HomeMy WebLinkAbout07. Receive debrief from the Danish Tour on Innovation attended by Director of Engineering and Technical Services Jean-Marc Petit 7■ FACT US $- TEWATE'R'._ . D E L E G_ A&I-0.' N. TO DE""NMARK MARCH 5=1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA : ANI . ..R STRICT Jean-Mare Petit Director of Engineering and Technical Services BEEP Committee May 22, 2017 INVITATION On behalf of the Danish Knietry of Foreign w Affairs the Water Technology Alliance is ` 4 proud to invite you an a WasteNater Fact Finding trip to Denmark in March 21117. w 1 4; 1 l Jakob Andersen CALIFORNIA Danistl C"sul General WASTEWATER FACT FINDING Tlrilp TO DENMARK -A urdque opportunity to experience first-hand haw Denmark is worfdng to optimize wastewater treatrri".ertsrgr efficiency,resource recovery and water duality. From Manch 5"to March V ttre Danish water Technok•gv Xtiances in Chicago and r..alifomia Et hosting a focused week tang Fart Finding trip to Denmark for carefulky setetted US staktWder3.Apart from the airfare to Denmark the trip is paid lof in FUN by the orgarzeis. We are delighted to iricJude you In a swap gawp of carefcdly selected utitities and key stakeholders who are formally invited to part(tate in the trp. The Fact Finding trip will be an intense wtek land deep dive into specific soiuti`rts and innovative projects.A''e have Put together a tight pacl�d program xrlth a combina€ion of on-site vislts,visits to key Innovators and profscts shatcasing what Denmark n81 implement tomorroty acrd the Fears ahead.As a participant you Oculd expect long days dedicated to professionaf d'iscussions..n other words-tlps is not a leisure trip,but an educational journey that hopef0jo will leave bots'ym and the people you visit miser and invired to tale action. You WE he part of a small,group of d"cated water and we expect to dedicate a foil day 9f the program to share and discuss the challenges you ire working with to ensure ruu rrt or-4y get nerd knowledge and Inspiration but also spe0ic action polr--ts for 9mpiementadon upon;slam w the uS. with consideration to the very limited number of avtlatge spots,the further p:anniny of the trip and our abi9ty to maadrn'sze the output for 4111 participants vie would greatly amreclate a commitrinq RSVP from You no later than;and preferably before]February t`2017 to marard;•rsm.dk. r'4 �• {;� All participants will recelve a fact finding program package a few creeks prior to drpartare. 'Ale took forward to hear from You. The Plater Tec hinol 1gy AMianCe5 in California 6 Chieago r• 5/15/2017 PARTICIPATINGAGENCIES * CCCS D (1) • EBMUD (1) • S F P U (2) •nag$ CMSA(2) ; .� AA .: • Inland Empire (2) • • VVWRA(1) a • West Lafayette, IN (2) • Freeport, IL (1) • CASA 1 • Ed McCormick • American Bottoms, IL (1) , f� FACTS ABOUT Geography • Geographic region:Scandinavia • Time zone:European(GMT+1) . • Climate:Temperate,humid and overcast,mild.windy winters and cool summers .�.. •;�,,..�. ,r•7 �...,. • Area:42,916 square kilometers Denmark • Capital,population:Copenhagen 731,187(2014) = Other major cities:Aarhus 256,018 and Odense 170,327 Demography • Population:5,627,235(2014)Population density:130.5 pr.square kilometer(2014) Economy = Currency-Danish Kroner,DKK.1 Krone(6.7 DKK=1 USD,2416),(7.46 DKK=1 Euro.,2016) Government • Since June 28,2015,the present Government has consisted of the Liberal Party of Denmark(minority government) • Prime Minister:Lars Lokke Rasmussen from the Liberal Party of Denmark(Venstre).Member of:UN,OECD,EU, NATO,Schengen,OSCE,IMF,WTO and others.Form of state:Constitutional monarchy • Head of state:Queen Margrethe 11(since January 14,1972) More information on Denmark and the Danish energy story can be found at htt :/fstatevf reen.comien/ a es/facts-aboul- denmark 2 5/15/2117 DENMARK Sweden Suomi Norge Finland ON W Norway , [�arsrn�rk �d� United Kingdom %A 659napy Ireland ) Polska -Belarus' I' tyre rQeutschland Poland „ GeFinany,. YKPaTHa est retch Ukraine ' ► ; Austria France Rom5nia, t Romanl,6 Italia' P fli E Spain J1ha5a' Turkiye f - _ V- Ysbotq All% or �yta S �� FI•xr�lt�s `SY•�F spun ! V;Wd+ fr c PA.0 ii Est;{�Cvq ice. ffti"�!1!1}, `M tit ° rr Q' N M3 Ud�se Stii�e1;A � to 7T' i� I Now1 Locations visited while on the tour 5/15/2017 3VANO tiSfT'A N!"W SfXUTIONS Our International aaJeclive CsJnWiy profa+e Untidy uowcrttutori Jur international objective Danish companies and organisations are at the forefront of green technology and knowhow.This site IS YOLK gateway to the water solutions that we at Aarhus Vand stand for-and we welcome you. CLAUS HOMANIN Developnvrrt W Aarhus Vand4 Phow+45 89 47 13 00 Our goal:Export and attractive job:3 There X43 se:rcral qcW ieascxts vwtry we as a utAly csxrpiny watt to kvk beyorM our Wdem aW palticipale in IntiCYils3lK"nUsskxts We want t4 suprt the expot pcitertUM of[)arosh Wallet lectuiakw 41 do"C4w@`it'1Wn with DanKh expoil conpanies ad c mix-ies wnimig with the pronwtlon W expym Chi role WW".s proMiny krow_how and making oior demonsVaW ptaMs ayaga#�e. An mlematlrxW dimensW niches our conVany woore alttactivC as a titiwxkjtac:e,In ads On,we acture new krO~ge tticoi,gh your lrjterriatkmal AC*dtlas 11-W hear;,W=mase aril dcve+op W prccvssrss and lxacedwes thus in'otirrr+ring Aarhus Vand. BEEN MEN! 3VAND NEW SMUTIONS ASOUT US Water Technology Alliance - a strong strategic collaboration between Denmark and the Us Water Technology Aliance(V TA)is a strategic collaboration CLAUS HOMMN which involves Denmark,sharing with the U5 the knowledge gained through decades of experience within the areas of Chief•r wastewater treatment technology,energy management, ' '" torrential rainstorm operations and related issues. Phom 11 '1 3 Danish water utilltles are ahead when It conies to fachnology,plannlrxj and know-how-With water and wastewa3er having became a crlticai issue not only in the US but also on a/global scale-the D - 1;.;3,3L s t has. logelher with:VAItl'i'forriied the Water TechnciNy Alliance(WTAy- lay hawing repre en atwes from Me Ieadin�l Danish tAlit es spread lite,"about Denmark having had the sante challenges that the Am=erican utliltles are presently facing.there is a strong tenet that Vie cooperation bemeen Me American ut€ililes and the DanisF!Vhter Ind ltstry Wits blossom and gala advantages th ough the Mods m de by WT'A. 4 5/15/2017 WASTEWATER FACT FINDING ToUR • AarhusVand — Marseilsborg, Aarhus • VCs Denmark — Odense • Grunfos • Landia • Danish WEF (DANVA 4. • Nissen Energy • DHI , W +........... � . ,I N.. axu AARHUS ora*husvand The travels of the Vikings I traders aarhusvand Velcome to Ares(the mouth of the river) The Viking city Aros from the year 700 is both a castle,port,marketplace and naval base - t The king Harald Blaiand(Harald bluetootr:)958- ti's► 987 fortifies Aras and turner it into a naval base, The countrys first bishop had its seat in the My,and � ti the merchants turves it into a lively trading town 986 ad.The VVTA came to the American continent`7 p Y r It is the second oldest city in the Nordic contries..It Is Unic since the center of town hase been the same for the last 1200 years. 6 5/1512017 Master Plan —Wastewater Treatment aarhusvand 4 } Egh WWTP .ate 2008-2016 S` 2020-2030 Aaby WWTP 71 Egh WWTP ALI #-i120,400 PE .. 84,001 PE tit r4 tot - r 1 0 INV K n 4 a�• a of r, Marsellaborg WWTP My WWTP Marsellabvrg WWTP Mirw r . .� 470,000 PE j Omni 4. k 7 Ek MPM 83,000 PE 220,000 PE Aarhus Vand Tariffs aarhusvand E/m 3 Water and Wastewater tariffs 2013 2014 2015 2016 Drinking water,price 1,45 1,403 1,4.4 1,12 Government tax 0,82 0,82 a,'88 1,05 Sewage disposal charges 3010 3,26 3,34 1,77 VAT 1,34 1,37 1,41 1,30 Water and Wastewater Tariff per rn3,incl.VAT 6,72 6,85 7,07 6,23 Exchange rate: 7,45DKK/€ 7 5/15/2017 aarhusvand 4. Discharge Standards - Development Discharge Standards — Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants Parameter 2016 (sensitive areas) BOD,5 mg/l 150 25 15 10 25 Total N Mg/I - 8 8 15 Total P mg/I 1.5 0.4 1 Type treatment M IVIR Mei NP MBNPS Legend M=Mechanical MB=Mechanical-Biological MBNP=Mectiaiiical-Biological-Nitrogen-Phosphorus removal MBNPS=Mechanical-Biological-Nitrogen-Phosphorus removal and sand filtration (1)Council Directive 91/271/EEC of 21 May 1991 concerning urban waste-water treatment aarhusvand Polluter Pay Principle—Domestic and Industrial connectio' ex l, 0 Wastewater services of Aarhus Water(Investment and O&M) V 100%over by the customers after"Polluter Pay Principle" # Domestic connections pays according to the tariffs sheet 0 Industrial connections pays according to .,/ Notice of special contributions for particularly polluted wastewater Limits(valid from 1st Januar 2016) 1 F_ Parameter Tariffs 2016 (fJkg)IncI.VAT COD > 1600 mg/l 0.21 Total N > 100 mg/l 2.38 Total P > 15 mg/I 3.92 5/15/2017 aarhusvand 4 Wastewater Takes — Payed by Aarhus Water Tax Payment to Government Tax Rates—Pollution Discharge 1 Total N flkg 4 Total P EIkg 22 BODS EIkg 2 Playa Layout aarnusvand Marsellsborg WWTP - 200,000 PE t' if f rt �. •i` r. 9 5/15/2017 DEAMMONIFICATION -- DEMON If �r a .- Y k 4- r I. w _rr 4- SIMULTANEOUs NiT A Ff' lij•� -'sem-=�� h e�yA C y i »r 10 5/15/2017 HEAvy RELIANCE AND HSE OF INSTRUMENTATIONS n � 1 fi ?{ x,54 i f 8 i ie 10 0 1 i �.I J aarhusvand Power Consumption and Power Production , MJarselisborg WWTP, Electricity, 2004-2016 ' IJ. - r Ile V Q V Y4 i1NY V y yLeV�VVV 2R/VSfIJyQ a _ taEs7�7 - - aft-.y� ■?raxk6:' 5/15/2017 MARSELISBORG PLANT, AARHus • 2010-16. optimization of Power' Consumption and Production • 2010-11 :Replacement of 2 biogas engines 2011 : Replacement of blower * 2013: Sale of surplus heat • 2015: Sidestrearn anammo * 2015: Replacement of 1 biogas engine • 2016: Replacement of 1 Dekanter Optimized Energy Production Improved Biogas Utilization HEAT F1 FAT Q 0 V 0 Digester Q 00 , g District Heating System D a r FLRI W7-FR 0 r_ ELECTRICITY Agriculture Power Grid System 12 5/15/2017 Process optimisation 2003-2008 N-removal controlled NH,,-and NO;,online SCADA System: `r A • Online control ammonium og phosphor � Control of blowers according to W44-load estimate Controlling sludge age g g C h i e ve m e n t s; �..��,.,.. ...��....� .,. • Reduction of electricity consumption I eduction,—700.000 kWh/year Reduction in WW tax 850.000 kr./year Optimized energy production aart,usvand Phase 1:Replacement of 3 old gas engines with i wo h Igh efficiency - 2 pcs 250 kW CIII'Units project .: Implementation 20t0-1 .a. • ConstrlrctIOn rvst� #;382.000 u • Replacement of 2 bioga�eNnes: 'Electric-tty;production(€�r.#rlitica+nal prn�rctu n) a I rox.1 ai b` kV'h!year ■ CO2-reduction:426 tonslyear pay ba['1 trrrrne(# 1)3 years New gas e Power efflooncy -; fx SurptLes treat eftle, Toter eff clency N of 13 5/15/2017 Optimized energy production Phase 2:New CHP and gas treatment v n a Gas engin*installation: Key data for the project: Implementation: 2015 ■ Gas treatment-Activated cartoon * Power production(surplus production): 900.000 kWlvyear • Investment:3,7 mill.DKK.(430,000 Ey C0,7-reduktlon:376 tonslyear RQI approx-4 year n <. New gas engine * 1 pcs.358 kW CHP biogas molar Gas Treatment: Power efficiency 40% d r ' iws r. K C ' Iry Replacement of one HV Turbo blower in 2011 a a rh u sva n d HV Turbo blowers - 1992 $ W Reduction in electricity p� consumption : 300,000 h/yea r {` C0153 tons/year ` Construction costs : US$270.000 i • Pay back time (R01): 4-5 year y 1 ABS HST Compressor ' i it 12 v 1. 14 5/15/2017 �r VCS Odense --the 3rd largest city in Denmark 200,000 Inhabitants i ...� Ar- VC . Our Vision and Company Values VCS Denmark will be a role model-locally,nationally and internationally. We wish to create maximum value for our customers -and,preferably,more than they expect. Responsibility Innovation y Professionalism ; Loyalty Commitment � Humor 15 5/15/2017 VCS Denmark �-��� �, Key figures Water supply Wastewater 45 production wells 115 kM2 catchment area 7 watenvorks 2,200 kirn of sewers 9.1313'mill, m-1 supplied water per year 390 storm'water overflows 1,029 km of pipellne 300 pumping stations,main sewers 49.000 water meters 26 tons sludge production(22 pct.dry 164.000 inhabitants supplied solids) 14 treatment plants 36 mill.m3 treated per yeal- 582,200 treatment plant capacity,PE i-OP1111011" Example. Average household expenditure based on a consumption of 110 M3 per year. Water tariff 968.00 Groundi,vater protection 110-00 Annual meter fee 480.00 Green tax(water) 687.50 Annual wastewater fee 590.00 Wastewater tariff 3454.00 Vat 25% 1,572,SO Total,Vat incl. 7,861.25 1,062.00 1,123,10 16 ■ Creating the WWTP of the future • w , ,.r•yy _ +vim--.a . .n .-fes--, ,�'• ,�}. �., - -. i{4''i,s +" 5/15/2017 WNW �� f TOcolt - -� rw �a cryrflW ►'ro►3fwr PC W&M b T &Few �`►n w�°" C+de+rst ROW AR Ab O"C*95 vW. o ant i firs b »aw $ ahi - -------------------- s, Moe Waste rater Treatment Plant Figure 1-l;jby hfolle IVNWP Process Flow Diagram and Summary of Key Facilities OW x. �e J,006 ' vi - 2 NY7 i4x� ill? RIP; t'-•: Figure 2-Actual Energy Profile(Electricite only)as a Result of Ef3O Implementation— EMArVNN"TP 18 5/15/2017 Availability of detailed historic energy consumption and generation data is key in the evaluation of optimization opportunities Ejby Molle WWTP 2011 Annual Average Electricity Consumption T?1 too-1t lot oolw� I AIM SkmW -so' ' Frra4r�;crier MOWN I i Ike .4c Yrv.s;ed�udgc am% U%Nmc:g 0-0" A,r.alrrY 3EI Ejby Molle WWTP 2011 Annual Average Electricity Consumption Sc ree P.-ar K,and Gr a ase P1 m a ry Tr-t at rr.e rf Thi[lte nj qjDe wate;n g JIB% 3.09% Cemrifluge 6.44% OM" Pumping to Trickling Falters ilii Z.25'J1 Anaerobic DlpesWn Sludge Star ar- VX 'Fric Ming Filters- Re C-f f w Amts F4%-PµI 4.73% 10,4314 Trilk6ongHters- UMUS wMPjnj AcMated Sludge-Oft,,efTric kir-i Filters-Adtu orn 0.24% Pu rnpi ng to Act Sl.0 dge WA5PUMpfng Anwrolink Acfivated54udge ZOPI'Micess A-tivated!Sludge- RAS Purnpag D.85% A c"zed Sludge- GWdaflon Ditch Wnsog Oft h 0.0 1 Aic'n 3.0991 Figure 3-2011 FNINI.-XVIT Energry Consumption 19 5/15/2017 Wastewater focus changes over time Ory Hygiene Environment Climate and rr��SnUCCES Ejby Moeller WWTP Optimization Project: Achieving net positive energy efficiency while complying with stringent effluent demands .Y Short List mplement chemically enhanced primary treatment(CEPT) Decommission TF and convert TF clarifiers to CEPT for wet weather-treatment ►� ,► Operate at shoe ter SRT in AS system Reduce effluent filtration operation to 12 hoUrs per day /e-direction of high-strength organic waste - /m plementing deammonification for N r,-rnoval sidestream Implementing deammonifications for N f removal rnainsUeam ., Replace aeration system in oxidation aitch V*w CHP engine i y 20 5/15/2017 Sludge reduction Superhtrated Slearrr Daring and Pyrolysis. u! The th er m at e n e i Sy;s,recoverable and sv It able lot ill so Ic t or prices heating r rAEa - ree�m, purpose. The residuat blochar Is rich art plant available phosphcwus and Is suitable as a Fertilizer product witliln the agriculture Industry, " SUBLIMATION rneaas going from solid form to gas form without passing throkigh the 11(juld phase.It Is a Flash Pyrolysis system. 0 SUBLIMATOR plants are able to Convert all kinds of organic material Into gas and acMated carbon or BIOCHAR In a fast and efficient way vilthout the use FRICHS 41s of bacteria or enzymes. CCC TEG-11 A clean gas can be delivered to gas erigine/tutbine-generaiors,or other uses. At I Ivated tartan or BloC h at is generated. 05car Company Rotary kiln Maybe able to perform pyrolysis Emissions next step after energy neutrality I tonnes methane equivalent to 25 tonnes CO2 Science for Environment Policy N20 equivalent to 298 tonnes CO2 Former research on N20 emissions from waste water very uncertain Some utilities makes CO2 Nitrous oxide is now top ozone-layer damaging omission accounting without including N20 and Acwdng to r*w r#Homh.onusi*?ns of wttw(*xKWm t*oos oxxio(Nzo)4we now(A,$vV Methane rtwo dwooge lio V ohxw jayw oloo mow of"owtfoW OZlx*dWkdV Wstono*4 Qi*Is prt*KWd to remdmn Ow caw kx the test of titin*mtjxy.Tbo study sug"sts that homtV At the moment no Qi* reasons for N20 6111iSswins rXAN h9%)mile Ow fecovwy of the ozone I"&W W&W ditnnto chmvp econo minimizing N20 many ozorw-owp4"I 3umtxscoi trade been masN co as a re"at ft*ktwvL�jj aic m,qdaV1 t4 Eu*05�rwf-N.(j 5 EMvfd#W MK"N-d WT4000ae"sao"O,ft WWI WKLory W a &YPrudw rA a7xLdhr-'V"wT me aM hw krW ko4 t �Kwi ft robe to azrne d"ron has be4!n Nw_y%n Rx SCWW Vems&W It F.VMLW IV CFC,'s in 9-kat A M st-*k-WWfl It*treat*C t'am's SAK(JCe NA tt*aM.41 WtW�, *�- mq aKUvr chewxaft wh&,tramporw inx!lie suL*mptwe:tw*"n.o and ry itm itwri tie kokKe� 4owevre UQ is rKA dekied as an ODS wKky rw&tc ikeLk Prziocoi aw,aft�it*a greentw-Kme 9j%(00�p; m&tkd a are Dom* rA 4&mn ahW�rt KvM m_4ocA� -Is"-UOns remao,"eg"ed *400 made, j 21 5/15/2017 Why international cooperation? Personal experiences English! New perspective on daiiy work What are you doing? Why am I doing this the way I do It? Self reflection Inspiration Professional development Attracting the best new employees Personal motivation _�.•,i rat�.:,;�y act ':. �lrK�l.4 N+ M 0 T I VAT "" ,msµ =mild Launching our international cooperation Facilitated thFQugh CH?M Kickoff workshop in 2013 for dsammonifiication technology Letter of Intent 6ErFa 7F4Ar:pT VC5 .� rtrx h.orrw. s� resQa1urs off' a Chun' C�aQf OON Areas of cooperatio a OeammoniFcatian-sidejrnainstream Maintenance of online sensors Ammonia-based aeration control ' Nutrient removal optimization Energy production !� a MEET � R k •I 22 5/15/2017 Other ongoing projects Insulation of digestion tanks `' Alternative cooling of server roams M Centralized sludge digestion Imptementmg sidestream and mainstream ' deamrnorifrcation far N control WATER Measuring nitrous oxide ur-s�u�rc€s Developing"hybrid"aeration concept by 7W UTILITY' Afforestation cornbining mechanical and diffused aeration A FUTURE" systems Integrated watershed modelling 4` 'UUA Development or methods For a„climatic" optimization of all our projects - Establishing Photovoltaic power plants Where are we today in this Well field modelling and optimization journey... Energy optimization of building mass We are recovering water Base flow maintenance of Odense t; River We are recovering energy EMWRRF energy net-positive (�15C1°Ia) We are recovering nutrients `1 Co-composting our biasolids with municipal green waste z - R.. R. r �f: 'At,rj.:.. r' KIM `l 1 i� A e 23 4i;�i+ f, '"S '. a.. '� J• v'r 'I �I'.`F_.. r ty ..—r .. I ri J 'sr a�'+�,' r\Y n a {•r f`7 `, a ',r . •x JI x r , r �► ' ,c ,, f 'i f;r e f 5 i Y y' a-`• 1�.��-4�'�• ,w4 i�1 � e y e i - ''4�,# a.'n .'� •�* t;�- s '4..s 'EIt�1' S Xf r•+,# 4°.YI !r �'i��`lr.tit � 'f•�' u{1 y $l x M ' ?{A' 74 n ! ow PO - i • E r r +fir RNA i _ k i' Me 10 J f �ir e ' A7 i I-Ew 'NNW .1 •mss ,. r � , •F � Y ,.4 V . 4M1000 1 i kv i f rte. ,. y 5/15/2017 F011 A �rMrf •. .i ...R..� ILTNING OG :...: ¢ ! •f r A ' wl����"�yG X11' ^M 1 MOM 000 Mom r k• Fr i .• ,s l ll s`yy r,.y Vilma �w■ 111M'4 r � ,;ftw now+E�lw���!!!!!w�<.': r�� mow " WSW Now Achieving energy neutrality Identify energy optimization opportunities; concentrate on short-term, readily implementable scenarios to reduce consumption and/or increase generation, decreasing GHG emissions �r Identify and document all options, including IA� longer-term opportunities for positive net energy status for future consideration Plant-oilde mass and energy balance model used to evaluate operational and facility energy optimization scenarios Collaborative approach identified "operational" Project received 2013WIEx path to energy self-sufficiency Process Optimization award Implementing sidestream and mainstream deammenification for N control WATER RESOURCES Developing „hybrid"aeration concept by �ri[T ' combining mechanical and diffused aeration FUTURE systems F t U jUA Ir 26 Velkommen oelega#on fra C.alifornierl: KLIrSLISlokale 1 8c 2 3Vand. Modelokale 4 well'i -mac.•._.f } _,,J f f 5 Y � .ow t IF 5/15/2017 vs -TO6 VC tGtj�,L tit(Ot4i( 4 OWAT ON IN Ur et hew L —1 a low jmw -ore �� fn 1 28 5/15/2017 :wkiff�l�11� } All-ho Pumps and Mixers PUMPS MIXERS AERAYORS LANDIA GASMIX k. PVMPS WXERS OLE RATORS GAS N11X AEMSUMS SLAVIC tSPAREPARIS AEf[REkCES tASO VAS1EWATER WOCAtP1AUTS +;s;cr.y�+,t�,",'.sw;� r[7-Ci!38Y P..t'CP=`.F"ii?US�MY iRl AT 1.1(#1T P k�►;'SrfC T S !14[ollatcw![�1t! vft ae s Aifins Y1rY11Rl11t1�4T f�D l�EElell 0 4,•-r.-1�A..4?,PAT s+�t"f�!-•�k.�Y�3+►trR t r _ •Tettu.stat r�{�,t lgpne� A-car!va"nn IS 3ov-ai w-t �+k ys CattKt,er rrs�»Y Read a%,"0&aut racial 9:w:l:.•�r2 t•=�e,l>4sy drt fl rAieS _ pbotmnt at E"A &4'tv'm t'•6[6 ti'!eE•Of Ml al -hair t041 r f0 0t61 maw* - 7 T • if I t [s ti� s�s is t f y i 29 1 y ..,, �tikrr°.• � k y v 1 44- r.. a � ea sell to j t k MEN CnUNDFaS D. RV AOTA Piroducti Otundfos. � � ��� l,r++i i.enAr,rka lknE trakning 4 r flak f1ld,ll vu7cs�nle [,nwsdfrsa F�rrr{et tatprrrafkrn 5/15/2OI7 HI XW fafixic:5. Institute for Water and Environment),is an international software development and engineering Nip consultant firm headquartered iWAFM in Denmark which specializes in ,rw-�V hydraulic and hydrological modeling software.Originating in an institute founded in 1964, DHI has about 30 offices vvw�� throughout the world,with U V;I/fAw-Z software development centres in Singapore and Horsholm, ...'. Denmark,and approximately 1100 employees. .doe P1 AN I s SUMMAky of iMVF%-�&"ft-r4Ca0K1tj or. F1 a PAN* iNkO14 31 5/15/2017 WATER AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT Contending with rapid urbanisation and stetter envifonrrterital regulations Wa'ry arnt ara+"---�feeaFerer+t cucr5+rne5,the m jomi 61"energ,[n*zta+jl WjS r.�r.'aec3�cse tie pai&ate(4"a"c a fess tnlr`Wm2 rranref VVV U0:A-aal$'kW� 4Ogy CDM! 3W.-1 a-ah ge sterids aro!opts-owa "bowls-l:s of a°a ers&r can t•e S.30ed Less--nervy Zr,afso meacr a xMW C 3;IcNwim r&3Ucj?d use aF Ch4Cr�+C3t3 ir'A`Y±'�'efN4.iM'MrC Clrat3'i tnere�y Ye s5ar,8�9�'.`wr x!spxt C'1 J1E enre"nrarra�l7 sM�Ili&=ant{y Making 9uc-wzf:o,Tf-„ertt.a w'atae ane Ass*A-,tar trorst t var-ts is tsar an zpbw 2nyrrLire Fffkit,”anj eRYCwrit M wjret$ Mas C@ ome 3 rb:e;::;r.in oitl0r c me--I TSP gnwf rig needs rN f-wa ratansati m and[YRn%, -_han gge.its atso mw.'6d IG met Vie mtrna-ro C'r'.W:t�r nvrowantig rertdi 45'eas THE CHALLENGES 'W-0pg Wa rmt ft t rt:gruw.;PDctA rci •�IisiYe-��trnr+ti�trearns�+',r a�ecfit •1i'8.'i�ing ersvoill*xrt lrnax�la r.rtpy.�euh�rYt erurr.;rtr±ielr}�rag��Yans .Reducmy--01 fprytwYnl OUR APPROACH At EINE}.we nat4:fa st ltt'v�aril?estr.tir di rriasie-tie to 5;+ tcu'+4a nmve wart erner time M Wer and*sS1eA9ffir uud i Cnt CAdt ap"n-isa_TMm-'he[ar fre}•:!mr.kWov4 ywr lttvnem �rE3:e5$es ardt 5r1417'+S$yo'Jr�1pQrdtlC t�5 alt G;�tl 78!tt7W.'CYC SL W:,of rlXir T!�'tr,1 CiG3"ihj`WCJt ru*c ed erwpY a.nxrx*.re.Ae aiko hmwe the rociaiwW teas fc r atc,%Aft rmybfa,ng rw d rimtra? ra.kw at tntwae+l eau narraTt~r arra afwjws to sLWGLd yr dYtbims tr c-awpr,as wiz WOW M'925'erHi<Dr+n6,1�..'S'W C'3ea 1TW Snllk8oa5 to 710!4 yCwt meet 2':YfrG�inflgd`r�JtaYl!af�a5 Nree L111R SOLUTIONS fraattsant t@ .Re,�rre cintra a i tenisaaYx} E�rr�Y •lnww2hpid:W!ol or se"Fi 4mx,s am steal-$rne tFr:;rH1r€i§� ;•asta waw Tfeat wo'tan:-S r,7rrYY i P) •Ga^a m4ngray� mar.�*rsent 4 -DiE ULTIMATE GOAL EffECTIVE AND EFFILTEN1"ATER AND WASTEWATFR TREATMENT tt+e +rF Fix 1i1�7��lwif 04N Well operated wastewater tranimAtil plants can is r or + + F ATM t WWTP evaluation and optimization by DHI On site evaluation DHI monitoring unit WEST k . WEST DWS.CORE DIMS CURE r�Z6 /61-110 I. 32 5/15/2017 cost-savingsReal-time process controls D Effect and optimization of aeration Tool box,principles,security treatment pars.eau Cry+ rlE C� .w atraryr �.caa�nr •�`-.-- _' YW,&.d yl..,n.test S. . aaa wuq - i oo.rr�orr was,f - r .-.-..__._- - Ib.,Awrr at Mqr P; yI + i+ i ....,. Ord i: 20* "'�""'" - ;• How to evaluate efficiency and capacity of s.eyf. aeration q : 40-70%of enFrgy %"at is Mea!5UFexiyenl5 help toasts is used herel happening? us underswnci pry Off-gas measurement is needed to evaluate efficiency Aq r..ale.rnt uvea 4_is ooawed ny aR-gas rrlca�td>:[g wrq en Ike surt8'e Software sensors.data mining,slaH&lcal roodels Load larecaSltng,ana[yta Predlcftr&oariy waming 6�.;:.\5 4!FiSl�4EPfHM1T , rbssr_j &ai:tur-W 'WEST and Mlke Urban Sewer blokinetfc models • 7w 4a0X~iY,CMN � �1+l:+rsurlsimriwd Fren- • 3y�es�aee�.�bnrlMMrrn - �„r<-rrt�� *t'nievraa,»x a rro.wKfr I� -.` , . ak\Wlr/fe9a l t r.a.wtora.VANr. ..+�. Sn AF,vxyrge: mit C+1 Stt. PLC , Rtporti.etc Items that can be optimized.Data to he used for evaluation ria C .,.y : of optimization potential is shown in boxesse ist,,.l�r i mc =+ . �Y f t- Smart Monitoring-data and Prediction Data Flow MMS CORE Increase treatrnentI I Software ernixr,early '1 �"� capacity) I Jfeminp,cor usl a;�c idwna I �y yam. I modei5 1 AUWMZ h7 Mu Pass y ••••,•• -. Oatf i,IvrAsf �vwwtrd uata , �' vasrtaewaaa rt►Iz,tt.lncr PrebA:lled Ott -- � segana ldeaiileraeentf 3't1e*11t:W diff °^'�I! G.Icrmtallet�d Qata Validation,F t,rs __.. t: Fonou{mars A4gragativn,OrA[no data V"Ua1i1Dh6n,Reporiireg R3 lki. 33 5/15/20117 Distribution of load to clarifiers rk Wastewater GHG Emission Challenges . Se-nof fraction ofc4..-0—(L IQ,<=+yysisaai N,O emission 8% 26% Up eo 190X Re)l;lVU"mJ'r n TtY iLM rn-.;r.of z,^,A 4jV,t:w0-1±n'kei cejr-#,IA,S--,;,p:.)LI'ft Jf•m)kw,n!rkmee Total greenhouse gas Cow.mha i th,w orjw se,o Amvw r r ,sr:w 1 i Sc.R;-t v rIM1 emissions in CO. Globally Clarifier'state'diagram-Overview Vowifi.r51aPADi*Vmrn r,1110'v Ix?=�['i5V`'�I[p•mr'x ' L � 'I Qaro+Q,}'SS—X•Q,IiA Tan t+f U-3DQ Ton CO,equiva*jIts vhtr f LR „tx1=�''�,,lA Sources of GHG from Wastewater Treatment E fees P1406 to MrM ss Rs1urn s udge I v,,,n m yrw= 1 55,k;rm` CL-- 'r�..wrx�r.a tint dEMINE10 L Aft Danish 11rivironmenial r r� Protection :Y 34 5/15/2017 j; P �1 Y' Polluter Pays Principle 14DDD -Total ndrtxy.n E 120DD -Totalphospnas -Total heaW nw4ai 10000- Vb E c 8040 E 4000 1 2000 E E E •' 1995 2004 2W7 �'Af(drl rk4 Make wa`lte..I.utilities; + � "ter)d "�6 41'astPwater '4�A'1` tariir B MI6 N stearater) Urieilc[n irate r Net energ��producers -� tariff F _.... tit .F Coe Ncttu-al F�1�7;Z;i.t.�. f .. 4,5,�► wafer supp!} E'` ��1?:ill PN�i W Ire'iI1Y+PfiI ALMA Rai a] Green tax on: Business sector Organic matter(BOD) Government Phosphorous(P) Nitrogen(IST) University r' 35 5/15/2017 125%of Misvr and rnel sli0p fyxineration tFra IrnenI in 2016 i WWI , From wtuytewitter plant t4) biorefirkery 1. Regulation J,4FV9 NIP 2. Collaboration _. :: ,., 3. Innovation N20 i't°I'�[1r'ltt�111r1'Ix�lli`�lm�lt'kll]�, � ,°� W;iie•1.4tippty per sok]ul Net encr&y consumption Sewer tl�iltlytlOt•t for the Irnns pall(of warty water Waste welter Net energy con'sumptiati trt►atlitent for t11r treatntc►ut of wtiste+'atitt-t. Waste wnler Net enetV Production r treatmelit 4 ,VT �if ► 75 t of full►tiVer cycle in External biomass 201,E sutrstracted. .,# (12,59Y in 2018) No sludge incineration ter, � -, '► ' ioo%of full water cycle Na sludge incineration in 2015 1$0%of treat anent In ` 015 lied.sludge incineration 123%of sewer and Incl.sludge incineration treatment in sulb Iki 36 5/15/2017 Questions? r r r r � z!1� 37