HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.a. Receive and accept the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP), Technical Executive Summary, and Executive Summary for community outreach Central San 8.a. BOARD OF DIRECTORS .......... ------------------ POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 1 2017 Subject: RECEIVE AND ACCEPT THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN, THE TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREPARED BY CAROLLO ENGINEERS INC., ET AL., AND THE PUBLIC OUTREACH EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREPARED BY KATZ AND ASSOCIATES AND STAFF Submitted By: Initiating Dept/Div.: Dan Frost Engineering & Technical Services 1 Senior Engineer Planning & Development Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. Gemmell—Planning & Development Services Division Mgr. JM. Petit— Director of Engineering &Technical Servicesi I{erg vn L.Alm Roger S.Bosley Counsel for the District General Manager ISSUE: It is appropriate for the Board of Directors to review and accept t Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) and the Technical Executive Summaries. BACKGROUND: On June 4, 2015, the Board of Directors authorized the General Manager to execute an agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. to develop the CWMP. The purpose of the CWMP is to create a roadmap for staff that helps identify infrastructure projects that may be needed to address several long-term planning objectives: • Preserve, maintain, or replace Central San's aging assets for the collection system and treatment facilities. • Meet increasingly stringent federal, state, and Bay Area.regulatory requirements for effluent discharges, solids handling, and air emissions. * Accommodate planned growth in the service area. • Achieve sustainability goals by optimizing energy production and use, while minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. • increase recycled water production for current and potential future customers. The CWMP includes information on potential rehabilitation, replacements and upgrades to the District's infrastructure which may be necessary to address the above planning objectives across three implementation phases: • Phase 1 (0 to 5 years covering FY 2017-18 to FY 2021-22) • Phase 2 (5 to 10 years covering FY 2022-23 to FY 2028-2027) • Phase 3 (10 to 20 years covering FY 2027-28 to FY 2038-37) POSITION PAPER Board Meeting date: June 1, 2017 subject: RECEIVE AND ACCEPT THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN, THE TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREPARED BYCAROLLO ENGINEERS INC., ET AL., AND THE PUBLIC OUTREACH EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREPARED BY KATZ AND ASSOCIATES AND STAFF In addition to developing several software tools (InfoWorkso collection system model, infoMaster@ sewer risk model, and BioWin@ treatment plant process model), the CWMP itself will be used as a planning and guiding tool, and reference document for staff. The CWMP provides staff with an understanding of how ongoing and phased improvements fit within the long-term plan, an understanding of how certain processes and capital improvements are interrelated, helps to prioritize improvements with a better understanding of facility-wide risks, helps to avoid potential future site conflicts, ensures there is adequate space on site to address future needs, and helps to plan ahead for potentially increased capital spending. The CWMP will be a dynamic document that will be updated as-needed and on a recurring basis (e.g. every 5 to 10 years or when new events impact certain sections of the CWMP) to ensure that staff and the Board of Directors have an up-to-date, long-term planning document when making decisions on how a new project fits or may impact central San overall. The CWMP does not commit the Board of Directors to implement the recommended improvements or to acquire the funds required to implement the recommended improvements; rather, it acts as an important guide on future issues and associated decision making. Staff seeks to clarify that the entirety of the CWMP consists of multiple volumes containing several thousand pages with appendices. There is a general section, a volume dedicated to the Collection System Master Plan and consists of 18 Technical memoranda. Another volume focuses on the Wastewater Treatment Master Plant and consists of 18 Technical memoranda. Refer to Attachment 1 for an outline of the CWMP. The CWMP is not currently available electronically. The CWMP will be available for public inspection at the District offices located at 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez in late July 2017. Please contact Elaine R. Boehme, Secretary of the District [phone: (925) 229-7303; email: eboehmecentralsan. rq] if you wish to review the CWMP or have any questions. The CWMP is not expected to be finalized until late July 2017. Once finalized, however, the CWMP itself will be a dynamic document that will undergo periodic modifications over the coming years. Even though the final CWMP isnot available at this time, the Board is being asked to accept it in draft form, and there is no intention that any further Board action will be necessary on this item. CEQA: Staff has concluded that the CWMP is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Central San's CEQA Guidelines Section 15252, since it involves planning and feasibility studies for possible future actions which the Board of Directors has not approved, adopted, or funded and the Board of Directors' acceptance of this document.will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. - Page 2 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 1, 2017 Subject: RECEIVE AND ACCEPT THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN, THE TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREPARED BY CAROLLO ENGINEERS INC., ET AL., AND THE PUBLIC OUTREACH EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREPARED BY KATZ AND ASSOCIATES AND STAFF The Board of Directors is not adopting or approving the CWMP. The CWMP is presented to the Board of Directors as a completed foundational planning study, subject to periodic revision, and only acceptance of the document is being requested. This planning study does not bind the Board to any specific future projects or approvals. The lack of legal effect of the CWMP is further demonstrated because central San is not required by law to adopt a Master Pian and neither Government Code section 00003 nor 55403 is applicable to this planning study process resulting in the CWMP. Central San will conduct an environmental evaluation of any capital project that is proposed in the future which is considered or recommended in this plan to determine the need for any additional CEQA documentation. For purposes of finding the CWMP exempt from CEQA, it should be noted that the CWMP Technical Executive Summary captures the elements of the CWMP that have been the subject of numerous Board workshops and public meetings over the past year. ALTERNATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: None. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None directly by this action. COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Central San is committed to continuing and improving public outreach and transparency. Over the last two years, Central San has made a focused effort to inform and engage elected officials, stakeholders, and the community on the CWMP through a series of outreach efforts: • Presentations at 11 Board meetings encompassing approximately 23 hours of information, discussions, reviews, and input. • Board of Director and General Manager interviews to address master planning priorities and concerns, community outreach goals, and to identify key community stakeholders to be engaged. • Interviews conducted with 20 key stakeholders to gauge awareness and perceptions about Central San, determine level of understanding among stakeholders about infrastructure needs, and obtain feedback on the most effective ways for Central San to communicate with members of the community. A bi-lingual telephone survey was conducted for 401 customers in the service area to gauge customers' perceptions of Central San, preferred communication methods, and reactions towards investment into Central San's infrastructure and associated rate increases. • Two focus groups were conducted to have a deeper discussion into some of the key themes that emerged through the customer outreach telephone survey. Page 3 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 1, 2017 subject: RECEIVE AND ACCEPT THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN, THE TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREPARED BY CAROLLO ENGINEERS INC., ET AL., AND THE PUBLIC OUTREACH EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREPARED BY KATZ AND ASSOCIATES AND STAFF * The Central San Academy was launched in 2016 to provide the public an opportunity to learn the ins and outs of Central San, including curriculum that covered Central San's infrastructure, future regulations, recycled water opportunities, the CWMP, budgeting, rates and financing. ■ Three outreach workshops (two for residential customers, one for commercial customers) to discuss the CWMP findings, infrastructure improvements, financial outlook, and other Central San programs and services. ■ Multiple PIPELINE newsletter articles to inform customers about the CWMP and drivers for infrastructure improvement. In addition to these efforts, central San participated in numerous city council presentations, events, speaker's bureau presentations and community meetings. This comprehensive outreach program was important to inform and engage customers. Central San will continue to provide information to the community and key stakeholders as capital Improvement Plan implementation efforts move forward. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Real Estate, Environmental, and Planning Committee reviewed this matter at the meeting on May 22, 2017 and recommended accepting the draft CWMP, the Technical Executive Summary, and the Public Outreach Executive Summary for distribution. RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: 1. Find the CWMP exempt from CEQA; 2. Accept the draft CWMP; 3. Accept the CWMP Technical Executive Summary; and 4. Provide comment if desired, and accept the CWMP Executive Summary for use in community outreach. Attached Supporting Documents: 1. CWMP Outline 2. Final Draft CWMP Technical Executive Summary 3. Final Draft CWMP Executive Summary for community outreach 4. CWMP PowerPoint Presentation Page 4 of 4