HomeMy WebLinkAbout05. Receive Change Order Log, Quarterly Reports, and Bid Schedules to compare budgeted versus actual costs, including project status and close-outs 5. 0111 -011111111 CAPITAL PROJECTS QUARTERLY REPORTS APRIL - JUNE .2017 ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING July 11 , 2017 i �; Central Contra Costa Sanitary District CAPITAL PROJECTS QUARTERLY REPORT: APRIL - JUNE 2017 N Board PreBid Mtg Bid Opening CIB Phase Number of Low Bid Contract Variance CIB Total Board Authorized DP No. Project Title Announce Award Date Construction Eng.Estimate Variance($)B Contractor Contingency Date Date Date Estimate Bids Received ($} B Project Cost Total Project Cost C 5941 Fairview and Maltby Pumping Station Pump 6/16/16 6128116 717116 7121116 $200,000 3 $158,258 x$41,741} -21/ Pan-Pacific SupplyCo., Reb ild Inc. D 5982 Pipe-bursting Blanket TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD D 5991 Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovations,Phase 2 TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD $3,500,000 $3,500,000 C 7291 dina Inc. els Upgrades or the Pump& ower 815116 8/16116 9113/16 1016/16 $5,000,000 $4,250,000 3 $4,887,800 $637,800 15% anito Construction, $244,200 $5,953,000 $5,953,000 ' a C 7297 Wet Scrubber Caustic Injection System 816115 9111115 1012115 10/15/15 $600,000 $750,000 7 $843,100 $93,100 12°Io anito Consthfction, $126,500 $9,025,964 $1,351,600 � OlnClud 5 58237 } -4 Inc. TP-SC 7311 TP-Safety Enhancements, ase 4,Revised4123115 516115 5120115 614115 $519,000 $600,000 5 $579,000 ($21,000 % Aztec Consultants $87,000 $1,100,000 $1,070,000 D 7314 TP Urgent Repairs TBD TBD TBD TBD $20,000 $250,000 C 7317 ant Control System Network Upgrades- 612116 6123116 6/30116 7111116 $50,000 3 $49,060 ($940) -2% Carl Joseph Bartaldo Fib r CDtic InstallationP C 7319 Laboratory HVAC Upgrade and Repair 313116 3114116 3122116 417116 $600,000 $575,000 1 $645,848 $70,848 12°/° ntegra onstructlon Services.Inc. $34,835 $840,000 $1,171,500 C 7320 TP Energy Cogen Improvements 3115117 03/28/17 4119117 5118117 $475,000 $650,000 3 $555,000 ($95,000) -15% D.W.Nicholson $55,500 $1,400,000 $1,094,000 D 7322 Fire Protection System,Phase 2 05/18/17 06/13/17 06/30/17 07/20/17 $445,000 $700,000 $600,000 $940,000 C 7324 Sub 16 Switchgear Replacement 417116 4119116 516116 5119116 $1,500,000 $1,300,000 4 $563,500 ($736,500) _57% National High Voltage $140,500 $2,644,000 $2,644,000 ervices. Inc, C 7327 Headworks Screening Upgrade 8118116 9122116 10/19/16 1113116 $7,600,000 $6,500,000 4 $5,191,000 ($1,309,000) -20% W.M. Lyles Company $778,000 $8,400,000 $8,220,000 D 7329 MHF Burner Upgrades TBD TBD TBD TBD $200,000 D 7330 TP Piping Renovations, Phase 9 TBD TBD TBD $1,500,000 $1,700,000 C 7347 REW Commercial Truck Fill Station 117116 1127/16 2110116 3/3116 $80,000 6 $72,420 ($7,580 Pacific Underground} -9% Services $17,580 $115,000 $115,000 D 7348 Solids Handling Facilities Improvements TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD C 7350 Kiewit Property Paving Project 6115116 09/09/16 09/16/16 10/06/16 $125,000 4 $114,400 ($10,600) -8% Breneman,Inc. $17,600 $0 $450,000 D 8243 Server Room Relocation C 8412 Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer 11/19/15 12/10/15 1115116 2/18/16 $9,450,000 $10,400,000 7 $10,401,854 $1,854 0% Mountain Cascade, Inc. $626,146 $13,700,000 $13,700,000 y 115116 C 8422 a nut Creekewer Renovations,Pse 11 ($101,155} -41° Cratus, Inc. $269,155 $3,750,000 $3, 1112117 219117 2128117 3116117 $3,100,000 $2,800,000 3 $2,698,845 934,000 D 8429 Martinez Pumping Station Pump TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Reha il'tation C 8430 Lafayette Sewer Renovations, 416117 513117 5110117 5118117 $3,000,000 $3,000,000 2 $3,288,000 $288,000 10% K.J.Woods $322,000 $3,650,000 $4,367,000 Ph e 11 t C 8437 Martinez Sewer Renovations,Phase 5 04/06/17 04/18/17 512/17 5118117 $3,000,000 $3,100,000 3 $3,018,000 ($82,000) -3% K.J.Woods $300,000 $3,650,000 $4,095,000 Construction.inc. C 2016-01 District-wide Potholing Blanket Contract 10/06/16 10/18/16 10/25/16 11/17/16 $450,000 7 $148,910 ($301,090) -67% Roto-Rooter $446,730 C 2016-02 District-wide Patch Paving1211116 12/13/16 12/20/16 5/18117 $150,000 3 $117,250 organ- onanno x$32,750} -22°Io $598,005 Development.Inc. C 6171 Equipment Replacement/Plant Control 10/15/15 10/29/15 12/10/15 12/17/15 $375,000 4 $253,000 $122,000 -33% D.W. Nicholson (7326) Svstem UPS Replacement } C 7348-01 Sample Port Installation N/A N/A - 1118117 1/20117 $65,000 4 $75,500 $10,500 16% JT Thorpe C 7348-02 1 Pilot Plant Installation N/A N/A 03/14/17 03/17/17 $150,000 4 $267,034 $117,034 78% JT Thorpe *Highlighted columns have automatic calculations. Page 1 of 2 CAPITAL PROJECTS QUARTERLY REPORT: APRIL - JUNE 2017 ! Amount Paid to 0 N Variance(0/6) Allocated to Expended to Total Current /o Major Events/Current Type of z DP No. Project Title Variance C Contractor NTP G Date Date Contract Amount (to date Complete StatuslComments Retention C 5941 Fairview and Maltby Pumping Station Pump 8111116 Rebuild D 5982 Pipe-bursting Blanket D 5991 Pleasant Hill Sewer Renovations, Phase 2 $0 0% $300,000 $243,824 In pre-design. C 7291 eismic Upgrades for the Pump&Blower $0 0% $4,424,000 $2,214,114 $4,887,800 $1,526,391 31% In construction. 1219116 Escrow Buildina C 7297 Wet Scrubber Caustic Injection System ($7,674,364) -85% $1,421,600 $1,381,055 $896,169 $896,169 100% Notice of Completion filed. 1214115 District TP a etyn ancements, ase 4, Revisedo C 7311 (al39 and 8237] 1±$30,000) -3/a $1,404,582 $1,087,503 $678,169 $644,260 95% Project complete. 7113/15 Escrow D 7314 TP Urgent Repairs Plant ControlSystem Network C 7317 Fiber I ti n 10127/16 C 7319 Laboratory HVAC Upgrade and Repair $331,500 39% $1,171,500 $1,194,096 $702,407 $702,407 100% Notice of Completion filed. 5123116 District C 7320 TP Energy Cogen Improvements ($306,000) -22% $1,094,000 $0 $555,000 $0 0% Contract awarded. TBD District D 7322 Fire Protection System,Phase 2 $340,000 57% $840,000 $187,387 Project out to bid. C 7324 Sub 16 Switchgear Replacement $0 0% $2,644,000 $2,503,995 $632,652 $601,019 100% Project complete. 7111116 District C 7327 Headworks Screening Upgrade ($180,000) -2% $2,500,000 $991,426 $5,969,000 $0 0% In construction. 12/27/16 District D 7329 MHF Burner Upgrades D 7330 TP Piping Renovations, Phase 9 C 7347 REVD Commercial Truck Fill Station $0 0% $113,327 $119,970 $77,256 $77,256 100% Project complete. 3128/16 District D 7348 Solids Handling Facilities Improvements C 7350 Kiewit Property Paving Project $332,354 $313,443 $114,400 $114,400 100% Project complete. 11/14/16 District D 8243 Server Room Relocation C 8412 Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer $0 0% $12,224,408 $11,021,934 $10,561,133 $8,283,952 91% In construction. 414116 District C 8422 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, $184,000 5% $1,369,000 $2,271,730 $2,759,342 $1,559,620 73% In construction. 04/18/17 District Phase 11 D 8428 Martinez Pumping Station Pump Rehabilitation Lafayette ewerenovations, C 8430 se 11 $717,000 20% $650,000 $663,906 $3,288,000 $0 0% In construction. 6128117 District PhaC 8437 Martinez Sewer Renovations,Phase 5 $445,000 12% $625,000 $647,549 $3,018,040 $0 0% In construction. 07/05/17 District C 2016-01 District-Wide Potholing Blanket Contract $148,910 $55,000 Bids opened 10125116. C 2016-02 District-Wide Patch Paving $119,601 $0 0% Signing contract documents. C 6171 Equipment Replacement/Plant Control $253,000 0% Bids were opened (7326) System UPS Replacement December 10,2015. C 7348-01 Sample Port Installation $2,350,000 $523,165 $68,950 $68,950 100°gyp Project complete. 02/07/17 District C 7348-02 Pilot Plant Installation $2,350,000 $523,165 $280,086 $258,008 92% Install complete. 04/06/17 District *Highlighted columns have automatic calculations. Page 2 of 2 ACTIVE CONSULTANT CONTRACTS; APRIL - JUNE 2017 Type(P, Total Board Original Contract Rev. Total Current Contract %of Board DP No. Project Title PM D,C,I) Consultant Authorized Amount .1 Rev.2 Rev.3 Rev.4 Rev.5 Rev.6 Rev.7 Rev.S Rev.9 Rev.9 Amount Authorized Spent to Date Pump and Blower Seismic Time Time Time Time Time Time Time 7291 Upgrades Craig Mizutani DIC CPS $588,400 $25,000 $187,900 Only Only Only Only Only $30,500 Only Only $345,000 $588,400 100% $228,758 7291 Pump and Blower Seismic Upgrades Craig Mizutani DIC ECS Staff Authority $16,270 Time Only $8,730 $25,000 NIA $11,285 7291 Pump and Blower Seismic Craig Mizutani C Kleinfelder Staff Authority $20,000 $30,000 $50,000 NIA $27,005 Upgrades 7319 Laboratory Upgrade and Repair Craig Mizutani D/C Taylor Systems Staff Authority $6,200 $36,000 $33,200 $75,400 NIA $65,440 Engineering,Inc. 7319 Laboratory Upgrade and Repair Craig Mizutani C Kleinfelder Staff Authority $24,650 $24,650 NIA $10,003 7320 Treatment Plant Energy- Craig Mizutani C Carollo Engineers $120,000 $120,000 $120,00❑ 100/ $120,00❑Cogeneration Unit Optimization 7322 Fire Protection System JayLin P DTN Engineers Staff Authority $10,850 Time Only Improvement,Phase 2 g ty y $10,85❑ NIA $10,850 7321 Fire Protection System JayLin D DTN Engineers $150,000 $150,000 $20,490 $144,937 Improvement,Phase 2 g $170,490 114°/° 7324 Sub 16 Switchgear Replacement Craig Mizutani D Protective Relay Staff Authority $18,500 $18,500 NIA $18,500 Engineering 7324 Sub 16 Switchgear Replacement Craig Mizutani C Kleinfelder $12,000 $12,000 NIA $4,000 Headworks Screenings Update 7327 and Sub 16,DP 7324 and Craig Mizutani DIC Brown and Caldwell $1,450,000 $850,000 $140,000 $63,315 $36,457 $360,228 $1,450,000 100% $1,104,430 DP 7327 7327 Headworks Screenings Upgrade Craig Mizutani C Kleinfelder Staff Authority $30,000 $30,000 NIA $1,712 7348 Solids Handling Facilities Nate Hodges PID Black&Veatch $2,000,000 $1,960,000 $1,960,000 98% $531,421 Improvements 7348 Solids Handling Facilities Nate Hodges D EnviroCare $10,500 $31,000 Improvements(044796) Nitin Goel $41,500 NIA $18,500 7348 Solids Handling Facilities Nate Hodges D EnviroCare $77,650 $77,650 NIA $47,650 Improvements(045059) Nitin Goel 7348 Solids Handling Facilities Nate Hodges D Bluesky $480,000 $479,280 $22,907 $502,187 105% $95,856 Improvements(045140) Rita Cheng 8243 Server Room Relocation Nate Morales D Pacific Design $150,000 $139,955 $139,955 93% $0 Group 8243 Server Room Nate Hodges D MWA $400,000 Pending $0 0% $0 Relocation/Architectural Impr. Jay Lin 8412 Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Nancy Molina C DCM ConsultingStaff Authority $30,000 Trunk Sewer ty $30,000 NIA $13,125 8412 Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Nancy Molina C West Yost $580,000 $580,000 $5,000 $24,950 $36,220 Staff only $646,170 111% $623,937 Trunk Sewer Associates 8412 Pleasant Hili-Grayson Creek NancyMolina C JDH Corrosion Staff Authority $7,500 Time Only Time Only Time Only Time only Trunk Sewer Consultants,Inc. y y y y $?,500 NIA $4,723 8412 Pleasant Hili-Grayson Creek Nancy Molina C LSA Staff Authority $25,000 $28,300 $53,300 NIA $43,269 Trunk Sewer 8412 Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek NancyMolina C Smith Emery Staff Authority $50,000 Trunk Sewer ry ty $50,000 NIA $21,683 8412 Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Nancy Molina C Wilson Ihrig Staff Authority $44,590 $48,035 $92,625 NIA $91,299 Trunk Sewer 8425 Cathodic Protection, Sasha Mestetsky C JDH Corrosion Staff Authority $20,000 Time Only Time Only Time Only $7,790 $27,790 NIA $27,790 Phase 1 Consultants,Inc. 8436 Pump Station Upgrades Amanda Schmidt p V-W Housen& Staff Authority $25,000 $73,000 $98,000 NIA $92,137 Assoc. 8436 Pump Station Upgrades Amanda Schmidt P ArcSine Engr. Staff Authority $30,000 $30,000 NIA $29,986 1 of 1 CAPITAL PRO. ECTS QUARTERLY REPORT: CHANGE ORDER LOG APRIL - JUNE 201 7 Phase DP No. Project Title Contractor Col CO2 CO3 C04 C05 No. of Value of %Change 9e Change Orders Orders Orders($) C 7297 Wet Scrubber Caustic Injection Manito System Construction, Inc. $9,058 $15,370 $11,624 $216 $6,542 5 $42,810 5% C 7311 TP Safety Enhancements, Phs 4, Azt Revised Includes 8239&8237) ec Consultants $22,798 $21,319 $22,997 $7,548 $24,507 5 $99,169 15% ( Laboratory HVAC Upgrade and Integra C 7319 Construction $2,815 Repair 1 $2,815 0% Sp.Lvices, Inc. National High C 7324 Sub 16 Switchgear Replacement Voltage Services, $15,344 $0 $11,631 $7,548 $20,160 5 $69,152 11% i Inc, C 7327 Headworks Screening Upgrade W. M. Lyles $0 0% Company REW Commercial Truck Fill Pacific C 7347 Station Underground $4,836 1 $4,836 6% Services C 8412 Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Mountain Cascade, Trunk Sewer Inc. $55,550 $97,900 $4,750 $1,079 4 $159,279 % C 8422 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 11 Cratus, Inc. $30,249 1 $30,249 1% C 7348-01 Sample Port Installation JT Thorpe ($6,550) 1 (S6,550.), _9% C 7348-02 Pilot Plant Installation JT Thorpe $63,051 1 $63,051 23% Construction contracts awarded under$100,000 Date Project Project No. Contractor Total Miner Road Emergency 6/11/17 Sewer 8439 Bay Cites Paving & $48,500Re airs Grading, Inc. Construction projects accepted Date Project Project No. Contractor 4120117 Sample Ports Installation 7343-01 J.T. Thorpe & Son, Inc. (Contract supporting Wet Scrubber Pilot) 6/9/17 Laboratory MVAC Upgrade and 7319 Integra Construction Services, Repair Project Inc. SCHEDULE OF FISCAL YEAR 2016-2017 BIDS AND AWARDS Project Information Bid Status Phase DIP No. Project Title Bid Opening Engineer's No. Bids Estimate Received Low Bid Contractor Award Date C 8422 Walnut Creek Sewer Renovations, Phase 11 2/28/17 $2,800.000 3698845 Cratus $2T 5 1 Inc. 4/6/17 Devaney C 8434 Collection System Urgent Projects 3/7/17 $350,000 1 $4631250 Engineering, Rejected I Inc. C 7320 TP Energy Cogen Improvements 4/19/17 $650,000 3 $555,000 D.W. Nicholson 5/18/17 Corporation K.J. Woods C 8437 Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 5 5/2/17 $3.1007000 3 $3,018,000 Construction, 5/18/17 Inc. K.J. Woods C 8430 Lafayette Sewer Renovations, Phase 11 5/10/17 $3,000i000 2 $3,288,000 Construction, 5/18/17 Inc. D 2017-01 District-Wide Survey Monuments Contract No. EXARO 2017-01 6/27/17 $50,000/year 3 $58,480 Technologies 7/20/17 Corporation D 7322 Fire Protection System Improvements, 7/25/17 $700,000 . - Phase 2 9/7/17 D 7330 TP Piping Renovations, Phase 9 9/29117 $1,200,000 TBD D 8243 Server Room Relocation TBD TBD TBD D 7329 M H F Burner Upgrades TBD TBD TBD D 5982 Pipe-bursting Blanket TBD TBD TBD D 7314 TP Urgent Repairs TBD $250,000 TBD SOQ and RFP in progress 05/25/17