HomeMy WebLinkAbout00. BOARD AGENDA 12-16-1948Whigisk -- MEETING OF !gym ECEIrma PR 14, 19w 1, Roll Call. 2, Reading of Minutes of previous meeting, 3. Heaeing of protests — Local Improvement DISQ10iii" No. 6. W Procuring easments In alley located in Whyte av The Distrlot installed a eewer in the alley, and the preperty owners the alley for their own, exclusive nos have refused Uo allow adjoining lots to canneat to our ee=4 Mr. Whee w1ll advise the Board on the progress made in obtaining de wpm Gonalder purchasing the maintenance equipment s per the attaahed, list, of Gonolder the annesatlmm/ the jeanne Hansen propertyp The map covering 45.jl acres whiah was formerly presented, 'to on the area to be annexed Is not the Qrsa now conbemplated by the owner. The pet1tion desoription is of a 1.718 acre parcel directly ah the Nogym; umnnt corner. Lstters tqf& Vig$rIct; Alp. e4 MartIn Eras. constructing Section 'V of zi,1u,i„ riniri request extenslan of time of 85 days, OrInds Sun, requesting legml advertising for the Or1nds, Rres. Fl'am lity & Deposit Go• guaranteeing gurety for the 85 doys extension of t1ma requested byMartin Broo. SA Notlon covering payments for 1naldental expenses an LID 11. TW ! contractor has paid the sum of Authorize paywant far, englnoaring mervloes 1n the amount of t!1!T1d.n9ga1 sarvicen In tbo w0ourn"h"C"If 0110.02. The balannue oi k1204. 21 will be dspcE ited ;P 1n the Runninq Expense Pend. 9, Motion covering payments for Incidental ex"penses an LID 1. T&:? contractor -011 pay us thesum of 00,30,152-316". AUtthorlze paymant for I I A I .. , engineering servloes In the amoun; of QjWp JZJQ. ! To, and Idgel services in the amount of 12618.05. The balan:,,e of 19,237-9h—"113 be daposlC] In the Runnins—nxpense Fund. 10, Appraveaymeat of 0220 to 0 uthern Welflo Company, auccNing tive tt,arrr,e the wase. Payment U dun Anyary 22. 11, Mr. Friberg has a report an the purchase of preparty—"or v pum;Q! etation In Orinda. W l 12. Tho Uietrick owns a floureacent ilghtl"g flit"re which waa parchausk] for"he Ma building. There is no further use for thlu Wture uninsa bs me Q Me One V the dwoMman has tn it can plant. auked the,lighL, it east 02-00 for tubes, M. purehase J16.75 PM plus tax - Mal 121.56 WR upea it ror more or lese. Tho bU,� . a year 1S 41U.000 W1 unpble to find for the Ccolor Inc Board were a purohaaer on which not a prloe of 100 Net eummvr. Do the miambers Web us to advernsti it vor sale, on keep it for use at the plant, If iL can be u6sh Mr? 13. The mantbly fivann.MF al Mtsmant is attached, 14. Discussion of enynemnngonzraat. 15. Adjourn to Oncember 23, 1948 NNANUEWMIPMENT LISA OF MUNTJMAN,iu�a Muck - Constructiol AM compralan e wsr tank quaLution flum E.P.Ha3p 00. 01,438 an skj&m ismshammr, on trvilcr P 1 r—"Pedlie Air Lamper" Portable enter Pump, water We (2GO) ree,!� Storing jacks P Q M VIC Manhole uovml�; Whol n Rlngik, 6 r L WE Band, Grnuul Pipo wrenchw3 FlArea Aque (Min Working) cis! pipe 6 10 12 nnd is Mh 0 n ��� ti Black and taukwi! Post •NO ahorsin (spann) Rape Ax::I Quablag lovs More! F!"ehing inlet Rings Trowe! COMMA tanl3 Shortig lumbor UAW) hambolu hockii LSMCXS &f Spn�J, pipe level Meseuring AM QPP UXIMatyly JWO) This 120 waa recommendad by M�r. RabArto of C. C. Kpnnydy firm. FINANCIAL OTATEKIRT'„ Cant, silence Now, Or le Ign COMM for MaMurnablus Or Wapmoits still refumdabb� MYS1 Salame Govember 30, 103 "Oplanco in fund U-10-45 1,417-15) 1, 194"'0,I as Reculpto for DiMrsaIII nto for aMber nnd GO% Mn Obaigmted Deftelt movomber 30, 1946, 10,379-30 DOW sold - Not Rundu W61C1 Amonat to W Axpapno Onn nvml!&N4', UVOWSIII, O."Onnew "pan 01 Funds moama AVQWQ'��,,,1 . .............................. ......... . .............. . ......... . . ............... II, Hvl�"ae 10 fund 1"30-0 043"sMS From the time of the foxination, of the Sanitary District, Y Ale DIV atutors have considered perrormlng the englneering ror, various projects w1th v starr d1rectly employeddirectthe Distrtat.. In order that the sewage treatment plant, main ivvvk sewer and Initial colleoting sewer systems might be most expeditiously handled the District Board contraotedwith . Clyde C. Kennedy for engineering servicesto serve at the pleasure of the Board. Mr, Kennedy's engineering work v the District has been most Current studies for engineering cosi f' vl.ieiii� fm,wr In other districts and In various i or is cities haveshown that the costs under the present contract are considerably In excess of the average throughout th 'tate. The lowest engineeir.- ing costs were found to v In cities where the engineering staff were direat employees of the municipality. The general avera.e en i e ring expense forcollecting severs installed under The Improvement poi of 1911 was found to be less than 11%W construction cost where the engineering performed The program of Installing collecting sewers has been under way for less than six months, with five construction awarded, none of which are complete. These contracts aggregate approximately $1,213,000 0 m construction costs. This represents only a—fair start of this program, as these sewers wil,l Iving service to lase than meof i area. The future program for collecting sewers Is expected to total in excess a__.rA4,000,000 became the areas of the DletrIat now needing and dealring sewer service may have their needs met. In view of the foregoing racts and In the Interests economy in serving the residents and property owners of the District, the Board has decided that I t is now, I niperative to mblis its own directly employedstaff,