HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 10-21-1948AGENDA - MEETIRTG OCTOBER 21, 1948 1.. Roll Call LA-' igle,....t.4 /4L tZ-#100 42, Appoint Secretary Pro Tem 1.X73. Readingof inutes. frX// 4. Hear protests on Local Improvement District 11 (Glenside area) . At the time of preparation of this agenda the Resident Engineer had no knowledge of any protests or prospect of protests. On the assumption that any protests received will be over -ruled the Board should pass its resolution ordering the work and calling for bids. Mr. Brails- ford has these resolutions ready. Normal timing would call for bids to be received on November 11, however this is a legal holiday under the political code of the State. It is therefore suggested that bids be received on November 18 unless the Board wishes to meet on Friday, November 12. PK 5. Hear protests on Local Improvement District No. 1 (Pleasant Hill). As of 10 a.m. this date we have been informally advised that several protests will be filed, all of which are against the selection of the routes for the sewers in easements through private property. Each protest will need to be considered on its own merits. We have been informally advised of the intention of a number of property owners in subdivisions to protest against the location of the sewers in the streets rather than in backline easements. No such protests have been received at this time, however, if they do appear, each will have to be considered on its merits. The design of the collecting sewers has followed the basic principle that the sewers are to be located in public streets where practical and that a backline ease- ment shall be used only when the topography dictates, which circumstance holds for a very considerable proportion of the total footage of sewers. On the assumption that protects received will be over -ruled it will be in order to adopt a resolution ordering the work. Mr. Kennedy suggests that call for bids on LID 1 be delayed for a few weeks lAth bids to be received on January 13, 1949. The work is of a magnitude that it appears unwise to commence construction during the rainy season. It is also reasonable to beli6ve that contractors would bid lower prices if their prospect for construction was to do the bulk of the work during the spring and summer months. If the bids were received on January 13 work would normally be started. on March 1, 1949 approximate. It is Mr. Kennedy's thought that the work might be programmed more logically by this delay in receipt of bids. 6. Award contract for Orinda Pumping Stations. Chas. T. Brown Co. and Kiss Crane Co. were low bidders on receipt of bids October 14. It was noted that the bid bond of this company was insufficient. They posted additional surety on October 15. and Their financial statement/a2 experience record submitted indicates an excellent record of performance and good financial standing. It is understood that Mr. Brailsford considers the Board to be fully within its prerogative to waive the informality of insufficient bid bond, and it is recommended that award of contract for the Orinda Pumping Stations be made to Chas. T. Brown Co. and Kiss Crane Co., a joint venture, at the price submitted of X1.34, 825, Mr. Kennedy will amplify this recommendation if the Board desires. 7s Authorize payment of final amount retained on contract with Manuel Smith for construction of Section 11, Main Trunk Sewer. The 35 d&y period from date of recordation of Notice of Completion of this contract has passed and all claims filed against the contractor have been discharged by him with Otatement to that effect filed with the District from claimants. The final amount due Manuel Smith is 019, 875.60. V8. Accept the work on the contract with A. T. Bennett Construction Co. for construction of the Oxidation Ponds. See engineer's certificate of final estimate attached, 9. Accept work of Sto].te, Inc. for construction of Section 1, Main /°gunk Serer. Bee engineer's certificate and final estimate attached. 10. Consider comp 1 i,ability insurance coverage for the operation of motor vehi dlee &pined by the District or for which the District . is paying mileage, and the other operations of the District incident to the maintenance and operation of the District's physical properties, sewers, sewage treatment plant, pumping plants, etc. At the suggestion of Mr. Johnson, Mr. Ne11 Cornwall of Lafayette has been requested to cover the Sanitary District with insurance on the pickup truck now owned by the District. This insurance coverage is in effect. At the suggestion of Mr. Mason, Mr. Cornwall is preparing data for presentation to the Board on comprehensive coverage to include practically all of the operation of the District and particularly including non -owned automobiles and other contingencies of the Distriot s operations. 11. For information of the Board. The attached letter from Lucas and Geneesi has been received, addressed to Mr. Mason, protesting against instructions given to the sewer inspectors in respect to issuing permits for house connections. Mr. Mason's answer is also attached. Lucas and Genessi and approximately four other parties installing side sewer connections, created a very hazardous situation in making these connections to homes prior to the time when the general contractor has restored the streets to a reasonably safe condition for traffic. The order given to the inspectors and which we have endeavored to enforce permitted the continuing bf side sewer connections where the lateral sewers were in easements and' in dirt streets and where the general contractor had restored the street to a reasonably safe condition for traffic. It suspended side sewer connections temporarily in certain principal streets such as Boulevard Way until those streets were made safe. This was done as a necessary protection to the public and the contention of Lucas and Genessi that they were directly damaged by this action does not appear to be supported by fact. It was considered wise to bring this to the attention of the Board in �2. refutation of any accusations of unfairness which might be xnade against Mr. Mason's actions and so that Board might be informed. Bills. (The bilis presented tonight have all been previously authorized). 13. Adjourn to November 4, Q P Central Contra Costa Int, Diablo Blvd. Walnut Creek, Calif. Attention: Mrs. Mason Dear Sir; LUCAS - GENESSI & Co. P. 0. Box 528 Lafayette, Calif. October 13, 1848 Sanitary District Some time ago, before we started wok on the installation of house sewers and street laterals in the Sanitary District, discussed the entire project and our plans with you. At that time you carefully explained the procedure and rules, and stated it was O.K. to proceed in the areas where the street laterals had been laid by the Contractors and connected to the -ains, but you made no mention of the fact that we might be stopped at any time when your office or Stolte decided to pave the streets, or that there was anything along those lines that we might expect. We moved some equipment into the area, set up operating yards and equipment and materials storage areas at considerable expense and, in addition have pulled a lot of equipment off of other jobs, to be moved into the area this week. Had we known that we would be stopped, we would never have started at the time, or .at least planned accordingly and not have to take the licking staring us in the face. The area left open to work is not sufficient to keep our equipment busy and a lot of the work, such as the Lafayette area, is mostly handwork. We understand the Contractors problems, but the work should never have been permitted to start, or they should finish up a email area of paving at a time. The order to stop cutting into the streets until they are paved will cost us thousands of dollars, and means relocating the equipment and finding new work which takes time. We appreciate the splendid cooperation your office has given us, but definitely feel that the work of connecting the house sewers should never have been allowed to start, with the sanction of your office, knowing at the time that the work might be stopped when your office a saw fit. It cost money to set up as we have, yards, supplies and to pull equipment from distant areas, and Only volume business allows us to make any money. Your order has practically put us out of business and will cause us quite a loss. Besides, we have contracts signed, promised and scheduled that cannot be completed. Due to the oil strike it may be some time before the streets are completed and the work can start. After considering the above facts, we believe you can understand our problem and position. The existing sewers in the area near ,oraga Blvd, west of Third have not been mapped as to depth; some of the an— holes are covered with pavement and you cannot give the property owners an intelligent astimata based on the unknown, without taking advantage of them. We certainly would appreciate some data on this area so we can give a reasonably accurate estimate to the property owners. Very truly yours, LUCAS GENEBBI & CO, s L . J . Guneo rmo L'C:rm October 18, 1948 Luc a s - GEre a i Company P. 0, Dox 528 Lafayette, California' Gentlemen Baur letter of October 13 1948, signed by L. J. Cuneo, is noted. .:�,cs�atlo�n is taken to the statements ma8o in this letter and it ba presented to the AIstrict Board of the Unitary District dor the information of the Directors. Your statements mi areproaent the facts and inntruotionfl bg me, whichSr►structions are rapQatod ae folivwea '�Ae Qt given c� October 6, 19 "�4,. side sewer cbntraatoara aro not to be granted further permits for connecting houses to main newQrs in streets which are in tht process of tin »g restared, to traffic until such aLreeta have been placed in safe condition, wth the following exceptions, Walnut Boule- vard, Center Street„ Lily Street Rose street, Bridge Road and RailroadAvenue northerly'of the Sacramento Northern tracks and all easements where road. reat0rat3,an to ,not involved. Side sewer contractors will be.required to conform with Section 3.10 of the Sewer Code in the replacing of back!'a1 in street areas." This instruction at4oned your work on n Few principal streots only, and you were permitted to continue with jobs vhi.ah yau had atarted on Dewing Avenue, Locust Avenue and Railroad Avenue southerly of the Saara,mento Northern traQko. Other side sewer contractors Imre given the game privileges accorded you. The effect of this instruction was solely to open the str°eta to traffic which ham, been rractieally cut off by the combined work of Stolte, Incorporated, yourselves and Pater other aide seer contractors. You are free at thte time to continue your work at all points where the connections are in easements and where the general e7ntraator has restored the streets to traffic by compacting t':e backfill, placing base rock and removing excess spoil. Your clearances :.71.12 have to be made through the sever inspectors in order that your operations W113 not endanger Oa public nor destroy the effect of the general QontrIatore work in restoring the Qtroets. In other words you will have to fully comply with the Sewer Code and rart3euiar].y Section 3.10 thereof. Lucas - Genessi At. Co, 2- .3..4a It was noted on Ootober 15, that inspfte of di eat ir�otrnetions given �o Baur workmen by the eerier inspectors in my presence at y:04 EL.mL on that date, you directly disregarded the requirements of the .0ever Code and your permit in an installation on Lottiet Avenue near Qak Avenue and puddled a backfill in Locuet Avenue instead of mechanically eonpaoting this backfill in the ❑CrQet area. This occurred at a paint where it produced .a aer3cun traffic hazard and one 'which the District has been endeavoring to get cleared up. Actions of this sort on your part and on the part of other side sewer conLra c3tora nemeusitated the restriction agAZnnt your uorking at all locations in order that the public might be reasonably protected. The order to the sewer inspectors affecting this trork did not, as you stated, involve a delay unti3. the streets could be repevea but merely a delay in aritioal streets vntil they could be restare8, to traffic and further that your work would have to conform to the Sewer Code in the interest; of publie safety. It appears to me that a large proportion of the total area rdhere sewers are now installed is now and haa been at all times open and available for your work on side sower connections. Therefore, the charge made by you that I permitted you to start making side sewer connections and then etopned your work is not supported by the teats. Very fly youre, • ItinTirr--MOT---.7.--"""--"."-- Assistant District Ma.nager