Board on Monday, September 20 as required by the Sanitary District Act under which the District was formed. 23. Authorize purchase of necessary election supplies, sample ballots, eto., from A. Carlisle ge Company. 24, Authorize the hiring of the neMolay Mothers" for filling sample ballots. 25. Authorize termination of 1 ase for office quarters at 1335 Commercial Lane as of August 31, 1948. This is agreeable with the owner who has indicated his agreement by returning his copy of °Ur current lease. 26. Pass resolution acceptinr:, the office building per contract with Anderson Haglund, Inc,, as of August 12, 1948, and authorize the recordation of the Notice of Completion, 27. Authorize third progress payment to Anderson Haglund covering office building in the amount of 47,7374o. 28. Authorize Petty Cash Reimbursement in the amount of 51.19. Adjourn, , 7r efAs.,ru.4 .42 pcurftot ,0.)44,\t,i2,,eifterdA 442AAAiti" 44:4 pur-04 _A-tiAtrAs4( &AAA , *1-6-srut-ti "Lik\eei. p,A4.,trefr,a. IL',:&44444. e) 16-Q 6-€471.4,4.:, e-ALifici Gfe, frlote:a4, crik,\646.t44.rt ti,„ .12, 14 A ciLd-rt e4L,„ fen 14p -if ,ts„ 4,4 uretib4,4 edit_L44/4 .urf;) �CQ eY 41.4n, acmireic s' 6:40 -tiet4 toikg..4 rv is -21 (4,.e.Les, ,Lrtry4 Im444.20 1-6J- TeAe-.-0.-4-iti,-_,ILL4-141,Gt_ctita 44 L4,0 (194,4„-audidedk;u dA etot 44 iiplhd-t#4,... 49, mosilfro , ;I' 6 ele--tv *P',1, A•ifte,tr fr 6crt4n4"-14.41r g'1:44:44 CATIetrk _1;11/4 44,,,,t4p:i -6,-- 4A,*)4p.-11.,, t‘,.., a te.,..4.1.-tv tA,4414 ItiA, Zied. % , .4_,Liot-,,,*.-k el -44, ef-t A 41A40444 im...kt.„ 4 44* i'4FLI.,, , „AA\ a tdc4-44.1\-t. /_'2 2 Ap Zriarve() 1,41 i7e 4'f;n( /ef SE' JiA NOTICE .41 ..:: • Persons required to int tgUU side doors — that is the sewer line Oxton In 7 from a hoax to the sewer in the street — may obtain sdheduleg of prices for such work supplied by certain contractors, by anplying in person at the office of the Contra . Contra Costa County Sanitary District, t822 Mt. Diablo Boulevard, walnut Creek. No data can be oupp1ied by telephone. Any poroon, firm or corporation desiring to engage in the Installation of aide sewers may file _without cage at the ea 4 office of the District, a schedule of rates or prices for such installation which will be furnishei to all property owners who may make inquity regain th& o ' work at the District office. Tho ki niter Diatrict will make no r000mmon atton as to the selection of nor be reeponsible for the work of any contractor. Finished work is subject to in. opection in accordance with the law. CE SAL CONTRA WSTA CuUNTY $ANITkA by order of its Directors, LiMAIELOALlat_3241 =WM ifiE2 DISTRNT Mia ' QZNN brag imam YET " 1 ct G e BE IT RESOLVED that the regular meeting date and place of meting of the District Board of the Centra. Contra Costa Sanitary . District of Contra Costa County, State of. California, be and the came is hereby established as the first Thursday of each month at the hour of 8100 p.m. at 1822 Vt. Diablo Boulevard, Walnut Creek, California, the first meeting to be so held shall be on Thursday,, September 2# 1948. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that if the first Thursday of the month falls on a holiday, the meeting will be held on the next regular busi- ness day. ADOPTED BY THE DISTRICT BOARD OP CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT on the 19th day of August, 1948: by the following called vote t AYE Members NOES: Members ABSENT s Members COUNTERSIGNED: Johnson, Smitten, Toland, Wadsworth and Weill None None SQCretary pro tem o ti District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California. (SEAL) lams ant of the District .Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District of Contra Costa County, State of California.