HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.d.1)f) Committee Minutes-Real Estate, Environmental & Planning 06-21-17 9odol f) Cental Contra coSanitary District SPECIAL]K.A.EETINGOF THE BOARD OFDIRECTORS: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA PAUL K.CAUSEY President SANITARY DISTRICT JAMES A.NEJEDLY President Pro Ton REAL ESTATE, ENVIRONMENTAL Q[ PLANNING COMMITTEE M/CHAELR.MCGlLL TAD J.PILECKI DAVID R.WILLIAMS .MINUTES PHONE: (925)228-9500 FAX: (925)372-0192 Wednesday, June 21, 2017 wwW.cenxracsan.org 9:00 a.m. 2"d Floor Conference Room 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California Committee: Chair Paul Causey Member Tad Pilecki Guests: Tom Fisher, CDM Smith (left after Item 6.) Erin McGuire, CDM Smith (left after item 6.) Staff.' Roger S. Bailey, General Manager Elaine Boehme, Secretary of the District (left after Item 3.) Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration (arrived during Item 6.) Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services Danea Gemmell, Planning & Development Services Division Manager Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager (left after Item 6.) Lori Schectel, Environmental & Regulatory Compliance Division Manager Dan Frost, Senior Engineer (left after Item 7.) Dana Lawson, Senior Engineer (left after Item 6.) Lupe Saldana, Administrative Services Supervisor Cindy Granzella, Senior Administrative Technician 1. Call Meeting to Order Chair Gausey called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes June 21, 2017 Page 2 2. Public Comments None. 3. Review proposed amendments to Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Charter as set forth in Board Policy No. BP 013 — Standing Committee Charters Ms. Boehme explained that the Administration Committee is currently reviewing the policy, and is asking the Beal Estate, Environmental and Planning Committee (PEEP) to review its charter. Chair Causey asked if this particular Committee could be eliminated and have the other three Committees absorb its areas of responsibility instead. Mr. Bailey stated that the full Board could consider that suggestion. chair Causey requested that the Board first consider the option of eliminating the DEEP Committee. If that does not get approved, the Board may proceed with approving the revised charter as part of BP 013. Member Pilecki was not comfortable recommending the elimination, but was supportive of bringing the decision before the full Board for consideration. COMMITTEE ACTION: Recommended that (1) the Board consider eliminating the REED Committee; (2) if the Committee is eliminated, refer 1313.0113 to the Administration Committee for redistribution of areas of responsibility to other Standing Committees; (3) if the BEEP Committee is not eliminated, approve the proposed revisions to BP 01319 4. Receive information requested at January 20, 2017 Board workshop regarding Applied Research and Planning Projects, including the nature of the projects and the pilot project staff is considering for the Collection System Mr. Prost re vie wed the presentation included in the agenda materials and responded to questions. It was noted that Mr. Frost will give a similar presentation to the full Board at an upcoming meeting. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information. 5.* Receive update on Concord Community Reuse (formerly Concord Naval weapons Station) Ms. Gemmell explained that her presentation (attached) was compiled with information obtained at a workshop held on Saturday, June 17, 2017 by the City of Concord. she stated that the presentation focused mostly on-se wer issues, but also included information about plans for recycled water. Mr. Bailey stated that the full Board will eventually receive this information, and will meed to make policy decisions. Ms. Gemmell showed the Specific Plan Process Diagram, and stated that City of Concord anticipates completing the specific Plan by the end of 2017. Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes June 21, 2017 Page 3 Chair Causey suggested holding a special Board workshop to learn more about the planning, as there is too much information to handle at a regular Board Meeting. Mr. Bailey agreed that a workshop would be necessary in order to figure out how Central San would provide services for the area, what the charges and fees would be, and what is the most optimal way of making these decisions. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update, and requested future Board workshop. 6. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with CDM Smith for Professional Consulting Services for the Implementation of the Program Management Information System (PMIS) Software under District Project 8238 This Item was taken out of order, immediately following Item 3. Mir. Petit explained that the Master Plan identified long-range planning, which the Planning Croup is now in the beginning stages of implementing. Given the District's staffing levels, there does not appear to be need for outside program management, however, staff will need additional tools to manage the program internally. As part of a request for proposal (RFP)process that began in March 2017 for PMIS, consultants were asked to recommend software as part of their proposals. staff selected CDM! Smith with e-Builder. Member Pilecki agreed that software along these lines will ultimately be needed. However, he noted that t 1-he District's current SunGard TE Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system may be replaced and that the Finance Committee recommended going forward with Government Finance officers Association (GFOA) to evaluate a new ERP. However, given that the District is currently investigating switching its ERP system to another vendor, he was concerned about the potential for compatibility issues with the PMIS software. In light of his concern, he said he is not comfortable supporting the proposed agreement with CDM Smith at this time. He stated that he would be comfortable with a small contract to have a consultant evaluate how it will integrate with a new ERP system. Ms. Lawson explained that e-Builder can integrate with another ERP without additional configuration work, as long as the output file is provided in the same format to e-Builder. Recognizing Member Pilecki's concern, Mir. Petri stated that staff cannot wait for a new ERP to be in place before implementing projects from the Master Plan; staff needs to have the tools in place sooner in order to keep up with the Ten-'dear Capital Improvement Plan. Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes June 21, 2017 Page 4 Member Pilecki questioned if the consultant that may be hired to evaluate the ERP can also see if it will easily integrate with the PMIS before entering into this agreement. Chari Causey agreed as to the need for a PMIS system, but also stated that the financial system is key to the entire process. He stated that the Board has seen no evaluation to be able to decide that program management should be done in house. He asked that staff return to the Committee with additional information on the integration with a new ERP system, how much staffing is actually needed to handle, program and project management in house, and what this program and project management tool will do for staff. Member Pilecki agreed, and requested that staff provide information as to how program and project management are currently handled, as well as how.the proposed PMIS tool would improve the current process. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information and requested an additional Committee meeting to discuss in more detail. A special meeting was, scheduled for June 30, 2017 at 9:00 aim. 7. Receive update on most recent meeting of Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA) Ms. Schectel provided a brief update on the recent BACWA Executive Board meeting on Friday, June 16, 2017 in San Jose, and the second Optimization Workshop recently held at East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD). She reported that BACWA is on track for meeting reporting deadlines on nutrients for the Regional Watershed permit. She stated that BACWA is having its annual meeting with the Air District today to discuss Rule 11-1 S and greenhouse gas emissions. The two agencies will also discuss the concept of separately permitting smaller projects. Lastly, the Federal Dental amalgam Rule will go into effect July 14, 2017 and new criteria will be added to certification forms. COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update. 8. Announcements a. Future scheduled meetings: Friday, June 30, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. — New Meeting Monday, July 17, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. Monday, August 28, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. Monday, September 25, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. b. Request for information (RFI) for renewable energy project-- Mr. Petit announced that staff will most likely prepare an RFl in September 2017. C. Update on recent violation under Section 129 of the clean Air Act from hydrogen chloride emissions (HCI) at the treatment plant—Ms. Schectel Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes June 21, 2017 Page 5 announced that a violation was found during the annual compliance source test. . Staff has since re-tested and results are within compliance limits. d. Mr.:Dailey announced that he and Program Manager Resource Recovery Melody LaBella met with Gary Darling to discuss.the exchange of recycled water, specifically talking about water rights. The next step will be to meet with Zone 7, Contra Costa Water District, and Fast Bay Municipal Utility District. e. Mr. Bailey announced that,he and staff have met with Diablo Country Club (DCC) to discuss the option of DCC working with Dublin San Ramon Services District to assist them with the issues that they creed to consider. 0. Suggestions for future agenda items Member Ca usey requested an update on DCC and what the feedback was from the public meeting that was recently held. 10. Adjournment— at 12;21 p.m. Attachment r Item ■ (Committee Handout) CONCORD COMMUNITY REUSE PROJECT JUNE 215 2017 REAL ESTATE ENVIRONMENTAL AND PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING Danea Gemmell, PE gala Planning and Development Services Division Manager t i CENTRAL AN 2011 � ALIGNMENTS P ��; [ s y 1Tt" L-.�"�' - •}R 1+/.,,ny CMVS CCTLP •y;, .. - � "M orf� 1T *'� � f Iv I&T darv.����• Ah .... _ - AACFigure 4 Alternative Alignment Goncepls to Serve CNINS Area p 6/21/2017 CONCORD 2011 PRELIMINARY SEWER 0 ` J Abk • ����r�r �,.;� ti`s. ...f. �_. - —►-. �l{�:��r may+" It r.� `k�� iai.y.ra.. , •.. .. 4 ti .f S j7 t+��p.l•:iia tti 4 i+ii�4�r I 4 tT, Mr-Ism CENTRAL SAN SERVICE From 2011 Preliminary Study C1w #* e w t 2 A-euse Concord Project �. peelfic Ra y .-'�`.�=y�_..-$^►i'-� fit. � _ '+k 1wR< ;IuW 17 W. +/` F �- - ; r r �.�. S-" !�,I+• � � ���_ _ - ' i•� tV~� IMLs, - n n . + r _1 1"!at - • .i.�:�„r'% Xa 'h.r: ' sr. at t �'r �' -'.JSpecific Plan Process s` r�.., Diagram Allef natives 7 M- 0 01 Frr��R 02 03 0. i 6/21/201'7 -«, flex 3 F is - r/�, , `�,'s f• .'E Nv ' ► ..Or dk to 6 R r; ..•. f s 4 6/21/2017 tr ' frFl TT + tiT �'fM3,Eta � t �i�.l[Y Er• ::Fs£:7i'��ts; = v► f •daps? tr, 1} • e EuAI :4A . ;4 li IT �r rr rt� ✓f .g • T r } 1 w �• �-- - - orf , sem• STATION 1. PLANNING PROCESS (000� r =c r •� d 1 e \ 5 6/21/2017 lb i STATION 1 PLANNING PROCESS fes. .�_ ..4 ��.- . .��fk•� �f •.� �� '-fir r. N 1 � r Alm 1 0- �,F��:_PA • -,. � '� � - -' .I. r vt4r+i377:+[fsiY sky--.�•le'ir' i - - . .,rein 1. _ ..�r,�a.� �..r ti � ..;�» �•'~'v'_.,.�. STATION 5: a PLANNING PROCESS r, y - lle/t.N t _ Tic:K' -- }5 .., •.+ ,_r- r a if d Ir 1 t .•r t • Specific Pin(With Infrastructure Plan)&CE PA for entire site (2,248 acnes) • Cover Acord staff/consultant costs for enHernents Develop Phase One—500 ages *4,392 units-housing *1.7 mill SF—comnner ai *79 acres of Open Space,'Parks&Greenways *2 Community Centers *New School *25 affordable housing with 40 million contribution $20 mill donation—Communfty Beneffts *Willow Pass Road—including Bridge •Concord Circulator • Assessment of Tournament Park infrastructure •Profit Sharing agreement 6/21/2017 CENTRAL SAN NEXT STEPS • Update 2011 RMC sewer evaluation on sewer alignment -rc Revised sewer demands Flows from Central San service area only • Update 2011 Carollo recycled water evaluation Phase treatment plant capital improvements around existing capacity : New demands beyond irrigation l CONCORD SAN NEXT STEPS Near term - Provide updated sewer and recycled water demands to Central San rSeptember 23, 2017 - Workshop on Specific Plan End of 2018 -Transfer Navy Property to City a Finding of Suitability to Transfer (POST) Lease remaining property for City control of access Navy responsible for all cleanup 2020 — Construction of Horizontal Infrastructure L. . 8