HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.a. Provide direction on pending legislative matters 9.a.
central San
Board Meeting Date: May 18, 2017
Submitted By: Initiating DeptXiv=:
Emily Barnett Administration
Communication Services
Intergovernmental Relations Manager
Roger S.Bailey
General Manager
ISSUE: In accordance with.Board Policy No. BP 026— Legislature Advocacy, the Beard
may provide direction to staff on positions related to priority legislation. The 2017
Legislative session is underway and staff is seeking Board direction on pending priority
BACKGROUND: Under BP 026 -- Legislative Advocacy, when legislation has direct
impact on Central San or special significance to the Beard, the General Manager will
present information to the Board on priority legislation.The Board may then provide
direction as to Central San's position on the legislation.
Staff has reviewed pending legislation and worked with member associations to identify
possible direct impacts on Central San. The process to create and pass legislation is
constantly in flux; the priority legislation presented in this Position Paper represents the
most confident analysis and due diligence research at this time. As new information
becomes available, it will be presented at future Board meetings.
Attached is an updated Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet. At this meeting, staff is
recommending that the Board take action in support of or provide direction on the
following priority legislation:
Federal/State ILeciislation Author Known As Staff Rec.
........................ .... .. ................Brgas redefined t 'include
. l gasifIcaTlon.withinCalifornia
6 State 1 o Sin. De Lton support
Rnewalos Portfolio 8tadard
............... ....... ....... ............. .......... ........... .............. ................. ....... ................. ......
....... ....... .............. P to ri rn
Redefining"sewer" under None--
7 Mate SB 231 : Sen. Hertzberg Proposition 218. peeking
Board Input
.....:.................. ........ ............... . ........ ...... ...... ......
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Board Meeting Date: April 20, 2 017
ALTERNATIVES/CO NSI DERATIONS: The Board may choose from the following
positions on each piece of legislation:
• Support
• Support if Amended
• Neutral
• Oppose Unless Amended
• Oppose.
COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This matter was not reviewed by a Board
RECOMMENDED BOARD ACTION: Take one of the following actions on Priority
Legislative Tracking Sheet Items Number 0 and 7:
1} Adopt staff recommended position(s) on the identified priority legislation; or
2) Adopt a different position on one or more pieces of the identified priority
legislation; or
3) Take no action.
Attached Supporting Document.,
1. Central San 2017-2018 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet as of 5111117
Page 2 of 2
Central San 2017-18 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet
as of 5/11/2017
Industry Industry Position Date of
Federal/ Also Known Board
Author Legislation Summary Organization(s) Priority Organization(s) Recommended Board Notes
State As Decision
List/Position Position by Staff Direction
1 State Asm. Lackey AB 979 Would simplify the process of adding special Co-sponsored by CASA -Watch Close Support 04/20/17 Support 5/10/17 Passed out of Local
districts representation on county lafco's California Special Gov't Committee, 5/1/17 Re-
through asimple vote at the county's Districts Association referred to Asm Committee
independent special districts selection (CSDA) and CALAFCO. on Local Government
committee 4/17/17 Re-referred to Asm
Local Govt Committee.
Priority bill for CSDA.
Requested District support
letter to author.
2 State Asm. Quirk AB 574 Direct Potable Requires the state board to establish a Sponsored by Support 04/20/17 Support 5/3/17 referred to Asm
Reuse framework for regulation of potable reuse WaterReuse, CASA Appropriations suspense
Framework projects by 6/2018 and adoption of uniform priority bill file. 4/26/17 Passed out of
water recycling criteria for potable reuse committee to Asm
through raw water augmentation by 12/2021. Appropriations. 4/19/17 Re-
referred to Asm. Water,
Parks and Wildlife
3 State Committee on AB 1441 Hazardous Would support the State's future change of Support 04/20/17 Support 5/10/17 referred to Comm
Environmental Waste the Federal Hazardous Waste (HW) on Environmental Quality.
Safety and Toxic electronic manifesting (similar to a chain of custody) 3/21/17 passed out of Asm.
Materials - Asm. tracking process from paper to electronic (e-Manifest) Environmental Safety and
Quirk, Dahle, when the system comes online. This would Toxic Materials Committee
Arambula, add efficiency, improve tracking of HW on 6/0/1 vote to send to
Garcia, Gomez, movement, and increase safety for HW Appropriations Committee.
Holden transportation and proper disposal. Would change process of
handling for HHWCF and
associated vendors
4 State Sen. Lara SB 258 Cleaning SB 258 requires cleaning products Sponsored by: Breast Support: American Support 04/20/17 Support 5/15/17 Set for hearing in
Products Right manufactured or sold in the State to disclose Cancer Fund, Sustainable Business Senate Appropriations
to Know Act of on the product label and website, among Environmental Working Council, Californians for Comm. Set for hearing on
2017 other information, a list of each ingredient Group, & Women's a Healthy & Green 4/26/17 at the Senate Labor
and contaminant of concern contained in the Voices for the Earth Economy (CHANGE) and Industrial Relations
product as well as an image that Coalition, Clean Water Committee. 3/15/2017 -
communicates the potential health impacts of Action, Center for Support requested by City
toxic chemicals. Environmental Health, of San Francisco via M.
Consumer Federation of LaBella. 3/16/2017 -
California, Seventh Requested CASA add to
Generation, & The priority list.
Honest Company
Central San 2017-1S Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet
as of 5/11/2017
5 Federal FY 2018 Interior, National Ensures critical wastewater research is water Environment & Support 04/20/17 Support 3114117 District sent support
Environment Priorities funded that will continue to meet the needs of Reuse Foundation letter to
and Related water local agencies charged with meeting federal (Support) Senate/Congressional
Agencies Research mandates members within service
Appropriations grant program area
6 State Sen De Lion SB 100 100% Clean Bill would change the California Renewables CASA - Support if Support 5/11/17 waiting on new
Energy Portfolio Standard Program goal under the Amended, 350 amendments to post then
Measure PUC to achieve 50% renewable resources Sacramento - Support will go to Appropriations
target by 2026, achieve 60% by 2030, and for 8minutenergy Comm, 5/9/17 Passed out
all electricity sold at retail to be generated by Renewables- Support of Sen Energy, Utilities and
eligible renewable energy resources by 2045. California wind Energy Communications Comm,
Would authorize the PUC to establish a Association- Support 5/1/17 Amended to include
requirement that gas sellers, procure a Clean Energy Fuels, if CASA comments. Cut and
minimum percentage of biomethane or amended Amend
renewable gas, from sources that reduce First Solar- Support
emissions of short-lived climate pollutants in Large-Scale Solar
the state. The bill would require as g -
q g Association- Support
corporations to deliver biomethane or Solar Ener Industries
renewable from producers to the pipeline Energy
g p p Association- Support _
system. This bill would revise the definition westlands Solar Park- -
of biogas and biomethane, and would revise -
the definition of biomass conversion for Support
certain waste management purposes.
Biogas conversion definition now includes
"the noncombustion thermal conversion of
the organic byproducts of anaerobic
7 State Sen. Hertzberg SB 231 Stormwater Existing law, the Proposition 218 omnibus CASA-Cautiously None *Howard Jarvis has
financing - Implementation Act, prescribes specific Support: (sent support committed to take legal
expanded procedures and parameters for local letter) action if this is approved.
definition of jurisdictions to comply with Articles XIII C and 515/17 Kent Alm concerned
"sewer" XIII D of the California Constitution and about unintended
defines terms for these purposes. consequences from the bill
This bill would define the term "sewer" for that will emerge over time
these purposes. The bill would also make that will effect the
findings and declarations relating to the wastewater industry in the
definition of the term "sewer" for these long term. This is a
purposes. This bill attempts to reverse the transparent attempt to
existing court decisions that limit the use expand the use of "sewer"
of the term "sewer" in Prop 218 to limit to in Prop 218 to allow funding
"sanitary sewers" and excludes "storm of stormwater activities
sewers". without a formal voter
approval. 5/5117 Author
requested CASA support.
4127117 Held in Assembly -
may be referred to Sen.
Local Gov't Committee.
Central San 2017-18 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet
as of 5/11/2017
8 State Asm. Gloria AB 967 Requires a specified bureau to license and CASA - Working with Watch 5/10/17 Minor changes
regulate hydrolysis facilities. Enacts Author made in committee. 4/25/17
requirements applicable to hydrolysis Baker/Grayson Ayes to
facilities substantially similar to those pass out of Asm Business
applicable to crematoria. Requires a local and Professions Comm to
registrar of births or deaths to issue permits Appropriations, 4/19/17 Re-
for the disposition of hydrolyzed remains. referred to Asm. Business
and Professions
Committee. Complex 20
page bill
9 State Sen. SB 229 Accessory Would prohibit a special district from CASA - Working with Watch 5/11/17 Sen 3rd reading,
Wiechowski Dwelling Units considering an accessory dwelling unit a new Author �5/2/17 Sen 2nd reading,
"clean upil residential use for purposes of calculating 4/18/17 2nd reading. Re-
connection fees or capacity charges for referred to Approp.
utilities. It would also extend the applicability Committee. High likelihood
of the above prohibition to special districts. of passage
10 State Sen. Monning SB 623 COMBINED SIMILAR BILLS: Safe and ACWA - Opposed, CASA Watch 5/15/17 Sen Appropriations
Affordable Drinking Water Fund & Safe Watch Hearing date, 4/26/17
Drinking Water Spot Bills (Public Goods Referred to Senate
Charge) Appropriations Comm.
3/30/17 Re-referred to
Senate Environmental
Quality Committee
11 State Sen. Hertzberg SB 778 ACWA - Opposed, CASA Watch 5/15/17 Sen Appropriations
Watch Hearing date, 4/26/17
Referred to Senate
Appropriations Comm,
4/5/17 Re-referred to
Senate Environmental
Quality Committee
Central San 2017-18 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet
as of 5/11/2017
12 State Asm. Ting AB 958 Fluorinated Would prohibit a food provider from serving, Co-sponsored by Clean CASA - Support Watch 5/10/17 Referred to Asm
chemicals in selling, offering for sale, or offering for Water Action Appropriations Suspense
food promotional purposes prepared food or fast File. 4/26/17 Passed out of
packaging food in, on, or with take-out food service Asm Enviro Safety and
ware or packaging that contains a fluorinated Toxic Materials Committee
chemical, as defined. Because the bill would to Appropriations. Based on
create a new crime, it would impose a state- two studies: Danish Study
mandated local program. http://www2.mst.dk/Udgiv/p
Boston University Fact
California Stormwater
Quality Association
(CASQA) has also been
approached to support
13 State Asm. Caballero AB 1223 Construction Current law imposes specified requirements CASA - Disapprove Watch 4/19/17 re-referred to Asm
contract on state and local agencies regarding Local Govt Committee. 3-31-
payments: payment of construction contracts. This bill 17 Staff reviewing recent 3-
Internet Web would require, within 10 days of making a 27-17 amendments. 4-5-17
site posting construction contract payment, a state or Re-referred to Committee
,local agency to post on its Internet Web site on Local Government.
the project for which the payment was made,
the name of the construction contractor or
company paid, the date the payment was
made, the payment application number or
other identifying information, and the amount
of the payment.
Central San 2017-18 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet
as of 5/11/2017
14 State Asm. Dababneh AB 1333 Political Would require every local government CASA- Disapprove Watch ;5/3/17 Referred to Asm
Reform Act of agency that maintains an Internet Web site to .Appropriations Suspense
1974: local prominently post on its Internet Web site, as file, 4-5-17 referred to
government specified, a notice of any upcoming election Committee on Local
agency notices in which voters will vote on a tax measure or Government
� proposed bond issuance of the agency. The
� bill would also require every local
government agency that publishes an
electronic newsletter to include the notice in
j the electronic newsletter. By imposing new
duties on local government agencies, the bill
would impose astate-mandated local
15 State Sen. Canella SB 496 Design Existing law requires the design professional to CASA- Disapprove Watch 4/28/17 Chaptered (deal
Professional defend the public agency under an indemnity (possibly oppose) struck with Governor as
Indemnity agreement, including the duty and the cost to final vote for SB 1
defend, are unenforceable, except for claims Transportation bill), 4/18/17
that arise out of, pertain to, or relate to the First Reading in Asm.
negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct 4/12/17 Coalition letter
of the design professional. Existing law provided by CASA for a
provides that all contracts and all solicitation Public Works Association
documents between a public agency and a
design professional are deemed to incorporate Coalition that CASA may
these provisions by reference.This bill would sign on behalf of
wastewater agencies.
instead make these provisions applicable to all
contracts for design professional services (Provided to Board in
packet for 4/20/17 meeting)
entered into on or after January 1, 2018. The
bill would prohibit the cost to defend charged to
the design professional from exceeding the
design professional's proportionate percentage
of fault, except that in the event that one or
more defendants is unable to pay its share of
defense costs due to bankruptcy or dissolution
of the business,the bill would require the
design professional to meet and confer with
other parties regarding unpaid defense costs.
Central San 2017-18 Priority Legislative Tracking Sheet
as of 5/11/2017
9 16-0 1 46-%.f W N..O r 1 Beginning 1/1/18
16 t I%A.4 ip.c%.1 ACZM lomi= I��F=4 n'Intmizc. Ar%A ,this bill would establish CASA - Disapprove Watch 5/10/17 - Currently on
• specific standards for the use of personal suspense file in Asm.
services contracts by counties and cities and Appropriations Comm. -
ninraznnpl would require the county or city to: 1. clearly
likely will go no further
%..P%..-I V demonstrate that the proposed contract will 4/24/17 passed out of Asm
result in actual overall costs savings to the Comm on Public
county or city, 2. show that the contract does Employees, Retirement,
not cause the displacement of county or city and Social Security to Asm
workers, 3. requires county or city to conduct a Appropriations Committee.
cost-benefit analysis prior to entering into the
contract, 4. requires the prospective
contractors to reimburse the cost of the
analysis, 5. requires later audit of the contract
to determine whether cost savings have been
realized 6. requires the contractor to
reimburse the cost of the audit, 7. imposes
additional disclosure requirements for contracts
exceeding $5,000,000 annually, S. requires
each county or city to maintain on its Internet
Web site a searchable database of all of its
contracts exceeding $5,000,000.
A R 4 290 r'l Ir-r-pnt WAI der-lares that the or- MlAtnh Qn W:4taJ4
17 t a Rtate water wateF 4/19/17 According to Asm.
%-w L 1 5%-�L 16 L
rnnfirzw Impt peecis cif the state r Grayson staff, this bill will
thp I IPA nf ImAtar in-
use and an effinient rnaRRei: go no further. This is a sm
And thpt thp Pffinitont I IPQ
I I. I I%.A I I %_0 I I IWIWS I L 9 4 1 %,%1 6%A L I I%.A L I.I 1%.0 %-1 1 1 1%.P I%-,#I I L %.A%_0%.0
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