HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.d.1)b) Minutes-Engineering & Operations Committee 05-09-17 1, Omdml
centra Contra costs sanitary District
SPHONE: (92.5)228-9500
.SAX: (925)676-7211
Tuesday, May 9, 2017 www.centralsan.org
1.00 P.M.
2nd door Conference Room
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez, California
Acting Chair Paul Causey
Member Tad Pileoki
Roger S. Bailey, General Manager
Phil Leiber, Director of Finance and Administration (arrived during Item 4.)
Jean-Marc Petit, Director of Engineering and Technical Services
Edgar Lopez, Capital Projects Division Manager
Neil Meyer, Plaint Maintenance Division Manager (left after Item 4.)
Sasha Mestetsky, Senior Engineer (left during Item 9.)
Craig Mizutani, Senior Engineer (left after Item 8.)
Clint Shima, Senior Engineer (left after Item 4.)
Amal Lyon, Accountant (left during Item 9Q)
Lupe Saldana, Administrative Services Supervisor (left during Item .)
Cindy Granzella Senior Administrative Technician
1. Call Meeting to order
Acting Chair Causey called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.
. Public Comments
Engineering &Operations Committee Minutes
May 9, 2017
Page 2
3. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to pre-purchase
natural gas through a service agreement with Shell Energy North America, LP,
for the period of January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 at a price not to
exceed $4.25 per decatherm, not including transportation service costs
Mr. Shima reviewed the draft Position Paper included in the agenda materials.
He explained that this is the same process as done in prior years, which is to
pre purchase natural gas for two years from now. He explained that the market
price as of May 9, 2017 is $3.615 per decatherm (dth) (not including
transportation costs) and the price fluctuates daily. He stated that the pre-
purchase price is simply a price not to exceed, not the actual purchase price. To
avoid confusion, Mr. Bailey suggested using the term agreed to or contracted to
buy, instead of the term purchase.
Chair Causey asked for clarification of the amount of natural gas used per day.
Mr. Shima explained that the strategy is 1,000 dth per day, and currently Central
San is using 1,200 dth per day. Anything over 1,000 is at the market price.
Chair Causey asked staff to clarify the recommendation to say 1,000 dth per day.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval with
minor modifications,
4. Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract in the amount of
$555,000 for construction of the Treatment Plant Energy-Cogeneration Unit
Optimization, District Project 7320 to D.W. Nicholson Corporation; authorize up
to 10 percent contingency; and amend an existing agreement (#044520) with
Carollo Engineers increasing the cost ceiling from $120,000 to $210,000 to
provide as-needed construction support services for the Project
Mr. Lopez reviewed the information included in the agenda materials and
responded to questions.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
5. Review draft Position Paper to grant bid relief to Bay Pacific Pipelines, Inc.;
award a construction contract in the amount of $3,018,040 for construction of the
Martinez Sewer Renovations, Phase 5, District Project 8437, to K.J. Woods
Construction, Inc.; and authorize up to 10 percent contingency
Mr. Lopez explained that after the bid opening last week, the lowest bidder
contacted staff►because they used an incorrect price in their calculation. After
review, staff and District Counsel agree that a mistake was made and is asking
for bid relief and approval to move to the second lowest bidder.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
Engineering&Operations Committee Minutes
May 9, 2017
Page 3
6. Review draft Position Paper to authorize the General Manager to enter into a
professional engineering services agreement with Michael Willis Architects
(MWA Architects) in an amount not to exceed $400,000 for architectural services
for Public Facilities and Security Improvements at the Martinez campus
Mr. Petit explained that staff is looking to hire one architect to design multiple
District Projects. He added that they will update the Position Paper to include the
server room relocation to this list of projects, as well. .
Chair Causey stated that he would only be comfortable with this project if it is
presented in July, since there is no actual project at this time.
Member Pilecki expressed his concern that the Plant Operations Division seismic
upgrades may include office space remodel, and remodel projects should not
take priority over operations projects. Mr. Lopez stated that the core of the
Request For Proposal was security and seismic upgrades. Member Pilecki
asked staff to look closely at the projects to determine priority.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval with
addition of the server room relocation project.
7. Review draft Position Paper to rescind prior award to Breneman, Inc.; award
contract in the amount of $119,601 to Morgan-Bonanno Development, Inc. for
District-Wide Patch Paving; and authorize extension of the contract up to a total
of five years for the amount of $598,004 (not including CPI adjustments)
Mr. Lopez reviewed the information in the agenda materials and responded to
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and recommended Board approval.
8. Review draft Position Paper to award a construction contract for Lafayette Sewer
Renovations, Phase 11, District Project 8430
Mr. Lopez explained that the bid opening for this project will take place on
May 10, 2417. He sought Committee recommendation if the lowest bidder is
below the engineer's estimate and there are no complications. Member Pilecki
stated that without a completed post-bid/preconstruction estimate (Attachment 3),
he would not support recommendation at this time. Chair Causey was not
opposed to the project.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and provided input to staff.
Engineering &Operations Committee Minutes
May 9, 2017
Page 4
9.* Review Capital Projects portion of draft Fiscal Year 2017-18 District Budget
Mr. Lopez reviewed the presentation included in the agenda materials.
Member Pilecki, referring to the Proposed FY 2017-18 Capital Improvement
Budget slide of the presentation, stated that it appears $305 million is needed to,
proceed over the next several years, yet there are not enough funds available at
this time. Chair Causey explained that the Board is only being asked to approve
the amounts in the first column (FY 2017-18) totaling X42 million for the coming
fiscal year, the remainder will be spread over the next several years. Member
Pilecki explained that some of the contracts will obligate the District in future
years and he was uncomfortable making such a commitment.
Chair Causey distributed a spreadsheet that he created for small diameter sewer
renovation projects (attached) and asked if staff could combine all renovation
projects into one each year, rather than having multiple separate projects.
Mr. Lopez explained that staff will look into this concept.
Once the presentation was complete, the Committee and staff reviewed the
capital improvements portion of the draft Fiscal Year 2017-18 District Budget.
The Committee provided input to staff to create more clarity in the document.
COMMITTEE ACTION: Reviewed and provided input to staff.
10. Receive list of Scheduled/Parking Lot items
COMMITTEE ACTION: Received the list and provided input to staff.
11. Announcements
a. Future scheduled meetings:
Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.
Monday, August 21, 2017 at 1:00 p.m.
12. Suggestions for future agenda items
Chair Causey explained that due to a recent public comment at the April 20,
2017 Board meeting, he would like to have a general discussion on how staff
handles community outreach before projects.
Engineering &Operations Committee Minutes
May 9, 2017
Page 5
13.* Tour of the Wet Scrubber Pilot in the Solids Conditioning Building
Due to time constraints, the Committee was not able to tour the facility; instead,
Mr. Petit presented a few slides to show the existing system, and the
arrangement of the new pilot system. He explained that this pilot will provide
better scrubbing, better emission control, and use less chemicals. The tour can
be rescheduled for another day.
14. Adjournment — at 5:39 p.m.
* Attachment
Item 9.
(Commiffee Handout)
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Small Diameter Sewer Renovations Project
Capital Improvement Program
May 2017
Project Project Title Budegt to 17/18 18/19 Future Total Ranking Priority Linear
Number. Date Years Score Rank Feet
5991 Pleasant Hill Renovation-Phase 2 300,000 560,000 800,000 11883,000 3,543,000 60 VH 82
8422 walnut Creek Sewer Renovation-phase 11 1,753,000 2 181,000 - - 3,934 000 65 C 91
8430 Lafaette Sewer Renovation-phase 11 650,000 3,300 000 - - 3,950,000 65 C 8500
8433 South Orinda Sewer Renovation-Phase 6 102,238 1500,000 2,150 000 - 3;752,238 65 C 85
8435 walnut Creek Sewer Renovation-phase 12 - 1,000 000 2,900,000 - 30900,000 65 C 902.
8437 Martinez Sewer Renovation- hase 5 625,000 31470,000 - - 41095,000 65 C 87
8445 North Orinda Sewer Renovation-phase 7 - 600,000 31100,000 - 3,700,000 60 VH 8558
8446 Lafayette Sewer Renovation-phase 12 - 600,000 3,100,000 - 3,700,000 60 VH 8558
TOTAL Small Diameter Sewer Renovations 3,430,238 13,211,000 121050,000 1,883,000 30,574,238 69,137
Total CIP Budget-Collections System Program 18,492,000 17,180,000 50,082,000 104,104,105 300
Percentage of Colelction System Budget 71.4% 70.1% 3.8% 71.4% 4.4%
Paul Causey Page 1 5/7/17
Item 13,
(Committee Handout)
N 14�tl'l n G o e
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Dan Frost Senior Enclineer
May 9, 2017
4 r iE&O Meeting
Dec Jan Feb
Mar Apray Jun Jul
Wet Scrubber
Pilot Testing Dec 15 2016—
Project Oct 1st 2017
Pilot Design Dec 15th-- 15
A ri1 th
Pilot install A ril 15th— Ma 1 th
� y �
Pilot Conditioning for
Optimal Recovery May 15th —July 12th
Air and Liquid
Testing June 12 th—August 30th
Wait for Air and
Liquid Testing �n.�S30th
August 30 September
of Pilot Equipment Oct 1st 2017
Port I
Dry Scrubber
Cake Scrubb2
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