Cen trot
resident Pro Tera
I N U T E s HONE: (925)228-9500
FAX. (925).372-0192
3�1�Ytf'W.C'e�1lYCl lSLZYI.oYg
Monday, April 17, 2017
9:00 a.m.
2nd Floor conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair Paul cauaey
Member Tad Piieeki
Rand Reynolds, senior Land Representative, chevron corporation (left after Item 5.)
s to ff:
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Kent Alyn, District Counsel
Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager
Phil Leiper, Director of Finance and Administration (arrived during Item 3.)
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical services
Danea Gernmell, Planning & Development services Division Manager
Melody LaBella, Program Manager (arrived during Item 3.
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager (left after Item 5.)
Lori schectel, Environmental and Regulatory Compliance Division Manager
Dana Lawson, senior Engineer (left after Item 4.)
Randy Schmidt, senior Engineer (left after Item 7.)
Rick Hernandez, senior Dight-of-'may Agent deft after Item 5.)
Cindy Granzella, senior Administrative Technician
1. call Meeting to Order
Chair Causey called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes
April 17, 2017
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2. Public Comments
3. Receive memorandum from District Counsel regarding request to use standing items
on Committee agendas
Mr. Alm referred to his memorandum included in the agenda materials and explained
that there may be occasions when "no report"will be added to the agenda wording for
items where no action is requested because the Committee is just receiving a brief
report. However, if discussion is anticipated, or staff wishes to receive a direction on
a matter, the agenda wording should so indicate. He clarified his recommendation
that monthly updates may be verbal or written, but there should be no discussion
unless they are agendized for discussion.
Member Pilecki asked if this would apply to all Committees, and Mr. Alm confirmed
that it would. Mr. Bailey said that matters like this would normally go to the
Administration Committee, but since this Committee recently requested a number of
standing agenda items, it was deemed appropriate to continue the discussion here,
adding that he intends to speak individually with each Board Member to be sure each
is aware of Mr. Alms recommended course of action.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information and provided input to staff.
4. Receive update on Request for Proposals (RFP) for Program Management
information System (PMIS) Software and implementation Services
Ms. Lawson stated that the RFP is advertised on PlanetBids and all proposals are
due April 26, 2017. The intention of this project is to help with capital improvements
going forward. It should provide a snapshot of where each project currently stands,
whether it is on budget, and will help provide full transparency.
Chair Causey asked how this would integrate with SunGard, the District's financial
software. Ms. Lawson explained that there will be no direct link, but that expenditures
would be pulled out from our financial system, but that the procedures are yet to be
defined once the software vendor will be selected. Mr. Leiter stated that staff is
currently assessing whether to replace the SunGard system with a financial
enterprise system and we don't know yet how the systems will integrate, yet staff
does not want to delay this PMIS project. Chair Causey expressed his concern as to
whether this system will integrate with any financial system in the future. Member
Pilecki stated that the selected vendor needs to be familiar with different Enterprise
Resource Planning systems (ERPs.)
Chair Causey also suggested that during the selection process, a noncentral San
person should sit on the panel as a neutral third-party observer.
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April 17, 2017
Page 3
Mr. Petit explained that the RFP is to select both a PMIS software and an
implementation consultant to set up scheduling of activities for all the current and
future projects identified in the comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan and the
resulting ten-year proposed Capital Improvement Plan (C/P.) Staff will manage the
program management and links with the financial system will be created for our
existing system and updated when a new FRP system is later implemented. The
PMIS will not only provide program management but also project management tools
for planning, design and construction for each project.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
5. Discuss proposed Chevron Pipeline through Central San property
This item was taken out of order following Item 3.
Mr. Hernandez explained that staff has been approached by chevron with a proposal
to install a pipeline through Central San's Lagiss (Buffer Land) and Basins (Treatment
Plant) property. He displayed a map displaying the location. Ms. Gemmell explained
that the proposal was being brought to the Committee to gauge if there is any
interest; if so, a presentation will be given to the full Board.
Mr. Hernandez stated that there are currently seven existing pipelines within a 55-foot
easement. The current proposal is to place the pipeline within the current easement,
however there are alternative locations proposed as well.
Mr. Reynolds explained that the purpose of the proposal is to eliminate the use of
barges on the waterway. If Chevron can make the connection from the Richmond
refinery to Cinder Morgan in Martinez via pipeline, there will be no creed for barges.
Mr. Hernandez explained that this is all preliminary work, and staff is looking for
Committee input before having Chevron continue research and California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) work. Member Pilecki said he was comfortable
moving forward with the evaluation. Chair Causey expressed concern with liability
and risk, and noted that the future use of the land could potentially be compromised
with so many pipelines. He stated that he is not against the project, but would like to
have his concerns addressed. Both Chair Causey and Member Pilecki agreed to
authorize staff to explore with Chevron for right of entry.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Discussed and authorized staff to continue working with
Chevron to further explore the proposal before bringing it to the full Board.
5. Receive annual report on CoCo San Sustainable Farm
Ms. Gemmell reviewed the information included in the agenda materials, and pointed
out that the land use permit was received last year, a compliance report was
assembled to track conditions, and Central San installed asphalt on each driveway
per the land use permit. Recently a meeting was held with contra Costa County to
Real Estate, Environmental & Planning Committee Minutes
April 17, 2017
Page 4
determine what they needed►before moving forward with construction of the
Mr. Bailey stated that in meeting with each Board Member, a common sense of
frustration is felt because of the lack of visible progress. He asked if a list of definitive
needs has been provided to Ms. Phinney, Nis. Gemmell stated that the lease
identifies the performance measures. chair Causey expressed concern with the
amount of money spent to date on the project and inquired as to the current status.
He would like to see concrete deliverables. Member Pilecki suggested that the
recycled water ureter be installed so that it is ready when the land is ready for
Chair Causey requested a Capital Improvement Plan for the next three years. He
also requested a financial report on the amount Central San has spent on the Farm to
date. Member Pilecki suggested that the full Board receive this update.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the information, and recommended that the
Board receive a complete report on status of the Coco Sustainable Farm.
7. Receive update on status of proposed Bay Area Air Quality Management District
(BAAQMD) rule
Ms. Schectel stated that Rule 11-1 S, which is proposed to reduce air toxic emissions
from existing facilities, was slated for public hearing in May 2017, but has now been
pushed to July 2017. She stated that staff met with the Executive Director and senior
management to present constraints, and could prompt them to move all publicly
owned treatment plants (POTWs) into the second phase in regulation to provide a
few more years to ►begin the health-risk evaluation process, which Bay Area Clean
Water Agencies (BACW4) staff is also trying to get incorporated directly into the rule.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
8. Brief verbal update on recent meeting of Bay Area Clean Water Agencies (BACWA).
Information only. No direction requested
Nis. Schectel reviewed the key updates and said the next meeting will take place on
Friday, April 21. She stated that the Regional Board adopted the recent 303d list,
with the 303d proposed listing for tonicity moving from class 5 to class 3 (no total
maximum daily load.)
The optimization upgrade study for nutrients second workshop will be coming up in
June, and the deadline to finish the study is July 2013.
Ms. Schectel announced that a panel of experts met last year to discuss nutrients in
the Delta, and the white paper is expected next week. It appears the panel believes
there to be a lack of determining factors, and staff will review.
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April 17, 2017
Page 5
Chair Causey noted an article in today's newspaper stating that there is apparently
no problem with ground water(per the newspaper article), and that there is a greater
quantity of ground water than fresh water. Member Pilecki asked if staff could find
the article to distribute to the Board Members.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
9. Receive update on status of renewal of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (NPDES) permit
MIs. Schectel announced that the permit was adopted April 12, 2017, uncontested.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
10. Receive update on status of Dublin San Ramon Services District — East Bay
Municipal Utility District Recycled Water Authority (DERWA) Raw Wastewater
Diversion Request
Ms. LaBella reported that DERWA is working to set up a meeting,with representatives
from central San and Dublin San Ramon Servvices District(DSRSD) to explore two
gravity diversion options between Central San and D SRSD's collection system -- one
at the San Ramon Pump Station, and one with the 24-inch trunk sewer that delivers
wastewater flow from Dougherty Valley to the San Ramon Pump Station. In addition,
DRSD S's General Manager, Dan McIntyre., has,reached out to central San General
Manager Roger Bailey to set up a meeting to talk about the long-term exchange
option. Ms. LaBella will continue to keep the Committee updated as these
investigations and discussions progress.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the update.
11. Announcements
a. Future scheduled meetings:
Monday, May 22, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
Monday, June 19, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
Monday, July 17, 2017 at 9:00 a.m.
b. Mr. Bailey announced that staff has received an unsolicited proposal to place
solar energy installations on Central San property. Staff is in the process of
preparing a Request for Information for BioEnergy and another one for Energy
C. Ms. Gemmell announced that a presentation on.Applied Research will be
coming to the next meeting.
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April 17, 2017
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12. Suggestions for future agenda items
Chair Causey requested an update on the proposed Diablo country Club satellite
water recycling facility(SWRF).
13. Adjournment — at 10:32 a.m.