HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD MINUTES 06-17-04
HELD ON JUNE 17,2004
The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District convened in a regular
session at its regular place of meeting, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, County of Contra
Costa, State of California, at 2:00 p.m. on June 17,2004.
President Lucey called the meeting to order and requested that the Secretary call roll.
PRESENT: Members:
Menesini, Boneysteele, Nejedly, Hockett, Lucey
Board and staff joined in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Member Menesini requested that Items 3.d., 3.e., and 3.f., be pulled from the Consent
Calendar for discussion.
It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Boneysteele, that the
Consent Calendar, consisting of Items a., b., and c., and excluding Items d., e., and f.
which were pulled for discussion, be approved as recommended.
Public sewer improvements and an Offer of Dedication were accepted from UDC
Homes, Inc. for an easement shown on the recorded final map of Subdivision No.
8059 in the City of Walnut Creek, Job 5210, Parcel 2; staff was authorized to
record the easement acceptances with the Contra Costa County Recorder; and
Resolution No. 2004-040 was adopted to that effect.
Motion unanimously approved on the following vote:
Menesini, Boneysteele, Nejedly, Hockett, Lucey
ABSENT: Membern: None
b. Public sewer improvements and an Offer of Dedication were accepted from
Longwood Moraga, loP., a California Limited Partnership, for easements in the
Town of Moraga, Job 5393, Parcels 2 and 3; staff was authorized to record the
easement acceptances with the Contra Costa County Recorder; and Resolution
No. 2004-041 was adopted to that effect.
Motion unanimously approved on the following vote:
AYES: Members:
NOES: Members:
ABSENT: Members:
06 117 ()4
Menesini, Boneysteele, Nejedly, Hockett, Lucey
The Board was advised of the close out of the Walnut Creek Sewer Renovation
Project, Phase 1, DP 5428, with a net overrun of $2,200. This item was
presented for the Board's information. No action was taken.
In response to questions from Member Menesini, Ms. Ann E. Farrell, Director of
Engineering, stated that the combined net underrun of the projects described in
Consent Calendar Items 3.d., 3.e., and 3.f. is approximately $1.5 million which will be
returned to the Collection System Program. These projects were completed under
Member Menesini stated that he wished to recognize the fact that these savings were
achieved, and he congratulated staff for saving considerable money.
It was moved by Member Menesini, seconded by Member Nejedly, and unanimously
approved, that Consent Calendar Items 3.d., 3.e., and 3.f. be duly received.
The Board was advised of the close out of the Treatment Plant Soil Remediation
Project, DP 7113, and the return of $20,000 to the Treatment Plant Program.
This item was presented for the Board's information. No action was taken.
The Board was advised of the close out of the Outfall Improvements Project,
Phase 5, DP 7197, and the return of $53,332 to the Treatment Plant Program.
This item was presented for the Board's information. No action was taken.
The Board was advised of the close out of 36 capital improvements projects with
a net underrun of $1 ,409,037. This item was presented for the Board's
information. No action was taken.
Mr. Charles W. Batts, General Manager, stated that this project will renovate a critical
sewer line creek crossing pipe in downtown Walnut Creek. The 26-inch diameter pipe
truss will be cleared of vegetation then the pedestrian walkway and railing will be
removed. Fence guards will be improved to prevent unwanted access, and then the
pipe and truss will be cleaned and painted.
It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Hockett, that award of a
construction contract in the amount of $92,000 for the construction of the Carmel Court
Creek Crossing Renovation Project, DP 5499, be authorized to Robison-Prezioso, Inc.,
the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. There being no objection, the motion
was unanimously approved.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, reported that the budget chess game
continues in Sacramento between the legislature and the Governor. The
Governor has made deals with various interest groups to get their buy-in
to his budget proposal. The two major deals are with education and local
government. Other aspects of the budget proposal, State employee
contracts (prison guards) and Indian gaming revenue, are still working
behind the scenes. The State has already missed the June 15 budget
deadline, a common occurrence. The last on-time budget was 1986. The
real opposition to the Governor's $103 billion budget seems unorganized.
The Governor has been able to secure additional federal funding, given
Democrats wins in health and welfare, and managed to get support from
local government and education for his budget. And while there is
opposition from both sides of the house, mainly on home health care for
the disabled, cutting State higher education enrollment, and the long-term
protection of local tax revenue, the Governor seems to have the upper
hand. The Governor plans to use public rallies to try to nudge lawmakers
to accept his budget.
Locally, both Contra Costa County and local cities are preparing for the
financial shortfall by cutting budgets and programs. While there has been
some local opposition to the loss of revenue, most members of LOCAL
(2004 Local Taxpayers and Public Safety Protection Act) are asking public
agencies to support the deal cut with the Governor. The Budget
Conference Committee has been deliberating on this issue and Assembly
Member Steinberg has requested that an alternative constitutional
amendment be prepared, addressing a property tax for sales tax trade.
Assembly Member Steinberg has also requested more information on
enterprise special districts. To that end, agencies are being asked to write
to their legislators to support the Governor's budget proposal. A letter has
been prepared for the Board President's signature from the sample
provided in the agenda packet.
Mr. Batts stated that the Contra Costa Grand Jury, building on their 2002
report, has linked the current retirement plan to the continuing County
budget crisis. Retirement expenses now account for 11 percent of the
County's General Fund revenue up from 7 percent three years ago. The
Grand Jury's recommendation was for the County to negotiate a defined
contribution plan, such as a 401 (k) plan, in future contracts. Mr. Batts
stated on a related note, that he will address the Grand Jury on the
mission of the District on Tuesday, June 22, 2004.
President Lucey asked that copies of the Grand Jury report be provided to
the Board. Mr. Batts stated that copies will be provided as soon as they
are available.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that for years, mercury has been
identified as a pollutant of concern in the San Francisco Bay, and for the
District and other wastewater agencies. The Regional Water Quality
Control Board (RWQCB) is currently completing a mercury TMDL (Total
Maximum Daily Load) to reduce the amount of mercury discharged to San
Francisco Bay by wastewater treatment plants and other sources.
Mr. Batts stated that since approximately half of the mercury in the District
influent wastewater is from dental activities, District staff will be
implementing a pollution prevention program aimed at reducing the
amount of mercury discharged from dental offices. The first steps of the
program are to survey the dental offices and to encourage the use of best
management practices to reduce mercury discharges.
Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Curtis W. Swanson, Environmental Services
Division Manager, who stated that staff requests Board input on two policy
issues: 1) the draft letter to dentists included in the Board Meeting agenda
packet; and 2) what fees, if any, should be charged for these informational
permits. Mr. Swanson stated that for a number of years mercury has been
an environmental concern. The District can meet the limit in our current
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, but the
Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) is nearing completion of
a TMDL which may further limit the amount of mercury that can be
discharged. As a result, the permitted level may be reduced in the
District's NPDES permit. As Mr. Batts indicated, approximately half of the
mercury that comes into the District treatment plant comes from dental
operations. Mr. Swanson stated that last year in the District's Pollution
Prevention Plan, a five-year program for outreach to dentists was outlined.
Year One has been completed. Staff met with dentists at both the State
and Local Dental Societies to gather information and begin developing
materials. Focus groups were used to identify barriers, and solutions were
developed and incorporated into the presentation made to the Dental
Society. Reports have been provided to the Board Outreach Committee
as progress is made. The District is now in Year Two and outreach to
approximately 670 dentists is beginning. Year Two and Three will focus
on outreach and informational permitting of dentists. The focus in Year
Four will be on measuring results of the voluntary best management
practices program and reassessing as necessary. A survey of dentists'
use of Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be conducted, and
outreach will continue. In Year Five, the voluntary program will be
reassessed and an approach developed for going forward. Voluntary
reductions will be reviewed, and it will be determined whether the District
can meet the new mercury TMDL and/or new NPDES permit limits. If not,
it may be necessary for the District to consider the need for a regulatory
approach to mandate amalgam separators and other best management
Mr. Swanson stated that the proposed Dental Informational Permit
process is to encourage voluntary implementation of best management
practices. It is proposed that an advance letter be sent to dentists to let
them know that the District will be doing this program. This letter will also
be used to update the mailing list of dentists. In late summer or early fall,
an informational permit application and best management practices
(BMPs) information will be sent to the dentists. For dentists who are
interested, workshops and site visits will be conducted. Finally, follow-up
surveys and some inspections will be done to verify permit information.
Mr. Swanson briefly reviewed examples of BMPs for mercury in dental
offices. Mr. Swanson requested Board input with regard to the dental
permitting fee options. Mr. Swanson stated that usually there are fees
associated with source control activities; however, since this is an
informational permitting program, where we will be relying on the dentists
to supply information, it may be appropriate to consider other options. Mr.
Swanson reviewed dental permitting fee options as follows:
No charge;
$225 one-time application fee; and
I ncentive fee
No charge if permit application is returned on time
$225 fee if application is not returned and staff must
contact the dentist.
President Lucey stated that he has concerns about this program and he
would request that consideration be put off until the next meeting and that
the item be calendared for a decision whether to send out the letter.
President Lucey stated that he has trouble sending this out when most of
the mercury comes from gold mining and not from dentists.
Member Nejedly stated that he does not have a problem letting dentists
know about this. Member Nejedly stated that the District should try to get
dentists to participate in the program voluntarily. Member Nejedly stated
that the District should not charge a fee for an informational permit; but if
the dentists don't respond, perhaps the District should consider imposing
a fee.
Member Hockett suggested that the letter be rewritten from a more user-
friendly approach, indicating that the District may be more successful in
obtaining the needed information with that sort of approach.
Member Menesini stated that this item came before the Board Outreach
Committee. The Outreach Committee's major concern was that the
Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) continues to impose
more stringent limits on the District.
Mr. Batts stated that he is hearing from the Board that this matter should
be brought back under a General Manager's report or agenda item with a
more user-friendly letter for the Board's consideration. Mr. Batts stated
that the District's Pollution Prevention Plan, including the Dental Outreach
Program, was given to the RWQCB. Year One of that Plan has been
completed, and the proposal before the Board moves the District into
Years Two, Three, and Four as discussed by Mr. Swanson.
Member Boneysteele stated that he is extremely reluctant to agree to the
staff proposal. Member Boneysteele stated that he agrees with the other
Board Members' comments.
President Lucey stated that this matter will be brought back at a future
Board Meeting.
Mr. Swanson stated that the District has been moving forward slowly in
this area. Other jurisdictions, including San Jose and San Francisco, have
implemented mandatory programs. District staff felt that proceeding with
an informational permitting program was a better approach.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that at the May 6, 2004 Board
Meeting, the Board was informed about the staff review of special capacity
fee studies that were originally prepared during the late 1990's and early
2000's. Capacity fees for uncommon uses or users with nontraditional
operating methods are determined by the preparation of special studies.
As stated in the District Code, capacity fees established by special studies
are subject to review after one to five years from when a user begins
discharging to the District sewer system. Staff has completed the review
of the first group of special studies, and the results were reported to the
Board on May 6.
Mr. Batts introduced Mr. Curtis W. Swanson, Environmental Services
Division Manager, to discuss the approach for notifying customers of the
results of the special study reviews. Mr. Swanson stated that for non-
residential users where the Board has not established a residential unit
equivalent (RUE) factor, a special study is conducted by District staff. A
special study determines the wastewater strength and volume for a
particular business or industry. The information on projected water use
comes from the customer and is checked by District staff, or information is
obtained from a similar business. Special studies may be reevaluated
after one to five years of operation by the business or industry.
Mr. Swanson described the special study review process as follows:
District staff completes a draft review based on three to five years
of operations.
Staff delivers the draft report to the user. A meeting will be held
with users owing fees greater than $20,000.
The user reviews the draft report and provides comments to the
Staff reviews the comments and completes the report. A final
report is sent to the user.
Invoices are sent to users owing fees of less than $20,000. User
refunds are also sent out.
Staff meets with users owing more than $20,000, to discuss
payment options. Invoices are sent based upon agreed payment
Mr. Swanson stated that a number of customers have already been
notified that the District is proceeding with the reevaluation and that the
information will be provided to them when it is completed in the
July/August timeframe. From 1997 to 2003, 120 special studies have
been preliminarily reviewed. Of those, 94 were satisfactory, 6 need
additional data, 10 need additional analysis, 2 owe less than $20,000, and
8 appear to owe greater than $20,000.
Mr. Swanson stated that at the May 6, 2004 Board Meeting, staff
discussed this matter with the Board, and at that time staff suggested that
the Board may wish to consider changing the District Code to expand the
capacity use charge program to include users with an additional capacity
fee greater than $20,000 such that a payment over time is allowed. Since
that time, staff has reconsidered this issue, and would instead propose
that staff meet with these customers and discuss possible payment
options on a case-by-case basis. Those with the need for installment
payments would be brought back to the Board for consideration.
Discussion followed in which Member Hockett expressed sympathy for the
businesses with regard to the element of surprise and financial impact on
the business. Member Hockett stated that an effort should be made to
prepare the business for this bad news; but in reality, the fees are owed
and should be paid.
Member Menesini stated that the Board does not seem to be familiar with
the process used in calculating these fees and suggested that a
presentation be made to the Board explaining that process.
Member Nejedly stated that five years seems to be too long a period to
wait before following up on special study fees. Member Nejedly
suggested that in the future, these fees be reviewed in two years.
Mr. Batts stated that the staff concern is a "gift of public funds" issue. The
District ratepayers paid for this plant and that capacity should not be given
away. Mr. Batts stated that staff will make a presentation to the Board on
the process for calculating special study fees.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that work on the collection system
infrastructure in the Dougherty Valley is kicking into high gear with both
Shapell and Windemere well on their way to their most ambitious
construction season yet. Since the spring of 2000, about 1,200 of the
planned 10,000 homes have been built and sold. The developers target
more than 1,000 new connections this season alone. Mr. Batts introduced
Mr. Jarred Miyamoto-Mills, Principal Engineer, and Mr. Paul Kelly,
Collection System Inspection Supervisor, to provide an update on the
progress of the Dougherty Valley construction and collection system
Mr. Miyamoto-Mills, Principal Engineer, stated that planning for the
Dougherty Valley began in 1988, and actual construction began in 2000.
Mr. Miyamoto-Mills showed photographs and described the work that has
been done. From May 2000 to December 2003, a combined total of
110,000 feet (21 miles) of sewer, 450 manholes, and 2,121 laterals have
been installed by Windemere and Shapell. As Mr. Batts indicated,
approximately 1,200 homes have been sold resulting in connection fees of
approximately $6 million and approximately $300,000 per year in Sewer
Service Charges. In 2004, it is projected that an additional 61,000 feet (12
miles) of sewer, 220 manholes, and 1,196 laterals will be installed for
projected totals at December 2004 of 171,000 feet (33 miles) of sewer,
670 manholes, and 3,317 laterals. This year the Lawrence Road Trunk
Sewer Extension will be built; and as a result, two pumping stations will be
eliminated. Mr. Miyamoto-Mills stated that the developers, their
engineers, the contractors, and the Sanitary District have worked together
in a team way.
Mr. Paul Kelly, Collection System Inspection Supervisor, stated that an
extraordinary amount of work is being done in a short period of time and
inspections are required at each step. This is a huge project, and the
coordination is fantastic. Everyone is working to get the whole process
done, and staff is moving efficiently through these jobs. The installation of
all these facilities has been almost flawless.
Mr. Miyamoto-Mills stated that there has been a full-time inspector in the
Dougherty Valley for the last four years. All the inspectors have rotated
through. Inspectors frequently work 10 hours a day, sometimes six days a
week because that is when the contractors work. The cooperation
between District staff, particularly Mr. Kelly's group, and the contractors
has been tremendous ensuring that the District gets a quality product.
In response to questions from Member Menesini, Mr. Miyamoto-Mills
stated that comprehensive planning and pipe sizing was done. The
specifications ensure that quality materials are used to assure long life
and good performance of the facilities. An additional year of warranty is
required on trunk sewers, and television inspection may be done at the
end of the warranty period.
Mr. Kelly stated that the design layouts and type of pipe are all carefully
considered. The District is getting a very good quality product in
Dougherty Valley that should ensure a long service life.
Member Menesini suggested that new homeowners in the Dougherty
Valley be provided with information on the kinds of plants and trees to
avoid planting near facilities. Mr. Batts stated that has been the subject of
Pipeline newsletter articles in the past and can be provided to new
President Lucey thanked Messrs. Kelly and Miyamoto-Mills for the update.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that the District's existing
recycled water rate ordinance, adopted May 9, 2002, has an annual
increase of 3 percent effective July 1 of each year. The rate ordinance
stipulates that this increase is automatic and requires no Board action.
Contra Costa Water District rates are also going up by approximately 3
percent. Recycled water customers are being notified of the rate increase.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, reported that the fieldwork for the District's
portion of the Walnut Creek North Main Street Project is complete with the
exception of a few punch list items. The District's contractor, McGuire &
Hester, has demobilized from the North Main Street location. The District
has beneficial use of the improvements. Another contractor, Bay Cities
Paving, is currently working for the City of Walnut Creek at the same
location. The paving work being performed by Bay Cities Paving is
expected to continue for several months.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that the public meeting for the Vessing
Road Sewer Improvements Project was held Monday, June 14,2004, but
the purpose of the meeting changed from a pre-construction meeting to
one of informing residents that the project has been postponed until next
year. Last minute technical issues that could not be resolved in time for
the project to be completed before the start of wet weather this year
require the delay. These issues will be resolved, and the project will go
forward again next spring.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that there have been several
developments regarding the San Ramon Pumping Station overflow since
the last Board Meeting. Samples taken from the creek on Friday, May 28,
after a light rain event during the night showed high bacteria counts for all
the sample locations both upstream and downstream of the overflow.
Based on this data, the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB)
directed the District to post the creek in the vicinity of the pumping station
on Friday, June 4, to advise residents of the high coliform counts.
RWQCB staff acknowledged that the high counts were in all probability
due to runoff from the rain event. This posting was accomplished by late
afternoon June 4. On Monday, June 7, the creek was reposted from
Montevideo Drive to the Walt Disney School just south of Pine Valley
Road, with more signs that were larger and contained wording that better
described the situation in the creek. This was in response to calls to the
City of San Ramon. Samples collected on June 4 and 7 showed lower
bacterial counts. Late in the day on June 8, the RWQCB notified the
District and the City that the signs could be removed. The signs were
removed on June 9. On June 10, a letter was sent to the City of San
Ramon summarizing all the tests the District conducted along the creek
and their results.
The District received a Notice of Violation (NOV) from the RWQCB on
June 16. The NOV requires the District to summarize the event and our
responses, evaluate the effectiveness of the response, and describe
future actions that the District will take to prevent similar overflows. Much
of this information has already been submitted to the RWQCB. The
District's response is due July 5, 2004.
The District instituted a number of measures to reduce the possibility of a
future overflow at the San Ramon pumping station.
The bypass to Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) was
reopened on May 28, 2004, to provide standby capacity in event of
a future overflow.
The backup process computer is now operating at the station and a
new one has been ordered to replace the one operating during the
The influent gate has been secured from lowering and alarmed to
the treatment plant.
The Pumping Stations Operators will check the site seven days a
week, and a security guard will check the pumping station during
The improved alarm control package currently being installed in
pumping stations will begin installation at San Ramon in
The joint response with the City of San Ramon and the San Ramon
Fire Department has been improved. Simply calling 911 will now
begin the response effort for both the Fire Department and the
Police Department.
11 )
The District has purchased barricades to secure any overflow site
in the future, if needed. They will be stored at the pumping station.
A float alarm system will be installed to alert the District when the
collection system is starting to back up at the pumping station.
The two manholes that overflowed in the street have since been re-
bolted, diverting any overflow to the pumping station site.
Mr. Batts stated that it appears that an odor control unit outside the San
Ramon pumping station was tampered with on the night of June 16 at
approximately 2:30 a.m. San Ramon police have been called, and they
will increase the number of drive-bys at the pumping station. In addition,
beginning on the evening of June 17, the District's security firm will
conduct three site visits to the San Ramon pumping station every night.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, reported that the District and the Central
Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (CCCSWA) conducted a joint
collection event for household hazardous waste and electronic waste on
Saturday, June 12, in Walnut Creek. There were 540 customers served at
the collection event. District employees Penny Binder, Tanya Butler,
Christopher Johnson, David Wyatt, and Curt Swanson worked at the
Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that on Tuesday, June 8, the
Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Facility received a
container of picric acid. It was brought in by a resident of Orinda who was
helping a neighbor clean her home of chemicals used by her deceased
husband. Once identified by HHW staff and County Hazardous Materials
staff, the County Sheriff was contacted to manage the disposal of the
picric acid. The container was safely detonated by the Walnut Creek
Bomb Squad in holding basin B.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that on Tuesday, June 22 from
noon to 1 :30 p.m., the Master Gardeners will hold a garden and pest
management clinic in the multipurpose room. Employees and Board
Members can bring their gardening questions and problems. The Master
Gardeners will give recommendations consistent with the healthy
gardening concepts that the District's very successful Integrated Pest
Management (IPM) Partnership is based on. Mr. Batts noted that
Executive Assistant Earlene Millier is one of the Master Gardeners that will
be answering questions.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, announced that today, June 17, the District's
contractor on the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project, Phase 5, hit a
water line affecting four homes on Happy Valley Road. East Bay
Municipal Utility District is repairing the line. Service should be restored
this evening.
Member Nejedly, Chair of the Personnel Committee, reported that he and
President Lucey met with staff on June 10, 2004. Member Nejedly
distributed and reviewed notes from that meeting, indicating that
authorization was given to fill the vacant Operations and Safety Specialist
and Vehicle and Equipment Service Worker positions.
President Lucey, Chair of the Real Estate Committee, reported that he
and Member Nejedly met with staff on June 15, 2004. President Lucey
distributed and reviewed notes from that meeting. President Lucey
distributed a draft letter and stated that with the Board's permission, he will
send the letter to the County Board of Supervisors advising of the District's
outfall and easement through the Acme Landfill site and potential impacts
of airport relocation to that site. The Board concurred.
At 4:02 p.m., President Lucey declared a recess, reconvening at the hour of 4:12 p.m.
with all parties present as previously designated.
Member Boneysteele, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee,
reported that he and Member Menesini reviewed the expenditures and
took no exceptions.
It was moved by Member Boneysteele and seconded by Member
Menesini, that the Expenditure List dated June 17, 2004, including Self
Insurance Check Nos. 102108-102113, Running Expense Check Nos.
150424-150612, Sewer Construction Check Nos. 26765-26786, Payroll
Manual Check Nos. 48978-48980, and Payroll Regular Check Nos.
55018-55055, be approved as recommended. There being no objection,
the motion was unanimously approved.
Member Menesini announced that Regional Water Quality Control Board
Executive Director Bruce Wolfe will speak at the June 21, 2004
Environmental Alliance Discussion Series. Mr. Wolfe will discuss new
trends in water quality control, focusing on the watershed approach. All
those who are interested are invited to attend the discussion series at
noon at the John Muir National Historic Site, 4202 Alhambra Avenue in
Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that the District's A-Line interceptor sewer is located
in a strip of property adjacent to the Willows Shopping Center in Concord. The Willows
leases a portion of this District-owned property for landscaping and parking purposes.
The original 20-year lease expired in 2003. The lease was extended until June 30,
2004 while District staff and the owners of the Willows simultaneously negotiate a new
long-term lease and acquisition of new easement rights for the District's future parallel
A-Line sewer. While significant progress has been made on both agreements,
negotiations are still ongoing. Completion of the negotiations is anticipated during the
next several months. Consequently, it is recommended that the lease be extended until
January 31, 2005.
It was moved by Member Menesini and seconded by Member Hockett, that extension of
the lease with Willows/Concord Venture to January 31,2005 be approved, and that
execution of the extension documents be authorized. There being no objection, the
motion was unanimously approved.
It was moved by Member Hockett and seconded by Member Menesini, that the minutes
of May 20,2004 be approved as presented. There being no objection, the motion was
unanimously approved.
Mr. Batts, General Manager, stated that all six budgets were presented to the Board in
detail and were approved by the Board in the months of April through June 2004. Final
adoption is now recommended.
It was moved by Member Nejedly and seconded by Member Hockett, that Resolution
No. 2004-042 be approved, adopting the 2004-2005 Staffing Plan, Equipment, Capital
Improvement, Operations and Maintenance, Debt Service, and Self Insurance Fund
Budgets, as comprising the 2004-2005 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Budget.
Motion unanimously approved on the following vote:
AYES: Members:
NOES: Members:
ABSENT: Members:
Nejedly, Hockett, Menesini, Boneysteele, Lucey
At the suggestion of Member Menesini, a summary of the total amount of all District
budgets will be provided next year.
Future agenda items will include the process for calculation of Capacity Fee special
study fees and an update on negotiations with customers owing additional fees, Dental
Program informational permitting, and Regional Water Quality Control Board actions
relative to the San Ramon Pumping Station overflow.
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Lucey adjourned
the meeting at the hour of 4:25 p.m.
resident of t e Board of irectors,
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District,
County of Contra Costa, State of California