HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 10-14-1948AGENDA -.MEETING OCTOBER 14, 1948 "1. Roll Call. v12. Appoint SecretaryPro Tem. pp 1. F 3. Reading of Minutes. 4+. Open bids for Orinda Pumpin Stations and refer to engineer for recommendation. 5. Open and tabulation bids on L.I.D. 5 (after 8:15 pm) and refer to engineer for tabulation and recommendation 6. Consider bids on furnishing 1/2 ton pickup truck. See comparison of bids attached. 7. Approve or amend connection fee for "Planter's Dock". Mr. Herbert S. Howard, Jr. is constructing a restaurant to be known as Planterts Dock, which is located north of the State Highway opposite Sunset Village. This restaurant will include 18 plumbing fixtures. Section 54,01 of the sewer Code states .that "A connection fee to be determined by the District Board shall be charged for commercial and/or indus- trial establishments at an amount to be set for each individual case. A manhole exists at Mo sswood. Drive in Sunset Village across the highway and opposite Planterts Dock to which the connection may most conveniently be made, Permit has been issued to Mr, Howard for the connection of Plant er l e Dock under the provisions of Section 5.01, and Mr. Howard has paid a connection fee of 000, which fee was accepted subject to the approval of the Board. The fee was based on the assumption that the 18 plumbing fixtures in this restaurant equalled approximately double the number of a large residence for which a connection fee of 0250 has been set up. This restaurant will operate in the evening hours only and the charge of 500 is considered to be equitable. It is recommended that the Board approve or amend this connection fee charge. 8. Bill for Architectural Services for Office Building. Mr. Littlejohn has presented his bill, which bill is considered due and payable. It is recommended that it be paid. 9. Financial statements are attached showing the balances on deposit and unobligated balances of the Sewer Construction and Running Expense Funds, and further showing funds due the District for bonds sold but not delivered, and bonds authorized but not sold (Pacheco) and other funds, This has been prepared in order that the Board may be fully aware of the financial condition of the District and of balances available for further construction. On the assumption that the contract for the Orinda Pumping Stations will be awarded on October 149 there remains one section only of the main trunk sewer to be designed and . advertised for bids, namely: Section Vil, the line into Moraga, to Donald Rheems south property line at Jonas Hill Road. It is believed that the financial etatemens are self-explanatory. 10. Authorize purchase of Power Drive for sewer cleaning equipment. U. Pass resolution authorizing blanket acceptance of partial reconveyanoes on deeds of dedication. We have Resolution No. 3Li.1 accepting Deeds, but the Title Company will not accept the subordination agreements under the same resolution. 12. Further business, if any. $350 . appr 13. Adjourn to October 21, 194$ at 8 pm. 14, The County advised us that holidays for Political Subdivisions were governed by Section 10 of the Political Code of the State of California, and that all political subdivisions were cloned on holidays listed therein, as well as all holidays proclaimed by the President or the State. October 12 was supposed to have been a holiday and our office remained open. The office force would like a ruling on the matter of legal holidays for the Sanitary District. COMPARISON OF PICKUP TRUCK BIDS Based On Trunk Equipped Tith 6.501E16 - 6 Ply Tires BIDDER MAKE OF TRUCK PRICE DELIVERY 1. Rector Motor Co. * G.M.C. 149 X1497.25 Immediate 2. J. T. Lucas Studebaker 149 1477.99 Immediate 3. Sammie Evans ���� p �� 148 1g0�"f's (J Immediate 4. Miller . Blackwood * Dodge 060 1620.25 30 days Reiahhold Chevrolet Chevrolet +481621,3 Indefinite Co. NOTE: Proposal of Rector Motors received October 13 and after date adver. tised, however bids were informal and the Board may award as seems to best interest of District. ' G.M.C. and Dodge trucks include 4 speed transmission; Value $26.00. Informal (late) proposal of Rector Motor Company for G.M.C. truck considered to be best equipment at lowest price. 1.154.509.55 9 ),962.44 717, 250.3] 5,000.or 7TATFM N a . TN D 't, Actual 9a1 OO Beginning of onth (a) Total Receiptn less Deposita RefundAble leas L.t.1. Receipts (b) Total Diebureemento "eimburea e lees Disbursements Deposits Refunded for less L.1.11.4) to L.I.D. Disbursement date 0 d) Balance for 4. O. and Sewrr o - cFt ction a • c # July 115.204.36 . ol.81 ..... 0 • 720.0 3 . 4 +a r 5 , 3 . 13 .95 .2 5 Augua t 115.221 . 1 2.79 .00 —1,500. 0 --__2_____-,.. ,.... 5,192.93 • 1 6.72 6.05 1 138,893.74 L29' ,3 9.92 September 112,124.68 0,.71.73 Mtn 1.295. 'i 4 1 22 ,3 3 -- ,0,O 2.1 15.10 0 1 . 24 4D.289.92 144,686.:F 5 kt,, 9.9 ONTH g48 my uly ugu t Actual Balance Beginning of month 9) bUUI on. e.o.m. Receipts 1Disbursement to date b) 4) T; MUT -- none none FUNDS onds . o1 Not Yet Delifered SEWIR ennSTRUCTION FUND 40RIZED NOT onds Authorized Not Sold 649,535.89 95, . o OB DYPOAT IN £. rm. kmoun to be transferred from R. E. vhen avail , ble (t) 215,.00.) 10,00.0 1711,000.00 ; 215,10-0.00 70,0).0O 215,000.'O Balance (.1+_e_t 565, 261.13 533,466.75 • This report does not take into account 1948-1949 taxes or forthcoming fees ea Permlte estimated at $95.000.00 for Running Expense The following holidays are the ones authorized for all political subdivisions under Section 11 of the Political Code of the State of California: January 1 February 11 February 22 May 30 July 4 September(Pirst September 9 October 12 November 11 December 25 New Year Lincoln's Birthday Washington's Birthday Memorial Day InBependence Day Mon) Labor Day Admission Day Columbus Day Armistice Day Christmas All F, � Days proclaimed by the President or the Governor, as Thanksgiving. All Election Days where the election is held throughout the state P -roil , ' F J' 1.1pg ^4/ .T ; toont4IPNJ n, f wc, T I c "AT lao111Jo 941 10, 1,11,f C,r mnn m lvL `u' fnoillrtn men 3a m x 111 rraoll lonv tob '. 6 FOnloon1J yAbdtiliq -InclOnidissw Al X o c ," ,oebeq hn1 ,,. (g, via ,15.- ., r Tulqumilit 04110pfndor 112.... s,....›..r ---T ciriT.-.., 000 4 v': 0111)1' 16, ' l 16134.P.:,;425 , kip TPS 7ev 4e3 TO $(104011, vitt xd m `- .fl l an a ': ►` r' grC uo u 't Mit 1 0 11.7 0 Nie) v fLi q13 / 6 8" 6)-(r--. 1/14;t4-- ,711(7,9k--6- ,-t" I 7 0 , 3 1A-'14' A -J //1,\10 6,1,ift,/ 4? t?,. -f /L1-1) IL( AA,N,A-- c rf 7 e74 ,f- / 3 iis-71, a)/‘?A41 444:64 • ra/ovoi .7 4'7 34.zi 9 pe639 #‘24e9o—