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06. Review draft Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) Executive Summary
6m Central San BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 1, 201 7 Subject: RECEIVE AND ACCEPT THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN AND THE TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY -- PREPARED BY CAROLLO ENGINEERS INC., et al. AND APPROVE THE PUBLIC OUTREACH EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREPARED BY KATZ AND ASSOCIATES AND STAFF Submitted By: Initiating Dept./Div.: Dan Frost Engineering & Technical Services Senior Engineer Planning & Development Services REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: D. Gemmell — Planning & Development Services Division Mgr. JM. Petit— Director of Engineering &Technical Services Kenton L.Alm Roger S.Bailey Counsel for the District General Manager ISSUE: It is appropriate for the Board of Directors to review and accept the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan (CWMP) and the Technical Executive Summaries. BACKGROUND: On June 4, 2015, the Board of Directors authorized the General Manager to execute an agreement with Carollo Engineers, Inc. to develop the CWMP. The purpose of the CWMP is to create a roadmap for staff that helps identify infrastructure projects that may be needed to address several long-term planning objectives: • Preserve, maintain, or replace Central San's aging assets for the collection system and treatment facilities. • Meet increasingly stringent federal, state, and Bay Area regulatory requirements for effluent discharges, solids handling, and air emissions. • Accommodate planned growth in the service area. • Achieve sustainability goals by optimizing energy production and use, while minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. • Increase recycled water production for current and potential future customers. The CWMP includes information on potential rehabilitation, replacements and upgrades to the District's infrastructure which may be necessary to address the above planning objectives across three implementation phases: • Phase 1 (0 to 5 years covering FY 2017-18 to FY 2021-22) • Phase 2 (5 to 10 years covering FY 2022-23 to FY 2026-2027) • Phase 3 (10 to 20 years covering FY 2027-28 to FY 2036-37) Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 1, 2017 Subject-' RECEIVE AND ACCEPT THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREPARED BY CAROLLO ENGINEERS INC., et al. AND PUBLIC OUTREACH EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREPARED BY KATZ AND ASSOCIATES AND STAFF In addition to developing several software tools (InfoWorkso collection system model, 1nfoMaster@ sewer risk model, and BioWin@ treatment plant process model), the CWMP itself will be used as a planning and guiding tool, and reference document for staff. The CWMP provides staff with an understanding of how ongoing and phased improvements fit within the long-term plan, an understanding of how certain processes and capital improvements are interrelated, helps to prioritize improvements with a better understanding of facility-wide risks, helps to avoid potential future site conflicts, ensures there is adequate space on site to address future needs, and helps to plan ahead for potentially increased capital spending. The CWMP will be a dynamic document that will be updated as-needed and on a recurring basis (e.g. every 5 to 10 years or when new events impact certain sections of the CWMP) to ensure that staff and the Board of Directors have an up-to-date long-term planning document when making decisions on how a new project fits or may impact Central San overall. The CWMP does not commit the Board of Directors to implement the recommended improvements or to acquire the funds required to implement the recommended improvements, rather, it acts as an important guide on future issues and associated decision making. CEQA: Staff has concluded that the CWMP is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Central San's CEQA Guidelines Section 15262, since it involves planning and feasibility studies for possible future actions which the Board of Directors has not approved, adopted or funded and the Board of Directors' acceptance of this document will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. The Board of Directors is not adopting or approving the CWMP. The CWMP is presented to the Board of Directors as a completed foundational planning study, subject to periodic revision, and only acceptance of the document is being requested. This planning study does not bind the Board to any specific future projects or approvals. The lack of legal effect of the CWMP is further demonstrated because Central San is not required by law to adopt a Master Plan. Central San will conduct an environmental evaluation of any capital project that is proposed in the future which is considered or recommended in this plan to determine the need for any additional CEQA documentation. ALTER NATIVES/CONSIDERATIONS: None. FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None directly by this action. COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Central San is committed to continuing and improving public outreach and transparency. Over the last two years, Central San has made a C:\Users\CGranzella\AppDatalLocallMicrosoft\Wlndows\Temporary Internet FiIes\Content.0utIook\1FG8EC1 1\05-22-17 RESP CWMP PP Kent-JMP.docx Page 2 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 1a 2017 subject-' RECEIVE AND ACCEPT THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREPARED BY CAROLLO ENGINEERS INC., et al. AND PUBLIC OUTREACH EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREPARED BY KATZ AND ASSOCIATES AND STAFF focused effort to inform and engage elected officials, stakeholders, and the community on the CWMP through a series of outreach efforts: 0 Presentations at 11 Board meetings encompassing approximately 23 hours of information, discussions, reviews, and input. 0 Board of Director and General Manager interviews to address master planning priorities and concerns, community outreach goals, and to identify key community stakeholders to be engaged. 0 Interviews conducted with 20 key stakeholders to gauge awareness and perceptions about Central San, determine level of understanding among stakeholders about infrastructure needs, and obtain feedback on the most effective ways for Central San to communicate with members of the community. a A bi-lingual telephone survey was conducted for 401 customers in the service area to gauge customers' perceptions of Central San, preferred communication methods, and reactions towards investment into Central San's infrastructure and associated rate increases. 0 Two focus groups were conducted to have a deeper discussion into some of the key themes that emerged through the customer outreach telephone survey. 0 The Central San Academy was launched in 2016 to provide the public an opportunity to learn the ins and outs of Central San, including curriculum that covered Central San's infrastructure, future regulations, recycled water opportunities, the CWMP, budgeting, rates and financing. 0 Three outreach workshops (two for residential customers, one for commercial customers) to discuss the CWMP findings, infrastructure improvements, financial outlook, and other Central San programs and services. 0 Multiple PIPELINE newsletter articles to inform customers about the CWMP and drivers for infrastructure improvement. In addition to these efforts, Central San participated in numerous city council presentations, events, speaker's bureau presentations and community meetings. This comprehensive outreach program was important to inform and engage customers. Central San will continue to provide information to the community and key stakeholders as Capital Improvement Plan implementation efforts move forward. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: The Real Estate, Environmental, and Planning (BEEP} Committee reviewed this matter at the meeting on May 22, 2017 and recommended accepting the CWMP and the Technical Executive Summary, and approving the Public Outreach Executive Summary for distribution. C:\Users\CGranzelia\Desktop\REEP105-22-17 REEP CWMP PP Kent-JMP(002)revised.docx Page 3 of 4 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: June 1, 2017 SubjectRECEIVE AND ACCEPT THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREPARED BY CAROLLO ENGINEERS INC., et al. AND PUBLIC OUTREACH EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PREPARED BY KATZ AND ASSOCIATES AND STAFF RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: 1. Review and accept the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan, the Technical Executive Summary, and approve the Public Outreach Executive Summary for circulation. 2. Find the CWMP is exempt from CEQA. Attached Su orcin Documents: 1. Draft Executive Summary 2. Draft Technical Executive Summary 3. CWMP PowerPoint Presentation C:\Users\CGranzelIa\AppData\Local\MicrosofMindows\Temporary Internet FiIes\Content.0ut1ook\IFG8EC1 1\05-22-17 BEEP CWMP PP Kent-JMP.docx Page 4 of 4 ENTRAL SAN 'Y9 h.- ` ._. 70 YEARS AND B EYO N D PROTECTING OUR COMMUNITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER F MASTER PLAN '= INTRODUCTION ince 1946,Central Contra Costa Sanitary District(Central San) has provided safe and reliable wastewater collection and treatment for residents in central Contra Costa County.Today we serve } over 481,600 residents and 3,000 businesses in 147 square miles.Our services include supplying recycled water for parks and golf courses, providing both commercial and residential recycled water pickup programs,operating a household hazardous waste collection facility and running a sophisticated water quality laboratory.Our core mission is to protect public health and the environment, and our customers can count on us for vital services 24 hours a day,every day. Central San's infrastructure includes a 1,500-mile collection ,1F ,y system and a treatment plantthat have been well ,..� maintained, but due to their advanced ages, now require replacements and upgrades.Already,the equipment at the plant and in the system have been extended well beyond their typical useful life due to responsible and _ robust maintenance practices.Some of the collection system facilities are over 100 years old, and many are over !2NN 50 years old.The treatment plant facilities were primarily `� ------ T constructed in the 1970s and are now at the point where . maintenance cannot maintain reliable performance.These recommended extensive replacement and upgrade - projects will allow for continued reliable operation. In order to plan for the future and lay out a 20-year an vision for the replacements and upgrades, Central • "• • •" • - .} San commissioned a Comprehensive Wastewaterenvironmental ' " are ' " Master Plan (CWMP). The CWMP encompasses ' • • • •• to a $1.8 billion (2016 dollars),two-decade-long ••ti • • '•• • • our wastewater master capital improvement program (CIP)for the collection system and treatment plant, withBailey, General �, $873 million of capital improvements within the first ten years. The recommended projects from the CWMP were Fseparated into four programs including the recycled water system, treatment plant, a collection system and general improvements. It also identifies potentially needed improvements for anticipated or pending regulations, but funding for these is - not included in the CIP. We value the input we receive from our customers. Based on focus groups and a customer survey completed in fall 2015, customers are satisfied p with Central San's wastewater services and are supportive of recycled water.The majority of customers surveyed (87 percent)supported the master plan and the funding needed to implement replacements and upgrades to Central Sans infrastructure. a w Our objectives, as identified in the CWMP, are to: • Preserve,maintain,or replace Central San's assets for the collection system and treatment facilities. F72 ASSE;#'; --------- E - E Spin Out In#rastructuras ;---- I Immediate • Meet increasingly stringent federal,state,and Bay Area n i't' �, Projects L.2. Capacity i regulatory requirements for effluent discharges,solidsRrat�ilitr disposal and air emissions. (IDENTIFY � CAPS/ PRIORITIZE Long Te.rm • Accommodate planned growth in the service area,as OPTIONS identified by cities and unincorporated Contra Costa County. STRATEGIZE 1-Regulations „ • Achieve sustainability goals by optimizing energy production 2.Risky .......... 3.Needs f�efin� and use,while minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. "-Opportunities POLICY Innovation/ • Increase recycled water production for current customers, the Concord Community Reuse Project development (at the Concord Naval Weapons Station site), and potentially for neighboring industrial customers. Key "Drivers" for Long-Term Planning Aging infrastructure. Repair or replace some equipment and structures to extend their useful lives. • Capacity. Expand the capacity of some equipment and facilities to address population growth androJjected wastewater flow increases. p Regulations. Comply with regulations now and continue to adhere to them as they evolve or become stricter in the future. Sustainability/Optimization. Optimize existing treatment processes, energy-efficient improvements, recovery of resources from solids processes, production of recycled water for refineries and improvements for service reliability during possible seismic and flooding events. REGULATORY OVERVIEW AREA POPULATION GROWTH Based on projections developed by the Association of Bay • J' Area Governments (ABAG), . , the population of Central J I 1 G L•L•L 11 �vv San's service area will continue to steadily 5Z5 ow increase over the next 20 years at an average rate of less than 1 percent per year. Our CL C facility improvements will include both capacity and Infrastructure upgrades to A50,000 accommodate this growth and account for additional wastewater and wet weather _nflows. Wet weather improvements are L•L!Ld Lf 2010 2015 .2020 20Z5. 2050 20�5% needed regardless of population growth to provide reliable collection and treatment of wastewater through severe storms. 2 REGULATORY NEEDS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Current and future regulations surrounding water Regulatory Considerations quality,solids management and air emissions were Nutrient limitations and constituents of emerging concern key drivers for the development of the CWMP and are not part of any existing regulations, but Central the projects included. Funding has been allocated to San is working with other agencies and regulators to help Central San address many of these regulations. review the science and perform the studies needed to Solids Management determine whether or not additional treatment processes Central San's approach to solids management continues to will be needed in the future. For now, we are taking them meet all regulations.We will invest in upgrading our existing into consideration as we invest in replacing our aging facilities to extend their useful life. However,the projections infrastructure. This way we can responsibly plan for enough of future solid loads is higher than the permitted limit of the space to accommodate those technologies and to make Multiple Hearth Furnaces(MHFs)where solids are currently sure we do not strand our assets in the future. Potential incinerated and transformed into energy used by the treatment regulations would require improvements, and the CWMP plant.Therefore,we are investing in diversifying our solids has made important assumptions on our approach to meet handling and resource recovery options.This will ensure we them. However, the cost will not be included in the 20-year continue to provide reliable solids handling and responsibly CIP until these regulations become more clear and certain. recover valuable resources embedded in the solids such as Nutrient Limitations energy or nutrients.This includes replacing the MHFs with Nutrient reduction in wastewater may be a future anaerobic digestion and newer incineration technology. regulatory requirement, and we are prepared to meet it. Central San is actively engaged with the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies, San Francisco Estuary Institute, and "We have •' it - priority to plan for _ San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board regulations • ensure that Central • to study the role of nutrients in the Bay and to plan for rightthe - - for our • - now • potential nutrient reduction levels and the timing for those in the future.if nutrient limits. Petit, of Engineering and Technical Services Constituents of Emerging Concern Central San is also engaged in research on the increasing levels of microconstituents and other constituents of emerging concern (CECs)that end up in wastewater from Air Emissions personal care products, herbicides and pesticide use, and To meet several current air emissions regulations and other consumer products.The impact of these constituents anticipated future changes in regulations,we are investing could result in new regulations in the future.While the scope in modern, more efficient air pollution control equipment, and timing of these regulations are currently uncertain, space updating Central San's treatment plant Health Risk at the site has been reserved to accommodate a future Assessment(HRA), and investigating additional technologies CEC treatment system, if required. Future increased levels that may be required in the future. of treatment may be required as the levels and impacts of chemicals are better understood from emerging research. LONG-TERM PLANNING Seismic events In order to prevent any potential long-term disruption of service, there will be further seismic evaluation of major mechanical and electrical equipment throughout the treatment plant and in the utility tunnels. Several seismic retrofit projects for major buildings have been completed, are underway, and are in the CIP over the next 10 years. Sea Level Rise Protection Since Central San's service area is primarily inland, sea level rise protection is not a major issue, but it is still an important consideration for some of the facilities.The California Department of Water Resources'standard is to provide protection against a 200-year water level with 3 feet of freeboard, and include allowances for sea level rise due to climate change. Central San has joined with the Contra Costa County Flood Control District to implement a project to raise the levees along Grayson and Walnut Creeks to provide three feet of freeboard,which will protect the site from a 500-year storm event. 3 RECYCLED WATER SYSTEM EVALUATION Some of the Recycled Water Plant infrastructure • Expand disinfection capacity through the addition of a is nearing the end of its useful life. In addition, a chlorine contact basin. higher recycled water production capacity will be . Optimize chemical use and increase the capacity of the needed to satisfy the demands for the Concord chemical support systems. Community Reuse Project development and for potential future in-plant utility water demands. The Alini �' RECYCLED WATER TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES plant has been evaluated to identify improvements needed to extend the life of the facilities for at Central San developed a short list of viable technologies that least the next 20 years and to meet recycled water demands were combined to form overall treatment alternatives for through 2035. meeting future nutrient regulations and producing recycled water for area refineries.The top three liquids alternatives were Infrastructure Improvements: evaluated and selected Burin a workshop with staff comprised g p p • Replace water pumps,flow meters,filter media,the of operations, maintenance and engineering personnel. Clearwell liner and cover used to store recycled water, and other controls to help the system operate more efficiently. ACHIEVING ZERO DISCHARGE • Upgrade or replace the electrical support system for the One of Central San's long-term goals is to achieve zero liquid recycled water,filtration and applied water process areas. discharge to Suisun Bay during the dry weather season.To • Replace components of the chemical support systems reach this goal,we are working to maximize the production (sodium hypochlorite and coagulant). and use of recycled water by evaluating wholesale recycled water opportunities.There are a number of neighboring water Capacity Improvements: agencies that could serve as potential recycled water wholesale • Optimize filtration performance and capacity by improving customers in the future. water filterability with a filtration pretreatment process. IC. a i 7W a. t - � Y i N ` r " i � '• ..9 01 OF't%��. f�.. Rr a b J 'L - �" k. x ?"FM41 40 +`. + - - r t w` 4 1 Onus bib- Ab Schematic of the existing treatment plant THE REATM E NT PLANT SYSTEM The treatment plant is a conventional air-activated sludge facility that provides primary and secondary treatment of the influent wastewater.The secondary effluent is disinfected using UV lamp technology and the final treated effluent is then conveyed by an outfall pipeline to Suisun Bay. Solids removed by the primary and secondary treatment processes are sent to Multiple Hearth Furnaces(MHFs).The MHFs reduce the solids to ash,which is beneficially reused as a fertilizer amendment by a third party. The energy embedded in the solids is recovered to offset Central San's energy use as waste heat from the furnaces and then converted to steam energy that is used to drive steam turbines, which in turn, drive the aeration blowers that supply air for the activated sludge biological process. TREATMENT PLANT ASSESSMENT The treatment plant system contains over 4,200 assets.Through site inspections,condition assessments and workshops with Central San's operations and maintenance staff,several aging assets have been identified for replacement or upgrades to more reliable, efficient and modern systems.The plant was primarily built in the late 1970s,and modernizing it will include investing in new technology and addressing increased energy and power demands. To ensure long-term reliability and efficiency,we have determined the following items: • It is not necessary to build a new treatment plant. The plant has a solid foundation and will require primarily mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation improvements to address aging assets that are in poor condition, are unreliable, or are increasingly costly to maintain. • New solids/energy projects will be developed to ensure Central San is providing reliable solids handling facilities and is investing in sustainable solutions while reducing its energy footprint and general operation and maintenance costs. • The UV system will be replaced with a new one that is more energy efficient.The current system is 20 years old, is inefficient compared to modern systems, and some of the electrical support infrastructure is becoming increasingly unreliable. • Improved instrumentation and power monitoring is recommended to help identify other opportunities to reduce energy demands and other operating and maintenance costs. 5 TREATMENT PLANT AGING INFRASTRUCTURE • CAPACITY 1 Filter Plant Improvements:Replace filter media,underdrains,electrical gear,and support 7 Secondary Treatment Hydraulics:Add secondary clarifiers to increase facilities. PHWWF capacity and a mixed liquor splitter structure to evenly split 2 Secondary Clarifier Rehabilitation:Replace clarifier mechanisms and sludge pumps. between clarifiers. 3 UV Replacement:Replace ultraviolet disinfection system. 8 UV Hydraulics:Add low lift pumps to UV channel and a parallel final 4 Solids Handling Improvements:Replace centrifuges,cake pumps,and air pollution control effluent pipe. equipment. 9 Primary Expansion:Add two primary sedimentation tanks and a pre- 5 Fluidized Bed Incinerator:Replace Multiple Hearth Furnaces(MHFs)at the end of their useful aeration tank to reduce surface overflow rates and improve performance. life with a fluidized bed incinerator. 1 Filter Plant Expansion:Add a chlorine contact tank,expand support 6 Clearwell Improvements:Replace clearwell liner and the east cell cover;add west cell cover. equipment.Add filter pretreatment upstream of the filters to meet Concord Community Reuse Project Title 22 recycled water demands Outfall Improvements when they occur. Odor Control Upgrades 19 18 . . 12 - _ 16 lopr Not Central San ' 16 Property -- -- AL4 _ At ` 14 T will a PRO ECTS OVERVIEW REGULATORY ► SUSTAINABILITY 10 Contaminated Soils:Re-consolidate contaminated soils to wet weather holding basin 13 Screenings Removal Upgrade:Add new influent screenings removal and A-South. handling facilities to replace the current screenings handling process. 11 BACWA level 1:Optimize facilities for nutrient reduction by adding chemically enhanced 14 Aeration System Upgrade:Replace steam blowers with electric blowers,replace primary treatment and implementing aeration tank modifications for split flow nitrification. ceramic diffusers with membrane diffusers,replace air piping.Convert waste heat 11 BACWA Level 2/3:Implement nutrient removal upgrades to reduce ammonia, recovery steam system into a waste heat to power production system. nitrogen,and phosphorus to the anticipated limits.* 15 Raw Wastewater Diversion and Drain-back System:Add a raw wastewater 4 Solids Handling Improvements:Reduce lime addition,replace air pollution control pipeline to the wet weather holding basins and a pump station to reliably equipment and ash handling,implement seismic upgrades for the Solids Conditioning drain back wastewater from the holding basins. Building and MHFs, and improve the sludge blend tank storage operations and mixing. 16 Refinery Recycled Water Project(20 mgd):Add membrane bioreactors(MBR), 5 Solids Handling Upgrades:Add digesters to reduce the load to the furnaces to prevent Reverse Osmosis(RO),and UV to produce recycled water for nearby refineries.* exceeding the MHF permitted capacity,and eventual replacement of the MHFs with 17 HSW Receiving facility:Add high strength waste(HSW)receiving facility with digesters followed by a fluidized bed incinerator. digestion to increase biogas production. 12 CEC Removal:Provide space on the existing plant site for future facilities to remove 18 Renewable Energy Project:Solar or wind.* Constituents of Emerging Concern(CECs).* 19 Flood Protection:Raise the levee to protect from a 500-year storm event,and replace the motors for the influent pumps with"immersible"motors.Add sixth influent pump for wet weather flows. Seismic Upgrades Potential project identified but not included in the CIP. 196 _. . 15 - _ 10 11 - _.� � 17 10 - - 8 r _ 14 fir i -_ > --- 13 t 19 j t 7 • • 111 • — • • — • ,�..r-`\ �`� ����,�',��,®I' ''���1►�l �1■�,�;_ -\fi/�n, r�� -� ,�1r1_.� _�` �,, �... ��-Lei►���, ,/�/ -moi.. �� _ ,__ ��Ii I t,�� �� �1■ �• ���� v: � �����'�i, ..r♦ � �"� airy i� ���/ I � '�) LF a IIi • - • • • • I� � ��� LSI jWV� • �', ► I''" �� . gp IN •I 9� Via:. I Irilr-- ��••-_ y I �,��■I IV. Ero ii��.i��� j...r �,i ♦. 9 t ♦r Concor w . r ,•� 111.1 �►�... zM4 -pigg Ilk .� Ili�`Ilti� � ►.^•►1r LI i 1!:� /�'� '`{® -\,,��1♦�.. si_ i , ■�I■■I AA MEMO"M all ►' ♦' ♦ , ����� - �/�y�+r'�fI'.���:�';:�'`�� `�s'� '°,.,y:� yam, ,i..■I.31 IMINE • — • . ••— • •• • • � �y s�F I��%�''���C�'�I_�I,G+f��yr`��-��•��1��'�it'��''1�'��V'��y� �•,� , ■ :�� ��`�i:i-'���/�LL}���"ti7/,�`�✓�t'ir`F��T�,l�.�6�-Ni�4ri�-A�IL?.�':.' r'����,. Oo OI��. v► -Vii`✓ ��41 'r� �.�■■■ GO VIF OF OAV: !'$W, RK4 I • I © • ����/7 ���p����,1 ME INAM gf 1r11'7� gsrC'rt ,moi mak,' �� ,`•� ( a rrJ'. II \\ r..����■� g��V����� Vii'yr♦��:.r Y•� I -I, 4 4 k ris'-'�����♦ �� VV_IITM Y III • • - • •• .•- • • • - - • - • - .•• - - - • • • - • • •- - - COLLECTION SYSTEM PRO ECTS OVERVIEW • GRAVITY SEWERS PUMP STATIONS - - st C1* tis ti- L or NN Gravity Sewers-80 miles of sewer will be replaced in " = Pump Stations-Several improvements to the pump the next 10 years and another 184 miles will be replaced MARTINEZ stations are required over the next five years.The largest within the next 10 to 20 years. - projects are the rehabilitation of the Fairview,Maltby, Martinez,Moraga,and Orinda Crossroads pump stations. Nk _ • r' These four projects represent approximately 95%of the $30-35 million in pump station repairs. -Nor ' + •• PLEASANT HILL CONCORD rA F , 1 ° . r - — CLAYTON F F • ®°IL _ a 1 + WALNUT CREEK- �• • °. 24 _, LAFAYETTE .f ORINDA r e, n y ALAMO MORAGA - DIABLO +� � L DANVILLE R ^' CENTRAL SAN -SERVICE A ' GRAVITY SEWERS ,. ,. . . PUMP STATIONS WASTEWATER COLLECTIONSAN SAN RAMON TREATMENT AND HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE(HHW)SERVICES PROVIDED - WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND HHW SERVICES BY CONTRACT ®' HHW SERVICES ONLY •• � a F V CENTRAL SAN HEAD0,UARTERS �;, •., i - BUILDING,TREATMENT PLANT&HHW •�r°�` . FACILITY . " EL COLLECTION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS FACILITY 9 4 F 272 -- i u I r - �rw THE O L L E CT I O N SYSTEM (Continued) In an effort to continually improve service reliability, CCTV inspections have been successful and will continue to Central San is working to reduce sanitary sewer overflows be used on over 150 miles of pipeline per year.We will also (SSOs) over time, and this is the primary regulatory driver be investing more in the inspection of large diameter pipes for the collection system.We are addressing this through that are costly to repair or replace and force mains, which are pipeline cleaning, inspection and renovation.We are currently difficult to take out of service. replacing less than 0.5 percent per year of our total owned However,sometimes cleaning is more cost effective than pipelines and plan to increase toward one percent per year replacing a pipe.We will continue our maintenance practice over the next ten years,focusing on the highest risk pipelines. of cleaning over 800 miles of pipe per year. 100 YEAR SEWER REHABILITATION & REPLACEMENT FORECAST Period cost ($, I) Mileage 5-10 Fears 10-20 Fears $x-41 184 80.,000.,000 20-30 Yea rs $724 281 70.,000;000 30-50 Yea rs $IJ56 403 � 50-75 Years 575 206 -5 "000"0 5-100 Years $808 276 7j 40J,000;000 30.,000.,OOD j, j, 000j 10AQ000 Fo re ca st Yea r 10 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN The Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan encompasses a $1.8 billion (2016 dollars)20-year capital improvement program (CIP)for the collection system and treatment plant,with$873 million of capital improvements within the first ten years.These short-term and long-term investments in our systems align with our mission to always protect public health and the environment and maintain the excellent service levels our customers expect from Central San. I I o 75' 150, aoo' I I I \ \ \ ® 1 • NI \\ I 9 D ❑ - __ vv O \\ ❑ ❑❑ ° _ _________ z w 18 ■ �\�\\ j U_ Q �\_ • \ ss I O 1 Project Descriptions ❑ ! �o® D '° 1 Re-consolidate Contaminated Soils to Basin A South o •O j Raw Wastewater Diversion and Drain-back System \ 5 \�'s. $ Levee Raising(done by County) �, 0 �_ 9 O 020 11(O 4 BACWA Level 1 Optimization ' _ ❑ �i� 0 Future BACWA Level 2 and 3 Nutrient Removal � �' v is �' N 6 ,C � Oa Refinery Recycled Water(MBR+RO+UV) J�\ M Filter Plant Improvements \_. p p 12 a I ° 0 Solids Handling Improvements '�;;\„ ! 14 ,a C 0 Add Digesters and FOG/HSW Receiving Station s 15 z Replace MHF with FBI '���v L 13 >> UV Replacement 11 Aeration Upgrade:Electric Blowers,Diffusers,Air Piping i ;�-; �� 12 13 Primary R&R-2t - ,���' i CL 14 Secondary Clarifier R&Rf ; 15 Add New PSTs and Aerated Grit Tank ---- 16 Secondary Hydraulic Improvements 17 DAFT R&R Existing Facilities 16 Filter Plant Expansion for CNWSCa 16 Clearwell Improvements Existing Facilities To Be Modified Q Replace Influent Pump Motors With Immersible Motors \ i 21 Future CEC Removal J=Planned New Facilities 1 O-YEAR CIP 20-YEAR CIP General Improvements General Improvements $29,024,000 $541724,000 Recycled Water Contingency Recycled Water Contingency $24,873,000 $19,000,000 $26,123,000 $39,000,000 pr 11 Err- IL Y Collection System Treatment Plant Collection System Treatment Plant $353,249,000 $446,507,000 $826,448,000 $857,179,000 Total 10-year CIP $872,653,000 Total 20-year CII $1,803,474,000 INNOVATION FOR THE FUTURE The CWMP has identified proven technologies that can be utilized to meet future nutrient limits,wholesale recycled water needs and technologies for solids handling and resource recovery.These technologies are essential for ensuring Central San has a plan in place if we need to replace those systems. However,we recognize the industry is rapidly changing and that emerging and innovative technologies may offer improved life cycle costs and/or reduced footprint requirements,so we are also investing in applied research to continue to explore the best available options for Central San. 4 , � .0000" .� y rt AL s #ANNr �+ t, WOWN i 1 r r Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Protecting Public Healthand the Environment 12 - x - Central Contra Costa Sanitary District } - "Central San" _ r r _ ;rte c r :d - sem. .._• -�r r� iii � _ a s �r - --- ... MIA Iv Techn 'ical Executive Summa __well in association with AM- RMCWOODARD &CURRAN I' �• �� i�7 �7 +� -1 �� _i :1 ' I i _� .� f I .� �1� r Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan %,AL I XL*,',tj TIVE SUMMARY 1. EMBARKING ON A COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN Mission Central San's core mission is to protect public health and the environment by reliably collecting and treating wastewater from the over 480,000 residents and approximately 3,000 businesses it serves. In addition to collecting and treating wastewater,Central San provides recycled water for parks,medians,school fields,and golf courses and manages both commercial and residential recycled water pick-up programs.Central San also operates a household hazardous waste collection facility and a sophisticated water quality laboratory. Central San's service area is complex and widespread. It covers 147 square miles in central Contra Costa County,including Concord and Clayton,and spans a variety of microclimates and terrain.Central San's treatment plant,located at the intersection of Interstate 680 and State Route 4 in Martinez, processes about 32 million gallons of wastewater per day and has managed peak flows as high as 230 million gallons per day during an extreme winter storm. '" �UAsune Central San has successfully managed and treated flows, maintaining 100 percent permit compliance for the last `--` 18+consecutive years. .'[.Mar"#inez -- Central San uses over 1 500 miles of piping with over �- � p�p� 9 35,000 manholes and 19 pump stations to convey `i I easaaniConcord wastewater to the treatment plant in Martinez. Pntf Hrlr The average age of the collection system pipes is approximately 40 years.Some pipe segments are over Orin t WalnutClayton 100 years old,and some of the most critical pump -Creek e -Lafayette stations are over 55 years old. Since its original construction in 1948,the treatment plant has been modified through successive projects, Morava including a major expansion to secondary treatment in the 1970s.Although other improvements have been made since then, most of the treatment plant remains unchanged. Danriirle CCCSD Sphere of Influence Together,the collection system and treatment plant Major Highways Major Roadways have an estimated replacement value of over$4 billion. p Clayton ',San Despite their age,both are generally in good condition. Concord Ramom City Boundaries However,repairs and upgrades are required to maintain CCCSD Service Area reliable operation and protect Central San's assets. Waterbodies Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Service Area Challenges and Opportunities In the future,increasing regulatory requirements will require Central San to Preserve,maintain,or replace upgrade its treatment plant. In addition,potentially more extreme flows during assets for the collection system high and sustained storm events stemming from climate change may test the and treatment plant. capacities of the collection system and the treatment plant.Along with potentially Meet increasingly stringent more restrictive regulations,aging infrastructure,and capacity challenges, regulatory requirements several opportunities are available to reduce costs through improved efficiencies, for treated effluent,solids resource recovery such as recycled water and energy recovery,and renewable management,and air emissions. energy production. Accommodate planned growth in Central San manages a significant amount of infrastructure with thousands of the service area. mechanical and electrical equipment,structures, instruments,and other assets. Achieve sustainability oalsb Most of its 4,000+assets were constructed in the 1970s and funded by federal y g y optimizing energy recovery and grants offered after passing the EPA Clean Water Act that required facilities to consumption while minimizing provide secondary treatment. greenhouse gas emissions. Although Central San's robust maintenance practices have extended the lives Increase recycled water of many assets,eventual rehabilitation or replacement is needed. Nevertheless, production for new customers, replacing them is a significant undertaking that will incur significant cost and such as the Concord Community investment from ratepayers since the federal grants offered in the 1970s are Reuse Project Development. no longer available. Recognizing the importance of protecting its assets,public Explore new wholesale recycled health,and the environment,Central San commissioned the Comprehensive water opportunities and evaluate Wastewater Master Plan(CWMP)to build on previous planning efforts. Planning alternatives to supply recycled objectives include the following: water for the neighboring refineries. POLICY ; Maximize -------------------- Existing Spin Out ASSESS Infrastructures ; Immediate • • .•••••,• • _________ 1. Condition '' ' __________ _ Projects 2. Capacity ' • 3. Reliability IDENTIFY i 's GAPS/ PRIORITIZE Long Term OPTIONS CIP STRATEGIZE 1. Regulations 2. Risks ' i 3. Needs Refine 4. Opportunities POLICY 's Innovation/ Leadership Master Planning Process 2 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT I MAY 2017 The CWMP's primary objective Sustainability/Optimization is to develop a structured plan By using sustainable practices,Central San can minimize operating and that addresses these objectives maintenance costs and increase the facilities'resiliency to withstand and provides a basis for orderly natural disasters. Projects in this category include optimizing the expenditures as other needs develop. existing treatment processes,energy efficiency improvements,reliability Because Central San already improvements,improvements to bolster resiliency against manmade or completed extensive analyses, natural disasters,and increasing recycled water production. condition assessments,and inspections for the collection system and For recycled water,recent drought conditions might persist,meaning treatment facilities,their efforts were water purveyors need a sustainable,alternative water supply in the near the CWMP's foundation. future. By providing high-quality recycled water,combined with other effluent management approaches,the District may be able to achieve a Recommendations from the long-term goal of zero discharge. CWMP are incorporated into a capital improvement plan(CIP), Regulatory which provides a prioritized list of The District must comply with many permits and policies that govern future improvements and ongoing the operation of its facilities. In the coming years, regulations for air and renovations and is the basis for the effluent discharges will likely be more restrictive.Stricter nutrient limits for capital improvement budget(CIB). effluent discharges to Suisun Bay are expected to trigger the need for new treatment processes.Changing regulations for air quality and greenhouse Early in the project,the CWMP team as emissions may create the need for new energytechnologies. In identified the followingkey"drivers,"' y g addition,some improvements will be required to comply with current which are issues and goals that provide permit requirements during severe wet weather conditions. direction for the CWMP: p q g � Aging Infrastructure Capacity Projects to expand capacity are needed to accommodate increased The existing wastewater assets,such as wastewater flows for the tannin period. Population growth within the is pipes,pumps,sp ,buildin g ,tanks, planning p service area will increase wastewater flows and loadings,which will trigger and process equipment,will continue.Some will to deteriorate with a the need for expansions of treatment processes and collection system age. infrastructure. reach the end of their useful life within the planning period.To maintain R its high standard of service,Central San will prioritize repairing and replacing critical assets.The repair rx ,� and replacement program will protect current investments in infrastructure and extend its useful life. ' - a L MAN +c Technician Welding COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 3 2. CENTRAL SAN AT A GLANCE 1, F7irviewIMZ Collection System q Central San's service area comprises _ �,.. v °nc°rd' uWa' 147 square miles that include the cities I�Ar ,';, arbrt� of Danville Lafayette, Moraga,Orinda Y Bu�hanara No oath " Pleasant Hill,Walnut Creek, portions of Martinez and San Ramon,and several Cid unincorporated communities in Alamo Clayton and Pacheco. svii Roble sleep;H�w�r ,, The collection system has 1,500 miles _ nerRa -. B a as gl d_ of gravity sewer pipes,over 22 miles A.c.Mm Lafayette". ° - of force mains,19 pumping stations, eek and roughly 35,000 manholes.Central LowerON;d San owns and operates the collection Flush Kleen systems for Alamo, Blackhawk,Clyde, °i"'da {k - Danville Diablo Lafayette, Martinez,i Y i nezi O'�nda Crossroads Moraga,Orinda, Pacheco, Pleasant Moraga �-� HillHill Rossmoor,San Ramon and Walnut '�'°' � . r , i i •fD�anvilfe: Creek. a Central San alsorovides wastewater p _ Pump Station treatment for the Cit of Concord and Y Farce Main the Town of Clayton.The City of Concord Gravity Sewer CCCSD Service Areae, operates its own collection system,which Costa Conta County Parcels also serves the Town of Clayton while City Boundaries 0 Martinez Sa fan Rarrron Central San owns and manages a small 0 Clayton 0 Moraga °�R ' °' ...... portion of the collection system in north O Concord O Orinda Danville 0 San Ramon Concord. ,�Lafayette O'Vvafnut Creek Central San works to ensure that Existing Collection System wastewater is reliably collected and conveyed to its treatment plant.To reduce the chance of sewer system overflows(SSOs),Central San cleans and inspects pipes throughout its service area and works routinely on sewer renovation projects to rehabilitate or replace pipes in poor condition.Throughout the year,Central xJ San crews clean over 700 miles ofi e and over 200 miles of p p � pipe is inspected using closed circuit television(CCTV)cameras. This combination approach of robust maintenance and routine p p 't pipe renovation has maintained an SSO rate less than 3.0 per 100 miles(e.g.2.65 per 100 miles in 2016),less than both national and California averages. Central San Collection System Crew 41 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT MAY 2017 Treatment Plant Liquid Stream Processes The treatment plant is a conventional The liquid stream processes include bad air-activated sludge facility that influent bar screens,screenings provides secondary treatment. Final removal influentpumping,aerated grit removal primary sedimentation treated effluent is disinfected and then g ,p Y conveyed b a 3.5-mile underground primary effluent pumping,secondary , _ ■ Y Y g outfall pipeline to the Suisun Bay treatment with a conventional shoreline.At the shoreline,the pipeline activated sludge process with transitions to a submerged outfall secondary clarifiers,and ultra violet Er that extends 1,600 feet into the Bay. (UV)disinfection.A portion of the final disinfected effluent is then further Solids removed are dewateredand then conveyed to one of two multiple treated to produce recycled water, hearth furnaces.The furnaces reduce and the remaining flow is sent to •�-� ` the solids to ashSuisun Ba,which is beneficially Y through g the outfall. Dry reused as a fertilizer amendment by weather season flows(when minimal .r t�trttwr;�,��t•a- a third party.Waste heat from the stormwater contributes to the flow) furnaces is recovered and converted currently average around 32 million Treatment Plant Operator to steam energy used to drive aeration gallons per day(mgd). During the wet blowers that supply air for the season,peak hourly flows can exceed activated sludge biological process. 200 mgd. Addressing Limitations of Existing Recycled Water System .. ........................ ................................. Community Impacts and Rates .......... ............................. .... -- _ ...................................... a. Planningfor Future Incinerator =- - Nutrient Removal .� - _ Emission Compliance :.. jr _. .......................... ------------- Opportunities/ Costs for Future _ - ,���► ►� .......................................... ........................................ RW,Including Zero ' �� �° ' ►�� Future Ener 4 �. gy Changing Conditions Discharge "����, ' �►�,� ��, Balance with =� '' u' -' -Regulations .... ail. �� � ��1' `'�► �► `� '__ . Reduced Landfill Gas -'j" -Water Demands �.�®�r��►��►�°�����' _ _... ''� � -,-_ _Climate Change y � ��► �► _ Y .._ ................................................ Optimization of ~� Hydraulic Capacity and Cost and O&M forf Reliability for Wet Weather Disinfection al: ......... ............. ................. .. !`vim Dry and Wet Opportunities Flow Projections for Innovation and r. :. j. Resource Recovery Realistic Costs for Prioritized Rehab/ CIP Development Replacement "' Schedule to Address Reliability/ Aging Infrastructure Redundancy of .............................................: : Pump Stations .................................r Existing Treatment Facilities COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 5 Recycled Water Around 550 million gallons per year of recycled water is produced for off- site customers through the purple pipe recycled water distribution system, and for residential and commercial recycled water pickup programs.Off- site customers use recycled water for landscape irrigation at schools,parks, businesses,golf courses, medians,and for commercial applications such as truck washing,concrete manufacturing,dust control,and toilet wflushing. The recycled water process includes dual-media sand filters followed by disinfection with sodium hypochlorite(bleach)to meet tertiary-treated Title 22 recycled water quality standards.The recycled water is then stored in a reservoir prior to distribution(referred to as the Clearwell).Of the 550 millionf- y. gallons of water reused each year,around 1 mgd is used on-site for processes ~V.� and landscape irrigation and over 0.5 m d is used by customers. a �. Solids Stream Processes and Energy System _• The solids processing and energy systems consist of dissolved air flotation thickeners to concentrate the waste activated sludge(WAS),centrifuges +� to dewater a blend of primary sludge and thickened WAS,and multiple Recycled Water Pipes hearth furnaces to incinerate the dewatered sludge,typically operated using locally available landfill gas.Around 95 percent of the treatment plant power demand is satisfied with a natural gas turbine cogeneration system. The remaining power needs are supplied with electricity purchased from PG&E.Waste heat recovered from the incinerator and cogeneration turbine generates about 80 percent of the treatment plant's steam demand,of which 90 percent is needed to drive the aeration blowers.The remaining steam demand is supplied by auxiliary boilers that can run on either natural gas or landfill gas. Wet Weather Wet Weather Pumps Storage Return O to Plant Primary 3/4"Bar Influent Aerated Primary Effluent Anaerobic Aeration Secondary Uv Screens Pumps Grit Tanks Clarifiers Pumps Selector Tanks Clarifiers Disinfection r. —4n —10T O I F o To RAS O Suisun Screenings Grit Bay Dual Media Filters WAS To Disinfection and Off-Site Reuse Backwash Sludge Storage Bins Centrate Lime DAFTs Addition Ash Sludge Centrifuges Blending MHFs Treatment Plant Process Schematic Tank 6 1 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT I MAY 2017 3. PLANNING FOR COMMUNITY GROWTH To evaluate Central San's capacity to accommodate planned growth 600,000 over the next 20 years,population 575,000 • projections and corresponding projections of wastewater flows and 550,000 •i loads(wastewater strength)were 525,000 •— developed and later compared to 4-1 co 500,000 � the treatment plant's flow and load 0 • capacity. Future flows and loads were �° 475,000 �• • estimated by applying historical per- 450,000 capita flows and loads to the projected 425,000 population. Population projections were based on the Association of Bay 400,000 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 Area Governments'(ABAG)population projections for communities in the Service Area Population Projections service area. For the most part,influent flows and loads have increased steadily since the District's inception in 1946. However,in three periods,flows declined from drought and economic conditions,such as during the late'70s and early,90s. Starting in 2008,the District experienced an unprecedented long-term reduction in dry weather flows that lasted through 2015.This reduction was caused by the recession,a persistent drought,and water conservation measures. In 2016,the flows rebounded slightly(from 29 mgd to 32 mgd)but not to the pre-drought flows of around 35 mgd. Historically,flows have returned to near pre-drought conditions when normal rainfall patterns resumed and water usage increased after drought restrictions are lifted. However,a full rebound may never occur this time,because water conservation measures and investments from residences and businesses may permanently reduce water consumption and wastewater flows.The CWMP assumed flows would rebound to approximately 34 mgd and would steadily increase at an average rate less of less than 1 percent per year for the next 20 years. 50 41 34 40 �— E 30 0 20 Q 10 —Historical ADWF Projected ADWF 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 Historical Dry Weather Flows and Projection COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 7 4. EVALUATING INFRASTRUCTURE NEEDS Collection System Condition and Risk Assessment Planning investments in the collection system requires ti knowing the condition of the collection system assets and leveragingn data and asset information to predict when Martinez r an asset will fail.The methods ; used to assess the condition ,� � Concord and risk of the collection _ =t •,z:._�• Clayton Y type: system varied b asset t e: y=� ��_=' • Y • Gravity sewers Most of -�• r'� e J Lafayette the Central San collection '�� - j fir system consists of gravity sewers.Gravity sewersOk • `�' � y{ �w`y'`j were analyzed with anewly - t��,°F ,bz. ,,, . �/"f _.N� r4��., "__ ;� Walnut Creek Orinda implemented state-of-the } :..J ' art InfoMaster pipeline degradation modelingVIA software,which helps r ._ ! r predict when pipes will fail.The lnfoMaster@ risk �� - ,•�, �-�•��•.,�, , assessment model was Moraga IRY used to calculate risk scores based on rating 0 Cit Boundaries r that represents an asset's D CCCSD Service Area D CCCSD SOI " consequence of failure _• ,� Fa Major Highways '�� 15 (e.g.,the amount of flow in , g• Risk(By Grading) �l�J the pipe and its proximity Low .,�'� ®A All, Medium Low to schools, hospitals,and Medium major roadways)and Medium High its likelihood of failure. High San Ramon The likelihood of failure I N is calculated from field Risk Map from the InfoMaster®Risk Assessment Mode/ condition information,such as cleaning frequency or CCTV inspection score, and pipe age and material. • Pump stations- Pump stations were evaluated with visual inspections and data collected by the CWMP team and Central San staff during field visits to the 16 pump stations owned by Central San. • Force mains Force mains were evaluated using available force main material and age data as well as risk analyses performed by Central San for a previously completed Force Main Asset Management Plan. 8 1 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT I MAY 2017 $60.0 25 reduce routine manual cleaning of bar ^ (D screens,replacing backup generators In $50.0 0 20 E and original diesel engines from 1959 4-1 E $40.0 15 (D at Moraga and Orinda Crossroads, expanding diesel engine day tank 4-1 0 $30.0 10 capacity at Orinda Crossroads,fuel 0 system improvements,miscellaneous o $20.0 -- - - 5 pump/valve/piping im rovements,and p o $10.0 0 > other mechanical,safety,electrical, > and instrumentation improvements. $ CO M O N CO t LSA CO r- CO 07 O N CO t LSA C9 I-- N N N hl N hl N hl N hl M C`7 co co co M M M Force Mains O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N N N hl N hl N N N N N hl N N N hl N N N N -Total Project Cost Total Gravity Sewer Replacement Length Force mains are pressurized pipelines 20-Year Gravity Sewer Replacement Schedule that convey wastewater from the pump stations to a high point,where Gravity Sewers sewers will need to be replaced over it can then flow by gravity through y Central San's gravity sewer system the next ZO ears. gravity sewers to the treatment plant.Central San manages 31 force pipelines range from 4 to 102 inches in Pump Stations mains with a combined length of 22.8 diameter.The newest sewers are made g Pump stations convey wastewater miles.When the collection system of polyvinyl chloride(PVC)pipe,high flows from where the topography condition assessment waserformed density polyethylene(HDPE)pipe,and p does not allow flows to be conveyed the force mains were not accessible reinforced concrete pipe(RCP).Older by gravity alone.Central San operates for inspection.To obtain a better pipes are made of vitrified clay pipe p the 16 pump stations it owns as well as understanding of the condition of (VCP), reinforced concrete pipe(RCP), 3 privately owned stations in Orinda. the force mains a phased force main asbestos cement pipe(ACP)and, in a � Because pump stations collect large inspection program is recommended. few areas,steel pipe. amounts of wastewater and are The ro inspection ram would p program Based on available CCTV scoring typically located in low lying areas establish risk scores for each asset, data,around 70 percent of the near creeks and other waterways,the prioritize replacement needs,and collection system pipes are in excellent equipment at these facilities must ultimately establish a renovation condition and approximately 30 reliably convey wastewater flows to program.Until then,force main percent have some defects,with avoid overflows. Many facilities are renovation priorities are based on a an overall condition of"okay"to in tight spaces,without the ability previous Central San risk assessment every bad,"in which case immediate to store wastewater for extended based more on qualititative force main replacement is recommended. periods when equipment is down information such as material and age. Based on available pipeline cleaning unexpectedly. frequency data,around 30 percent The condition assessment identified }. of the system experiences routine $33 million in pump station renovation _ . s root intrusion,grease buildup,and projects p ro�ects to be completed in the stoppages or blockages and is on a ` near-term(0 to 5 years)to maintain less than 12-month cleaning cycle, - ��- operational reliability.The most critical with 3 percent requiring cleaning every improvements are needed at the ■ few months.Another 15 percent is Fairview Maltby, Moraga,a and Orinda cleaned every 12 to 18 months,and the Crossroadsum stations.These p P remaining 55 percent is on a cleaning improvements include rehabilitating -~ p g cycle between 18 and 60+months. or replacing corroded buried steel Using the InfoMaster® risk assessment pump station dry pits at Maltby and tool,around 265 miles of gravity Fairview,adding grinders at Moraga to Fairview Pump Station COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 9 Capacity Assessment for Gravity Sewers areas of development for the smaller diameter sewers(<10 To identify hydraulic capacity deficiencies,the trunk sewer inch),but those are evaluated case by case since they are system was analyzed for a peak wet weather flow(PWWF) not within the current modeled network. based on a 10-year sewer system event,meaning that In most cases,the approach modeled for relieving the flow theoretically the event would have a 1 in 10 year,or 10 restrictions was to replace the deficient pipe with a larger percent,chance of occurring each year. one. However,in some locations,adding new relief sewers The system capacity was assessed using a newly was more cost effective.These relief sewers divert excess implemented hydraulic model of the system developed with flows from the deficient sewer to nearby sewers with the InfoWorksT"' ICM software.The modeled network has sufficient capacity to convey them. over 290 miles of trunks and interceptors and was calibrated with flow measurementsIMart l r1E« Legend taken in the 2015-2016 wet weather season ModeledFa I Modeledpump stations L,� ry i ew with 70 temporary flow meters and recorded Modeled Gravity Sewer rainfall amounts from 5 rain gauges. Maltby Force mains � � Clyde Using established design criteria,the , ; gravity sewers in the model were allowed CCCSD Wastewater to surcharge during the 10-year event, Treatment Plant Acacia meaning the water level was allowed to n. - Concord rise above the top of the pipe and into the Lower Orindal ustrlal manholes,but not allowed to overflow. Sewers within the modeled network where the levels in the manholes rose to within 1 r 5 feet of the ground surface during the event were deemed capacity deficient. ' > — V: According to the model approximately 7 R miles of sewer pipes are capacity deficient for the design wet weather condition,over t s 50 percent less than what Central San's previous,less accurate model predicted, which also did not allow for modeling water es the throughout levels throw I�11ora a i and manholes. L' ` g pipes This new model helped eliminate four0 rl l 41 capacity-related capital projects. 'r Crossroads } Aside from the North Concord system, ` L which will see additional flows when the Concord Community Reuse Area(formerly lti the Concord Naval Weapons Station)starts I � to develop,Central San's modeled network ti F has sufficient capacity for existing and future dry weather flows,including daily peak ` flows,to accommodate the planned growth throughout the service area.Therefore, a 1 2 4 Miles r _ major capacity improvements are required San Ramon Modeled Trunk Sewer System Figure C5 20.1 r l (r only to correct flow bottlenecks in the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT system under wet weather conditions. Minor --i- cottEcTronasrsTEnaM,asrER PLAN improvements may be required in localized Mode/ed Trunk Sewer System 10 1 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT I MAY 2017 After incorporating the capacity considered significant enough to The sludge dewatering improvements,the model was re-run abandon the furnaces. centrifuges and cake pumps to confirm that overflows would not Air piping to the activated sludge are obsolete.Spare parts are occur during a 20-year design event. tanks has significant leaks. becoming difficult or impossible A 20-year event means that the Additionally,the ceramic aeration to acquire.To maintain reliable event would have 1-in-20 year,or diffusers and plenum are less dewatering options,these 5 percent,chance of occurring each efficient than modern diffuser systems need to be replaced year.The model also confirmed that technology,and they are nearing within the next few years. the modeled pump stations have the end of their useful life. Ongoing replacement of old adequate firm capacity with the largest or non-functioning mechanical pumping unit out of service to convey The steam-driven aeration blowers are inefficient and cannot equipment(piping,valves, flows for a 10-year event,and that they and gates),electrical support have sufficient total capacity with all be turned down to match low air demands during low flow equipment,and instrumentation pumping units in service tohandlea devices is required to maintain 20-year event. conditions. For optimal efficiency, the air piping and diffuser system stable,reliable operation. Treatment Plant should be replaced when aeration - ,} _ ,�Condition Assessment blowers are replaced so they can - MWCZ 4 be properly designed as a system. rt �� Gx �. vow The treatment plant's condition was 4' o . mWEy . assessed with a team of Central San's The secondary clarifier concrete ; a good condition in are Operations and Maintenance staff and tanks g ,but consultant discipline specialists for the sludge collector mechanismsmow- and RAS pumps are over 40 yearsstructural mechanical electrical and instrumentation evaluations. old and should be replaced within the next 15 years. w ti.:- , Key findings include: 41 The DAFT tanks and skimmer Some concrete renovation f arms were recently renovated; ' work is needed but all concrete however,the sludge collector 1 tanks and structures are in Js mechanisms were not upgraded good condition and do not need and will need rehabilitation within major structural upgrades or the next 15 years. ea replacement in the next 20 years. - The ultraviolet disinfection system Each of the two Multiple Hearth requires significant ongoing q g . Furnaces(MHF)has an estimated maintenance and cleaning,and Concrete Repairs are Necessary 20 years of remaining serviceable many elements of the electrical life. Despite being 35 years and controls stems need to be old the MHFs have significant y g replaced.laced.The UV disinfection d remaining life because Central system should be replaced within San's alternates operation the next 5 years or so. 1 from one MF to the other each __ will The SCADA and PLC control ' Year which allows performing 4 annual preventive maintenance systems function adequately. . -: on the offline furnace.Several Routine upgrades are being = 4;_Z improvements will be needed completed to ensure reliable operation. , �'.� --��' overtime to keep the MHFs However,a major - operational and to replace MHF SCADA controls replacement will support equipment;however, be required within the next 15 Leaks in Air Piping Need Renovation those improvements are not years. COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 11 CAPACITIES OF LIQUID STREAM PROCESSES—AVERAGE DRYWEATHER FLOW(ADWF) pAverage Flow and Loading Peak Flow and Loading Conditions Conditions apacity(l) Capacity(') apacity(l) Capacity(') Projected Unit ' o - mgd mgd mgd mgd A1 mgd AME Primary and Secondary Treatment (PST,Aeration tanks, Secondary 54 48 44 43 41 Clarifiers) Notes: Abbreviation:PST= Primary sedimentation tanks (1)Total Capacity is calculated with all units in service,using the average peaking factor from the last five years.Firm Capacity is calculated with either 1 PST, 1 Aeration tank,or 1 Secondary Clarifier offline at a time,using the average peaking factor from the last five years. (2)Total Capacity is calculated with all units in service,using the maximum peaking factor from the last five years.Firm Capacity is calculated with either 1 PST,1 Aeration tank,or 1 Secondary Clarifier offline at a time,using the highest peaking factor from the last five years. Capacity Assessment for average and peak conditions, For each treatment plant process, assuming the flow to the secondary treatment performance and capacity clarifiers is distributed evenly. were assessed for wet weather and To reliably maintain an even flow dry weather loading conditions.A distribution,a flow splitter structured is customized BioWin process model, recommended. calibrated to Central San's process Wet Weather Capacity data,was used for the capacity Peak process performance,hydraulic assessment. capacity,and rated pumping capacity Liquid Stream Capacities were used to identify capacity needs Dry Weather Capacity to accommodate flows generated by a Because the primary and secondary 20-year storm flow event. treatment processes are linked, Total Capacity Deficiency the overall plant capacity was 300 N Total Capacity evaluated with these processes Required ■ Firm Capacity Influent Pump 1 Capacity Deficiency=6 mgd(Firm Capacity Required) combined.Using this approach, E Capacity= 2 Capacity Deficiency=60 mgd(Firm Capacity Required) 250 230 mgd the dry weather capacity was o 3 Capacity Deficiency=27 mgd(Total Capacity Required) LL estimated for two conditions: % Required Primary 200 Treatment it 00 conditions"and"peak a Capacity 170 mgd conditions."'The capacity for aD Required Secondary average conditions was calculated 150 Treatment Capacity e uired = 127 mgd Req from the average loading and o Bypass Pump flow peaking factors over the past 100 Capacity 60 mgd five years. For peak conditions, the capacity was estimated by applying the highest peaking o 50 factor that occurred in the last five Q 2 years. 0 cn Q ' M� Q ' N� E M �E U) � � -0 �� E E ` c inE ` E v) o� M 0 � � � � � O Q) � The analysis showed that the �; �, m m � �� w U U � � ~ primary and secondary treatment � 0 M z processes have sufficient capacity n Q D p p Y Capacities of Liquid Stream Processes-Peak Hour Wet Weather Flow 12 1 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT I MAY 2017 PEAK HYDRAULIC CAPACITIES FOR LIQUID STREAM PROCESSES Total Capacity, Firm Capacity, Projected Flow, Capacity WWTP Unit Process mgd mgd mgd (2035) Deficiency('),mgd Mechanical Screens 270 135 230 None Influent Pump Station: Condition 1 To Preair: 236 To Preair: 118 N/A(3) N/A(3) Influent Pump Station: Condition 2 To Preair: 236 To Preair: 164 To Preair: 170 6 Influent Pump Station: Condition 3 Bypass: 85 Bypass: 0 Bypass: 60 60 Pre-aeration Tanks 170 85 170 None Primary Sedimentation Tanks 1700) 1700) 170 None Primary Effluent Pumps 225 150 127(2) None Aeration Tanks/Secondary Clarifiers 1000) 1000) 127(2) 27 UV Disinfection System 1000) 1000) 127(2) 27 Final Effluent Pumping 127(4) 127(4) 127(2) None Notes: Abbreviation:mgd =million gallons per day (1)Based on hydraulic capacity. (2)Required secondary treatment capacity dictated by PICS-MOST storage event model results. (3)This condition is not applicable for this weather scenario. (4)Capacity of the final effluent pumping is limited hydraulically by the outfall.The rated capacity of the final effluent pumps and standby effluent pumps is higher. (5)Capacity deficiencies are based on redundancy criteria and requirements. L ; x Wet Weather w ; (� Wet Weather Holding Holding Basin A South $ w Basin A North (Capped) ! ;- Ile- R f of l 01 ti „./ Contaminated Soil(Capped) Jbi AV t � t ti Flow Control Structure ► Wet Weather Holding ¢ Basin B Channel : "►■yah ►►, ►. ►s r. ...rte_ -:ter, - 5 ��. � ►► �" . , f w ae, Wet Weather r - ,:,. "• .�.� `�. Holding r = Basin C Wet Weather Holding Basin Site Plan COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 13 Wet Weather Holding Basin — Influent(mgd) (WWHB)Storage Volume 350 •Treatment Capacity(mgd) 1000 n The WWTP can receiveeak Flow to Storage(mgd) o c� p 300 Drain back from Storage(mgd) 900 flows that exceed the capacities Discharge Flow(mgd) 800 � of the primary and secondary 250 Storage Volume(mg) 700 .o treatment processes in very 600 'E a rg e sto rm eve nts.To p reve nt M 200 -- — ------- — -- -------- 500 � overloading,excess wet weather E • E g 150 ♦♦ 400 2 flows are typically diverted to up o Apa ` ♦ O 100 300 > to three Wet Weather Holding (D 200 Basins(WWHBs)for temporary 50o 100 o storage.The stored flow is c/) returned to the treatment plant 0 0 Storm Duration after the storm recedes.The available volume in the WWHBs, PICS MOST 20-year storage event simulation along with the rated capacities of Required PeakWetWeather For a 20-year storage event(i.e.,1 the treatment processes,determines Secondary Treatment Capacitv in 20 year,or 5 percent,chance of the total volume of wastewater that The PICS-MOST model(Program that volume of wastewater requiring Central San can accommodate during g for Infiltration/Inflow Continuous treatment or storage each year),and a storm event without having to Simulation/Model for Optimization using an available WWHB storage discharge untreated flows. p g of Storage and Treatment)was used volume of 122.7 MG(after installing There is not enough land to expand to simulate combined flow-storage a new overflow weir),the secondary the basins'footprint. In addition,the volume events at the WWTP.The treatment and disinfection process levees cannot be raised because the model uses historical rainfall data must be able to handle a peak hour soils do not appear to be suitable and influent flow data to relate wet wet weather flow of 127 mgd.This for supporting additional weight. weather flows at the treatment plant to represents a capacity deficiency of 27 However,the total available storage different storm events,and compares mgd when compared to the 100 mgd volume can be increased by 28 percent the volume of total wastewater capacity of the existing secondary by constructing a new overflow generated from the storm that treatment and disinfection processes. structure on Basin B that could allow needs to be managed with available Solids Stream Capacity for Basin B to be reliably filled to within treatment and storage capacity.The Capacities for solids treatment two feet of the top of its levee.The results from the model can determine processes were estimated from the current wooden stop logs are not as the required treatment capacity to maximum monthly solids loadings reliable as a permanent structure,and properly handle the flows from any criteria and maximum day solids should not be considered reliable for given storm event. criteria for solidsum in facilities and operating at a water level in Basin B p p g p g were compared to the projected solids higher than the top of the adjacent loadings due to population growth. Basin C levees.With this structure in place,the total storage volume in the WWHBs(while maintaining a typical safety factor of 2 feet of freeboard)will increase from 95.8 million gallons(MG) to 122.7 M G. 14 1 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT I MAY 2017 CAPACITIES FOR SOLIDS STREAM PROCESSES Projected Flow/ Flow/Load Basis Capacity Solids Unit Process Total Capacity Firm Capacity Load(2035) for Capacity Deficiency(") Primary Solids/ 520 gpm 390 gpm 280 gpm(1) Peak Day Flow None Recirculation Pumps WAS Pumps 5,800 gpm 3,800 gpm 2,770 gpm(2) Peak Day Flow None DAFT without polymer 122,400 Ib/d 81,600 Ib/d 83,500 Ib/d Max Month Load 1,900 Ib/d(8) DAFT with polymer 193,000 Ib/d 128,700 Ib/d 83,500 Ib/d Max Month Load None TWAS Pumps 450 gpm 450 gpm 310 gpm(3) Peak Day Flow None Sludge Storage 1.17 MG N/A 1.18 MG(4) Max Month Load Negligible Centrifuge Feed 920 gpm 645 gpm 600(3) Peak Day Flow None Pumps Dewatering 600 gpm 450 gpm 460 gpm(3) Max Month Flow None Centrifuges Cake Pumps 180 gpm 135 gpm 82 gpm(5) Peak Day Flow None Multiple Hearth 54.8 dtpd(7) 54-61 dtpd Average Day Load 0 to 6.2 dtpd Furnaces 60 dtpd(9) 88-99 dtpd(6) Peak Day Load None(10) None(10) Steam Supply 96,000 Ib/hr 38,500 Ib/hr 43,500 Ib/hr Peak Day 5,000 Ib/hr Notes: (1)Primary Solids flow at 4%TS. (2)WAS flow at 0.3%TS. (3)TWAS and combined solids flow at 3%TS. (4)Equalization of peak shaving volume that was calculated based on the full incineration capacity permitted solids loading that could be reached prior to 2035. The volume to store is the difference between the maximum month solids loading and the amount that is permitted to be processed by incineration. (5)Cake flow at 23%TS. (6)Range in values show plant reported loading as lower range and model predicted loading as higher range. (7)Based on the Title V permit limit of 20,000 dry tons per rolling 365 days. (8)There is no capacity deficiency if decreased performance of DAFT below 95 percent capture is tolerable. (9)Based on the Title V permit limit. (10)Peak solids loads are effectively managed by storage blended sludge in the SBTand/or ESST. (11)Capacity deficiencies are based on redundancy criteria and requirements. Capacity Assessment Findings and Conclusions Summary Liquid Stream • Overall Dry Weather Capacity All Influent Pump Station- A sixth UV Disinfection and Final Effluent the liquid stream processes have influent pump is recommended Pipe Low lift pumps are adequate capacity through 2035 to provide firm, reliable pumping recommended to relieve a under dry weather conditions. capacity(i.e.,adequate capacity hydraulic restriction near the • Wet Weather Holding Basins– A with one pump out of service)to UV disinfection effluent channel new weir structure on the Basin B the pre-aeration tanks and to the during wet weather events,and spillway is recommended to gain wet weather holding basins. a parallel 72-inch final effluent an additional two feet of reliable Secondary llariters—Two pipe is recommended to reduce storage in Basin B.This will result additional clarifiers are headlosses to accommodate in a maximum available storage recommended to provide the a 127 mgd peak secondary volume of 122.7 MG for all three required 127 mgd peak secondary treatment capacity. holding basins combined. treatment capacity needed to accommodate a 20-year storage event. COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 15 Not Shown: Add Two Replace Stop Logs at Add Basin B Spillway with Add Two Anaerobic Fourth Weir Structure Secondary Digesters in DAFT Clarifiers 2027 Add Sixth Influent I WAKI Pump 00 1 1 1 jw" x. O qi"� y ``IA-4-1-1 {{II II II pp Si[{iTi s 4. .Y R —1 J7I.I.I-1._.V.1 �Y'� i.-••�,:. rri(_[l fff '4 - ■■ ,off �� � r viF; 11 n t, 77717770 '71; ig WIF waste heat recovery boilers stem. :. Landfill gas is used primarily as supplemental fuel for incineration, Reduce UV Hydraulic ' '. i Reduce Headloss in �t Restriction Using Low : ,:, Final Effluent Pipe and natural gas is used primarily in Lift Pumps4 - yyL with a Parallel Pipe {`yr the cogeneration unit to generate `���\� "Y'G'! ��•!' .. 4�r :� � ,4" p Iii -� - electricity. Major Capacity Expansion Projects From 2014 to 2015,the treatment • DAFT— the dissolved air Energy Balance plant consumed electricity at an flotation thickeners may not have average rate of 2,620 kW.The natural y Aplant-wide energy evaluation was adequate capacity.After the new gas cogeneration system generated qcompleted using 2014 and 2015 centrifuges and cake pump aretreatment plant operating data. approximately 95 percent of the installed,a polymer optimization electricity needs(approximately 2,500 test is recommended to evaluate The treatment plant imports energy kW),and PG&E supplied the remaining whether polymer should be added from three sources:electricity,natural needs(120 kW).Solids handling, as loadings increase to maintain gas,and landfill gas. Energy from process pumping,and UV disinfection the targeted DAFT performance. wastewater solids is also recovered use most of the electrical power If polymer optimization is not through combustion in the MHF and supplied. successful or the declined DAFT performance is not acceptable, Odor Control a fourth DAFT will be required in HVAC Screening the future. Final Effluent Pumping . • IVIHFs— The current practice Primary Treatment, Incineration, 16% is to operate only one multiple Thickening hearth furnace(MHF)at a time. Other With one unit in service,projected Service Air annual average solids loading Dewatering,6% Influent ° will exceed the MHF permitted Pumping, 13/o throughput limit before 2035. In Secondary addition,the MHFs do not have Treatment,6% enough capacity for the peak Other Solids PrimaryEffluent da loadings.The existing Sludge Processes,6% Pumping, 11% Blend Tank and Emergency Sludge Storage Tank will continue 3W water,7% UV, 10% to be needed for both emergency Filter Plant storage and for temporarily (Recycled Water),7% storing solids during high peak Treatment Plant Energy Consumption,by Process Area day loading conditions. 16 1 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT MAY 2017 Energy Balance Findings and Recommendations 1. Greenhouse gas emissions 3. Central San's objective for the PG&E can be maintained below the treatment plant is to achieve Net 0.48% California Air Resources Board Zero Energy. Net Zero Energy anthropogenic cap-and-trade is defined as"using enough Solids to threshold of 25,000 MT CO2 per renewable energy to satisfy Incineration year by maximizing landfill gas annual energy consumption 34% usage as long as possible and requirements.Central San will continuing to recover energy strive to achieve Net Zero Energy from the wastewater solids.The by improving energy efficiency in cogeneration turbine provides a the following areas: cost-effective way to generate Decoupling the solids and electricity on site, particularly liquid processes by replacing Landfill Gas Natural Gas with the current low price of the current energy recovery 13% 53% natural gas. It also significantly system and steam-driven Energy Source Profile at Treatment reduces imported grid electricity aeration blowers with an Plant from PG&E. Organic Rankine Cycle(ORC) 2. Landfill gas production is turbine and high efficiency expected to decline overtime electric blowers and new as the landfill ramps down its efficient diffusers. operation.In the future, more Adding anaerobic digestion efficient solids handling and upstream of the MHFsto energy recovery facilities will produce biogas and generate provide a sustainable way to electricity. minimize costs and continue to Replacing the existing operate below the cap-and-trade cogeneration turbine with a threshold—even if landfill gas is larger,more efficient turbine. no longer available. Adding renewable energy sources,such as solar,wind, and co-digestion of imported high-strength waste(HSW) such as fats,oils,and grease (FOG). COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 17 5. UNDERSTANDING THE FUTURE REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT CWMP recommendations for the EXPECTED BACWA NUTRIENT DISCHARGE LIMITS AND treatment plant were developed to COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE meet existing regulatory requirements, Assumed and to provide the flexibility toJOA L Concentrations, mg/LSchedule meet potential future regulatory Total Initiate Compliance requirements. Key findings and 'nia Nitr" Phosphorus -Design Deadline recommendations are listed below: Level 1 Optimize nutrients (no exact limits) 2019 2024 NuLlient LirlII«: Assumptions for Level 2 2 15 0 2027 2037 nutrient limits and compliance Level 3 2 6 0.3 2037 2047 schedules were based on the Bay Area Clean Water Agency Future Solids Management The plan. However,a more robust (BACWA)Scoping and Evaluation current practice of incinerating expansion of solids handling will Plan for potential nutrient wastewater solids and ash reuse be required. In addition,over reduction. as a fertilizer amendment is a the next 5+years,Central San sustainable option in the current will explore other innovative and • IVlicroconstituents and CECs: regulatory environment and is emerging solids handling and The current trend of increasing expected to remain so over the resource recovery technologies monitoring requirements and planning period.Solids loading that may prove to be viable long- regulation of microconstituents projections are expected to be term solids handling solutions. and other constituents of higher than the MHF permitted Use- emerging concern(CECs)could Future Recycled Water Use• average annual capacity within Central San's current recycled lead to new limits for Central San the next 20 years;therefore,to in the future. However,since the water production is only five increase capacity,diversifying percent of the wastewater flow scope and timing for potential solids treatment and reuse limits is still uncertain,new processed at the treatment options will be required.Central plant.To expand recycled water facilities to target CEC reduction San's emergency sludge storage were not included in the CIP.To production and use,Central San and loadout facility,where will need to develop agreements ensure adequate space for these dewatered,unstabilized solids facilities,a future CEC treatment with the agencies responsible for can be temporarily hauled offsite purveying water within Central system was included in Central to another treatment facility, San's site plan. San's service area and possibly is the current contingency partner with water purveyors outside Central San's service area that may have a more immediate need for water. 18 1 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT MAY 2017 • Biosolids Reuse:The ability to use biosolids as landfill alternative daily cover will decline significantly over the next few years. Recent California legislation requires a 75 percent reduction `„ 1 of organic wastes sent to landfills by 2020(AB 341).The State will also eliminate diversion credits for green waste used as Ar 4 alternative daily cover by 2020(AB 1594)and will require 100 percent diversion of organic waste from landfills by 2025. �r i rti _ Regional biosolids reuse practices may need to change as .� these landfill diversion goals are in place,and wastewater r utilities may need to compete for other biosolids reuse options, which will likely increase the cost to reuse biosolids. By using ` MHFs to process the solids and reusing the ash as a fertilizer - amendment,Central San can avoid this competition. .. _ • Air Eniibsiuivs. Several air emissions regulations and anticipated •� r regulatory changes are motivating Central San to invest in new . air pollution control equipment.These regulations include: Additional investment in the MHFs will eventually designate them as modified sewage sludge incinerators(SSI)which , Y would trigger air emissions upgrades to provide the best Maintaining Equipment Ensures Regulatory Compliance available control technology(BACT). Draft Regulation 11, Rule 18 would require reducing toxic air emissions that pose a health risk to the public.Updated risk assessment methodology will require a Health Risk Assessment(HRA)at the treatment plant to ensure cancer risk from toxic air compounds does not exceed 10 in a million. Future PM2.5 limits(i.e.,fine particulates)may be imposed because of the Bay Area's non-attainment status for 24-hour PM2.5.This would require additional air pollution control equipment,such as a wet ESP. Although Central San operates under the new EPA SSI rule, replacing the existing outdated air pollution control equipment with new equipment will enable more reliable air emissions compliance. COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 19 6. PLANNING FOR MORE RESILIENT FACILITIES rainfall totals over the next 20 ; = �` ---- years. However,the frequency of _A7 extreme peak wet weather events ■ -__ is expected to double by the - year 2050 and triple by the year 2100. By designing for a 500-year 4 u f =� event,the higher levee will allow °4.. for some additional protection against potentially larger storm surges. Wet Weather Holding Basin B During a Recent Storm Event The influent pump station is Flooding Resiliency ranging from one to three feet. most vulnerable to flooding.The In 2005,a 40-year storm caused The California Department dry pit for the influent pumps Pacheco Creek to overtop its levees of Water Resources(DWR) and motors are below ground, just upstream of the WWTP. Flooding standard is to protect against which would flood if the levees at the treatment plant was narrowly a 200-year water level with breach.The pump motors are avoided as the levels in Grayson and three feet of freeboard,with close-coupled to the pumps Walnut Creek rose to the brink of the allowances for sea level rise due and are at a low elevation that levee crest. to climate change.Central San could flood.Although raising is collaborating with the FCD to the levees will reduce the risk of To avoid catastrophic failure,flood raise the levees along Grayson son flooding from the creeks flood protection is critical.If the levees overtop or breach,the plantwill flood, and Walnut Creeks toprotect the water from the surrounding causingover$150 million in damagearea can still accumulate in the and site from a 500-Year storm with long-term interruption of wastewater three feet of freeboard. dry pit that houses the electric treatment service.The treatmentp lant's Climate change is another motors.A leak in the influent most susceptible areas are the below- potential threat to the treatment pump piping can also cause round utility tunnels.The tunnels plant. Long-term regional catastrophic flooding of the dry g Yit and contain critical equipment,such as precipitation models predict p pump failure.The influent influentum s and motors,primary rimar little change in average annual pumps are critical because they p p effluent pumps,effluent pumps,solids PROJECTS TO MITIGATE FLOOD RISKS handling support equipment,and the MHF center shaft drive. Project ' st Estimate Walnut&Grayson Raise the levee along Walnut&Grayson The nearby flooding event in 2005 Creeks Levee Creeks to provide protection for a 500-year $1,100,000(') prompted the Contra Costa County Rehabilitation flood event.To be complete by 2018. Flood Control and Water Conservation Replace Influent Provide motors that can operate District(FCD)and Central Santo p temporarily in case of dry pit flooding due Pump Motors with to wet well leak or in $1,186,000(l) i initiate a joint interim project in 2007. Immersible Motors piping g failure.To be The project included de-silting the Notes: complete by 2021. Walnut Creek channel and raising the levees aloe Walnut and Gra son (1)Existing District project DP7341.Cost is based on the District's Capital Improvement Budget and 10- g y Year Plan adopted June 2,2016. Creeks,protecting against a 100- (2)Recommendation by the CWMP.Cost is based on a 3/30/2016 quote from Gent Components and TM year storm with a range of freeboard No.G-3-Basis of Cost Estimates. 20 1 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT I MAY 2017 are required to pump incoming • Standby Power Facility Operational Vulnerabilities wastewater to the treatment Strengthening frame connections The following recommendations are plant for processing and to send and installation of knee braces at aimed at maintaining and improving wastewater to the holding basins the existing moment frames. operational resiliency at the WWTP: during peak wet weather events. Central San is constructing seismic Continue annual updates of To guard against this threat,the improvements to the Pump and Blower Central San's Contingency and pumps will be equipped motors that can be immersed for short Building and is further evaluating Spill Prevention Plan. seismic improvement needs at the durations. Complete aplant-wide Solids Conditioning Building.The vulnerability assessment with Seismic Resilient remaining seismic improvements are Resiliency key District operations and Accordingto Central San's 2009 plant- scheduled for completion over the next maintenance staff for each wide seismic study,most of the major 10 years. process area to identify Y an Y buildings will likely experience damage Process equipment and piping new emergency response plans, if a 6.7 magnitude earthquake occurs throughout the WWTP are also recommended emergency on the Concord-Green Valley fault. at risk of damage and long-term contracts,changes to policies Per California Building Code,a 6.7 service interruption due to seismic and programs,and any new magnitude earthquake corresponds events.Since this equipment has not capital improvement projects. to a 475-year recurrence interval. been thoroughly evaluated,seismic Incorporate recommendations Damages to structures would weaken evaluation of the mechanical and into the Contingency and Spill the frames that support the building electrical equipment in each building Prevention Plan and Capital roofs and intermediate floors,and and of major piping in the utility Improvement Plan. many buildings would be unsafe tunnels is recommended. Decouple the secondary for plant staff access afterward. For treatment aeration blowers several days or months,buildings The 2009 seismic study did not assess water-retaining structures,such as from the solids handling and would require repairs and treatment the steam system.Although the operations could be significantly the primary sedimentation tanks, A/Ntanks,and secondary clarifiers. steam-driven aeration turbines limited,limiting the ability to manage and waste heat recovery system and treat wastewater.The 2009 study The 2009 evaluation was also based on building codes that have changed are sustainable energy solutions, recommended seismic upgrades for they create a complicated and several buildings at the treatment significantly.Additional seismic evaluation is recommended for water- vulnerable interconnection plant. retaining structures. between the various processes Since the 2009 report,Central San completed retrofits of the following g buildings: x. f The Headquarters Office Building Installing additional interior - ' w moment frames anderimeter r p � posts. . r • Household Hazardous Waste �6 V Collection Facility—Modifying braces at the frames,installing knee braces at the frames,and adding a short collector member , at the location of the re-entrant _ k corner. Inspection of the Multiple Hearth Furnaces COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 21 and equipment.As previously mentioned,converting the waste heat from solids incineration into power using an organic rankine cycle turbine and using electric blowers instead of steam-driven turbine blowers would help t= overcome this vulnerability. • Consider constructing a second primary effluent gate.Currently,all flow from the primary sedimentation tanks must go through a single gate to go downstream for secondary treatment. If this gate fails when closed or at an undesirable position,it can restrict flow and reduce level control in the primaries. • Install a dedicated raw bypass pump station and drainback pipeline for reliable,simultaneous diversion of both raw screened effluent and primary effluent during wet weather events.Currently,the ability to bypass these Capita/Improvements are Needed for streams simultaneously is limited by the hydraulics of a shared bypass Security pipeline. Physical and Cyber Security An initial review of security measures was completed for the CWMP.The following are recommended capital improvements and studies to improve the physical security: Implement the security-related capital improvements identified for the WWTP and pump stations as outlined in a confidential report provided to the District. Complete a more comprehensive security study(currently under progress) for all major facilities that utilizes the principles of AWWA J100 Risk Analysis and Management for Critical Asset Protection methodology (RAMCAP®J100).The RAMCAP method is a 7-step process: 1)Asset Characterization;2)Threat Characterization;3)Consequence Analysis;4) Vulnerability Analysis;5)Threat Analysis;6)Risk/Resilience Analysis;and 7) Risk/Resilience Management.This study will include recommendations for improving the District's overall security program. Continue to actively track the latest trends in cyber security threats and prevention. Initiate an ongoing,annual capital improvement project to assess cyber security threats and implement cyber security improvements as needed. 22 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT I MAY 2017 7. RECYCLED WATER NEEDS AND OPPORTUNITIES Recycled water demands are Rehabilitation of Aging Reliability Improvements expected to increase over the next 20 Y Y ears.Additional utility water, Infrastructure Replace one of the unused oversized which is produced by the recycled The following improvements are 300-HP Applied Water Pumps with a water facilities,will be needed to recommended based on the condition new pump sized to match the existing accommodate potential future assessment: SO-HP Applied Water Pumps;this treatment plant processes. In addition, Replace the filter media, will provide pumping redundancy more recycled water will be required to underdrains,filtered effluent for current peak day recycled water satisfy landscape irrigation demands flow meters,instrumentation, demands. for the Concord Community Reuse controls,and coagulant flash Perform coagulant testing Project development.The projected mixing. to evaluate using alternative average Title 22 recycled water coagulants instead of alum. Replace the Clea ravel I liner a nd demand at 2035 is S.S mgd,compared Coagulant testing and replace the east cover. to the current average demand of optimization may lower operating 1.6 mgd,and the projected peak day Upgrade or replace the electrical costs and improve filter capacity. demand at 2035 is 11.3 mgd versus support equipment for the Add a cover to the west Clearwell the current peak day recycled water recycled water,filter plant,and demand of 3.8 mgd. applied water process areas. currently not covered or used Replace chemical support system to provide redundant storage components(coagulant and and allow for routine draining, sodium hypochlorite). cleaning,and maintenance. PROJECTED RECYCLED WATER DEMANDS FutureCurrent —.AA Recycled Water and Utility UtilitlrCNWS lir 70tal Future WaterM Water(2) Redevelopment Futu - Zone 1- Seasonal Average 1.6 1.4 2.5 0.8 5.5 (mgd) Peak Day(mgd) 3.8 1.7 5.8(3) 1.9(3) 11.3 Notes: (1)Based on data from 2013 to 2015. (2)Future utility water demands assume the recommended alternatives for nutrient discharge,recycled water production,and solids handling.Average demand: 1.1 mgd for 20 mgd MBR,0.1 mgd for 14 mgd R0,0.2 mgd for wet scrubber;Peak demand: 1.4 mgd for MBR(RO and scrubber demands remain constant). (3)Peak day demand calculated by applying a peaking factor of 2.3 to the annual average value,similar to the 2011 Draft Recycled Water Facilities Plan. (4)Future Zone 1 demands represent the remaining potential flow to Zone 1 customers based on the District's agreement with Contra Costa Water District.These demands are included for informational purposes only and are not included in the Total Future Demands values shown.The District has not identified any other major users in Zone 1 that are not already connected and that would meet the District's Board Policy(BP 019)project requirement for a 15-year payback. COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 23 • -- � Existing - Recycled Water Delivery Pumps 4 r New West Existing East Clearwell Cover Clearwell Cover New Chlorine Contact Basin Existing 7 Filter Plant Y AN � New flo AMM Existing 'Backwash Tank LEGEND Existing Forebays Existing Buried Pipeline New Facilities New Recycled Water Facilities Capacity Improvementp limitations on applied water an average of 35.5 mgd is available for All major recycled water treatment pumping. additional recycled water production. facility components were evaluated, Add a Chlorine Contact Tank to Driven by California's drought,water including applied water pumping, expand disinfection capacity. conservation efforts,and Central San's tertiary filters, backwash pumping, long-term goal of zero discharge, Expand chemical support Central San is exploring opportunities Clearwell storage,disinfection systems(coagulant and sodium facilities,and recycled water deliveryhypochlorite). to expand recycled water production facilities.The following improvements and help augment regional water were identified to meet future recycled Add ActifloT"' upstream of supplies. water demands: the filters to improve water filterability when expanding In 2016,Central San commissioned a Y P g stud to identify wholesale recycled Repeat filter capacity testing the capacity to meet Concord Y Y Y after rehabilitating the filters Community Reuse Project water opportunities.There are and optimizing the coagulant to recycled water demands. opportunities to offset raw water used confirm the reliable capacity of at neighboring refineries by supplying the existing filter plant. Expanding Recycled Water Use high-quality recycled water,export Replace the applied water Y Current recycled water production is recycled water to agricultural users via limited b the Title 22 recycled water the Delta Mendota Canal,or produce pumps with pumps sized to Y Y accommodateda peak j roected P Y demands.Central San's projected high-quality water for Indirect or Direct P � demands. Investigate potential average dry weather flow is 41 mgd Potable Reuse(IPR/DPR)for water Foreba and Outfall hydraulic and projected average Title 22 recycled purveyors in the region. Y Y water demand is 5.5 mgd,meaning 24 1 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT I MAY 2017 The refinery opportunity appears to RECYCLED WATER CAPACITIES be the most feasible recycled water Component Approximate Capacity, mgd expansion option.The refineries Applied Water Pumping 4(1) currently use a combined total of 20 Tertiary Filters 6 to 11(2,3) mgd of raw canal water supplied by Backwash Pumping 25.8 gpm/ft2(4) Contra Costa Water District(CCWD). Supplying recycled water to the Disinfection: Clearwell Storage and Contact 6 Time Facilities refineries would require treatment u pg rades to remove ammonia and Recycled Water Delivery Facilities 5 possibly nitrogen and dissolved salts. Notes: Because Central San understands (1)Current optional capacity is 4 mgd.The applied water pumps have the physical capacity to achieve 18 mgd;however,to efficiently meet demands above 4 mgd,modifications would be required,including that recycled water can play a key adding VFDs on the 300 HP pumps and replacing the 50 HP pumps with larger pumps.The applied water role in augmenting limited regional pumping capacity corresponds to a recycled water production of 3.6 mgd assuming 10%of filter feed is water supplies,recycled water ultimately used for backwashing(4 mgd/90%=3.6 mgd). treatment upgrades were considered (2)Filter capacity based on performance during April and May 2016 filter testing.6 mgd capacity with a in evaluating future facilities and 24 hour minimum filter run time 95%of the time; 11 mgd capacity requires decreasing minimum filter run developing future site plans. time to approximately 14 hours.Capacity based on three filters in operation at a time. (3)Minor modifications,such as adding a new static mixer and instrumentation/metering improvements, would be needed to achieve the filter capacity shown. (4)Backwash pumps have adequate capacity to backwash one filter cell at a time.The maximum backwash rate is close to the original plant design criteria of 25 gpm/ft2 and exceeds the current backwashing rate of about 20 gpm/ft2. COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 1 25 8. MEETING FUTURE NUTRIENT REGULATIONS AND EXPANDING RECYCLED WATER USE Evaluation of Alternatives current) available.The following ass/ and environmental)and the fourth Y gp Treatment alternatives for liquids and fail criteria were used for the initial category(denoted by the +")is added solids streams were identified for their screening: to include technical advantages and ability to meet potential future nutrient disadvantages. 1. Is the technology proven/scalable limits,strive toward net zero energy, to meet liquid,solids,and air Evaluation criteria for each category diversify solids handling and biosolids regulations? were identified according to the CWMP reuse options to meet the projected planning objectives.The evaluation solids load,to supply recycled water 2. Does the technology fit within site constraints? criteria were then further developed to to nearby refineries,and strive identify performance parameters and towards zero discharge.To evaluate 3. Does the technology maximize units of measure. the alternatives,the%%universe"of use of existing facilities?In other technology alternatives was first words,does it avoid abandoning The three liquids and three solids screened.Treatment alternatives were facilities in good condition? alternatives listed below were then evaluated from the list of viable evaluated during a workshop with g technolo ies. Triple Bottom Line Plus (TBL1 Central San staff from Operations, Evaluation Maintenance, Planning, Regulatory, Screening of Alternatives The"triple bottom line+"evaluation and Capital Divisions. In December 2015,Central San held process was used to compare the a workshop to evaluate the universe alternatives.The TBL+process of alternatives,which is the broad evaluates how well alternatives meet field of possible liquid,solids stream, the project's needs based on the three and energy process technologies traditional categories(financial,social, 26 1 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT I MAY 2017 Preliminary Primary Biological Nitrogen Effluent Treatment Treatment • * DisinfectionW� 14 Management Grit Removal Additional Primary MLE Granular Media Filtration: UV Recycled Water Technologies Sedimentation Tanks(PSTs) •Deep Bed to Refineries Pulsed Bed Grit Removal Chemically Enhanced Step-Feed 'ABW HOzone Recycled Water to DMC •Detritors Primary Treatment(CEPT) •Aerated Grit Basins =Enhanced High-Rate Sequencing Disc Filters Public Access Reuse �F •Vortex Grit Basins cation(EHRC) Batch Reactors Pasteurization Microfiltration/ (Recycled Water for Landscaping) •Eutek HeadCell Mechanical CAS+Denitrifying Filters Ultrafiltration Sodium Hypochlorite •Grit King Primary Treatment (DeNF) (membranes) Discharge to Walnut Creek (Discontinue Outfall CAS+MBBR Fuzz Filters Peracetic Acid(PAA) to Suisun Bay) Grit Washing Adsorption Y •Classifier Continued Discharge •Cyclone-Classifier Dense Sludge Clarification CAS+BAF MBR to Suisun Bay •Eutek SlurryCup/Snail IPR/DPR •S&L Turbo Washer Simultaneous Nitrification/ Ballasted Flocculation/ Primary Filtration DeN Oxidation Ditch Sedimentation •Huber Coanda (ActifloTM) Recycle Water •Other Variations orFActivated grated Fixed Film to Power Plant(s) Primary Effluent Filtration Imitations of the Types Sludge(IFAS) Listed Above DAF Clarifiers MBR Sidestream Treatment- NAS Sidestream Treatment- CaRRB Sidestream Treatment- Annamox Adsorption/Bio-oxidation Ballasted Activated Sludge Nitrite Shunt NiDeMa Zeolite Ammonia Removal Universe of Liquids Treatment Technologies Solids .. Processes Anaerobic Stand Alone Alkaline Aerobic Emerging/ Digestion+SSI Digestion Stabilization Digestion Embryonic ski 19M 191 Technologies MHFs MAD+SSI MAD+Drying Direct Pyrolysis (existing) Drying Thermophilic Fluidized Bed Thermal Indirect Reactor Hydrolysis+SSI Anaerobic Drying Gasification Digestion TPAD+SSI AG Hydrothermal Anaerobic Liquefaction Biological Enhanced Supercritical Hydrolysis+SSI Anaerobic Water (THP,etc.) Oxidation Universe of Solids Handling Technologies COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 1 27 LIQUIDS ALTERNATIVES SOLIDS ALTERNATIVES Alt L1-MLE+MF+RO: Expand activated sludge process Alt S1-FBIs: Replace MHFs with two Fluidized Bed for biological nutrient removal(MLE or Modified Ludzack Incinerators(FBI). Ettinger)and add microfiltration(MF)and reverse osmosis(RO)for refinery recycled water. Alt 52-Digestion+Dryer+FBI:Add anaerobic digestion and drying followed by one FBI. Alt L2-MLE+MBR+RO: Expand activated sludge process for biological nutrient removal and add Alt 53-Digestion Only:Add standalone anaerobic membrane bioreactors(MBR)and RO for refinery digestion with a CAMBI thermal process to produce Class A biosolids that will eliminate the use of incineration. recycled water. Alt L3-IFAS+MF+ RO:Convert activated sludge to integrated fixed film activated sludge(IFAS)and add MF/ RO for refinery recycled water. At the workshop,the team scored the liquid and solids alternatives for each category and objective. In the end,the team selected liquid stream alternative L-2-- MLE process for nutrient removal and the MBR process for recycled water production for the refineries and solids alternative S-2--anaerobic digestion followed by incineration,where the existing MHFs would be replaced with one FBI when the MHFs reach the end of their useful life. ❑T1: Provide Reliability and Performance ❑ Sl: Protect Public Health and Safety ❑T2: Efficiency and Flexibility ❑ S2: Maintain Good Public Relations ■ F1: Capital Costs ❑ E1: Impact on Local Environment ■ F2: OEM Costs ❑ E2: Impact on Global Environment F2 I S21 I S!v FW T2 T2 T2 _ T2 T2 T2 T2 T2 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 T1 Ideal Alt Ll Alt L2 Alt L3 Ideal Alt S1 Alt S2 Alt S3 k1ternative MLE + M F MLE + I FAS Alternative FBIs Digestion + Digestion + RO MBR + RO Dryer + FBI Only Liquids Alternatives TBL+ Scoring Summary Solids Alternatives TBL + Scoring Summary 28 1 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT I MAY 2017 9. RECOMMENDATIONS Collection System Long-term reliable collection and Gravity Sewers- Central San Pump Stations— An estimated conveyance of wastewater to the replaces gravity sewers at a $33 million in pump station treatment plant in Martinez is critical rate of around 0.3 percent per improvements is recommended for protecting public health and the year.The recommended annual between 2019 and 2023.The environment.To maintain a high level replacement rate of gravity largest projects will rehabilitate of service and continue to reduce sewers starts at 0.5 percent the Fairview, Maltby, Moraga,and SSOs,the following projects and and ramps up to 1.2 percent Orinda Crossroads pump stations. programs are recommended. within 10 years.At this rate,81 Similar improvements will be Aging Infrastructure miles of sewer will be replaced required at other pump stations in the next 10 years at a cost within the next 10 years. Aging infrastructure projects include of approximately�280M,and improvements to gravitysewers and an additional 184 miles will be pump stations to either replace or replaced in 10 to 20 ears at a cost rehabilitate and extend the useful lives p y of approximately$440M.Over of assets. the 20-year period,that 265 miles represents nearly 18 percent of the collection system. PERIOD COST 0-5 Years $ t 5-10 Years • 10-20 Years $441 184 20-30 Years $724 281 80 30-50 Years $1,156 403 0 70 50-75 Years 575 206 60 E 50 75-100 Years $808 276 9— v +_J (n 40 O U 30 20 U 10 ...... . .:....: CO I-- O M C0 M N Lo 00 M C0 N Lo CO I-- O M C0 M N LSA 00 - I� N N N M M M C 7 � Lo Lo Lo C0 C0 C0 I__ r__ r__ 00 00 00 M M M M O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O = = = O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Forecast Year 100-Year, Recommended Pipeline Replacement Plan COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 29 Capacity Legend MA AR 2 CCCSC3 modeled sewers � According to the hydraulic model,a Preliminary capacity relief projects Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer Project 10-year event will cause surcharging MAR 1 in 21 locations in the service area.This _ means flow will exceed the S-foot CCCSD Wastewater freeboard criteria in the manholes. Treatment Plant Twelve of these locations are predicted PLH-4 to overflow the manholes and cause an ,`., SSO. PLH-3 ., PLH-2 One project(Pleasant Hill-Grayson PLH-1 4. CreekTrunk Sewer is already under WCK-1 ,� ) Y ; sem LAF-1 progress. For the remaining 20 LAF-2 LAF-5 locations,capacity relief projects were developed, prioritized,and included LAF-3 _ LAF-4 WCK-5 in the CIP. Before implementing some of them,additional localized level ORD-2 r�I and flow monitoring specific to the ORD-1 7 project locations will help confirm the WCK-2 WC K-4 priority and scope of the relief project. MSO R-2 MOR-1 WCK-3 IL Validating the collection system model is an important ongoing effort to NI ensure the highest priority projects are y T T addressed first and to further confirm V [G = the need for capacity relief projects. 0 x f Based on the growth projected in the service area, no capacity relief projects are required to handle increasing dry O V weather flows. However,implementing . some improvements and expanding ID4 O the collection system in North Concord will be required to receive flows from the Concord Community p 0. Reuse Pro jectdevelopment.Current V 0 1 2 3 4 miles ratepayers would not need to fund those improvements,and they are not Date Saved:7012112016 included in the CIP. Preliminary Capacity Relief Projects 30 1 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT I MAY 2017 COLLECTION SYSTEM CAPACITY RELIEF PROJECTS Regulatory Project - The main regulatory driver for ProjectID - Length il� =W mw� collection system is the State Water ORD-1 EI Camino Moraga Easement (Orinda) 1,612 Resources Control Board(SWRCB) ORD-2 Moraga Way (Orinda) 1,156 issued general Water Discharge MOR-1 Camino Pablo Diversion (Moraga) 1,442 Requirements(WDRs)for sanitary MOR-2 Hodges Drive/Rimer Drive (Moraga) 475 sewer systems.Central San's LAF-1 Deer Hill Road (Lafayette) 363 Sewer System Management Plan LAF-2 Happy Valley Road (Lafayette) 1,185 (SSMP)summarizes Central San's operations of its and o LAF-3 Moraga Road (Lafayette) 982 management p collection system.The main goal of the LAF-4 Pleasant Hill Road/Buchan Drive (Lafayette) 3,316 SSMP is reduce the occurrence of SSOs LAF-5 Pleasant Hill Road/Springhill Road (Lafayette) 232 through preventative maintenance WCK-1 Camino Verde/Geary Road (Walnut Creek) 2,276 and monitoring.Central San's existing WCK-2 Tice Creek Drive (Walnut Creek) 403 SSMP expires December 2017 and WCK-3 Tice Valley Blvd./Meadow Road/Lancaster Road (Walnut Creek) 4,154 will need to be updated with the most WCK-4 Palmer Road (Walnut Creek) 1,026 current regulations. WCK-5 Walnut Blvd. (Walnut Creek) 1,428 Most of the SSOs in Central San's PLH-1 Ardith/Kathleen Drive Diversion (Pleasant Hill) ---20 service area are caused by root Pleasant Hill-Grayson Creek Trunk Sewer See project intrusion in 6-inch and 8-inch vitrified y plans clay pipe.Using cleaning data,the PLH-2 Grayson Road/Pleasant Hill Road (Pleasant Hill) 2,882 InfoMaster®capital planning software PLH-3 Virginia Hills Drive (Martinez) 200 identified high cleaning frequency PLH-4 2nd Avenue (Pacheco/Pleasant Hill) 1,837 locations in the service area.To show MAR-1 Alhambra Avenue (Martinez) 1,528 continuous improvement and to MAR-2 Embarcadero Street Easement(Martinez) 987 reduce SSOs in the collection system, these pipes will be a priority for future sewer renovation projects. Changes to Air Emissions requirements 4 t I 11F over the last five years from CARB,and _WWI the EPA will affect the Central San's h r 271 — air quality permits that are enforced ,- through the Bay Area Air Quality L, Management District(BAAQMD) Permit-to-Operate(PTO)(annual permit)and the Title V permit(five- year permit).Central San should plan - for increasingly stringent emissions - requirements and for emissions control equipment for stationary and mobile Collection System Crew Cleaning a Sewer combustion facilities and engines. Sustainability To ensure Central San can reliably maintain a high level of service for critical infrastructure,projects were identified to rehabilitate existing COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 1 31 facilities based on the findings from field condition sewer lateral program. However,Central San may consider assessments. In addition to the rehabilitation projects,it an infiltration and inflow(1/1)identification pilot program is recommended that Central San implement inspection to assess the potential for reduction of 1/1 from renovation programs that utilize use high-tech inspection technologies projects. By monitoring flow before and after pipeline to assess the condition of force mains and large diameter rehabilitation,Central San can quantify the reduction in 1/1 sewer pipes,which are traditionally difficult to assess.The and can identify the most effective methods of 1/1 reduction inspection programs prioritize high risk facilities that have to be used in the future. a high consequence of failure.These new inspections will update the prioritization for replacementof Summary of Major Treatment Plant �t Recycled P p g force mains and large diameter pipes and establish baseline Water Recommendations data for condition that can be used in the InfoMaster® The following list summarizes the major recommended model for tracking and financial planning as each pipeline treatment plant improvement projects by phase(timing) ages and degrades. and by the applicable capital improvement drivers. Phase 1 Since the collection system has not experienced wet projects are in the 0 to 5 year timeframe, Phase 2 projects are weather capacity related overflows in many years,there in the 5 to 10 year timeframe,and Phase 3 projects are in the is no immediate regulatory driver to implement a private 10 to 20 year timeframe.Some projects span multiple phases and/or are driven by multiple key issues. Q Headworks Screenings Upgrade QQQ® PLC Systems Upgrades Phases 1 and 2 Q Pump&Blower Building Seismic Upgrade Treatment Plant Urgent Repairs O Switchgear Refurbishment-Phase 2 Applied Research&Innovations Influent Pump Station Electrical Improvements Outfall Improvements-Phase 7 to 9 Q Mechanical and Concrete Renovations QQQ 0h TP Safety Enhancements-Phases 4 to 11 O Plant Control System 1/0 Replacement Annual Infrastructure Replacement Program Q Y4 Equipment Replacement Recycled Water Distribution System Renovations Q Fire Protection System-Phases 2 to 6 OOOb Plant Control System Network Upgrade Phases 1 and 2 Q Piping Renovation-Phase 9 OOOb Odor Control Upgrades-Phase 1 and 2 O ObWalnut Creek/Grayson Creek Levee Rehab O Wet Weather Flow Management Q ►UV Disinfection Upgrades Primary Expansion Project Q &Treatment Plant Security Improvements O2 Warehouse Seismic Upgrades O1 Ob Plant-Wide Instrumentation Upgrades O 40ta, Laboratory Seismic Upgrades O1 Innovative Bioenergy Demonstration 0 obi., Miscellaneous Seismic Upgrades O1 Solids Conditioning Building Roof Replacement 01, Clearwell Improvements O UV Hydraulic Improvements QQ 00 Secondary Treatment Hydraulic Improvements O1 Condition Assessment of Buried Pipelines0 3Q� WWTP SCADA Replacement O Plant Operations&Lab Data Improvements O30Obt Solids Handling Facility Improvements-Phase 2 O1 Ob Filter Plant Improvements3QOb Solids Handling Facility Improvements-Phase 3 Ol O2 404DAeration and Energy Upgrades Tunnel Improvements OO WOOD'Solids Handling Facility Improvements Secondary Clarifier Improvements Ol O2 Plant Operations Building Seismic Upgrades DAFT Improvements Ol O2 � Surcharge Soil Pile Relocation Ol O2 Aging Infrastructure Phase 1 Nutrient Removal (BACWA Level 1) O1 Ol O2 UV Disinfection Replacement Capacity O Phase 2 Ol O2 Treatment Plant SCADA Improvements Regulatory 30 Phase 3 Sustainability Treatment Plant Projects and Their Drivers 32 1 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Anoxic Secondary Zone Clarification Outfall isuS Bay n Headworks Grit Primary Aeration Basins UV Removal Sedimentation for BNR TL Disinfection RAS I Recycled Water for Primary .I. Existing Users and Sludge I Concord Naval Weapons WAS Pre-Conditioning Refurbished CCT Station Development Actiflo Granular Media Bioenergy Anoxic Filtration Solids Processing Anaerobic Zone Project Digestion Recycled Water Resource ® ; for Refineries Recover yr Sludge a, Membrane Bioreactor Reverse UV Disinfection Osmosis ® W RAS (Split Stream) ABBREVIATIONS LEGEND BNR Biological Nutrient Removal Liquid Stream RAS Return Activated Sludge — Energy r,—00�0� WAS UV Ultra Violet --lip- Solids Stream M Dewaterin CCT Chlorine Contact Tank z Q Ash for Dryer Centrifuge Dissolved Air ZIPBeneficialFlotation 70 V Reuse Fluidized Bed Thickening 70 Incinerator r– m n = Gas Turbine M -A Z z � Cf) Thermal Oil 70 Ali D M n C Electricity Q to Plant Grid Cn Cf) D Organic Rankine Cycle Cn C (ORC)Turbine z � D M Plant of the Future Process Flow Diagram � o C Cf) C M n zr � D N W O W �I r I �I 1) 75' 151)' 3O, ..•4 � l I �\\- I _ � y `•tib\ \\� ` j EN $ 1$ \ ❑ Q Y � I Pro'ect Descriptions �� T 10 A\(21) I I 1 0 � \� Re-consolidate Contaminated Soils to Basin A South (7 I l ''-'" Do 4 z Raw Wastewater Diversion and Drain-back System Levee Raising(done by County) -� 50 s ®0 ❑ as 4 BACWA Level 1 Optimization - 5 Future BACWA Level 2 and 3 Nutrient Removal '- f 6 Refinery Recycled Water(MBR RO UVB 7 Filter Plant Improvements =� `-::� 4_ ❑ 1z 8 Solids Handling Improvements °°� �' ° 14 14'' 1s Add Digesters and FOGIHSW Receiving Station 10 Replace MH F with FBI -� �_.. { > 11 UV Replacement 12 Aeration Upgrade-Electric Blowers,Diffusers,Air Piping �; 12 ,3 Primary R&R 14 Secondary Clarifier R&R 15 Add New PSTs and Aerated Grit Tank w 1B Secondary Improvements Hydraulic Im ts . I o > 17 DAFT R&R ' Existing Facilities 1a Filter Plant Expansion for CNWS 19 - �'�r�-�: r'� Glearwell Improvements Existing Facilities To Be Modified r_ jf w 20 Replace Influent Pump Motors With Immersible Motors ==t-_ r__ LU X 21 Future CEC Removal Planned New Facilities a Plant of the Future Site Plan — z W H co CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT MAY 2017 10. RECOMMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN The Capital Improvement Plan(CIP)encompasses a $1.8 Billion (2016 dollars)20-year improvement program for the collection 1% 3% system and treatment plant. The Master Plan's recommended projects were categorized into four programs: 1. Treatment Plant($856 Million) 2. Collection System($819 Million) 3. Recycled Water($26 Million) 47% • • 4. General Improvements($54 Million) A fifth category"Future Unfunded"includes other identified projects that are not currently included in the CIP.Some of these projects were identified to meet potential uncertain future regulations and other projects expected to be cost-neutral to Central San,such as the future wholesale of recycled water. Treatment Plant Collection System Recycled Water General Improvements Total 20-Year ClP Breakdown,by Program $120,000,000 $100,000,000 $80,000,000 $60,000,000 ■ $40,000,000 loom $20,000,000 M $0 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 Treatment Plant Collection System Recycled Water General Improvements Total 20-Year ClP Annual Cash Flow din 2016 Dollars) COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN 35 11. EMBRACING INNOVATION The CMWP has identified proven technologies that can be utilized to meet future nutrient limits, � � wholesale recycled water needs,and technologies for solids handling and - resource recovery. technologies Ya. - r 4 are essential for ensuring Central San - 10 - has a flexible plan in place if we need - to replace those systems. However, r . the industry is rapidly changing and emerging and innovative technologies - may offer improved life cycle costs, �1�1l ��y`� ��� increased energy efficiency,and/ or reduced footprint requirements. r r; Central San continues to invest in applied research to continue to find the best available technologies. a Central San encourages innovation by �. exploring emerging and embryonic - r� technologies that may change the A oil way wastewater is treated globally. Central San is actively seeking out Central San Lab Technician opportunities to partner with other companies,research and academic institutions,and other public agencies ' to explore promising solutions to liquids treatment,solids handling, Central San, part of a consortium led by the and energy and resource recovery. Water Environment& Reuse Foundation,was Although man of these innovative selected by the Department of Energy(DOE)to g Y technologies are not considered tried receive a highly sought after federal grant for an and true in the industry,Central San applied research project to test a breakthrough, is invested in being at the forefront of emerging bioenergy technology(to be hosted innovation. By embracing innovation, at Central San).The proposed technology, we may be able to achieve meaningful hydrothermal processing,is aimed at converting y g reduction in energy demands, wastewater solids into clean,renewable fuels maximize recover of valuable such as biocrude and biomethane gas.The Y � resources,and improve lifecycle costs project is scheduled to begin in Summer 2017. s while still maintaining a high degree of reliable service. Biocrude Oil 36 1 TECHNICAL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY �i -_-i . � ~� �I r 1 'I + _ r � �i I� _ � L ��� 1 �` �_ L� 11 1 � _il �1�P ii, 1� carolloin association with -- 2AUe RD MC Engineers...Working Wonders With Water° ••`' i .., ....rte w. .+ f �7 Y s1 t 1� •1. r 'Ti THE COMPREHENSIVE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN (CWMP) IS A CRITICAL LONG RANGE PLANNING DOCUMENT FOR MAINTAINING A HIGH LEVEL OF SERVICE , ESTABLISHING LONG-TERM FISCALLY RESPONSIBLE POLICIES FOR OUR CUSTOMERS, AND PROVIDING A CLEAR DIREC ION FOR CENTRAL SAN . IL 0 CE A • Staff has concluded that the CWMP is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Central San's CEQA Guidelines Section 15262, since it involves planning and feasibility studies for possible future actions which the Board of Directors has not approved, adopted or funded and the Board of Directors' acceptance of this document will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. • The Board of Directors is not adopting or approving the CWMP. • The CWMP Executives Summaries and their recommendations are presented to the Board of Directors as an information item and only acceptance of the document is being requested. The lack of legal effect of the CWMP is further demonstrated because Central San is not required by law to adopt a Master Plan. • Central San will conduct an environmental evaluation of any capital project that is proposed in the future as a result of these plans to determine the need for any additional CEQA documentation. Dynamic Collection S Mast System Model a Comprehensive Wastewater Master )� Plan S THE CWMP IS COMPREHENSIVE Assessed Near- Evaluated � Reviewed Past ' Term & Future Process/Energy Reports Needs Optimizations Developed New Determined Evaluated & Dynamic Regulatory Selected Hydraulic Model Scenarios Alternatives Evaluated ,Developed NQ I MINIE� valuated Flows 20-Year & LoadsProcess $PComprehensive Capacities Plan Performed Evaluated Prepared Condition Hydraulic Updated Assessments : Capacities 10-year CIP .......... Am OHIM Confirmed future CIP Projects, Estimated Costs, and Site Layouts Provides Clarity to CIP Project Inter-Dependencies & Priorities Coordinates Project Schedules & Predesign/Piloting Needs Confirmed O&M/Energy Management Strategies — Develop Energy Policy Accelerated Condition Assessments/Implement Asset M"amt. Plan OAligned with Strategic Goals J I VWX JV 0 r r MASTER PLANNING PROCESS r POLICY r Ma #m ize i r f�'+wr�T�ra r r�Tra-rr�a�rw� Existing Spin Out ASSESS InfrastructuresI m e ed-1 ate x CoI'd iLI o9 I Projects � . Capacity h J! Reliability R ��ir�srrao�ek�►�wwrirew�+r�w��wriw` ,�.w.. IDENTIFY Lon Term ' GAPS/ PPI - TI E � OPTIONS ri ' E 1 �rr��w�a^ac��rrw�rrwewrrr��ar� STRATEGIZE Re r 1. Re 13 . R i Ls 1 i •.+v+�w�:ar+en��xr s^+c�a^e�rr��ar�r'��r ee•w�n..rr�a+�ti i t . Needs Ref i ne. • r POLIC 1p R � r � p Lea ers r - Mirstef Manning Process CWMP BOARD PRESENTATIONS AND WORKSHOPS _- June 4, 2015 - Board approves CWMP contract with Carollo/CH2M ,�_ Hill � June 16, 2016 - CWMP Board MEMO. - '�.-� Workshop on Treatment Plant October 6, 2016 - CWMP Board — - - - Workshop on Collection System • November 10, 2016 - Board Workshop to review revenues and cut---� --. expenses - � January 26, 2017 - Board - - Workshop to review rate scenarios Other related CWMP and CIP - � discussions at Board Meetings on: 11 /15/15 12/3/15, 12/17/15, 10/20/16, 2/2/17, and 2/16/17 U CWMP MAJOR DRIVERS Drivers Descriptions 1 Aging Infrastructure Maintain performance and reliability of existing assets to ensure reliable treatment of wastewater Increase capacity of existing facilities to 2 Capacity accommodate planned growth for the communities we serve Reliably comply with regulatory requirements that 3 Regulatory are designed to protect human health and the environment & Plan for anticipated future regulatory requirements Minimize life-cycle costs, maximize benefits, and 4 Sustainability achieve economic stability through optimization, resiliency, resource recovery, and energy projects CWMP GOALS AND LOS CWMP Goals Levels of Service (LOS) Strive to meet regulatory requirements IANvays work to comply with local, state and federal regulatoRy requirements. Critical facilities will be on-line within prescribed targets after catastrophic events (e.g.. sudden failures. earthquakes. floods.fire. acts of terrorism. etc.'� Work to improve sanitary sewer overflow(SSO) occurrence rate of no more than 3.5 SSOs per 100 miles per year. Be a fiscally sound and effective water sector utility Develop a cost effective program to maximize recycle water in coordination with water agencies.The program:must have a benefitticosts ratio of at least one or greater within 15 Years. 2 Develop a program that maximizes energy efficiencyand self-suff iciencythat has a Energy Policy BP 27 --a-- -""> benefit/costs ratio of at least one or greater within 5 years., E. V Develop long-term resource recovery projects that have a benef it)'costs ratio of at least COMW Cafl&a costa one or greater within 5 years. NuAularl sonwry Dis&kt Provide exceptional customer service ReaseQ Limit odors to within the fence line of the treatment plantf acility. BOARD POLICY Provide rectcled water(e.-g.,residentialf ill stations and commercial hydrants)aliened with 04CROr service area customers'disms nds. Develop a process for assessing customer satisfaction.expectations for[District seriices,and -ftrAW.*M~W;IWM MUN rwarwecsu„ Jak%"ft*Wiffiakw TmdMV 1*Deb Fr%`.;F 0 CpVWK "Wmw on”t(AM er;W'WK rV %wirm FW mt,tftmw at ft Ut5ftKrlb desire for general information. Fof rw uww s"*"L-1 UqW.10.%PW umu"_N&I 7eU JeNri-0 J5'A*a*$=Mr opa~�V,n*W'V_MM W,*� Develop_a public education outreach program that provides pollution prevention education F-9im, I ,oe IMkices t".00,mw"-k qwl Vw4khIl nww and is aligned with the customer's desire for general information. WDrZommorEswari 0%"ffgb%* FJWW.W&Ug'?0 V*to"CO weamel.Own?&WAP-1C rw� "Iew sucftn IM a me wa I P""_W11wma; w4�Vaw tmmr�ofmaraw Ttwm pmcrit,ww"i avA '4;"V*V';x*;ur4siwxVI Pfp~vif an tf* Projects should reduce acNerse impacts on the public and the environment through 06c, fxtrs;Ai�enro 08 Enaw"wU Vo cw frfK o t1i U PM, ustainable practices that rninimLze waste.maximize resource recovery,and embrace -1 AZ0%jLVM GW*&Am 9�Uxmpn,�;afarnhn*oy",d 16A a�?BS 51114Md innovation. JM0<MI4 ny humw licnAn'pew"to LZ VIA. Respondto emergenvy calls in less than 20 minutes during Districtworking hours and less rhan 40 minutes during non-working hours. CWMP EXECUTIVE SUMMARIES ■ Public rearTechnical CENTRAL SAN ,•- TU YEARS AND BEYOND PfkCyT"ECTINC OUR COMMUNITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT -'-•: i i • • 1 Contra Cosa Santtaty Di!d -"Central San" FXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION i 9 7A,Cexrtr3f artva Cc�ta Sanitary umtiicr(ce+nral San)has ore•, :afe End m4iabk `Y �rr34lCwatCr�-r�il•ssroc..•aru3 trenunrnt#ter rrs��rsis�t+dr�4ezt!r��zrtre� aunty.T,�cir�y :�v� VMF 491.E rc-sites ana y, i kw&rts".in 147 aguaers rmIeL Our varyrfis tnt l�,,de suppyiriy - r@Cyd4d-"tef let riwim and gtifrJotr,Ns,prow,dig lecych.•J �� mrwr p7urc Fxv;grwri¢,operrair�y a Fr�r,�Ye.�;:1Ci hexatdrxrs v;axrt=rxllrctie}n faraiiryar J runnirl�t, '�- � wo;+1Araataa wamy yuulitf lrabomwry.fur core mww-n i7 to ptcte=public hehfth anc.the orraironrrtvm,and eut c>;7tonte Cart tvunt cn:rs i ital rrrrv6eon 24 trOw:isIP C r,t+ys1'iar's ir*sstructure includev s 1,501)--ride=I.a•Z'iPfL y _ � system and a tmfjtr"rrynt�kdnt thm have ber rc woli messrvta rvtd•h rar due to Ihar adlvanrutd ago,now re,atrrre -•` rapfanernm,is and upgrade,.Wreadvy+A eq.4ip•terrr%T I �: :lsa p!ar:t ar. in the syitem tivo r I<Ni r•eY.ten,jed we � _ - f:w l:&yrtr-id trwair t,p 1 rrAI 09tAiI I ife:*w to rsa;pnray bka and +>�:+t�t r'r+erntennncrr F�a�rrxta.�"nmr nr tltir r:�It+K'ic�+ �,,..,� y=• �' - i�qv 55C yim feoid T are over?nt urea-,rrl j.and ere rimare,,wdt %y�rz,old Tlar tmetment pslrrr,frr,��txs-were r�nrnarrly �r tonstr•ucted in+e 1470s rad ere now at the coint where -�--- - ma,rnenanra eannct rr4,ntain m4bia r:eriorr•,•iame Thtte r ran sr AT;erndel e-4rrssrme repNnc!vrrr and upgrade l prKajatG w>fl cl6cr for tontsnuad rf;iarala oparatrr(n. COMPREHENSIVE i In rwc;n to Oan for tits fvwre arsd lav:)trt a X-year •rissorr for the repla=m ent,and qDgedes,C€ntrw WASTEWATEii Sar.carr:miAsior6Qd a.a r%wt+f:anst.*VawesRatar hlrnter P1,arr,I0.1J!ti1P'.The C-WMP entrsrrrtrrssses e V.E b+N.on._010 d Alam,,two-decade-IraN MASTER i" e t81 imL9rp"rraryAPl4r prn9mm fCjP)Oar the �-31"-uori 4yatc:m anti tri atrr-crst Giant,L.4Eff 1$.73111=Il10n cif Cap-tw-PIP. PLAN within tlse frrat ter yoars The retcrnmended pr.jags irsm the::,I OTAP svera .9cpwatiA it-to lour programs iriOuding the M-Cp od wr.or tryczern,treou sent plant, DRAFT ' ccilect+on syst_ns r>d gerrer'al irnprovarrranta.It ai,a idantillec pviler:ta}fy rraee a impruternart-fol ramticipated or pendng rag ulatl ins.but-;unding for-head rs "'�• not ir+cicrded in the Cop 141e vallje the input srz°,-rrca;rra fr+-.rr:clir cuutcmers.eased ars ic,:s„ _A .. enr,>i A ulitorrr4r,ur.•Dy^ninr3ets�y En 5:ii12f315.Musr:,n'oarc are+at:�l�r� - .-,..�•-.�•..a���� • : �� � r r,. with Central 5ar+s wetow,,atw twmtnec ane ���are i4r "ter;:- �., •meter:The mejtfrrt7r oT aast�r*sers 5ur 'ed SP psroert}aueprr.tAd - e rne+star-Jan and Ine husd+ng needed To impiament reafareT,ents arse upgndd&z•:wrrral pans anfrashud,s=r` MAY 2017 r� Ll LO) A . COLLECTION SYSTEM MASTER PLAN FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS DESCRIPTION OF SEWER SYSTEM • 145 square mile service area � • • 2"d largest collection system in Bay Area after San Jose • Over 1 ,500 miles of gravity sewers • .37,000 pipe segments Asset Value = $2.9Billion* • 31 ,000 manholes Plastic • Pipe Diameters: 4" — 102" $826 Clay • Oldest Ppe:iSsss 1913 (103 years old) Metall M • ic Pipe Materials: Concrete, Clay, slez Plastic, Metal M Concrete $974 M .2 1 oo-YEAR SEWER REHABILITATION & REPLACEMENT FORECAST Period Cost ($M) Mileage 0-5 Years ' ' 38 5-10 Years $180 42 801000;000 10-20 Years $441 184 70,000JOOO 20-30 Years $724 281 60-1000,000 30-50 Years $1,J56 403 0 50.10001000 50-75 Years $575 206 u 401000,000 75-100 Years $808 276 30,000,000 20100010000 101000"000 00 r%l Ln Cc "t r� 0 m to C) C14 Ln CO 'r-4 .-1 00 r-q lqt r*-- T-q cti N N m m rn co It NI, lzt Ll 1-n Ll Z z �D kJO N N n 00 00 00 a) m (n m 0 C) 0 rq r-i T--4 0 CD 0 CD C:) 0 CD 0 CD a) Q C:) 0 C:) 0 = C) <= = 0 0 C> 0 C> CD C) CO CD � T-i "-I f%q N N N N N Forecast Year SEWER REPLACEMENT AND REHABILITATION PROGRAM OVERVIEW System is Aging 0ptimized Pipe Conditions � Rehabilitation & range from Good to 2 :_-- Replacement Very Bad Condition Forecast • 64% of pipes are � Forecasted CIP: < 50 years oldew$99Meveloped Data- - in 5 years D • CCTV'd 90% of pipes: - -$720M in 20 years • 2% - Very Bad Supported Risk Model Forecast will be lnfoMaster"C� to updated routinely by Confirm Sewer Needs staff for CIP updates Uses ESRI backbone &Aft SJft apr • Uses LOF and COF to calculate risk LOF based on District14 �6�i1 Ia�i�i�hl���li64w6�n�JIN tl ii.. CCTV and cleaning data THE CWMP DEVELOPED A CRITICAL TOOL FOR DAY-TO-DAY OPERATIONS ■ Under the Master Plan, a new collection system hydraulic model was implemented: infkkWoI'�S� ICM ■ Transition from ArcSNAP -> lnfoWorks@ ICM ■ Collection System Model ims used to: ➢ Identify Wet Weather Capacity Deficiencies ➢ Size Pipes for Capital Projects ➢ Evaluate Impacts from New Development ➢ Evaluate Potential Limitations for Special Discharges a1- COLL CTION SYST M CAPACITY R Ll F IMPROV M NTS Imarfine zi Project Project Modeled Pump stab-011$ "— t i JFairviewl ' ProjectName Length(ft) .,,..-Fie rr s I Ma It y ; Clyde ORD-1 El Camino Moraga Easement(Onnda) 1,512 CCCSD Wastewater (ARD-2 Moraga Way(Ori•nda) 10,156 Treatment Plant IUGR-1 Camino Pablo Diversion (Moraga) 1,442 JAcaca 9 Lower Orin FICnd oncord (viC -{ Hodges Drive/Ryrrer Drive(Moraga) 475 ustrial -AF-1 Deer Hill Road (Lafayette) 353 SAF-2 Happy Valley Road(Lafayette) 1,185 LAF- Moraga Road (Lafayette) 82 LAF-4 Pleasant Hill Road, Buchan Drive (Lafayette) 3,31 LAF-5 Pleasant Hall Road'Springhill Road(Lafayette) 23.E 'CK-1 �a, eno' erde`Geary Road(Walnut Gree fy WCK-2 Tice Creek Drive (Walnut Creek) 403 'CK-3 Tice Valley Blvd./Meadow Road'Lancaster Road(Walnut Creel) 4,154 11 Mo ra g a SCK- Palmer Road(Walnut Creek} 1rC25 Orinda ;: WC -5 Walnut Blvd. (Walnut Creek) 1, 28 Crossroads PLH-1 Ardith/Kathleen Drive Diversion (Pleasant Hill) 2� f See project wn Pleasant Hill-Grayscn Ureek Trunk Sewer _ plans . :.� PLH-2 Grayson Road/Pleasant Hill Road(Pleasant Hill) 2,882 r ` P L H-3.1 Virginia Hills Univ$(Martinez) 200 4 PLH-4 2nd Avenue(Pacheco'Pleasant Hill) U37 - I � Sun Ramon .�.� MAR-1 Alhambra.Avenue (Martinez) 1,528 '0'•°'�"` �'""` `�" `-` `'' MAR-2 Embarcadero Street Easement Martino l � ��, 987 ' �+Gtrnr�7rTw+q.aYar[rw Modeled Trunk Seer System COLLECTION SYSTEIUIAPACITYOVERVI C EW --- � Maintain High Level Implemented More -- of Service at 3 Robust Model Reduced Costs • Critical day-to-day tool New criteria & projects to • Commercially-available prevent Ssos for 20-year • Calibrated using flow event monitoring data . . Reduced length of pipe • Improved accuracy Utilized a new replacement required by p q • More detailed results Design Criteria using new model/criteria allowing for prioritization 10-year event design Flow monitoring & new & higher confidence criteria selected model reduced CIP • Clarified trigger & design needs lnfDWOftcriteria '�M Consistent with other agencies • Leverages model - capabilities & allows some surcharge B . WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT MASTER PLAN FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS OV RVI W OF WAST WAT R TR ATM NT PLANT CWMP IDENTIFIED NEEDS ...................... Addresano limitations of_Fisting Recycled Water S-vstem ........................ e Community Impacts and Rates .A Planning........._....-.,....,_. - r+• four Future Incinerator Nutnent Rernwal Emission Compliance - Dpportunitiez Costs fDr Nature ■ �, 4o, RW,IncludingZero ► e En i F..► �r► ,r Chancong Condhons � fiance with 6ulations r ;040, Reduced Landfill Gas . -''Fater Demands ,, .;, .s► ...�...._... `` -Climate Change L $ A. Dpbrnization of Hydrau ac and Re Cast ted'O ll for iabiity for Wet Weer : .- .._.................... ...�.._......._......r Disink6on k; _................ ................. 4,� ���, �,�. Dr.,and Viet _ Opportunities...... . ,,. ,��,, , . R ow Projections ppv for lnno%ctDn and ,�,,•'��'* `+ Reswce Recovery .......... .. Beall ru c Certs for : Noritzed Rehab/ CIR Deve1opment Replacement ....................... Schedule to Address ~.Reliability/ Aging Infrzistructure Redundancy of :....................................... . : : . Rump'Stat%ons -""- wsa TREATMENT PLANT PROJECTS O AGING INFRASTROC TURF CAPACITY RFGULATGAY SUSTAINABILITY I Mer F12nt linproiements:Replace hltpr rr*dia.urowdrairm,el"tacv gear,and ssippon ? Secondwy Treat mmt Hydravtcr Add seccotdwy daritiers to OKmas* M ContamIna od Soft r rtrts{7iiclate contxrw-LWd sorts to wpt weather t o"nq bwn C Sav~Romoval UpQrA c Add newirrfluPn1 scxemngs removal arm rr 144WWF c,�iWtyand a mwO tirluor spM.W sinrtrrm tc+ownly spW A.swh. hand"fac*bes to mplam tlsr.►cwr#M screvnrngs hancltirry process 2 S*Cond;wy Clarffw Rehabillbttar.:9c9lam dilw median rm,RAS pumps.,WAS purnp,. IX T AW'41 i im0ion. l f SACWAi i"1:Gpti rxw tmhtres trr nLitrK rt K<kx jcn It Aw2b 3 UV�emeft Rte Lx4-W diwrfwticsn 5 B UV Hydraulics:Add low H1 pa rn�to W�arxf a p�fond pnmary t rr•,Vwwnr Arid wrwk4nK4 u-oq A,N tx*�for� � c�1w d Vuwn sAcsarrn Cis varirh eek+co 17iaw�rs,rip ox 'r 5o&h Handlbtq M ovenw s;rc+ftxe �� r*P xW xr t'�=P� tri Ai•r-r-wirw L-2 to rr+kKe annannon r r+&Ahr SWam s rnto awystd heal to rAwx �4'ao��yslem ww�sM fr�;rr �, fes, �Lrl1a[1{ryrFtrOd it l�w�I.�MlI 213:I " {]giP(l,arsd �` � '�ptoduct�an S cbgdrPMMt 1 PH-,mm y Expran0m Add rwo prrrrtary sednmt7 m tanks and motes To 9V xtticapNod Wnfis.• 115 Raw W'astowater Ohmrsbon mod Drakt-&xt STrst*=Add a raw t*zfewak-r 5 Fluratredf Bed irr .*mH-tor:P*PL-Ke AMII s at trip pW of Vw L64d W vwrrh an RL a tank to md"Rwl-"art?riow yaws arncl M pvn 4 Wkb HarKWK R%,dupe Gasp addr on.reel."a to the VVWHgs aW a utky 6 ill lkilAx*dsanW4 p txw" �artd ash hwd r q Ott sc�rsmic upgrades for the Soils C�omfibc oswq fsa m 9*Itoi*q bam �nip Sta rare:�ra1 cfra+rr ba(*waxt� tc�r kw x4 the Pall r fOYer;Add a Gep T Rkw P'bM Expar4kwc Add a d,4xm k w txt E-A*old uggat Bukkiq and Arty;,and rrnprowe rho AxW bk-nd tank goraKp opmtrom and rrown4 If RA#r+ery Rec7ded Ybw Pra}ctM rrs9a Add MSR.pkverse CKff l 8(Rid;, �..•.�' lrnprvrerr�rsts Odor Corrtrrrl 'Q'�Arid Acalo"up%trr+am d it*Merl to rrw*T CLAWS Tldp 22 i Sol&lnpee nadw 1�5S7G&Aferrtatfwe 5.2.v*"indudes a66"digubm and LN to pr+oduc*"ledwrater tot rs xby W*4 and kosaa refry , UPgr s.d-s mcy+ded w2w der wKh when occur• to Md"the iOW TO OV h rrrarcps to paW#W t fXa KA&19 0>e**permMed CW�ftxXl 17 NSw ' "we" wfrrpnt of the WiFs With drgp ets iragorwwl by IK Ae���r�'Addwow"��a�R digestion in lrscrea� XPROUCIka T"CFEC Amnwr&Prowle space on the adswq plant so kc fuum tadDtin to wawn x+ a how"Ab Enww Amlectsotar or w sd.• - Vis.' PIP Fbod PAokrcom Rzi6p the kwe to prak ct horn a 3+o-gear storm evens,mod t� moxe the r nolon for V*irtfffl p xnps wkh1MMWAW rnoMm Add UM R$tiKTA Pump f<x wit wejew ficrm ::. Sok •POW"propct id+r"ibed but not w4U$wd in It*C!P is �- - tra! 16 _. PMP" r 18 - AP— ..ergo"- - ,� � - _ 4■ 11 '�„ fig �� '• - - _,� 15 • bra® K 1. r 4 KEY MASTER PLAN FINDINGS 1 . Aging Infrastructure 2. Site Constraints at WWTP site 3. Capacity Constraints during Wet Weather Events 4. Impact of Future Regulations 5. Increased Demand for Recycled Water 6. Upgrades Required for Solids Handling Facilities 7. Goals to Meet Energy Self Sufficiency 8. Optimization: Effectiveness and Efficiencies I_ PLANNING FOR COMMUNITY GROWTH 3. PLANNING FOR COMMUNITY GROWTH To evaluate Central San's capacity to accommodate planned growth over the next 20 years,population 575 projections and corresponding ,000 0 p roj e cti on s of wastewater flows a n d 550,M loads(wastewater strength)were 5 2 5,OW developed and later compared to 500,000 the treatment plant's flow and load capacity.Future flows and loads were 475,000 estimated by applying historical per- 450,GO] capita flows and loads to the projected 4-45,000 population.Population projections 4G0,000 were based on the Association of Bay 2010 12 0 15 2020 2,G25 2030 35 Area Governments'(ABAG)population projections for communities in the Service Area Population Projections -service area. For the most part,influent flows and loads have increased steadily since the District's incept-Ion in 1946.However,in three periods,flows declined from drought and economic conditions,such as during the late`Kis and early'90s. Starting in 2008,the District experienced an unprecedented long-term reduction in dry weather flows that lasted through 2015.This recluctionixas caused by the recession,a persistent drought,and water conservation measures,In 2016,the flows rebounded slightly(from 29 mgd to 32 rngd)but not to the pre-drought flows of around 35 mgd. Historically,flov,,s have returned to near pre-drought condition-,when normal rainfall patterns resumed and water usage increasea after drought restrictions are lifted.Hooiever,a full rebound n-tay never occur this time,because water conservation measures and investments from residences and businesses may permanently reduce water consumption and wastewater flows.The CWMP assumed flows would rebound to approximately 34 rngd and would steadily increase at an average rate less of less than I percent per year,for the next 20 years. 41 40 U.: 2C 1C —Historical ADWF --Proj ec ted ADW F 1950 1960 1970 19610 1990 2000 21010 2020 2030 thstorical Dry Wcathcr Flows and Protection W WAS WAT R TR ATM N PLANT CAPACITY EXPANSION P OJ C Not Shown., Replace Stop Logs at Add Tvic A-did 5 Total Capacity Ge.iaency Basin B Spillway with Add Two Xnaero"'Je Fourth Di esters in 3M 0 Total C-apacity Weir Structure Secondary DAFT Requ red N Firm Capaciltv Clarifiers 2027 r-I .. 4 lr"IuA-nt Rirnp ■ I C'SPE!'_- Deficlenco,=6 mgd,,'Firm Capam,9equired. - Add Sixtfi Ca pacity DeficienL'%j=60 mg;d capaci 15 1) _21 3 C M g d IN Required.! F Influent Oeficienm/=27 mgd iTc-tal CapaclN Requi -101 r. irt Pump U_ (85 mgd) 9equired Prlrlary Treatment 2GO mgd R tj ReQuSrea,-,,econcarr Treatment Capacity 127 n�;d Required 0 e-Fjrrp 'i lift B�rpas-,z DO Capacity dfiml" 50 mad A*k iL: A#; Reduce UV Hydraulic Redice Headloss in 50 (2( Restriction Using Low Final Effluent Pipe Lift Pumps with a Parallel Pipe < te cl, Q 2! ;E OC E c Major Capacity Expansion Projects 0 ru 1 Cg 0 0 fu E U C < > Capacities of Liquid Stream Processes-Peak Hour Wet Weather Flow LiQuIDS AND SOLIDS TR ATM NT ALTERNATIVES EVALUATED IN THE CWMP - r. CE a: -ad.-d - I * ; i G-Tt aerr^=val ..,rwbonal�"rorwry. �i a,T-e cvrwg61ar?eoz r.r-at r Fl��C}ed V;Sler ts C.!^Ghs?�iCa acapr �r: lic ari'x �+33 �� sea �'• 30 !:�WfirCriCri a•-ccc£--= .Tat Rarnr.,ail ���-,+r�R'1h•��+#'�3r�C� ,..� '- -e ���"!•f'��$"�1le"rt�r.s��" 3CCC �C. �y�'. {YCd'!s �CC^i'C'Erlti`r'�:aaa#e:*-�1�•.i"� "L1aEtYk•l�ri ^ zr,w-ec Gnt Rzainx ennarced -.'Crs*€st1Cx rf+ag'�°i"a a[#ir{1 �F irafarl rMe �1-1n-�we.s=t epri -=rC".ite.rz• sa7is^rr�er.'l1 er ix faoi mt 32sina IRoc�ed.,_ AnaaCa Pike-:� Ce C:. +:>wr lofts ltr ek.00I r:JMpoch-- rE= o rG Sa74 Sar-mn4ue outatl "'S T Mass erC -�.�cesa_{leaailser ...�r,,x51�-cy7ae_;ar,#,rscC++'� � •Ra €.^.,rtx!!e S3urrx�tip�•Sr,.aaa -_ _. --�-•-�-----, `S&L 7 CG'ry.Faer- FL�?rnwrf Flbp}r Z ,R1 oris Ditch r � x3r.+►r ca.`st •' lig!?=r'afq J11 h�#7er�caenos F- - S a!i*r1R!►+C.�.r:.r 1. rrir „'fir g*�'aa a r 1'ratrr-are�.�luvrt Fh r -�;. £' � rrrfrat��a ar:ham.;mss _ r[� e'riT'f#r�tk�c ►�j�3r"�4�.��Q^�7GCri"t7G^ Universe of Liquids Treatment Technologies ologies Solids Stabilization Process4a& +' Direct —55 I H F`tsadE:90$00 ' Ir1Cr'e+:'t 'Reactor 1H HIV10rory,&3—-S S ses:ion SPA=- G I rTMP.a:C. 0X,a3_a0n [.universe of Solids Handling Technologies TRI L BOTTOM LIN P US ANALY I OF ALTERNATIVES LIQ UIDS ALTERNATIVES SOLIDS ALTERNATIVES Alt L1-MLE+MF w RO:Expand activated sludge process Alt S1-FBIs-Replace WHFs with two Fluidized Bed for biological nutrient removal(MLE or Modified Ludzack Incinerators(FBI).. Ettinger)and add microfiltration(MF)and reverse osmosis(RO)for refinery recycled crater. Alt S2-Digestion+Dryer+Fi3t:Add anaerobic digestion and drying followed by one FBI Alt 1-2-MLE*MBR►RO_Fund activated sludge process for biological nutrient removal and add Alt 53-Duron Oniy;Add standalone anaerobic digestion with a CAMBI thermal process to produce Class membrane bForeactors f,MBR)and RO far refinery recycled water. A biosollds that will eliminate the use of incineration Alt L3-IFAS*'SMF-R u Convert activ&ted sludge to irnegrated fined film actuated sludge(IFAS)and add MFJ RO for refinery recycled water. At the workshop,the team scared the liquid and solids alternatives for each category and objective.In the end,the team selected liquid stream alternative, L-Z MLE process for nutrient removal and the MBR process for recycled water production for the refineries and solids alternative S-2--anaerobic digestion followed by incineration,where the existing MHFs.would be replaced with one FBI when the MHFs reach the end of their useful life. ©T) Davide Reliability and Perfor-,•., M S9:Protect Pubiio He,a"rh and Safety EJ Ti:Efficiency and Flexibility M 52:Maintain Good Public Relations FI Capital Casts a E -Impact on Local Environrrrent F2.O&M Costs Ej E2:Impact on Oloba€Environment p I 1 4 1 r iL T2 T2 4 T1 Ti r; Ti T? Ideal Alt L1 Ott L2 Alt L3 Ideal Alt Si Alt S2 --.&3 %'tea tirve M----—MF IMLE-+ IFAS Altematve FB is Dige on Digest on —RC MBR . RO Dryer-FBI on fY Liquids Alternatives T& Scaring Sumrnaryr Sodrids Afternarives TDL+Scorinq Summary FUTURE REGULATIONS 5. UNDERSTANDING THE FUTURE REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT CWMP recommendations for the EXPECTED BACWA NUTRIENT DISCHARGE LIMITS AND treatment plant were developed to COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE meet existing regulatory requirements, Assumed Comphance and to provide t h e flexibility to Concentr.bons,mg/L Schedule meet potential future regulatory Total Initiate Compliance requirements. Key findings and Amrmnia Nitrogen Phosphorus Design Deadhne recon-imenclatic.ns are listed below: Level I Optimize nutrients no exact limits) 2019 2024 * Nut"ent Lim!f Assumptions for Level 2 2 15 0 2037 3 2 3 37 nutrient firnits and-compliance Leve.1 6 0- K 2047 schedules were bared on the 13 ay Area Clean Water Agency e Fuqure Sollids,Man-RoPment The Wan.However,a more robust (BAC' A)Scoping and Evaluator current practice of incinerating expansion of solids handling will Plan for potential nutrient waste-sivater solids and ash reuse be required. In,addition.,over reduction. as-afertilizer amendment is a the next S+years,Central San 0 Micreconstituents and CEOs. sustainable option in the current --gill explore other innovative and Th-,e current trend of increasing regulatory envrironment and is emerging solids handling and expected to remain so over the resource recovery te c h n o log!t e s monitoring requirements and planning peric-d.Solids loading that may prove to be viable long- regulation of m icrc co n stituents projections are expected to be term solids handling solutions. and other constituents of higher than the MHF permitted • Future Recyclod Vrfater Us emergingconcern(CECs)could average annual capacity within Central, •San's current recycled lead to ne,,%- limits for Central San the next 20 years';therefore,to water production is cnly five in the future.However,since the increase capacity,&versifying percent of the wastewater flow scope and timing for potential solids treatment and reuse 'L 15"mits is still uncertain. nev., processed at the treatment facilities to target CEC reduction options will be required.Centra, pla nt-To expand recycled water ,,vere not included in the Cllr.To San's emergency sludge storage production and useCentral San ensue adeq u ate space for these and loadout facility,vvhere will need to develop agreements dewatered,unstabilized solids fa c i I hies,a Tutu re C EC treatment with the agencies responsible for can be temporarily hauled offsite system was included in Central to another treat me rt f acility, purveyi n gwater within Central San"s site plan. is the current contingency San's service area and possibly partner with water purveyors outside Central San's ser:ice area that may have a more immediate need for water. _4 ---------- E ,NERGY BALANCE FINDINGS Energy Balance Findings and Recommendations Odor Contro HVAC Screening 1..Greenhouse gas emissions 3. Central San's objective for the PG&E FlriaH-11-fluent Pumping can be maintained below the treatment plant is to achieve Net Primary Treatment Indrieratfon,'16% California Air Resources Board Zero Energy.Net Zero Energy anthropogenic cap-and-trade is defined as%`using enough Solic!5 to Thckerifng threshold of 25,000 MT CO2 per renewable energy to satisfy Incinerallon Other-------- year by maximizing landfill gas annual energy consumption 34% Service Air usage as long as possible and requirements.Central San will Influent continuing to recover energy strive to achieve Net Zero Energy De%vatering,6% Pumping,13% from the wastewater solids.T h e by improving energy efficiency in cogeneration turbine provides a the following areas: Secondary - T.Teatrnent,6% cost-effective way to generate - Decoupling the solids and electricity on site,particularly liquid processes by replacing Landfill Ga_- atUral Gas Other Solids with the current low price of 55 3 Processes,6% P ri-na ry Eff I u e nt the current energy recovery Pumping,11% natural gas.it also significantly system and steam-driven reduces imported grid electricity aeration blowers with an Energy Source Profile at Treatment frorn PG&E. Organic Rankine Cycle(ORC) Plant 3VJ v.,ater,711/a Fifter Plant UV, 10% 2. Landfill gas production is turbine and high efficiency f.Recycled Water),71% expected to decline overtime electric blowers and new Treatment Plant Energy Consumption by Process Area as the landfill ramps down its efficient diffusers. operation.In the future,more Adding anaerobic digestion efficient sol ids handling and upstream of the MH Fs to energy recovery facilities will produce biogas and generate provide a sustainable way to electricity. -minimize costs and continue to Replacing the existing operate below the cap-and-trade cogeneration turbine with a threshold—even if landfill gas is larger,more efficient turbine. no longer avaiiable, Adding renewable energy sources,such as solar,wind, and co-digestion of imported high-strength waste(HSW) such as fats,oils,and grease (FOG). RECYCLED WATER CAPACITIES Ex.st:,a . r rIVL/6k 4id�r w.rtlXApproximate f i. ■ Get er; Pumps _ .p plied Water Pumping Tertiary Filters B to 11'. s he Ar West Exist?East ,� ciea � ai:� ��Cover, Backwash Pumping 25.8 gp rrvff;. Disinfection:Clearwell Storace and Contact Time Facilities c�►,�ct.Basin ba" �• Pecyded Water Delivery Fadhes .=f _ .. ti - - Current optional capacrrf is 4 mg.d.The applied water pumps have the�hyslcal c:apaclty lo achieve 18 gd:h � ,t �ffici ly meet demands above 4 mgd,m D difiEEtions wouId de required,in clu ding ea��a _ - - - -- - - adding�Tl)s on the 300 HP pumps:and replacing the 50 HP pumps with larger pumps.The applied water pumpmg capantycaresponds to a rec yTded eater produc�ior4 of 3.6 rn gd assuming 10%of filter feed is -.LEGEND - ulamafitt used f b� aSmg rgd�' o � rg .h Fors; s Existing Buned Pipeline KIEV►'��Cf�1I1�S ."�1' �. �• � Apr' 3 '� / t I Filter capacity based o perform ar-ce ging Apr' and Il��ark?G 16 filter testing,�rngd capac�t���� t a Now Recycled Alater Facilities 24 lour minimum filter run time 195%of the'ime;11 mgd capaciv requires decreasing minimurn fifth run time to appromirnately 14 hWs,Capacity heed,an three filters rn terra on at a time. J31 Minor mu fica�ans,such as adding a new static m' !and in umantati ,;'metermg irnplfovements, would be:needed to achieve the filter caoacitty,sholpj".i. Ai Face#lash pumps ha re adequate c atitto hatMnh e�cell at a time.The maximIm backwash rate is close to the original plant oesib criteria of 21-1.gpm'ftz and exeeds tie current ha& aching rate of about 20 gprn.=fft2. MAJOR TR ATM N PLANT PROJ CTS Y PHASE AND THEIR DRIVERS 0 9 Headworks Screenings Upgrade PLO Systems Upgrades Phases 1 and 2 Pump'--Blower Building Seismic Upgrade Treatment Plant Urgent Repairs Switchgear Refurbishment,-Phase 2 (15 Applied Research&Innovations Wnfluent Pump Station Electrical Improvements Outfall Improvements-Phase 7 to 9 Mechanical and Conrcrete Renovations -Al, TP Safety Enhancements-Phases 4 to 11 Plant Control System 1/0 Replacement 0 Annual Infrastructure Replacement Program 4D ►Equipment Replacement Rec-vcled Water Distributicr,System Renovations Fire Protection'S.ystern-Phases 2 to 6 (D q) Plant Control System Network Upgrade Phases I and 2 49 Piping Renovation-Phase 9 Odor Control Upgrades-Phase I and 2 Walnut Creek!Grayson Creek Levee Rehab 401& Wet VVeather Flow It UV Oisinfection Upgrades Primary Expansion Project Treatment Plant Security Improvements Warehouse Seismic Upgrades Plant-Wide Instrumentation Upgrades Laboratory Seismic Upgrade... 0 Innovative Ojoenergy Demons,tration Miscellaneous Seismic Upgrades 40 Solids Conditioning wilding Roof Replacement Glearwell Improvements 049 UV Hydraulic;Improvements Secondary Treatment Hydraulic improvements CGridition Assessment of Buried Pipelines WWTP SCADA Replacement Plant Operations&Lab Data Improvements Solids Handling Facility Improvements-Phase 2 Filter Plant Improvemenis Solids Handling Facility Improvements-Phase 3 3 **Aeration and Energy Upgrades 3 0 -� Tunnel Improvements Solids Handling Facility Improvements 0 Secondary Clarifier Improvements, *0 Plant Operations Building Selo-nic Upgrades 0 DAFT Improvements AN Surcharge Soil Pile Reloc",aticd 11 LAging Infrastructure Phase I Nutrient Removal VBACWA Level-11 11!�) UV Disinfection Replacemem Capacity /--"% P 1i a s e 2 Treatment Plant SCAR A Improvements Regulatory Phase 3 Sustainability Treatment Plant Profects and Thei'r Drivers C . RECOMMENDED TWENTYMYEAR AND TENMYEAR s .p IcLL. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAID The Comorehensive Vt iwewater Master Pert enownpasses a S1.8 billion(2016 dollars]20-}peer capital,mprovement program (OP)for tine coilecti_r,system and'treatment plant,with$833 rrnkllion of capital improvements witl]in the first ter?years.These shsort-terry.and[ong-term investments in our systems align witk our Mission to always protect oa.�bbc Death and the env,,rcrment and rrtainta n the,excalle nr service levels our customers,exDe=-t from Centra`.Cast.. a Ep - ••Reof=6=1 CIVUR em S410 was"A s7 RaUr- amyr Dnar r � ;4ww i�1 u 134' ne Roc ry: ey OrrCr vZZ3 C)cz IMO FUW*610',NA C.t Wel$Ina 3 Nu!°itne Him 0''473 - f' .. Rrf4�r'F�lC1Cke4 t�dattr d�iil*1lWav,I:F` ti+'C7 Fikr?°s1Attlt&�771C7N!it - - 8toaal*enexirrCnprS�eneA6 � �,�■ •-. oda C itsat•s�FOCs±H�L1Y�Ltun++�Sll7trn .i II Repkie 1,4NF�¢!fs F6- C11 . u'�PrDue'lent :W,jFan=,:yeadr-ftttei]ati+erx t]"U,Ft.Akpip" r•ra+r'r k?� ti stepn�;r3OtWiterj%q S �� Add N1 F573 MAC WAMC Grit T7•4o. r 1fCM'CJr;••orb i.,K ti pM44'[sE eAfi , - _ �j_ C7 '•aid zwc a rtes - F rA,iyst iilar4 r For GN-AG � ` �. �•..:1 r- Ck[w Nes!y"-.m r•n Kim�S Roc Mea-N M+0aasaA ReD]�.0!X49'•:0,'1■MEWS Ivbt inn i4km4mrs _ YEAR CI1) L� Gencral Improvements � Geriesral Improvements. 529,024," w54,724,000 Recycled Water Contingency Recycled Water Conti"ency 524,873,000 S+,C)00,000 $2.6,123,000 '000,000 1 *e� a �7 .•�f ere, Total 14-year CIP 5872,653,000 TotA 20-year CIF $1,803,474,000 R COMM ND D CA ITAL IMPROV M NT PLAN 2017=2037 10. RECOMMENDED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN The Capital Improvement Plan(CIP)encompasses a$1.8 Billion (2016 dollars)20-year improvement program for the collection 1% 3% system and treatment plant. TheMaster Plan's recommended projects were categorized into four programs: I Treatment Plant(5856 Million) 2-Collection System($819 Million) 3.Recycled Water($26 Million) 47% 49% 4.General Improvements($S4 Million) A fifth category"F uture U nfu n d'e d'includes ot her identified projects that are not currently included in the CIP_Some of these projects were identified to meet potential uncertain future regulations and,other projects expected to be cost-neutral to Central San,such as the future wholesale of recycled water 16611h N Treatment Plant ■NC'.'ollection System Recycled Water G"eneral improvements Tota!20-Kear CIP Breakdown by Program $120,0DO.000 V lrc.om000' $80.000,000 $60.000.000 $40.000.000 $20.000,000 $0 201 B 2019 2020 20212022 2023 2024 21025 2026 2027)2023 2D29 ZM 2031 21032 2033 2034 2035 2036 20K w Treatment Plant w Collection Syztern Recycled'Watar a General Improvemwts Total 20-Year CIP Ann oral Cash Flow(in 20 16 Dollars) PROJECTS IDENTIFIED IN CWMP BUT NOT INCLUDED IN THE CIP (Referred to as Future Unfunded in this Presentation) • Nutrient Removal BACWA Levels 2/3: Possibly beyond 20 years • Refinery Recycled Water Projects - 20 MGD • Potable Reuse Projects - Additional --10 MGD • Advanced Treatme,nt/Contam in ants of Emerging Concern Removal • Renewable Energy Projects (triggered by increased power demands from nutrient removal/wholesale recycled water projects) • Concord Naval Weapons Station (CNWS) Recycled Water Facilities Improvements • CNWS Collection System Improvements • CNWS Recycled Water Distribution System (Central San current plan is to wholesale recycled water so distribution system was not evaluated or included in CIP) PRO OS D 1 O=YEAR $873M OF IMPROVEMENTS IDENTIFIED (in `000 ) Shown in 2016 Dollars FY 17118 FY 18/19 FY 19/20 FY 20121 FY 21/22 FY 22123 FY 23124 FY 24125 FY 25/26 FY 26627 Treatment Plant $15,045 $18,707 $54,502 $48,611 $460182 $56,523 $511636 $23;375 $34,950 $37,392 Solids Improvements Phases 2&3 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,190 $20,190 $201190 (Digesters+FBI) CQ lection System $18,492 $17,180 $35,752 $38,000 $39,440 $36,759 $38,293 $41,739 $41,985 $45,703 Recycled Water $460 $540 $1,210 $5,771 $5,771 $125 $1,647 $9,099 $125 $125 $4,277 $2,912 $3,456 $1,943 $3,298 $4,173 $1,798 $20798 $1,798 $2,570 $1,500 $1,500 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Total CIP $42,774 $40,839 $92,920 $96,325 $96,691 $99,580 $95,374 $99,201 $1010048 $1071f9$0 $120,000,000 $100'ro00,oD0 $60,000,000 $40,000,000 .....� - $20,000,000 $0 00 eq eq Ln eq rr eq 00 Ln U General Improvements Recycled Nater Solids Improvements Phase 2&3 (Digesters+FBI) Treatment plant Collection System P- J00 RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTIONS • Review and accept the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Technical Executive Summary, and associated recommendations . • Review and accept the Comprehensive Wastewater Master Plan Public Outreach Executive Summary, and associated recommendations. Find the CWMP exempt from CEQA as a planning document. �3 T R.