HomeMy WebLinkAboutENGINEERING & OPERATIONS MINUTES 04-11-17 8mdml )b)
centraicontra costa sanitaryc
FAX: (925)676-7211
Tuesday, April 11, 2017 wwvv..centralsan.Qrg
1:00 P.M.
2ndFloor Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Chair Jim Ne edy
Member Paul causey
s to ffe
Roger S. Dailey, General Manager
.Ann Sasaki, Deputy General Manager
Phil Leiher, Director of Finance and Administration (arrived during Item; 3.)
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical services
Danea Gemmell, Planning and Development Services Division Manager
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager
Cindy Granzella, senior Administrative Technician
1, call fleeting to order
Chair Nejedly called the meeting leetingr tY order at 1:00 p.m.
2. Public Comments
3. Receive report on status of District-ride easement initiative
Mr. Petit explained that the Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 4, raised the
question of how many easements andrights-of-way(ROW) the District has
Engineering &Operations Committee Minutes
April 11, 2017
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acquired and how many are left. Staff has been investigating records and data in
an attempt to answer this question.
Ms. Gemmell reviewed the presentation included with the agenda materials and
stated that staff has been working with the Asset Management group to begin the
"Easement Initiative." Staff had originally estimated about 390 miles of pipes
were in private property as easements but, after reviewing the numbers, which
includes private streets, the latest data suggests that the total number of miles of
pipes on parcels is about 555.
Member causey asked the process to acquire easements at the central San.
Ms. Gemmell showed the nine different types of ROW that can be obtained, as
shown on the presentation. Most of the neve pipes are built as a contributed asset
by developers who provide easements and dedications on subdivision maps.
Ms. Gemmell stated that the District considers many existing pipes on private
property as having prescriptive rights for central San though no specific
easement or Row is recorded. She referenced an ordinance whereby any pipes
shown on a central San collection system map have property rights, even though
no easement may be recorded. (Note: This is code Section 7.o 1.o 10.)
Currently, central San's ROUE agents maintain all Row and property data
original records in file cabinets. in 1995, many of the existing Row documents
were digitally scanned with limited success. That practice was not continued for
records after 1995. Since then the paper record keeping of the original signed
records has continued.
The scanned files up to 1995 are not easily readable. All ROW data paper
records will need to be scanned using the latest technology so they can be
attached to their respective parcels in the new ESRI geographic information
system (GIS). once that is available, staff will be able to easily perform queries to
search this data and determine how many pipeslparcels have easements and
how many do not.
Ms. Gemmell reviewed the next steps, explaining►in more detail the new
"Easement Initiative"project. Summer students) will be hired in the next few
months to scan and populate existing easement data to Laserfiche, and staff will
work to link the easement records to the new GIS platform.
Member causey stated that this is a worthwhile and necessary project, and he is
greatly in favor of it.
Chair Ne jedly stated that this is an unfortunate situation, because he remembers
addressing this issue in the past, and it still has not been resolved. He finds the
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April 11, 2017
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situation very disturbing, and stated that it will costa lot of money to account for
all the easements. He requested a report on all costs associated with this
initiative, as it proceeds.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the report and provided input to staff.
4. Review draft Position Paper to approve a contingency project in the amount up to
$395,000 for the Miner Road Sewer Repairs, District Project 3439
Mr. Lopez stated that the project scope has now changed. The City of orinda has
come to an agreement with the property owner and the proposed culvert has
been redesigned. The new culvert is 15 feet wide by 7 feet high and includes
overflow piping. Staff is now looking at replacing 160 feet or more, instead of the
initial 50 feet, based on the latest design proposed by the City. He explained that
the draft Position Paper will be revised to recommend Alternative 1 now, instead
of requesting funds for Alternative 2.
Member Causey suggested taking all funds from the same source, instead of
taking $95,000 from another project and other funds from another source. He
would prefer that the full amount comes from the same place, and can be
reimbursed to the same account when necessary. staff concurred and Mr. Lopez
also indicated that the project funding could come from the.Self-insurance Fund
since it is an emergency project.
Chair Nejedly voiced his concern over the amount of time this is taking to get the
work resolved.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval with
changes discussed.
5. Receive change order Log, Quarterly Reports, and Bid Schedules to compare
budgeted versus actual costs, including project status and close-outs
Mr. Lopez responded to questions about the reports included in the agenda
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the reports.
G. Receive list of Scheduled/Parking Lot items
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
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April 11, 2017
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7. Announcements
a. Future scheduled meetings:
Tuesday, May 9, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday, June 5, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.
b. Mr. Lopez announced that the District-wide Patch Paving project would be
returning to the next meeting, as the lowest bidder has been unable to
obtain a performance band. Staff will be recommending that the next
lowest bidder be awarded the contract.
5. Suggestions for future agenda items
9. Adjournment-- at 1:55 p.m.