HomeMy WebLinkAbout03. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to execute an agreement with CDM Smith for Professional Consulting Services for the Implementation of the Program Management Information System (PMIS) under District Project 8238 3. Central San BOARD OF DIRECTORS _--- POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 20, 2017 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CDM SMITH FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (PMIS) UNDER DISTRICT PROJECT 8238 Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Dana Lawson Engineering & Technical Services / Senior Engineer Planning & Development Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Edgar Lopez- Capital Projects Division Manager D. Gemmell— Planning & Development Services Division Manager Roger S. Bailey JM. Petit— Director of Engineering &Technical Services General Manager ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager to execute a professional services agreement in an amount greater than $100,000. BACKGROUND: The Asset Management Implementation Plan, finalized in March 2015, identified the need for program and project management standards to establish consistent practices, improve the ability to manage projects effectively and efficiently in a reliable and rigorous approach across the organization, and to assist staff by linking asset management into the capital investment process. Central San's Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) has identified over 87 projects, with a 10-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) of$873 million, which more than doubles last year's expenditure projection of capital improvements and predicts a 20-year capital spending projection of nearly $1.8 billion. Implementation of a Program Management Information System (PMIS) will provide active program and project management, visibility into program performance and streamline project management functions and processes. The PMIS will be a tool that interactively organizes and reports information about CIP projects and programs, enabling Central San's management and project managers to track real time status, view program performance on a continual basis, and monitor work so that the CIP is delivered on-time and on- budget. The Engineering and Technical Services Department is responsible for the planning, design, and construction of capital improvements. Currently, Central San's design and construction teams utilize Microsoft Office software to track and communicate project progress, schedules, and budgets. Due to the nature of these reports, data entry tends to rely on manual entry, be very repetitive, inefficient and time consuming. In addition, project documentation, submittals, and approvals throughout all project phases tend to be extensive and time consuming. Furthermore, these spreadsheets are not automatically linked to our financial software. Given the projected annual workload Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 20, 2017 subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CDM SMITH FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (PMIS) UNDER DISTRICT PROJECT 8238 presented in the newly adopted Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-18 Capital Improvements Budget (CIB) and proposed 10-year CIP, the Engineering and Technical Services Department needs a tool that is efficient, easily accessible, and that can manage and track all aspects of capital projects from inception through completion, including financial planning, project scheduling, integration, monitoring and reporting capability. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was advertised from March 29 to April 26, 2017 on PlanetBids to select both the PMIS software and the implementation consultant. Four proposals were received from the following consultants and associated software: Implementation Consultant Software CDM Smith e-Builder CH2M Hill Engineers Inc. Integration of three software programs Gaea Global Technologies Inc. Oracle Hill International Inc. PMWeb An evaluation panel included staff from the Engineering and Technical Services Department's Planning Division and Capital Projects Division, Operations Department, and Administration Department's Finance and Information Technology (IT) sections. The panel evaluated the proposals with valuable input from subject matter experts from the IT and Finance work groups, and criteria stated in the RFP, including usability, technical requirements, data migration and integration with financial software, system administration and security, implementation team, and demonstration of meeting Central San's specified software functional requirements. The panel developed a short-list of the following three consultants: (1) CDM Smith with e-Builder; 2) CH2M Hill with the integration of three software programs; and 3) Hill International with PMWeb, that were interviewed on May 19, 2017 to present their proposed software, implementation plan and team. A second interview was held with the two-top ranking finalists, CDM Smith/E-Builder and Hill International/PMWeb, on June 2, 2017. The evaluation panel selected the CDM Smith team to implement the e-Builder software for PMIS. CDM Smith provided the most qualified implementation team, familiar with the wastewater industry, and with experience integrating financial software with e-Builder, and was the most comprehensive in meeting Central San's requirements. Overall CDM Smith was selected for this important project based on the following reasons: • e-Builder is a leading provider of fully integrated, cloud-based program management software from inception through completion • The software is used by similar public agencies locally and nationally • e-Builder met Central San's software requirements Page 2 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 20, 2017 subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CDM SMITH FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (PMIS) UNDER DISTRICT PROJECT 8238 • CDM Smith has a proven implementation methodology • Proposed team has experience implementing the software with public agencies • Proposed team has experience integrating with SunGard and other ERP systems • Implementation approach includes meeting with staff and ensuring that work flows and processes are adopted in the software • Provided an implementation schedule that is logical and reasonable • Provided training and support to ensure stakeholder and user buy-in Staff recommends CDM Smith for the PMIS implementation of the e-Builder software platform. Implementation will occur over the next two fiscal years through three phases: Phase 1 Program Management, Phase 2 Configure Project and Construction Management, Phase 3 Roll-Out Project and Construction Management for all District projects. The Asset Management Program Development, District Project 8238, has a critical ranking in the CIB and supports Board Policy 15 (Asset Management) and the Strategic Plan for FY 2016-18 under Goal 5 (maintain a reliable infrastructure) and Strategy 2 (facilitate long-term capital renewal and replacement); also Goal 6 (embrace technology, innovation, and environmental sustainability) and Strategy 2 (evaluate business processes and optimize business operations). FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Central San has negotiated a scope and budget not to exceed $760,000 for the implementation services, which includes e-Builder as asub-consultant for configuration and integration services. This agreement will be paid for by the newly adopted FY 2017-18 CIB under Asset Management Program Development, DP 8238, spanning FY 2017-18 through 2018-19. Central San will purchase the PMIS software subscription licenses directly from the software vendor, which will be funded annually through the IT O&M budget. The FY 2017-18 IT O&M budget includes approximately $95,000 for the annual software subscription licensing. While staff does not expect to use 75 licenses the first year, there may be a discount in purchasing the full quantity up front, so the $95,000 is a maximum amount. At least two major capital projects (one under design and one in construction) will be used to configure the software during the implementation plan. Staff time cost for Phase 2 will be funded by the specific capital projects that the configuration teams are actively working on. Page 3 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: July 20, 2017 subject: AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH CDM SMITH FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (PMIS) UNDER DISTRICT PROJECT 8238 ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: (1) Reject all proposals. (2) Reduce the scope of work and re-negotiate the agreement, which could cause staff to spend more time implementing. (3) Have staff implement the software internally without the use of a consultant. All three alternatives are not recommended by staff. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Real Estate, Environmental, and Planning Committee reviewed this project at its meeting on June 30, 2017 and XXX recommended the project. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Staff recommends that the Board authorize the General Manager to execute a professional consulting services agreement with CDM Smith with a cost ceiling of$760,000 for the Program Management Information System Software Implementation Services under the Asset Management Program Development, District Project 8238. Page 4 of 4 z � ASSET MANAGEMENT PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT 8238 PROGRAM MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (PMIS IMPLEMENTATION SERVICES W.!I REEP COMMITTEE Al June 30, 2017 OVERVIEW 1 . PMIS Background 2 . Why Now? 3 . Needs Assessment 4 . Current Tools & Practices, Opportunities 5 . Selection Process 6 . Implementation Plan & Schedule 7 . Staffing Plan � 8 . Value to Board and Management 9 . Functionality of New Tool '�, 10 . Recommended Board Action PRIOR PMIS BOARD AND COMMITTEE PRESENTATIONS Pro am Management 811151ulInforrmation System Claudo Len • March 2015 — E&O receives Asset ��ionalRequirementsworkshop Management Implementation Plan 1 7C 4� Summary Report (Carollo) Element included in ClBs for DP 8238, Asset Management Program Development � �� t January 26, 2017 - Board Workshop to review revenues and expenses. Dashboard Discussed PMIS as a tool. r April 17, 2017 — REEP update on RFP for PMIS Software and Implementation ���� • � Services A-Ewmm awft�*Ems amw — June 21 , 2017 — REEP presentation of t PMIS to review selection of Program J management 1C�r-�l�J'4 AsSET LIFECYCLE Cityworks,," F0k-F.Iki I{ ".5 %.,ANnC%FRkFN1 Maintain A • u i re/ Computerized Dispose ew-Build r. Maintenance 9 Program Management Management System (CMMS) Information System (PMIS) �4 0 5 Operate • Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system �r. 1��: 1 stip.1����� �t �ti'.�•ti '�;�� r by Schneider,LIcterc scada ALIGNMENT WITH STRATEGIC PLAN GOAl FIVE MAINTAIN A RELIABLE INFRASTRUCTURE I A 11100STRATEGY 2 — FACILITATE LONG—TERM CAPITAL RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT STRATEGY Z — EVALUATE BUSINESS PROCESSES AND OPTIMIZE BUSINESS OPERATIONS 1 Perform business process mapping and re-engineering. � STRATEGY 'S — ENCOURAGE THE REVIEW AND TESTING OF PROMISING AND LEADING TECHNOLOGY 1 Expand and improve the use of mohilecomputing and communication tech nalogies . WHY Now?. I YEAR CIS 2,01-YEAR C I General limprovements General Improvements $29r024,00C S54.7241 000 Recycled Water C01111ii gencyRecycled Water Cantingency pr pr A rrr lie4 wNilection Syztern PI'ant Collection Plant $8264480001)1'-'! I-353.p24-?IrOOO $44�S 1 507 C000 V L IL t Tial 10q"r IP S672A53,C00 Total 2 I P S1,803,474rCOO WHY Now CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT LACI The Comprehenslive'yVasterater-Master Plan encompasses a S 1.8 billion (2D1 6 dol lars)20-year caVital imp rye rn-.M_-rit p-�c:-a (C]P)for the col lection syzrtern and treatment p1l a rpt, vith$873 m 111 ion of capita I i mprovemerrt&vwgthi n the fi rst ten yea Th�%Z- short-term and long-term investrnen - I I is in our systems al i g n with o u r m ission to allways larctect public health and the envi ror.m.e rd and mal nta-Ir the excellent servioe levels ou r east-arners expect f rom Ce ntra I San- Two year implementation schedule $120,00C.000 $1 00,DDO.000 $80,OOD,000 $60,0001.0100 $40,ODO,.000 $20,ODO,.00-0 $0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 203D 2D31 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 0 Trearbmerrt Fla rpt 0 CcAllection Sy-stem Recycled Water -- General lrnprovement5 INITIAL PROGRAM MANAG M NT N S ASS SSM NT= MARCH 2017 CDM sp Assessed fu nctional S Ith 0 Memorandum re u i remen s To: Dona Lawson(Centra)Con Pro Costa Sanlrary Dis trkt) Conducted one-on-ones a 0 Frorn. Erin McGuire,8111 Scully,Claudk bM and Gavin 0wrIght KDM Smith) interviews DO(C March 10,2017 su.bjeet: Program MGnoornerpt fnformation System Sebe don(FINAL) o Reviewed current data 0 Central Contra Costa SanitaFy DWrict(Central San)is completing;a Comprehensive Wastewater processes, and project fIles Master Plan that ftwludes-up to 87 projects vajued at nearly S3 b1flion over the next 30 years;m o re than doubling the current rate of capital im provements-Ce ii tral San's manage me Rt Will MW a Program Management Information Sy��i m(?M IS)to su o n it o r this volume of worksuch that It is 0 delivered on firne and on budget Th# I S.MI I be a tool the�a I nterardvely organizes and reports eld review worksho s information about the projects and prograins in the Cap 1W Improv@ went P ro&Tam(CIP).enablingr P Central Sans in anageme nt to frac k program and prof ect status and view prograrn performance on a continual basis- o Final TM s ummarized CDM Smith was hired to evaluate Central San's @Asting Infomatimi systems and PMIS needs.This task was accomplished through an assessment of hiriftional requirements(Appendix A):one-on- one s ta ff interviews(Appendix B).review of current data.processes.and prof ect files(Appendix C],. evaluation Identified PMIS and a-%-vorkshap(Appendlix D).This technical inernoramdum summarizes the outcomes of the C-Ask objectives; ■ * Evaluate e:dsting Information inanagement,processes and tools requirements, s uggested a n * ldentI4�PHIS requirements for executing the CIP * Recommend a n ap p roads for im pIe me ti ti o g the PM IS implementation plan/schedule EXISTING CONCERNS Many projects in varied stages Too many spreadsheet duplications Reports are time consuming Communication between divisions and departments Efficiency — Not everyone uses same tools Manual data entry and lots of paperwork Unable to get speedy project status snap shots ( Y(o completion or financials) Difficult to determine encumbrances PURPOSE The PMIS system will provide : Tools for program, project, and construction management Visibilityinto program and individual project performances Streamline project management functions and processes Interactively organize and report information about the projects in the CIB, CIP, and 20-yr planning horizon This will enable management t .o Track program and project status View program performance on a continual basis Monitor work so that it is delivered on-time and on-budget CURRENT TOOLS PRACTICES TOOLS: Microsoft Office software Excel, � • • .�k•i. .:. .`. ., ., . Word, Project, Outlook) to track and U • - •• W114 :0 communicate project progress, schedules, t ` _; ' and budgets • - „- -�- - Templates for forms and workflow routing (progress . . 1 •- • • A 1: •'�� �� payments, RFIs, submittals, etc.) IVIS Project or IVIS Excel is used for schedules IVIS Excel is used for budgets _ - , 9111 IVIS Outlook is used for project correspondence _� _ _� -- --- ---` Electronic files are stored on the network with hard copies in filing cabinets that are later archived Some use of CIVI software such as EADOC PRACTICES: Data entry is very repetitive, inefficient and time consuming e.g. Every PIVI tracks projects with several spreadsheets on IT network and then has to duplicate to several spreadsheets to update program reports via admins. Schedules are developed individually. Spreadsheets are not automatically linked to financials, SunGard, projected cashflows are manually created 0 CURRENT TOOLS . FORMS & TEMPLATES E=711_0 Ir-T I-- ii, CCmpl-ItEr F-.PP-(.€oosd.oE-ntrals3n.ds#..oa.us°..dfs-roe#`._5.aftw�a•arei(P:) F Mi€rcroft F V.,c rrl &T-_ , T + -`� •T File Edit View Tools Help 111 L Organize T Burn Newfolder — fil l+VindowsAero Gla ss visual effects z' p � .backup s i t H Windows XP Service Pack � Electronic-Folders-Ma —�'�� --� 0-1 Word Master Specs and Deta — �„�����OgDER IN Fonts ,Tech_Spe€s_Master-Set '� �� �-- JI Dake Templates (EA€counting Adjustment ,,ikaCWr IT Brd-Mgt 7:Addendum � CAD �,A.ddendumDelayDateFax, �1 nti�C'L h� pr r3 k��6# � -- --- Comm �sdvertise_Mema -F �cost of C� —��'� — sheet 1 01 2 Distri€tNormalWordTemplate dJ After bid List yril Or f4 Project Do€umentThemes _AP 181 Food and BLvera Engineering AP 181 Food and Beverag i14 rnp4$te� RCykCC. �A roval to Advertise g Fin falue alt Rgilln31 oT1"CI)No C�77, PP C���l�t��ram tnt) Forklift Pre-Use Check Lists WORK Auth_Limits_Table �� aR ge Ord OK � efS� le �� 0V_ H R F=Auto DEI it Table f*jal1 � .I�1Oud1n9 $ ` �US ged t � $ti 10110WIF9 in chan Hidden �w],?award Memo to GM-Less ������� •n[xGirl� ���� c• �� ' Legal Pleadings ]Bid Bond Return Ltr �� LiveContent Bid Tab&Eval ply int " �' � 6D ti4 ' st NewfBid-Check-Shea Retention lms Slop N � ��� Newfolder '���TOti���� ��.��� Blanket Contract Release-Arc u 1fdl_L0�Ur�� �� ;actor P-Card Blanket Contract Release-Loc is M "A9 1nST 2 Planning � ��� fk$���M36����� �� Blanket Contract Release-Pot 4i uns _ Plant Operations ? y�$fl� W paid upon C � �1 � �r Blanket Contra€t Release-TV in lar- r e to Purch Board Announcement-Micro q t1� $it O Fair,fytS Date 'Tota` JLkMq'5`I V"to R M On Board Announcement 8 )eu� ,-fin , s �� ' ► s jc Report_Covers �_Board-Announcement-Registrat �IS���Q�# co p ��C� 7 -0 with the Safety �,BudgetTransfer Memv ���� ������h.��� RE�'5 P�` ��� woE�4 bY �r�lr��t�r MI.1 Safety-IIPP _ Business Cards 3AILAN llendaf DW 1 �-yy� Saf Lo€koutTa out -rM E I_N IO � $ ' TRA (W1 )RK,� t � � g Capital Protects-Close Out b �' ��. � ! �- y peOGI17�h �. f �5 Safety-Self Inspection Certified Payroll Ltr � t�(��In��fOirl5�� � $Nto�� � SmartArt Graphics t]��nll�V�r`• fo •� L�1 11''�t�tt�'�'� ®Change Order Log Carr"k, complir,"I Ile Source Control Change Order �gellnesIs Change_Order_Memo �1.5u, -I PWIF ���� ������ MilwaukeeImage sof fare '. �4 � rl ra tot Close of Project Ltr-Prel.Noti€es unt 011~ Mvdlink '- ��� ��� #�rt�l�� � CO LtrInitial +t � `*e', Arte E cOtmt(cad ff()rmlad a(lM4 m� t rl?� Mac����f�q��f����� MSaS t��rr`��t �' ��M�M��+to tib.alM 8Q'p CO Ltr Secondit� Of $,d c nbWell" AJ Naviline Plug-in Construction Coordination Sheet _ for the a FS� �j �A-y i■.55 i■-a■t'he noted ;anF s,aDd NWA Construction Management Lag the GV. if S� S,C0'4e odb€ dyc to�or�ri�'�..._,._�. �s and;a �����`��� jI mp#�1�1 by this f�Construction Survey Request punt ate r-of1t'fact excei)t a"-#� OfFi€e2010 Pro Plus Construction_Cantract_Transmittal_M1ll C k -I j�11 f� ntfacl and Oleo g E F � � a_ p � j S Oj 1he f , 1 ' Iii� �ti�{rC,., Olympus Consultant A reementTransmittal Me con< OPAC Consultant and Tec hni€al Services Conmkon At '� a to � #: and Prt �DUS Otis Consultant Services Cover Mema I f�SxrF k Wt a '1 4,ho 0utlook2018 � to,CCLS y -Contact List Projects �,-T�a1� " un Perfect Disk Contract Ltr initial y Permits �Contract Return Ltr endejj � �,� Lftiti'�I���• Photo Supreme -Contractor_Ltr�Aiarehouse_Deliveries �$com r�C Pictures -___Correction Notification for me L11 Pioneer CS Design Renovation Data2.xltx-Shorta -,nal n ef6X+�LCQM� 9 Fzew I �= ft11 j ROD Maint r Cut Sheet for Seaver ��� � oY 153 items Offline status:Online Offline availability:Nat available CURR NT PRACTIC So. DocuMENT MANAGEMENT File Edit View Tools Help Organize- Burn New folder 7271-Elect Cable Replac' 58.1 PreConst Coord Q,7285-2014-05-28-Presentation a Yl 7272-Electric Blower Rer " 50.3_Cantra€ts 0�4 DP 7285 Correction Notification � 7273-Raw Water Bypass 50.4 Ins and Bonds DP 7285 Resource Recovery Permit Ma 7274-Aeration Air Rena. 51.2_Lettersto Contractor �-Memo long flight rails 7275-FE Flow Meter - � a 51.4_Faxes ?;Madified_E103_17 2-28-14 7276-Piping_PhaseS 51.5 Correspondence 'PST..4 Canc Resurfacing Scope Chan( j 7277-SCB Mechanical Ri 51.6_COMs Brea jb 7278-Grayson Creek R& 51.7-COs Request for Clarifier4 gate jb 7280-Culvert Abandonr7i 51.8 RFPs Request for MC Conduit 7281-TP Elevators 51.9 Extra Work Reports u Skimmer Comparison 24 to 18.dwg 7282-Perimeter Fencing 51.10_Safetyr 7283-TP Fire Prat Sys Im 51.11 RFIs 7283_should be 7207 51.12-Meeting Minutes 7284-TP Hazard ID 51.14-Certified Payrolls 7285-Primary Renovatia 51.17 Work Directives .. { 7286-Centrifuge Upgrad .52.3_Shutdo-wn Requests t•. 7288-Piping_Phase 6 53,1_Preliminary Notices&Stop Notices 7289-POB Seismic 54.1_Budget_CIBA C 7290-Outfall Imp Ph 6 54.2-Progress Payments 7291-PBB Seismic 54.3-Payments HDR Construction 7292-SWG R 2 54.4-Payments KELLC O 7294-Sec Pro€Impr ` Tw 54.5 Payments Other 7295-Aux Bailer Burner fNNW 54.6_Payments Testing Consultant p! 7296-SCB Seismic 54.7_PaymentsInspe€tion Services - 7297-Wet Scrubber Case ID5 55.1 Schedule 7298-TP Piping Renovat .55.2_Inspection Reports .7382-PE Pump Refurb_PI- F 55.4-Construction Photos "7385-PA System Improv 56.2_Submittal, r,7389-DAF Tanks Renova 56.3-Testing .7310-TP Piping Renavatis r J.57.1 Warranties 7311-TP Safety Enhanc" 57.3-Punch List - -- 7312-Ash Fa€ilityImpro, 57.4-Record Drawings_As-Builts 7313-Solids Handling Ee 57.5 Close Out 7314-Urgent Repair 58.0_C&M Manual �- 7315 "22227 Valve Coordination 7316-SBT Repairs DP7285 HDR Design CAD Files ° 7317-Plant Network Upg Gas Line a a - GHF Platform + +vo LiN*T est 7318-Outfall Monitorinc _- j 7319 Lab Upgrades Grit Area Issues 7320-Plant Energy Opt%r � HDR Site Visit Nates - 7322-FireIrripravement! M&P Misc FileF. 7324-Sub 16 Switchgear ,Manhole 414 Repair 7326-Equipment Replac Recy€led!'Vater Truck Fill Station 7327-Headworks Screen Reference Drawings 7329-MHF Burner Upgrt RIO Panel Changes 7330-TP Piping Renovati Survey3D Scanning 7347-Commercial Truck T 1964 Treatment Plant EnIargement)M958 - OPPORTUNITIES ir 0 IMPROVE Planning and Overall Scheduling Currently, there is no comprehensive CIP schedule. New PMIS will allow staff, consultants, or contractor schedules to be updated anytime during the process to help schedule CIB, update CIP, and provide cashflow. Construction Management Larger or multiple projects require more tracking, reporting, and documentation, etc. Monitor schedules and progress toward completion Automate and view expenditure projections Automate program reports Reliable and consistent document management Automate and monitor inspection reports, project meeting notes, other critical project items OPPORTUNITIES TO IMPROVE Resource Management Better and faster understanding of staff's availability and limitations of in-house design resources. This is a major concern raised by senior management. Specifically, accurate forecasting of the following: What staff is needed and when? What are the priorities? Find the over-commitments and under-commitments? Where adjustments can be made or additional resources are required? OPPORTUNITIES TO IMPROVE Document Management The majority of correspondence and documents are being conducted online today. There is an opportunity to improve tracking, notification, and control of documents at all stages of the project life-cycle and implement business processes for standard documents. Some of the areas that would have significant benefit are: Contractor/ subcontractor license or DIR registration tracking Tracking Insurance Design Reviews Revision Control Submittal Review and Approval RFI processing and linking to potential change orders Electronic signatures OPPORTUNITIES =rO IMPROVE Permit Database Setting up a permit log and database will help planning projects and tracking permits to completion. A better understanding of permits will assist in projects starting on time. Ex. Outfall Improvements and bypassing treated effluent to Creek. Bidding Documentation/ Contractor information PlanetBids is independent of other Central San systems. PMIS can be integrated with the bidding process, schedule, and provide historical bid information. OPPORTUNITIES TO IMPROVE Project Financials Receiving updated information on financials, and using PMIS with scheduling, internal project routing approvals, and potential cost changes will allow a more accurate updates on budget and project status. Enterprise Finance Finance currently does not have ability to track committed construction contracts due new yearly budget process. PMIS will have the ability to provide this information. Currently, capital project costs are linked to revenues in bulk (Sewer Construction Fund). The addition of restricted revenue sources (such as a State Revolving Fund) loan could introduce the need to tie cost to revenue at the project or phase level. A PMIS can run analytics on data that already exists or any future ERP financial system. PMIS SELECTION PROCESS • RFP • Interview#1 � • Selected CDM advertised on • Reviewed proposals with top 3 • Interview#2 Smith w/e- PlanetBids & short-listed to 3 with top 2 Builder SELECTION PROCESS (CONTINUED) Evaluation Panel a Ann Sasaki, John Huie, Edgarl-opez, Dan Frost, Dana Lawson, Deputy General IT } R r Capital Projects Senior ineer Senior • - Engineer Manager Manager Division . • —Asset Manager Management (Project Al J e r)- Additional input from: Director of Budget & Finance (Lieber) Director of Engineering & Tech Svcs (Petit) Planning & Dev Svcs Division Manager (Gemmell) Finance Administrator (Thomas) Senior Engineers (Mestetsky, Mizutani) Associate Engineers (Molina, Penny) r 0 M - ii A M 11!A !01211 i oil Implementation Consultant Software CDM Smith .CH2M Hill Engineers Inc. . • - • Gaea Global Technologies Inc. • .� Hill International Inc. OEM - . CC. SD S L CT DIM L M N1=A1 ION CONSULImANT _ . Case Studies ofShmilar Deployments ^ mm e-BuildmKVmvNngservices for Washington Submb oSanKary � Bulidehe Commissi on(W SSC),Oty of AtUrgtonTexas,and theNew York Oty [epa r tmen t of E nNmn menta I Protec ti on(NYC D EP].TheW SSC Project Delivery Group was e-Bu|Ner'sfirst client|ol995and continues touse Relevant Experience e'BuUderEnterpUse today. CDM SmNbpartnerships withe-BuNerh��Nduded10d|*nt ' Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission |n201OW9C o'QuUder sites,' made strategic de(|gcm to use the m|oUnn across the Systems Additionally,e-Du|Ne/managers over](5 active eDuUde/Enterprise Inspection Group,and today it has 1,000 e'8uUde/Enterprise |nsta|laUons mNmNngmoeUmn7�0 mm|mnkeando�/nl00 ' users.The initial implementation was completed in two months usets|nvo|md|n(aV|ta|mnstmctNn V|ano|ng,design'mnstmcUon and the emte/pr|se wide mU*utwas ddheed|n gages over 10 and operations.Over 90%of their client base is Owners looking mcmUo con dod|og|n 0e(emher nY2O18. ~ tostreamline their construction project management processes and provide greater visibility,mnUn|'and accountability into their mtycfAd|ngtmn Texas The Oiyprev|oudy used two projects.Examples ofclients using e'8uUderEnterprise tomanage disparate systems tomanage capital program projects,each with prWecis are as fol|owo, hunduds of projects.0ver 600 projects were m|grated from the old mainframe system into e'8oUder Enterprise.7hee8uUder ° O����UeneN���U�U�� TX PmfecUooa|5orNustea m|mp|emented|oteguat|onwith the * OtyofAr||ngton Water UtU|i|e TX Lawson Fina nc|a|System and Lhe Oty'sQS mapp|ng system.The N 9 City ofAtlanta Watershed 6A |mp|emeoiaUonsupporting 25Dusers was completed|nstages over 12 months concluding in June o[2011. ~ � City ofBoynton Beach Fl- City LOty of Dallas Water Utilities TX New Yurk[|ty Deportmect of[ov|ronmentall pmtect|un— 9 City ofKansas City M0 Phase One o[the MY[DFP e'RoUder Enterprise implementation ~ xascomp|ekd within 111 days.This included the deployment 0 City of Largo-Fl- o[autom ated workflow for the fo|low!ng Vmcesses:RFI 0 City of Portland—OR Underground/Above ground inspections,Health/Safety,Risk, 4r!y of Sunnyvale-CA Correspondence,Non conformance and Inspectors daily report WHAT DO WE EXPFGT UPON USE ? • Minimal use of spreadsheets & data entry Easier maintenance of project correspondence and records • Safe storage & easy retrieval of project records • Easy access to the projects from anywhere Easy production of standard reports • Easy generation of logs and flag reports Dashboards will provide easy access to program status, projectProgress, encumbrances • Repeatable integration with existing and future ERP • Time savings (reduce manual entry, duplication of work) !]it PROJECT APPROACH FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 Phase 1. Program Phase 2. ConfigProject & Construction Phase 3. Roll-Out Management Management Financial tracking Scheduling Review initial config •Cost codes •Cashflow •Contingency *Milestones •Agree to changes for full-scale roll- •Funding sources . out •Purchase orders Financials •Configure and test changes •Invoices •Schedule of values •Retention Financial analysis •Business rules •Reporting •Cashflow forecasts Tracking •Escalation •Insurance •Contracts •Submittals Load data for all current projects: •Permits Planning •RFIs *Invoices ° •Resource projection •Perm its •Scenario generation Contract administration '° •Retention *Contractor Licensees •Insurance certificates Dashboards&reports •Inspections&Testing *Change Orders •Punch List Security&permissions *Audits&Claims WHY NOW? TEN Y CIP SCHEDULE $120,000.000 $1 00,0M000 ................................... ......................... ------------ $80,000".000 $40,000-I.CK)O ..... $20,000,000 O 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 CI B expected to increase with next two FYs PMIS AND ERP SCHEDUI F.S FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 Phase 1. Program Training, Review, Management Adoption Phase 2. Config PM Training, Review, & CM Adoption Phase 3. Roll-Out PM Training & Start-Up & CM Preliminary ERP Schedule GFOA Needs Assessment ERP Selection & RFP INTEGRATION WITH FINANCIAL SYSTEM 0 es. SUP, i ERP System , � .CSV MEN (CCCSD FTP site) (cloud-based) (CCCSD server) J Integration configured during Phase 1 (Program Management). One-directional integration on five-points: 1 . Projects & contracts 2. Any changes to (1 ) 3. Expenditures 4. Updating to paid status 5. Vendors list HOW DOES PMIS INTERACT WITH ERP ? EXAMPLEE. PAY REQUEST ASOS awe. SRP � - System !U 114:11 -Vendor submits pay request through e- Accounting processes Builder e-Builder e-mails PDF of e-mailed pay request -Approval through approved pay request per to Accounting existing procedures CCCSD signature and internal controls authority in e-Builder C%,- 0 TAFFING . TYPiCAL CS PROJECT Planning Project Engineers(staff) 12 W9 Months Pre-Construction P roj e ct DESIGNNOTIFICATIONS J Management Contract-Consultants li ru r +� 71, I o' !� ly y•'" ��'�`�i�+,.mss��'z Project Engineers(staff) Design 4 to S Months Pre-Construction ProjJect INDIVIDUAL MEEYir DI l� l Drafting(Staff) ONS Management ,71 r;.� Survey(Staff and/or Consultants) 0 Administration and Communications(staff) --- Contract—Locating,Arborist,CCTV,Geotech,etc. - - --- Construction Resident Engineer Inspector(staff) PU 3 rVi on t h,pfe-construct i ori BLIC WORKSHOPS Management Survey:Staff and/or Consultants) Public Outreach(staff) - Administration(staff) ppepa CSO Coordinator(staff) , CSO CCTV Inspection(staff) � v Contract-Inspector ,.. `..: y,=_�-.,tip+..•r•""�.� ` .. Contract-Testing 0 STAFFING . TYPICAL TP PROJECT Planning Project Engineers (staff) Project Management Awessirg limllaticns of Exisllrg R qru MIL-r Sp.,tcrn Contract- Consultants itsInclR F"WI'4ind'JI FJIJI� I I�IY7flBrdhar ' Nnr wnt Remayal EinlsaF]rl O pbmr, Cans far Rivire �; r Future Energy Gnangong OoRwlons inewing2eran - ,.4. Elalarace with aischmge '" , RcdKrd brsdldl Ga,, f,\-.rlonf% Design Project Engineers (Staff) -. ': _. .�...... � -Glurat�GI-,ante *6 i ,' Project rnuaarn of 1 ..�... Ccst and CW far . z f f eC Vb�kll Management Oisnfecim:n Administration (Staff) .... Floe Gbyls Gpportunitaes �_�..._....e fbr ImmliiDn and Resrur_e Ra-mver4 ..... Rcaisbc Costs f� Frlantucd RcF ` CIR ocycl�lrl ns I Rcpimm--cnt ....... .. .. Sahoddla W Addnms Relebllay of Agrig Irem ruclore f'urn{�.51;�lit is Contract— Design Construction Resident Engineer (Staff) Management Administration Staff Ops Coordinator (staff) Maintenance Coordinator (Staff) Contract— Inspector and Testing Contract— (Engineering Support During Construction) - CIP STAFFING PLAN W=qT 1[ 11 Current (0-5 yrs ) District Staff (34 FTE): lor • Program Management • Project Manager • Project Engineer • Inspector • Drafting • Survey Admin Contracts: • Staff Augmentation with consultants as needed • Specialized Design Services • Engineering Services During Construction • Inspectors • Testing EXAMPLE FY 16- 17 Staff typically assigned to planning , design and construction to implement CIB of $36 . 8 M : 34 FTE Staff augmentation by consultants Project Consultants �� M A Solids Handling, Phase 1 Black & Veatch Headworks Screenings Brown & Caldwell Pump & Blower Building Seismic CPS Engineers and MWH Inspection Services 1N Engineering, Harvest, etc. Grayson Creek Pleasant Hill Trunk Sewer West Yost CoGen Optimization Carollo U� �l CIP STAFFING PLAN r FV 'ent ( 0�5 y S Futu e ( 5 10 yrs . ) -1q P- District Staff (34 FTE): District Staff (34 FTE): eProgram Management eProgram Management eProject Manager eProject Manager eProject Engineer eProject Engineer eInspector •' • eDrafting eDrafting eAdmin eAdmin Contracts: Contracts: •Staff Augmentation with consultants as needed •Staff Augmentation with consultants as needed •Specialized Design Services •Specialized Design Services •Engineering Services During Construction •More Inspectors •Inspectors •More Design Services(incl.drafting) •Testing STAFFING PI .AN $120,ODO,000 Future Contracted Services $100'.000.000 $80,000,000 $60,000.,000 Current Contracted Services ' x $20,OW,= .. District Staff (34 FTE) o 2018 2019 2020 20212022 2023 2024 2025 20262D27 2028 �CHO 29,u3= �C3.� 20VA 2D35 2036 0 Treatment Plat 0 Wlection item ' R ❑fid Va�-er ieneraJ Improvemerds CCCSD IS NOT TH ONLY BAY AR A AG NCY WITH LARG CIP ROGRAM AN PMIS -• ' r0 ir y e i r • '•" f p. 16- ARM ■ SacRegional SFPUC Central S mob 14. ow -• Y •, i' SRF 14P i San Mateo s f =ar San Jose e it 66 w V r ,+ s 9y r° ,r Sunn vale d e _i r__ j " 2 pr C 4 +- e-11 - ._ ,tea.7 . PROGRAM MANAGEMENT OF COMPARATIVE AGENCIES Program Management Staff PgM Consultant Augmentation by (Estimated) Fee for 10-Yr � Consultants for Agency 30-Year CIPPMIS Lead CIP � Design and CM $2.713 Oracle AECOM/ $150M SFPUC ($6.913 in 20es yrs) � Unifier Parsons ($15M/y) IVIS MWH/ San Jose $1.413 SharePoint Carollo $7$M Yes Sunnyvale WWTP $0.513 Oracle CDM Smith $29M Yes Unifier Sunnyvale DPW $1.36 e-Builder Internal (No PgM) Yes Sac Regional $1.713 PMWeb HDR/ B&C $58M Yes (EchoWater project) i San Mateo $1B Oracle P6 / CH2M Hill $48M Yes I Custom* San Diego � MWH / B&C / (Pure Water Project) $113 � PMWeb Trussel Tech $45M Yes Central San $0.913 e-Builder Internal (No PgM) Yes =in a - w Capital Projects Division Other Planning & Divisions' Asset Project Management Managers � � . Groups Finance & Executive Accounting Management Team Board of Directors Dashboards and Reports \ Configurable Dashboards and Reports � Real Time Updates Program, Project Level Data lob do WWI - �1 4 � � e Builder SAMPLE DASHBOARD cm II. Prjecb Planning Fonns Processes Documents Calendar Contacts IF Bidding 1. Cost 11 Schedule]F Reports SeWp Dashboard Sm;311 Capital:unding v Ed't Fprint Small Capital Funding A Small Capital Funding Performance(Projects Below$5,000,000) 090.001) .(100,009 5,600,009 Wasum G Cash Fund 5: 0,00U Bond Fund Slate Fund A 4,290,009 Separate Funding Source GEN-Local&Loan 4: 0,000 2 890.000 State Fund B Slate Fund 6 law_- t. State Bond 2 0.009 1,490.000 Cash Fund Stale Bond GEN- 1.. 0.009 )io Local& Separate Funding Source Loan Nlemur Separat Staie GEN- Stale Cash State State Fund 9- e G e Fund B Local& Bond Fund Fund A A Measure G Eorkd Fund Cash Fund GEN- Measure G Separate Slate Bond Slate Fund State Fund Bond Funding Lam Local& Bond Fund Funding A B Fund Source 0 w0-am 2.40[1,900 4.000.090 Loan Source Funding Source Budgeted Committed Balance EICash Fund Capital Funding Summary-by Source ❑GEN-Local&Loan ❑Measure G Bond Fund Fundinn Source Project Name Total Funds Budaeted C orn rn Itted Balance State Fund B **C-1767B S50,000 548.500 545.650 530,828 El separate Funding Source State Fund B **C-1767A 5999 000 5991.198 5434.299 S950,000 El State Bond State Fund B Small Recharge Remodel Pro" t S13,142 S13,142 512.747 $1,195 El State Fund A State Fund A II'C-1T67A $4,900,990 $2.973,563 $1.A2,866 $3.830,000 State Fund A I*Washiricn Way Realignmend $2,250,990 $2,306.960 $1.217,750 $2,146,944 EIState Fund B State Bond 'Thomas Road Work $2.900,990 $1,280.900 570,00 $1,980,900 Separate Funding Source LaFqe Capital Construction Proiecl $1,000'990 5705,1300 S19,935 5995,500 Measure G Bond Fund Asian Pacific Cultural Center 510,000 S119,00 $1,400 510.[100 GEN-Local&Loan Headquarters AFGhives $1,000'990 $1,900,990 $1,000,000 S991,000 GEN-Local&Loan Frace Road Rehab $1,000,090 $1,900,990 $1,030,0110 $1.000.490 Cash Fund I'CU-1765 New Student Center $3,000,090 S14,1300 $2.909,870 $1,960,423 Cash Fund IIIPLT-UWT Station 5909 000 $1,503,666 5315 000 5850,000 516,213,142 $11,980,118 $8,829,547 $13,895,890 SAMPLE DASHBOARD Dashboard Last updated-05.014.20116 0123 AM EXef-IUMV&DiSanbcara -W&I tit Current Project Budgets Funding by Source�lrransbctiun Detail) Cost Summary am of CUMIM -150".0w 2- DudWi "'CrxiwirdiOn Rudirl nq Prrije�::i I M 1j; . 0 to)0 "Cgunly Firr.Do-wiriment Typo V1 Fire Enginim 11.775,0w IWO- 200 DWOW 111C,okiravy hbrriry Pernul 48.M-0,0 "PLK 1,Ka in Lina "PLT-UVV'r Strainn 1,M-1,M a. 150 Doo.ow- P*d Pruir-4-PP-7 100 1 IQ 19.6201.. ­P%VT_W, -Kamp nI3 F;-e3uth Rmiekmdial Hall a a Rnr--!3V;-jkb-n E Ra il St al,bn 0111,D02 Reojir 1A 50.4W.. .2- ,*,m jai isiriii Ffir laird MiLk Rcmirn al 7RTAR "S1,20 W2W Prat Q U-1 77C A 7.2".11 S. LJW MthfAl UW9 0i%LX3VHTV M S.4 7 5.UMMO.(0) ­VV*WnqbCih Way FNI--aligntirmahl 2,3 W.04803. 'New CarMpua Sl:jL]-vjrri I9,371.128.0 QW, D 'Nom pro)i&_0 .2,4155.W0.. 'FIM.7krtrninal 4 E;e1dirIrIL2,jL ClearjUp 6.706.0 'PhanlM R;3w Rui I w S Latio h tn ta ke 72 "q A 'T11LIffIJ16.4L RbfdLJWL:A 1_290,0130.0 Funding SIDIRICe NiNnC PF0jIEK1 NWnd -LrujiLy i irraEuLpcnu Ire L"[;SE:e C.3w.0110. 124th Avf:!Pmjesel 20.1 Wm_ a 0,-pa&d N C4ffr4W G8MMAM&MVVU6 APP Pail rV Core 1,1 ,1w,00 S Wilrowwwo a oi-191inalGammiliventVake v Fund ft,mr.r.! Rrqjv0wdC*mFni�mc"tV*1p= Total committments 0 1,nwow.*AffiwLN roject by Type Total Committments Cash Flcww Program Cas lh Flow(3 Months) 24,OLO Swim&ji I P%i79C•`1 r"Loscone E riAcqueen L ".7 Uink U01 0100 KArlton C w pi-f a&§1 DD E W04UCOM 2 00 Aramucorn T AithlftL - 9A1, 1.000-000-00n. 00 aphsrktom 528,856,080.85 *11N&SI,Ing. h F9 e fn a d&I 7 IDD Actual Costs 'AppreWnd GV ON* -Sum of Lwake AnKmm - t Builder' .200 e, 09.01.20'12 6.M0 DO Ilp 10.01 2C­2 5.000.00 -Storm of Amount rhis Period @2017 e-Builder, 11,01 2012 1.000.DU Inc. III'!M�111_1_1 1 FUR'417 r0 1 0 SAMPLE DASHBOARD . WORKLOAD Dashboard Ii im Go to Dashboard but J Das 1bo1.1d L851 up ak:?:10.16.2015D2:42 AM �Mgram Surlrnary DAB-ht rd Crony 4f ah Ave 73XX PrgJ _13i-idgpt!�i�vpr$100.000 FY 2013-2014 PrqW Summary by Prof ud Marlg9ur 7 VT firm �th[!5 Jdk 'w e'4XXX p roj$cts-B gadget oyer$100.0 00 FY 201 4-201 5 Project Summary ry by Project Mama e!r F VA 1 We Wed.- EX 61 Cmryy°r_n.. C Fnwr•k Elk... -- _... G&y Fri... CL ,&n Dow - � ... � Frank __. i v r'96 Andrm Go.. � Dmwi d Me— r e- 1 rn�red ra 4 SLun D+Ct mont Budget � � -s � � 1�l 1f, FIJIr Project Suincnarg Sum of Current Budget FY 201344 Budget Allocation by Project Sty .cufftmIN '�'e r IN AcktMsAud Fiscal Year Project Summar F�Y ■Cur,entBudgel ■Curfent C D mrn itments 7.DW WO N Actuals Raid 1S.dCOt}.€� Buildle.r'gpo- C 2017 e-Builder SAMPLE DASHBOARD FOR FINANCE A=*urMnVCap1ta1 rwwnce Tearne r edR PrW Wresh Acc-aulnts Payable Capital Finance Accounting Vanagcf gyp, Sales Tac Approved Matrix A11 Gnvo for each cornrrifte `� Program CDCOP Surnmary Rep-urt Retainage Released CommitmentRerrlaitllingEl alarlce V 3, 90 311},{7Qa.1i ti CL *Dm:.- 1 woo 7 'i 40 ,G ,0lQ 4D. 30, +�,rrtlo.aan MIMIC � �� _ lie. � 10 +� � O 12. 1 _...-� � 0 r Project Name Piolecl Fund Number Fraject Name Prod Nmne Projouter 1pL� Retainage Held on Cnrnrnitments invoices by Project.Commit_&FY Cost Summary Report a !O.C40,0DO TY . Actuals Approved Remaining to be Paid 1213.D] Arbor Heights 5,247,898.76 Arbor Heights I 33,297,899.13 W'DM [ aae o 70 000oa Cedar Park 4,959,875.24 Cedar Park 8,870,677.74 Cqp T Genesee Hill 11,062,907.97 Genesee Hrll 30,802,239.'93 ti . DDO- � 1 Green Lake 3,728,953.24 Green Lake 3,743,939.53 0 Olympic Hills 1,934,805.22 Olympic Hills 4,322,875.74 I Thornton Creek 2,840,779.29 Thornton Creek. 37,209,843.12 Pmect karne Projerl flame PF-Dj!ct[erne ©2016 e-Builder 43 INBOX WORKFLOW P Rle■,■■ir�g Fmrs Procw� Domumffft Calmnalac CcmtaEb &ddirxa ■adul u� - i�.■� 1"' Da rri m Sc hw a r tzkopf a.P�,i�... 1�1rllw I lA�l�n`F T6 .a-6u��5�rp �kfl in your�Lolii`# S11cw Firxt fin dA Slu" BIS P&MM https.jpp.fi hjrl-r.nM%w Bidicr-c9 rLa 1 j.': •NCir t-pj-jrnr Action RItch m piipl hILp-lrry kA yl uo�4 c.%a-V b-Je 111u C-1 676 RFT-r -r]-Plan Sprc-ifLdLbii Queriiun AE per 07.24.2015 03:;0pin LEARN MORE 1+ —C-1 f f e Comes ldence I rackier#1 �:Firre!pon�iarpcy I rack-er-L -f Replacenie-rrt-W1 :.°'Jamil rrur�;ti ap l�.iiri�r.nr+trri.�r l am1nf-.;;rx Quick Slarit "C.-1767A FA-2 Commi4whill Ckntract-001 rntrrFarr 07.?I.7CI 15 115:i)lpm Q';-r1:744Ff4 r414%A-A,bt,55551JMom ••f:-17r, Action Jxt'm#1 Ar=tim Mm 0m-01.2013 L2` nl Sub■Mal'rlwwidlow FrlLps3�rep �tr�kl m.��Kl.r o' a^rrliny exp Fxi Action]tern CF 'NeW C.11•iPu1e{Lddiui7i Rrl- CurdCtwm a AC Pierer00.08.2013 03.E r r)t- 7.C-.C:4a-d 4-ad®r%rtiki A AJ I��-.6 lf- xton Doily Rcpxrt�I0p) ^T,�.rF::nt-r r err:tir n €-1 k! nr r��l rtntr.7 rt �-F��r�r:3'11, F�1 �:,�;nr�r:"r-1-r Hr�Iri tc,p nq% iI.I nr),alum �l Field arification ��da�,F�� rt i� 1.ro��Lr-l: s 1�1 r Sluderi4 C�°.- Cq- G siyri Oieriye Pi�ld ryrti'�:�li�d^.* O!U-1.201 05.03pin R k rt-er^tl n) ^T '•a Never udcnt r-crtcr Inyp—cm s Wity Ke *1 .L)k F Lie-W1 Ud.N.z)J1.):-2;'Wum Thcn�arc no t nt for ]i9rw:�oLL-Apps "CU-176'.5 New Sludr:nt k e6ntrr raaily FLepcxt 44 Safr.'KaV G-mer W:-.007 OU'..701.5:�:1}r7arn ti�1��4d1 Action-Jtern -_ __ ➢�'°cK��es�Tom_�ae� charge f-;fde-Ic" fly firms 101asNm sf%aw I Fiat tern � Change ordet Request[CCfl P jc+c# Teak r4 snaiq Denmigri:k ih w.Pr u--"(DRl l'V r:-;ma -.iisini�OLQF F{, --r-Yi-Miate Lx-Jgn K.0'Qb%1"Ap: ,4.t1"i.21" r'G M a-16ge,frig Farr.Jill Reque5t ForlrffoImAm I:RFJ; Link Ligl it.rcdil aet;i9n 171morlupniem 05.0'.7-015 Appliuliurk Tea-nrwildv-Rydlinirq More V'iW-Hoisin SOL0 d;.°? rojEct Ke'.2vo Board Apor-OvaLm Mfiaiager-Prg mgr Jill "P 090-H�.i.;ir°p:-'Smilh Hall Firnavaiian -009.�1.0�.I'al.'k'.3Oth 0mi:gr as.�'.7015 W% M.irnr..qe-r-Prq Mqr.Jill "Te`h CI lnt-yr Keio iarjon Start of Cm stt uctior x•.012015 15% r OPO"01 H-,.i-;irF-�niitF FKAP R.r,jirw w%m.,�nis f Wn M.-k--gor Prq M 9r.lilt I arr��:'n�ital C:cNWnirtinn l`•mjry- A.w-:�;rnr•7r arrl Apprcywal FrF nh r Fx.^r rc-arr 1w%-'`I.1.n1 S M.j-l.gr.r Prq My.fill Larye C.dpildl CcxiN rULLb'i Fruje-I Ed y IsGri�ue x•.2'1.2-015 Klwidytei-Pig F.1yi.Jill "l'Wi9J HoisiN�otrth Fmr�iacriivl Hull K.enoWtion S-UJbjl.U2.V1 ;e �6 Pc:;i9r i b.24.2y1a ft M.Jai6ger l'rg MAgr.Jill LargeCapilml GcxislrucLkri Fruied Pi am SialerneirL 07.01.7015 M.1w ie,ger-Pig{Mqr.Jill Ta:.ks WORKFLOW Sta I t DRAG DROP __ d 3.e d Pm ReAe WORKFLOW S A ce d c,TREAMLINES d P ROCESS _ _ ::- .� AV P Re S:5.3.00 0 e -internal controls -signature authority -,i . : _ .1. z d ec . ._ .__ a pproval _.. -QA/QC Builder'*400"" Z� SUBMITTAL REVIEW Mark-up Native CAD Files e-Bui I d er'Mltl kL"L 9..�a*m6d=mzm•Erlmpi".:r r--6:.r°t:_.ii Fj ij.:mm:� QlGDTm%4mdinq Yhbmr;&.psqn77= r Dashboard Pr*cts Planning Rorms. Praresses Calender 1Ccwrrftm IF:,1 9-1 U I L L,-1 Fc�Q,Q rr .T SMART FOR MS 51{ F'tltiT?E lhl ra ;+ Documanh for P-;' I nr, Builder _. ._.. � Fodm & OcuMENT I �, - v .�� a t_ _L U_"�t•4J J_ Project Menu lg��dmin�lEalrycn� - t ,, e A NAGEMENT FI x 1-j MAI& F U1 Ft-fjll 02 11-cjm A-waffing J�bj Submin Skk Planning F-LI 03 P-Cj Nt N rM'g_,&5 IJ 3' Fr ffj U P-r.jm-t rv6p V:�I] BIM Libi _j 71WI"D fl 5 F�mj net N rdri .g Issu-m E rj—G6 P-LjWA SubtniLla�i FY ROBLEMS AST Wator fi 11—j 0-511 L;Dig iI-L-,5 E:Ck I A 77 r rl�3 02 Pplanufac7.jiefs �3 op tj j�L—J 03 supok�Jul Dc'E'dn.;: AL IC I f A - VO ll!) REWORK �T-= -'1:3: Lt.Ampks[LI ;:.ECESSEE Lf,I t -SubrritA"_1,11 rknirrent L-1 E: 'I _q L wce, 0'N 4 Ficalatir 0 02 spe-iliniii:jIls[a] (1..1 A EVE rf'A jl�\I-d FF 4 Rid Cek-d--ky-umems0'_1 D11LLtb1t;'0] Drawing -,LrL"4L I-LEtom rie it 01 IIpe a 0�t,.83 L Dr.EA.," r' f 1A P Of ft r_1 05 P'Cjwl FF&E'31 ®r Crewin Schedule T''UY PTjK1 cb,--Cxfl 161 cost IJ VjKzt Commissionkig rJj Drmin! E)(ontacts 11 0 Cerrml P.Ar.Aryc,=[T, I cvay.-im0. FF If P rop.1 rm s P h r:to i�i] L, Equipment Cd-awini C h.- giddi riq 0 019114 Wf1 UlmF4000,Tim I' I • -1101[:Tf1 Ulm I Bulli'00' Z� SAMPLE DASH OARD FOR ROJECT MANAGER '+ i • -i r Y Y i• PrOI&CL9 .i Y- L: Cajandari. Y+: Siddinp Cost Setteduls Y i Usi 1 Tim's DF36riboard Edit PrW I h Total Paid vs.Budget CtC vs Budget Tech Budgat Spent to Gate Budge d Hard vs Soft Costs--Progrem Actual Hard Va.Soft CoStS Spent MOW Program View Hard vs Soft Casts(Current Budget) Hard vs Soft Costs(Actuals Approved 101,824,737.92 109,422,565.57 6,741,617.44 awKmints cr Sgopt-and sNw-5cecuemy° areae M W#'C 1 V aro 3141.7M 9reakeaFila or sw sne%.x;9 Vrojected Sudget Hard Cost Budgeted Contingency Maintenance Spent to Data r 98,a13,J 20. , 7 7 r 0000 5.000.0€0.00 90,000.000.00 0.00 12,000.000.00 0.00 6.€00.000 00 88,1+2,942.18 3,780,931.22 ,367,569.65 M M_Soft Costs 0 1?2-Sftft CCrats EWkp ill or-4a�d cc�5-79%E.Id 8t1!� Ere sk im&$1 V aru Sara ©reaKp OL9 or SIM ane 54M ■ 131 Hard Costs ■ 01-Hard Costs C rtC Hard Cost% ©2016 e-Builder 47 PLANNING MW*mard Project h Plann:s Capital Plan Cancet 7 bloc.Double crick Grt the schedule bar W set the cash fkM,for the categary l�+e#airI IN Notes(0) I Documents(0) Farms(0) Pracesses(0) Name: 2012-2016 Captial Plan Description: Status: Draft FY 201-2 F1'20713 FQ2 FQ3 FQ4 FQ1 FQ2 FQ3 FQ4 FQ1 L] NI AmountMar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct blow Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar El Funding 1�I3,Ot161,�}Fltl �. X State Funds 140,0013,000 0 Acture Projects Douglas Classroom Addition 2,085,100 ❑ Planned Projects 19,696iOZO X Aquatics Complex(Scenario 1) 14,873,824 X Campbell Cancer Research(Phased Approach) 215,196 Boulder Baptist Hospital(Construction Phase) 842,000 Summary of Changes Total Start Finish Cash Flaw Camparisan Amount Date Date 1°a2.425i Active 342,000 hylar 12 Feb 15 S€enarict: Revised 842,000 K4ar 12 Feb 15 Scenario: See F0 Comparison D Mar 21]12 Fe:b 2U 15 ,fictive Revised Apply Changes Cancel I I Requested Amount 19,696,02 19,696,0210 0 Cash flow Tota 1 21,781,12 381,777 1 704,244 2,783,898 3,.--163,824 .3,6 27,220 13,983,527 5,198,449 1,229,576 Net Amount(Funding Total—Cash Flaw Total) 118,21 46,108,900 23,,726,979 1 Frr I P 4 I !Fr e-F uMJer CammurfAy I Abrrut I Hetp C 2012 e-Bulder■Inc,Atl RitIgthts Reserved. BIDDING 0111NIq 1 6 1 -. 11 N 4�' M - - Bidding 1M h Bid Package Detail" Bidding Details HM Scop Pot-ential Bidd-ers Invited Bidders Bid Documents Questi ons{Responses Bid Tabulaf�n Manage C.od-es Close Send MeRsage I Mes-sage History Project: Claude Mccre Recent Pages,,, Bid Package: GMP 1-Ccrlstructicr7 Project Menu Bid Package Description: The l-FP do cuments are uplo ade d in the Did D o cuments folders_If-�.ou ne e d as sistanc e i-th the laid do cumentation in e- 1=Jils Builder,ple as e c ontact D an C alia��=ith any-que stionsDeta _ Planning Please note-the distribution of the RYP do cuments starts Jul-y 12th-2 010 at 1 PNI E S T_P o st pre-laid me sting there will h c a _� Forms -all-through on the i oh site to c ation-%-hich is TBA_Que stions�vffl b e ac c epted until July-1 ath 2 PNI E S T_C ontract mvard�-%ll Processes o c cur rougMy 1 to 2 J-%-e eks p o st hid due date_T entaffi-e c onstruction start-%vill o cur mid to late S eptemb er_ > El Documents Schedule cost Status Open Contacts Pre-Bid r^sleeting Calendar Dat�.'Time: ® Pre-Bid Meeting Bidding Location: > Submittals Required to attend Webcam Pre-Bid Meeting7: Bidding Contact: Rick Quigle,;- Bid Start Datev'Time: 86,07,2010 7:130 PM Bic]Due Date Time: 09.09,2010 12: 0 PM Bid Time Zone: isGI IT-05:00 Eastern Time(US&Canada) Tentati,.,e Awa rd Date: Tentati,.,e Work Start Date: BIDDING BID TABULATION A& r ■ bbudider - 17 W - DwHboard Projects PlanniFig FormsProcesses Docuntents I CalleadarJ-c-entacts !7KWRng Bid Package Details Bidding Details Bid 5copie Potential Bidders Invited Bidders Bid Documents Questions/Responses Bid Tabulation Manage Cedes Close fiend Message Messa Hrstory Project; Claude Wore Recent Pager... Biel Package; GMP 1-Construction status; Open Project Menu 0 Bid Tabulation Options 0 part 1 1 Re-€un Details =Low Value Adjusted Value =Short-Listed Bidder Planning Tyler Construction Avdex Corporation A A Farms Tyler Quigley Bernard King rqui9l,ey@e-buiI.der.net irnp[ementatlon@e-buitder.net mos Processes (954)556-6706 (202)999-9999 Documents knit Cast Total Cost of Base Bid Cost per Sq Ft S Li bc on tra c-tors Unit Cost Total Cost of Base Bid Cost per SgFt Subcontractors Unit Cast Total Cast Schedule 0,000.00 8.69 1.54 35,000.00 0.79 2.69 42,100.00 > Cost 15,600.00 0.54 1.20 121,000.00 2.75 9.31 94,300.00 C o nta c is 5,1700.00 0.17 0.38 19,300.00 0.44 1.48 13,250.00 Calendar 7,800.00 0.27 0.60 67,200.00 1.53 5.1? 68:000,00 Bidding5.00 4,750.00 0.16 0.37 77.00 73,150.00 1.+66 5.63 78.25 74,337.50 L25r00!0.00 0.86 1.92 90,000.00 2.04 6.92 89,430.00 > Submittals 125.00 37,500.00 1.29 2.88 279.00 83,300,00 1.90 6.44 278.00 83,400.00 Webcam 200.00 0.01 0.02 132,430.00 3.01 10.19 139,900.00 20,000.00 0.69 1.54 64,300.00 1.46 4.95 64;000.00 15,000.00 0.52 1.15 7,500.00 0.17 0.58 8,921.00 2,000.00 0.07 0.15 4,123.00 0.09 0.32 3,100.00 200.00 +630,000.00 21.70 48.46 6.90 21;?35,00 0.49 1.67 7.25 22;837,50 100.00 300,000.00 10.33 23.08 1.65 4,950.00 0.11 0.38 1.98 5,940..00 15,000.00 0.52 1.15 109,765.00 2.49 8.44 108,900.00 20,000.00 0.69 1.54 86;300,00 1.97 6.67 93,000 DO X50,00 11. 50,00 0.39 00 39.98 1,799.10 0.04 0.14 41.90 1;885.50 1 nr in nn r7 n D n nQ .1')Dr1rl r•II'I r7 nrl ?7 4 d)n?)n nn COST TRACKING FOR A PM e-Buflder"§V MOM �il ftDashboard Pro' Planning � Forms Processes Documents Calendar � Contacts Bidding o'chedule Reports I Setup Cost Summary For I"7CU-1765 Ne:i Student Center Builder # Financial Summary Expand All I Collapse 1'111 it P-pn finn-PFrniertr-rl i.rk�,r a.r, i,rst tri 4 rz-arc lct�i! A B C D E F G Recent Pages- Project ees..Project MenuPending Budget Projected Budget Current Pending Commit Projected Commit Line Item Description {original Budget� Changes* Changes* Commitments* Changes* Changes* Actuals Received fkfkDetails El 0001 Leal&Administration -_i exnn rrs n=_ "k nnn-__ _?kA- _,__ -, Planning 0001,0111 Legal Fees 222u,000.l:0 :'.-)C ".00 4.00 0.00 0.130 0.( 0001.0112 Administrative Fees 216,004.00 r.00 Z..000.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.( Forms 0001,0113 Printing and Shipping 75,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.130 0.( Issue ❑ ODD2 Pre-Construction Services 22,490,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,682,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.L Processes 0002.0200 Feasability 18,540,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.( Documents 0002.0201 Survey and Mapping 1,200,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.( Schedule 0002.0202 Pre-Construction Consriltant 990,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,682,004.00 0.00 0.130 0.( i 0002.0203 Entitlement 1,840,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.130 0.( 'v Cost ❑ 0003 Design Services 1,795,000.00 0.00 0.00 1,790,500.00 20,000.00 0.00 171,767.( Cast Summary 00010.300 Conceptual Design Fees .505,000.00 0„00 0.00 .505,500.00 0.00 4.00 39,344.( Funding Sources 0003.0.301 Design Fees 900,000.00 0.00 0.00 945,004.00 0.00 0.00 1.5,000.( Budget Details 00010.302 Design Reimbursables 140,000.00 0.00 4.00 140,000.00 0.00 4.00 94,000.( Forecasts 0003,0.303 Design Consultant 240,000.00 0.00 0.00 240,000.00 .20,000,00 0.00 23,423.( Commitments ❑ 0D04 Construction 9111730,000.00 0.00 0.00 24,714,764.20 0.00 28,300.00 2,160,957.; Actual Costs 0004,1001 General Construction 90,650,000.00 0.00 0.00 24,.386,764.20 0.130 28,300.00 2,157,157., Cash Flour 0004.1002 Project Management Charges 80,000.00 0.00 0.00 328,000.00 0.00 0.00 3,100.( ❑ 0005 Site Conditions 26,900,000.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 500.00 3,500.( Other Cost Columns 0045.5050 Basic Metal Materials and Methods 25,040,000.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 15,000.00 504.00 3,500.( Contacts 0005,5800 Expansion Control 1,900,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.( SCHEDULE ftDashboard Projects Planning FormsM - Do - Calendar F Bmirmg cost Sche`•dule F F - Schedules Tasl�s - Chedule Details For Campbell Cancer Research 0 Schedule Summa ry(Last updated;08.14,2012) Appty Template as Template re SnFapsfbot Updat-e Impart Export Project flame: Campbell Caner Research Start: 86.22,2812 Baseline Start: 86.22,2812 Finish: 86.15,2817 Baseline Finish: 86.15,2817 Decent Pages,,, 'V Duration: 65.00mo Baseline Duration; 65.00mo Project Menu Start(including Drafts): 86,22,2012 Finish(including Drafts): 86,15,2817 Details Schedule Manager Role: Project Manager StartVariance: On Schedule Planning Schedule Manager User: Quigley,Dylan Finish Variance: Oen Schedule Forms Processes Tasks(63) C u sto m Fiel d s€0 Notes(0) Do cu rnents(0) Forms(0) Processes(0) Snapshots(1) > Documents Gantt Chart El Schedule 2{12 12013 12014 12015 1201-6 12017 12013 Narne Coit Q2 �Q. Q Q1 Q2 Q-3Q Q1 Q3Q Qrt Q Q Q Q1 Q2 Q Q Q1 Q2Q Q Q1 �Q2 Q3Q4 Q El 1-Select Facilities PYcgmm Phase Contacts 2-.=- sv Request For QualificatH Quigley,Dylan 3-Re_e =R.F Qs Calendar Prograrmmer Bidding 5-Ex.ez te Pr::6grammer Contract El 6-Select A;E Phase Submittals 7Advertise ReCLest For QualificatH B-Re:_L���e RF Qs 1�lfebcam B-Int.r A;E 10-A� -' E December 19 11-E.: .=:':'E Contract El 12-Facilities P 4�Phase 13-,authorize Prograrmmer A-E Start anuary 10 14-Submit for Re JeW 15-,.point Owner Reiie,v for Comn-ren LS 16-Approve Prog ram El 17-Schematic Design PIS 19-Authorize.;VE-DR Start " ri122 14-Submit for Owner Reviekpr 20-Joint Re iie,rr for Owner Com n-ren 21-;approve Schematic Design REPORTS ftDashboard Projects Planning ForFM Processes Documents Calendar Contacts RkIffinq Cost Schedule Rqmrts Re p o rt Renu Its r. Report Options Re-Run Report Column:: Create Date �I Sorting: � �- Original Budget .2,OA-cending Descending Reset Duration: Custom .. ,__o Ascending -Descending L_LI Ascending -7-Descending Date: Start Gate: Clear End Date: Budget Cost (Program Detail,Grouped by Category) Show Betat[s Print View 5end Export �, Edit 5aveAs � Al Filter 6,,-: Nene 7- Approved Approved Pr-oj ected Approved proved Projec ted Non Projected Original Current Actuals Actual Cost To Original Budget Budget Current Bridget Budget Commitment Corr mi tent Commitment Budget Commitments Commitment �4p�p�ra�rre-d Complete �---- Changes Changes Changes Changes Casts Project Nam e, .00 2.311,55O.00 9th Street Parking Garage informationEasyaccess to through q Category-. .00 1141,550.00 1000- Profe}sional Category: 12,973,728.00 30,000.00 13,003,728.00 13;003,728.00 0.010 7;135,000.00 0.00 7,135;000.00 0.00 6,O65,OOO.00 0.00 1,170,000.00 2001- Con stru ctl c n Category- 69,625.00 0.00 69,625.00 69,625.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3000-F F&E Category., 733..186.00 0.00 733,186.00 X 33,186,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4000-Owner Cast Category: 380.000.00 (,80,000.00) 300;000.00 3OO,0130.0O 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9000- MOBILE Bringing e-Builder on the job site will saves time for the construction Apple@ iOso manager and staff and • View documents and workflows in the field Android' Address or start action items Daily Inspection Reports w/ photos Take photos and attach to forms Redline PDF drawings and photos, as-builts Any e-Builder form can be mobile enabled • View documents while offline — o0 -Wt PP M- 1Pq _ -•�I Builder FoRMS CONFIGURABLE BY STAFF Fill Out Fc3rnn Pxint I I Clhjertlk_SvmmWnv I Pco,_d FI I -aft A IClancmj Project: Claude Moore Forru-1 Type- Change Order Auth e-r. Al ly Ad m i ri C' u rater P FL-f ill-' P ri a rity: CH rl 1;1 1 L=J W Su bj ec L.. F 5oeri d T u; Sel ect F r o i-1-1: Al I Ro I es --SelecL RecipienL­ Fm-r1 *r Date D.ue: C C.. AE Courdinator P=j F Arc.h itc-ct/P n g i n c v > �,u r I 1,t i L i r-L I ri r I P,,1-1 1 1 1 i4 t 1 41 Consultant C- R L I i I cl c--r Ad m i n I-.trat n r Ex4rLUOYt -I- Recl u est�tern a 1 17-1 k-:r I I r I I im.r 1 t d-r ter pn-fting? k-hri n rI rL 0 rd eLr A-M-schtLd F1 I e6s A t t,-, h cL d F c3 r r,%.i Number: D r I p Li o n of C h.ir"Lil : Use 60+ pre-built forms or ease create your own RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTIONS Staff recommends that the Board authorize the General Manager to execute a professional consulting services agreement with CDM Smith for the Program Management Information System Software Implementation Services for the Asset Management Program Development, District Project 8238 . QUESTIONS