HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 7-22-1948AGE6DAING JULY 22, 1948 1. Roil Call 2, Appoint f:soretary Pro Tem 3. Reading of Minutes of previous meeting. V 4. Consider prottitste agalnet wcrk in LLLi if 3. Lfayetar rete ea. Up to $ p.m. July 22, ten protests had been reeeived„ all relative to the installation or severs in the area ot the proposed new freeway in LarAyette. See attaebed memo for recommenMation. 5. Resolution adopting vage scale for L.I.D. No. 3. 4 6. Resolution overruling protests, ord4ring the work, and calling for bids for 1,41.1). Wo. 3. 7e Adopt rescautionsccepting Deeds of Dedication for Sewer Easements in L.I.r. 2, L.T.D. 3 And Section V of the mr.in trunk. S. Adopt resolution granting enEement for Parcel 1 of Pain Trunk SOO* 111 back to the original artIntore. Tb e Title Company discovered a type - °graphical error in the otiginia Deed of Ledleation from Dr. and Iftel;. Wilson, ond both the Title Co, and the County Recorder adviae that the pay way this may by aorrocted will be for the District to grant the easement as described (with the error) bitek to the Wilsons, and to receive a, new Deed of Dedicatlon frothem with the correct bearing staled, The error In cuestion was the statement of bearing of north $0u 221 whla should bave bsen stated as north 52° 221 west, 9. Py bills. The billfor engineering services weirs not submitted at the last me(Alng on July 1 becaune the tint did not permit prepAring for that meetinp. They are presented it this time: C. C. Lennedy - Reimbursable 8,351.02 L.I.L. tio, 1 1,779.65 L.I.Q. No. 2 111.14 L.Z.D. No. no. 4 L.X.D. 612.6 No. 5 659.9 446.18 L.I.D. ft. 6 No. 7 98.44 Plane - Oxidation ponds 3,149.78 / 10, Authorize payments for engineerIng services for L.I.D. 2 in tbe amount of 620,056.40 and of leFal services for the same 1ocal improvement district in the amount ofia.2„865.20, said payments to be mazde when the contrrctor submits bis contract and makes the required peyment for incIdentsa expenGes incurred up to and incluang date of contract. This amount whidh the contractor vin pay is 35,781.83„ which will cover the engineering and legal expense and advvnees previously made by the Ditatriot in the amount of t12,860. gL approximate. These paymtnts do not represent a direct charge against OW Zell the Edi of the District. The District is relmbureed for advances previously made by the contractor's a t. The law stlpulatee thnt the payment be made to the District Enffineer and it is not unusual for the District kgineer to turn pay the District for tdvences and pay the Attorney for legal expenses. Due to the fact that Kr. tennedyia contract 'lovers various types of work includinr engineering on 100a1 Improvement distrIets and cher that that a contract ezlets between the District and s srs Harrison &n . Brailsford for legal councel on 10oal improvement dintricts it is considered the best policy for the District neer to endorse an patents from the contractor to the Sanitary District, and for the Unitary Dictrict to turn make the asbursements in orderthat there ill be no possibilitysign in the account ing of the local improvement districts. 11. Authorize the purse of furniture for the new office building in an amount not to exceede1650.00II This would t4 confirming action since all Board Members ; vex mivrncevett'ibtil approval. Orders have been placed dividinv thin bueiness aptly equel between three firms doIng businesc within the Santa n ry District, A motion tt required to mole the 4unorization renter of mord, 12. #r.e an Extrfor additional cabinet vork for the office building contract In the amount of a450.00. This work la additional plan files and tx cabinets with working counter in the drafting room of the new office build and the item bas been verily authorized by the buSIding committees Messrs. Taands Wadsworth end Weill. The motion is necesaary to make tills a matter of record. 13. Contract landscaping at the new office building site. Kr. H. Van Senn, landscape architect, offered to . landscaping plan and to have prices submitted on his plan. After considerable deli Seignann has ettbmitted this plan but failed to u t a price. With the approvai of the building committee, the Assistant District Engineer contacted two other landscape, gardeners for quotation on landscapIng tbit front of the building site back to the front of the building only. Watson', kurus suits a price of 037.50tax with 50 down payment foileyerforming this work. Marshan suit a price of SAO 4665.00 as a lump sum mount. The work shoun on the plan submitted by Mrann is estimated to cost aPProziltuttetr 12000.00 alalthouFh prices have been obtained beileved that the interests the District may'be best served by landscapes the front of the property nly at this time. The District win wish to a the sewage treat plant site and the sever ping pipant sites and will need to engage a full time gardener in the early future. Further landscapinFt work at the office site could be performedwith the strict' own forcen at a very great savinr in cost. It ia therefore recommended that the District per- form the minimum work at the office building mt this timet consists oflawn B i ng thepropertyand outlinglng the to sprinkler er s t and filling and planting the plWnting box in front -of the building,P) :: toAdjourn Ams 14‘ Memo: District Board July 22, 194 Subject: Protests against wore of Local Improvement District 3 Lafayette. Protests against the subject work have been received from the following property owners: V. U. & Madeline Buck Goldye McDonald High M. McVicker Nellie M. Swearingen Lurabelle Lynch May J. & J. S. Silva Annie & Anthony S. Roach Mary and Herbert E. West Louis H. Bo s s ell WIn. Sherman All of these protests relate to the extension of s e' Ters on Elizabeth Street, Eileen Street, Stuart Street and Brown Avenue, northerly of the State Highway in Lafayette and southerly of the East Bay Municipal Utility District aqueduct right of way. The State Division of Highways has planned a six --lane highway through Lafayette which will take parts or all of the properties of the protestants. Subsequent to the completion of the dans for Local Improvement District 3 the State began right of way purchases negotiating with the owners of these properties. The various cpnference s had with the State Division of Highways Engineers indicate some considerable delay in this project for a freeway and the more recent conferences indicate that its construc- tion will be within approximately two years, however, the State has recently purchased certain parcels of right of way. The installation of sewers at this time on the four streets mentioned is considered to be the wisest action on t:,e part of the Sanitary District since these sewers must be extended at some future date to serve the properties which lie north of the freeway. This is especially true of the sewer lines proposed for Brown Avenue and Elizabeth Street, both of which streets lead into extensive areas up -grade and north of the proposed freeway. It is understood that the Right of *Way Agents of the Division of Highways have advised the property owners that the State would not directly pay the assessments which would be levied for these sewers. Col. John H. Skaggs, Assistant Engineer of the Division of Highways and. Engineer--in--Oharge of District No. 4 advised the writer on July 13 that the State would recognize the presence of the ser'ers and the improvement to the properties at the time of determining the value of these properties which the Division of Highrays must purchase for the free- -ay, end thus would, in effect, pay the increased costs. The Sanitary District, in Resolution of Intention No. 276, has set up $222500.00 as the District's share of the cost for L.I.D. 3 to cover the costs of sewer lines including the four lines against which these protests have been filed, which lines will later serve properties lying outside of the boundaries of the present improve- ment district. It will be much less expense to the Sanitary District to in- stall these sewers at this time and before the freeway is constructed. If the Division of Highways desires special encasement of these sewers or their relocation to avoid interference with their construc- tion, those costs will be wholly against the State of California if our improvements are already in places It is recommended that the protests be denied for the following reasons: a. The sewer lines in cue stion need to be installed to provide future service to properties lying north of the proposed freeway. b. The Sanitary District as a whole is contributing 22,500.000 to the cost of this improvement district on the basis that the work is of more than local benefit. c. The owners should not be injured financially since the State of California must take cognizance of this improvement in determining the money to be paid 7 hen they shall acquire the properties of the protectants for the freeway. JOHN L. MASON Menlo: District Board adb j ect: Progress of t ork July 22, 1948 The work of the maims trunk seer se tion2 an. sewage t t tme t plant has been proceedingr Plisma of schedule with the exception of Zection IV until the first of Juiy. tbat time th E1 e t ri o in ' Union went on strike against var- ious contrnotors iPc1u*ing ours for the office building and the gage treatement plant. At this eiRte , we have advice only - : t the cantractors and the union ere negotiating with no definite intoraa tt n as to probable end of the strike, ni az the l ctriol s return to work immediately we will be delayed beyond tho antiolputed tiate of AAgust 15 for receiving the *swage in the main trunk sewer system. It is requeGted that the Maard glue gmnsideration as to whether or not information on this matter should be given to the newspapers. J :N L. Mit al.L: