HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.d.1)b) Committee Minutes-Administration 06-06-17 9odol
cen.trai contra. costa sanitary.District
ntt Pro
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PHONE: {925 225-9500
Tuesday, June , 2017 FAX: (925)372-0192
8:39 a.m. wvvw cerntralsan.org
Executive Conference Room
5919 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair Mike McGill
Member David Williams
Invited Guest:
Brent.Ives, Principal of BHI Management consulting
Nicholas Jones, Sr., PFM Financial Advisors LLC
Sta ft,
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Kent Alm, District counsel (left at beginning of Item 5.)
Elaine R. Boehme, secretary of the District
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration
Teji O'Malley, Human Resources Manager
Thea Vassallo, Finance Manager
Donna Anderson, Assistant to the Secretary of the District
1. Call Meeting to Order
Chair McGill called the meeting to order at 8:35 a.m.
2. Public Comments
3. Follow-up discussion on proposed amendments to Board Policy No. BP 013 —
Standing Committee charters to incorporate committee protocols
This item was Beard out of order, immediately following Item No. 4.
Administration Committee Minutes
June 6, 2017
Page 2
Mr. Ives said he and staff had met since the April 24, 2017 meeting to
incorporate the Committee's feedback into the proposed Committee protocols
and guidelines. He said the opportunity also was used to propose changes to
the committee charters to more accurately reflect current practices, focus on
policy areas, reduce ambiguity, and simplify the template. once BP 013 has
been upda ted,:he and staff will review BP 023 — Board Ethics and conduct with
the Committee to eliminate any inconsistencies between the two policies and to
discuss other changes suggested by the Committee at the April 24 meeting.
The use of standing►'items on Committee agendas was discussed, after which it
was decided to leave the proposed wording that "the use of standing items . . . is
,generally discouraged"as is. However, it was the consensus of the committee
that if standing items are used, they should be accompanied by a clear, brief
description of the.anticipated action, or a statement that no report or other action
is contemplated. Ms. Boehme said staff will use the procedures described in
Mr. Alm's April 17, 2017 memo to the Real Estate, Environmental& Planning
(REEF) committee on the use of standing items.
with regard to items for which Committees recommend Board approval, it was
the consensus of the committee that they should be broken into two categories:
Routine items may generally be put on the Board consent Calendar for approval,
but non-routine items should be agendized separately for discussion.
with respect to the proposed changes to the A dministra tion Committee charter,
it was the consensus of the Committee to remove the last sentence of the
introductory paragraph under "scope"because it repeats what is set forth in the
new protocols and guidelines. it was suggested that this change be made to all
four Committee charters.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval with
the changes noted above.
4. Receive information on requirement for Board review and approval of
This item was taken out of order, immediately following Item 2.
Mr. Alar stated that both statutes in the sanitary District Act of 1923 addressing
the requirement for Board review and approval of expenditures were written at a
time when most sanitary districts were much smaller. Neither statute has been
amended and both remain in force. The intent of section 0801 is to assure that
the elected body takes responsibility for keeping a fairly close watch on the
financial actions of the agency.
Administration Committee Minutes
June 6, 2017
Page 3
Mr. Alm explained that, for practical reasons, the signing of checks at the District
generally takes place prior to the Finance Committee having reviewed the check
registers. Given the number of checks generated by a district the size of Central
Sara and the impracticality of obtaining advance approval of the Board prior to
signing every check, this practice was adopted to implement a process that
follows the "spirit"of section 8801. While not literally compliant with the statute,
he considers this.system to be substantially compliant.
Mr. Bailey raised the possibility of pursuing amendments to these outdated
statutes through legislative channels to align them more with modern practices.
Mr. Alm agreed with that suggestion. This idea was supported by the
Committee. chair McGill suggested using an omnibus bill process through the
California Association of Sanitation Agencies (CASA).
COMMITTEE ACTION: discussed and provided input to staff.
5. Risk Management— Loss Control Report; discuss any outstanding claims and
neer claims, if any
In the absence of Risk Management Administrator Shan'Deutsch, Mr. Bailey
briefly reviewed a new claim shown on the Loss Control Report.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Discussed and provided input to staff.
0. Discuss proposed new Board Policy No. 029 — Debt Policy
Mr. Leiber introduced the discussion, noting that staff presented two versions of a
debt policy for consideration: one containing high-level, poly"cy-related guidance
and the other containing► that plus procedures with detailed guidance on specific
issues. He said staff obtained feedback from PFM Financial Advisors and Sperry
Capital in developing the proposed policy and both versions meet the five
requirements of a debt policy under SB 1020.
Mr. Bailey noted that the Board typically desires to keep Board policies very brief
and high-level. However, in this case, since the intended audience is external
stakeholders, there is merit to incorporating the procedures into the policy
document so all critical information is available in one place.
Chair McGill agreed that it is important for external stakeholders to have the full
.policy. He also said it is easy to.confuse policy with the law, and it is important
that the policy be flexible enough to apply for years to come. He expressed
appreciation for the comprehensive draft developed by staff and said he was
supportive of the longer version, so long as it distinguishes between what is
legally required and what is Board policy.
Administration Committee Minutes
June 0, 2017
Page 4
Member Williams concurred with the suggestion to embed the procedural
aspects under the various sections of the policy. From his perspective, however,
he sought additional clarification as to what is procedure versus policy. For
example, he asked if the collection system day-to-day pipe replacement should
be solely rate-funded, and whether it is a policy issue. to rate-fund versus bond-
fund for certain.capital projects.
Chair McGill suggested that the proposed policy be brought back at a future
meeting with 1) the legal requirements clearly separated from policy and
procedural clauses, 2) clarification as to what the District can do with bonds,
3) more specificity with regard to pipeline replacement, and 4) whether the 1.0-
year period for determining the minimum capital project funding from rates versus
debt is rolling or fixed..
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed, provided input to staff, and directed staff
to bring the proposed policy back at a future meeting for further
7. Review Gantt chart of activities leading up to 2017 Labor Negotiations
Ills..O'Malley said labor negotiations have begun with all three bargaining units.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed the Gantt chart.
8. Announcements
a. Future scheduled meetings:
Tuesday, June 20, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.
Thursday, July 27, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.
b. Ms. Boehme announced that the June 15, 2017 Board meeting may be
cancelled because two Board Members are expected to'be absent and
there are no time-sensitive items on the agenda.
C. chair McGill thanked staff for all it does for this Committee.
9. suggestions for future agenda items
10. ..Adjournment at 10:00 a.m.