HomeMy WebLinkAbout07.b Consider amendments to Board Policy No. BP 013-Standing Committee Charters 7mbo ' Central San BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 6, 2017 Subject: CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO BP 013, STANDING C O MMI TTEE CHARTERS Submitted By: Initiating Dept/Div.: Elaine R. Boehme Administration Secretary of the District REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: I' Kenton L.Alm Roger S.Bailey Counsel for the Distri General Manager ISSUE: Board approval is required for revisions to Board Policies. BACKGROUND: Based on feedback from the February 10, 2017 Board Self- Assessment Workshop, the Administration Committee has been working with Brent Ives, Principal of BHl Management Consulting, on proposed changes to Board Policy No. BP 013 — Standing Committee Charters to more clearly define the Board Committee process and consider developing General Committee Protocols and Guidelines. During its review, the Administration Committee has proposed that the Standing Committee Charters be updated to more accurately reflect current practices, simplify the template, and more clearly state the policy areas and scope on which each Committee should focus. With that in mind, each Committee has reviewed its Charter and suggested minor revisions. These are attached in strikeout and final. The Board is being asked to review the entire Board Policy including the newly-added General Committee Protocols and Guidelines. These clearly define the role of Committees and clarify how split Committee votes should be dealt with, how to handle requests for information from Committee Members, the use of standing items, appointment of alternates, and scheduling/ rescheduling/cancellation of Committee meetings. Board President and Real Estate, Environmental and Planning Committee (RESP) Chair Causey has also asked that the Board consider eliminating the REEP Committee and consolidating it with the other Standing Committees due to light agendas. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: The Board could propose additional revisions. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None. Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 6, 2017 subject: APPROVE AMENDMENTS TO BP 013, STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Administration Committee reviewed this matter on April 24 and June 6, 2017 and recommended approving the revisions to BP 013, including addition of the General Committee Protocols and Guidelines, and approval of the revisions to the Administration Committee Charter. The Engineering and Operations Committee and Finance Committee also recommended approval of the proposed revisions to their respective Charters. The RESP Committee recommended approval of the proposed revisions to its Charter. However, Chair Causey suggested that the Board consider eliminating the REEP Committee and consolidating it with other Standing Committees due to the relatively light agendas, or possibly reducing the frequency of the meetings. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: 1. Consider Board President/REEP Committee Chair Causey's suggestion to eliminate the REEP Committee and refer BP 013 to the Administration Committee for recommendation on redistributing the REEP Committee's areas of responsibility to other Standing Committees; 2. If REEP Committee is not eliminated, approve revisions to BP 013, Standing Committee Charters; or 3. Provide other direction to staff. Attached Supporting Documents: 1. BP 013— Standing Committee Charters(in strikeout showing proposed revisions) 2. BP 073— Standing Committee Charters(with proposed revisions accepted) Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT I Central Contra Costa Sanitary DistricE Number: BP 013 Authority: Board of Directors Effective: March 6 2014 Revised: February 18, 2016 www.centralsan.org Reviewed: Initiating Dept./Div.: Administration www.centraisan.org BOARD POLICY STANDING COMMITTEE PROTOCOLS, GUIDELINES AND CHARTERS PURPOSE To adopt the protocols, guidelines and charters for the D.1,6,firi Central San's Standing Committees. POLICY The Board has determined that it is beneficial to adopt protocols and guidelines and adopt charters for each of the District's Standing Committees below: Administration Finance Engineering & Operations Real Estate, Environmental & Planning .The Committees shall operate within the General Committee Protocols and Guidelines for Standing Committees set forth below, which define the role of and provide a framework within which the Committee Members and staff can operate. The Standing Committee Charters define the mission and goals of thin nernmotteiar, Ic t iz QQ i Qt,-iff I j %.F 1.%A I I I - - --&-,each Committee and set forth the Committee scope with an emphasis on policy rather than operational matters. Thaw h;n whir-k ihiz Cnmm;tt IL V V 1 16 y Je. a frame rk lAdt,111 1 VV1 41%-09 1 4-9 1%-0 N-IPWI 1 11. .LLees and hit thQ [Rn��ffj- %3 t%::-1%If fF nW%@ARI en,,-kr-n4sa 1hinu a= ho rx naindind- .,P Thin C�Pnarnl h d 2 M n C�l C I A I et P rm;n iz t n uthmah i'znrn pttpa Kipmc VW 11M I III IN.0 LW VVI IIW4 I 1LN..rI3I%.F I%L.F�-A %-4 n are eases tn InI4 SME&M tWE, thin CZanizr��l hdPn::4,aar- rm�u 12 a h I%A-j WV%-41 I L I IJ1LL%-0%-FWj nnf r IAI*f 16-f N.0%.%I%.A cd,a.-L Ini G...e Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 2 of 12 General Committee Protocols and Guidelines for Standing-Committees The General Committee Protocols and Guidelines for Standing Committees are set forth on pages 2 through 3. Standing Committee Charters The Standing Committee Charters are set forth on pages 4 through 7. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 3 of 12 GENERAL COMMITTEE PROTOCOLS AND GUIDELINES FOR STANDING COMMITTEES 1 Role: The role of the Committees is advisory to the Board — Committees make recommendations to the full Board. They cannot direct staff outside of their Committee Charters or expend public resources. 2. Agendas: The General Manager and staff generate the agendas. The General Manager will determine to which Committee items are assigned as they arise. In cases where certain topics may span two Committees, he/she may confer with the Board President for guidance. 3. Staff Recommendations on Agendas: Staff will specify on Committee agendas what is needed from the Committee for each agenda item (e.g. Committee recommendation for Board approval; receive the report/update, provide input to staff, etc.). 4. Committee Action: For those items for which a Committee recommendation to the Board is requested, staff will proceed as follows, depending on the Committee vote: a. Committee recommendation of Board approval. • Routine items will generally be put on the Board Consent Calendar. • Non-routine items will be agendized for a presentation and Board discussion. b. split Committee vote: The item will proceed to the full Board (not on Consent Calendar), and the reason for the split vote will be reflected in both the Committee minutes and the position paper. For purposes of efficiency within the Committee process, should the two Committee Members find themselves at early impasse regarding their position on any committee matter, it is the policy of this Board to bring that matter to the full Board as early in the process as possible. C. Committee votes against ap proval— The item will generally proceed to the full Board (not on Consent Calendar), and the Committee's position will be reflected in both the Committee minutes and the position paper. 5. Committee Requests for Information: When a Committee Member requests information, the Committee must vote on whether to proceed with the request. If the request does not receive Committee approval, staff generally will not proceed with the request. 6. Staff Responses to Committee Requests for Information: If the response is in writing, it will generally be made part of the next Committee packet. If the response is provided by staff verbally or via email to Committee Members outside of a convened meeting, staff will provide a brief announcement at the next Committee meeting. Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 4 of 12 7, Informational Reports: The General Manager will determine which informational reports (e.g. NPDES annual report, HHW annual report, Sanitary Sewer Overflow annual report, mentorship presentations, etc.) that do not require Committee recommendation or input will go directly to the Board, and which will be scheduled for Committee review first. 8. Standing Items: The use of standing items on Committee agendas isgenerally discouraged due to potential Brown Act issues. 9. Scheduling, Rescheduling and Cancellation of Committee Meetings: Committee meetings may be scheduled, rescheduled or cancelled at the request of a Committee Member or staff. The Committee Chair will be consulted prior to the cancellation of any Committee meeting. 10. Appointment of Alternates: Use of alternates for Committee meetings is generally discouraged due to potential Brown Act issues; however, when necessary, the Board President may appoint an alternate based on Board Member availability. Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 5 of 12 CHARTER ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE N..r'nmrnitto , chair Members: , Member Meeting Schedule: T►Ade aMonthly, or as neededsub�ect to rescheduling needed (subject g or cancellation) �`w,.,.�" �' Provide input Mission, � � p son and recommendations to the Board regarding , fv the policy y aGR areas listed belowI-I.A. a r� � '► and lem;slafien that support the Districts Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic 'Plan. 1 V%l 1^�11f!1tAf Phi'L Policy Areas Policv development and review +� Strategic Plan Safety and Security matters Public outreach • human Resources • Information Technology • Risk Mann ernent Legislative matters as may be requested b Beard g y � +t# Scope T1-�o m .. 1%.*V Review and address staff recommendations . May direct the General Manager to conduct additional research on policy issues within the �vm n�i�G �h1%-49+�r�^r�wCommittee's Mission. The Committee is tasked to. . Number: BP 01 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 6 of 12 • Develop new, or �re��e� and revise existing, District policies for Board consideration 0 �ewsRevie and Imakesmonitor compliance with Strategic Plan * Review and make recommendations on 1W, policy- p Y related safety and security matters Ensure adequate public outreach of policy-related District services and programs (outreach for specific programs may be referred to the appropriate committee by the General Manager) F eview and make recommendations on relevant Human Resources matters Review Information Technology policy matters N_Wn.r%.11 1�r�1-f IWO#aa%-F ersee Rise Management and associated legal matters • Review specific legislation if requested to do so by the Board Reprised by Board- March 6, 2014; July 23, 2015 February 18 2016, Jul 61 2017 Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 7 of 12 CHARTER ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE t Chair Members , Member Meeting Schedule--. Monthly, or as needed (subject to rescheduling or cancellation) Cry m m i++, in ' R, C)MgMr:qtinnQ Cn M;ffiar_ 11 Mission Provide input and pat recommendations to off cq4the Board regarding the policy ureas listed below that support the District's Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Plan. Policy Areas • Reliable infrastructure • Bidding for construction contracts • Consultant selection process for capital improvement program �► Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) • Ten-'dear Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) • Operational effectiveness 'tom-Scopes Review and address staff recommendations e ,ill ^�ranq&7111 . May direct the General Manager to conduct additional research on policy issues within the N--e%--0 1 1 1 ff I I 1 4-%-C'�,mrnl+te,N-r %.,Off +te-rCommittee' Mission. The Committee is tasked to: Review the CIB for planning, design and construction of projects, including funding-a +el • Review construction project awards Review the CIP for future projects, regulatory compliance, and Tong-range financial planning • ���Review Engineering, Plant operations, Maintenance and Collection • 5 Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 8of12 aSystems and Recycled Water as determined by the General Manager Review Asset Management Program Ensure adequate public outreach of certain prog ram- related matters within the scope of the committee, as referred by the General Manager 0 Revised by Board-1. March 0, 2014, July 23, 2015, February 18, 2016, July 0, 2017 Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 9of12 CHARTER FINANCE COMMITTEE %-f W I Ic„r "tom Chair Members: , Member Meeting Schedule: Monthly, or as needed (subject to reschedulingor cancellation) Una Mission Provide input and recommendations to the Board regarding the policy areas listed below that support the District's Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Plan. rements Policy Areas • Fiscal sustainability • Fiscal regulatory compliance • Appropriate levels of internal controls • Investment reserves • Financial reporting and budget documents 't# Scope: T � . �y re►' ►Review and - address staff recommendations III iILL%0%.,r . May direct the General Manager to conduct additional research on policy issues within the I hat- Committee's Mission. Q ::z rd ::4q ::mnrnpr6Ptqn The Committee is tasked to: • oversee proper use of financial resources • Ensure regulatory compliance with federal, state and public financing requirements Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 10 of 12 0 Review financial reports for completeness, accuracy and clarity . 11 Q1�4e Review development, implementation and oversight of# D,s+,-,n #' --investment policies and practices • Provide recommendations related to the % annual bud et, its g implementation and future projections Review expenditures * Ensure adequate public outreach of certain program-related matters within the scope of the Committee, as referred by the General Manager I I e v I ,e s r e G e M I Mli E30 IRI(AA'EA,t I OW 101%Q..F 0 R aR,In 1",E31LI fon�:znai::d r-nnnrt anu OVWI L%_F P11d; ts Reprised b Beard: March 6, 2014, JulY 23, 2015, Februa 18, 2015, Jul 6, 201 7 Y Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 11 of 12 CHARTER REAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL & PLANNING COMMITTEE %-w%-#I I I I I I I L Itte Chair Members: , Member Meeting Schedule: Monthly, or as needed (subject to cancellation or rescheduling) ,C.,e.,sma 1 0 Emu. T"eo IMI 1spS,ielf r, n# Provide input and recommendations to the Re-N-:11, OE S e� Mission • F=nwirE) I rin. Board regarding the policy areas listed below that sunnertssupport the District's Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Plan. "WILS VFI Policy Areas Lean -ran e planning i Environmental regulatory compliance • Cost-effective resource recovery and recycling • Use of District real property and facilities • S c o ' P review and address staff recommendations Y. May direct the General Manager to conduct additional research on policy issues within thea rh1%-&l o rte-r+Dommittee's Mission, 9 evewsThe Committee is tasked to • Review long-range planning documents including master plans- • oversee the District's environmental regulatory compliance 1111;+k fincilar ti.e ty rinn,11:::anpt rin W,..I I� • veru. eeoversee resource recovery programs and recycling • oversee appropriate use of real property and p �` Y facilities in accordance with District policies Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 12 of 12 0Pin I t%_101 Review year-end annual reports for Household Hazardous Waste, Pollution Prevention, and Recycled Water, as necessary Ensure adequate public outreach of certain program-related matters within the scope of the Committee, as referred by the General Manager -Revised by Board--.. March 6, 2014, July 23, 2015, February 18, 2016, July 6, 2017 ATTACHMENT 2 central Contra costa Number: B P 013 Sanitary District Authority: Board of Directors Effective: March 6, 2014 Revised: February 18, 2016 Reviewed: Initiating Dept./Div.: Administration vnNw.centraban.org BOARD POLICY STANDING COMMITTEE PROTOCOLS, GUIDELINES AND CHARTERS PURPOSE To adopt the protocols, guidelines and charters for the Central San's Standing Committees. POLICY The Board has determined that it is beneficial to adopt protocols and guidelines and adopt charters for each of the District's Standing Committees below: Administration Finance Engineering & Operations Real Estate, Environmental & Planning The Committees shall operate within the General Committee Protocols and Guidelines for Standing Committees set forth below, which define the role of and provide a framework within which the Committee Members and staff can operate. The Standing Committee Charters define the mission and goals of each Committee and set forth the Committee scope with an emphasis on policy rather than operational matters. General Committee Protocols and Guidelines for Standing Committees The General Committee Protocols and Guidelines for Standing Committees are set forth on pages 2 through 3. Standing Committee Charters The Standing Committee Charters are set forth on pages 4 through 7. [Original Retained by the Secretary of the District] Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 2of7 GENERAL COMMITTEE PROTOCOLS AND GUIDELINES FOR STANDING COMMITTEES 1. Rale: The role of the Committees is advisory to the Board -- Committees make recommendations to the full Board. They cannot direct staff outside of their Committee Charters or expend public resources. 2. Agendas: The General Manager and staff generate the agendas. The General Manager will determine to which Committee items are assigned as they arise. In cases where certain topics may span two Committees, he/she may confer with the Board President for guidance. 3. Staff Recommendations on Agendas: Staff will specify on Committee agendas what is needed from the Committee for each agenda item (e.g. Committee recommendation for Board approval; receive the report/update, provide input to staff, etc.). 4. Committee Action: For those items for which a Committee recommendation to the Board is requested, staff will proceed as follows, depending on the Committee vote: a. committee recommendation of Board approval: Routine items will generally be put on the Board Consent Calendar. Non-routine items will be agendized for a presentation and Board discussion. b. Split Committee vote: The item will proceed to the full Board (not on Consent Calendar), and the reason for the split vote will be reflected in both the Committee minutes and the position paper. For purposes of efficiency within the Committee process, should the two Committee Members find themselves at early impasse regarding their position on any committee matter, it is the policy of this Board to bring that matter to the full Board as early in the process as possible. C. Committee votes against approval—The item will generally proceed to the full Board (not on Consent Calendar , and the Committee's osition will be reflected } p in both the Committee minutes and the position paper. 5. Committee Requests for Information: When a Committee Member requests information, the Committee must vote on whether to proceed with the request. If the request does not receive Committee approval, staff generally will not proceed with the request. 5. Staff Responses to Committee Requests for information: If the response is in writing, it will generally be made part of the next Committee packet. If the response is provided by staff verbally or via email to Committee Members outside of a convened meeting, staff will provide a brief announcement at the next Committee meeting. Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 3of7 7. Informational Reports: The General Manager will determine which informational reports (e.g. NPDES annual report, HHW annual report, Sanitary Sewer overflow annual report, mentorship presentations, etc.) that do not require committee recommendation or input will go directly to the Board, and which will be scheduled for Committee review first. 8. Standing items: The use of standing items on Committee agendas is generally discouraged due to potential Brown Act issues. 9. Scheduling, Rescheduling and cancellation of Committee Meetings: Committee meetings may be scheduled, rescheduled or cancelled at the request of a Committee Member or staff. The committee chair will be consulted prior to the cancellation of any Committee meeting. 10. Appointment of Alternates: Use of alternates for committee meetings is generally discouraged due to potential Brown Act issues; however, when necessary, the Board President may appoint an alternate based on Board Member availability. Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 4 of 7 CHARTER ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Members Chair, Member Meeting Schedule Monthly, or as needed (subject to rescheduling or cancellation) Mission Provide input and recommendations to the Board regarding the policy areas listed below that support the District's Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Plan. Policy Areas • Policy development and review • Strategic Plan • Safety and security matters • Public outreach • Human Resources • Information Technology • Risk Management • Legislative matters as may be requested by Board Scope Review and address staff recommendations. May direct the General Manager to conduct additional research on policy issues within the Committee's Mission. The Committee is tasked to: • Develop new, or review and revise existing, District policies for Board consideration • Review and monitor compliance with Strategic Plan Review and make recommendations on policy-related safety and security matters • Ensure adequate public outreach of policy-related District services and programs (outreach for specific programs may be referred to the appropriate Committee by the General Manager) • Review and make recommendations on relevant Human Resources matters • Review Information Technology policy matters • oversee Risk Management and associated legal matters • Review specific legislation if requested to do so by the Board Revised by Board March 8, 2014; July 23, 2015, February 18, 2018, July 8, 2017 Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 5 of 7 CHARTER ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Members Chair, Member Meeting Schedule Monthly, oras needed (subject to rescheduling or cancellation) Mission Provide input and recommendations to the Board regarding the policy areas listed below that support the District's Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Plan. Policy Areas 0 Reliable infrastructure • Bidding for construction contracts • Consultant selection process for capital improvement program • Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) • Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) • Operational effectiveness Scope Review and address staff recommendations. May direct the General Manager to conduct additional research on policy issues within the Committee's Mission. The Committee is tasked to: • Review the CIB for planning, design and construction of projects, including funding • Review construction project awards • Review the CIP for future projects, regulatory compliance, and long- range financial planning • Review Engineering, Plant Operations, Maintenance and Collection Systems and Recycled Water as determined by the General Manager • Review Asset Management Program • Ensure adequate public outreach of certain program-related matters within the scope of the Committee, as referred by the General Manager Revised by Board March 6, 2014, July 23, 2015, Februa 18, 2016, July 6, 2017 Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 6 of 7 CHARTER FINANCE COMMITTEE Members Chair, Member Meeting schedule Monthly, or as needed (subject to rescheduling or cancellation) Mission Provide input and recommendations to the Board regarding the policy areas listed below that support the District's Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Plan. Policy Areas * Fiscal sustainability * Fiscal regulatory compliance Appropriate levels of internal controls * Investment reserves Financial reporting and budget documents Scope Review and address staff recommendations. May direct the General Manager to conduct additional research on policy issues within the Committee's Mission. The Committee is tasked to: * Oversee proper use of financial resources * Ensure regulatory compliance with federal, state and public financing requirements * Review financial reports for completeness, accuracy and clarity * Review development, implementation and oversight of investment policies and practices ■ Provide recommendations.related to the annual budget, its implementation and future projections * Review expenditures * Ensure adequate public outreach of certain program-related matters within the scope of the Committee, as referred by the General Manager Revised by Board March 6, 2014, July 23, 2016, February 18, 2016, July 6, 2017 Number: BP 013 STANDING COMMITTEE CHARTERS Page 7 of 7 CHARTER REAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL & PLANNING COMMITTEE Members Chair, Member Meeting Schedule Monthly, oras needed (subject to cancellation or rescheduling) Mission Provide input and recommendations to the Board regarding the policy areas listed below that support the District's Mission, Vision and Values and Strategic Plan. Policy Areas 0 Long-range planning • Environmental regulatory compliance • Cost-effective resource recovery and recycling • Use of District real property and facilities Scope Review and address staff recommendations. May direct the General Manager to conduct additional research on policy issues within the Committee's Mission. The Committee is tasked to: • Review long-range planning documents including master plans • Oversee the District's environmental regulatory compliance • Oversee resource recovery programs and recycling • Oversee appropriate use of real property and facilities in accordance with District policies • Review year-end annual reports for Household Hazardous Waste, Pollution Prevention, and Recycled Water, as necessary • Ensure adequate public outreach of certain program-related matters within the scope of the Committee, as referred by the General Manager Revised b Board March 6, 2014, July 23, 2015, Februa 18, 2016, Jul 6, 2017