HomeMy WebLinkAbout07. Review and discuss HighMark Capital Management Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 45 Trust First Quarter Report dated April 25, 2017 7 m
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April 25, 2O17
Finance Manager
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
5019 Imhoff Place
Martinez. [}A 94553_4392
RE: 1 s quarter 2017 (]PEB Report
Dear Thea,
Political news (and occasional tweets) dominated global financial markets again in the
first quarter with the inauguration of a new president followed by a frenzied pace of new
policies and legislative activity. President Trump inherits a stable, a(beito|ow+growing,
economy that continues to show improvement on many fronts. With the Republican
Party controlling both houses of Congress, the political gridlock of the past six years is
expected to abate.
Last year's Presidential election ushered in a new paradigm for how investors view the
domestic economy. With the House, Senate and Executive branch now controlled by the
Republican Party, companies and consumers alike quickly pivoted to the notion that
fiscal stimulus is the likely outcome. Promises oftax cuts, deregulation and infrastructure
spending made on the campaign trail are expected by many to reinvigorate on economy
that has averaged just 2% real growth since the end of the financial crisis.
Optimism thus far has been clearly observed in measures of consumer and business
sentiment, referred to as "aoft data." Not surprisingly, measures of actual economic
activity, or "hard data", have yet to materially benefit from the enthusiasm surrounding
the expected end of the status quo in Washington. Soft data is more volatile than hard
data and the two series are not perfectly correlated. This historical perspective reminds
us that optimism alone cannot jump-start the virtuous cycle of economic activity.
Globally, economic data has been dominated by upside surprises and equity markets
have continued to advance following a strong fourth quarter' while domestic bonds
regained some lost ground as longer-term interest rates fell modestly. Historically /om/
realized and forecast stock market volatility further underscores resilience in the face of
growing uncertainty related to U.S. fiscal policy. Underlying the brood market rnomee'
however, signs of afading "Trump trode^' have begun to emerge. Cyclical s1ooko, which
performed well in the fourth quarter of 2016. trailed defensive and growth names in the
first quarter — a clear sign of waning confidence that the new administration's agenda
will come to full fruition. The U.S. dollar, viewed as a proxy for Trump policies, gave up
ground against a basket of foreign currencies.
At its March meeting, the Fed raised short-term interest rates for the second time in
three months. It also indicated that two additional hikes are likely /n 2017. Meanwhile, on
the long end of the yield oun/e, interest rates have risen considerably off the |ovva of July
2018' when the 10'year Treasury bond yielded just 1.36%. At the end of the first quarter'
the yield had climbed over 100 basis points from its /ow to 2.38%. In add/tion to rate
hikes, the Fed has also indicated plans to unwind its $4.5 trillion balance sheet through
the suspension of the reinvestment of interest payments from the current holdings they
have purchased, a policy that could put additional pressure on borrowing costs.
Bond investors have been aware of what the Fed is up to, but stock investors have been
less worried that the "punch bowl" is being taken away. For its part, the Fed has stressed
it will take a gradual approach to raising rates and has no set path. In other words, it will
remain "data dependent." This is good news for both U.S. bonds and equities, as an
overly-aggressive Fed could trip up the economy and financial markets.
The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District OPEB Plan returned 3.81% for the quarter,
gross of investment fees. Our fixed income investments in the quarter posted a 1.25%
return, which outperformed the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate return of 0.82%. The
fixed income markets rallied somewhat in the quarter in the face of another Fed hike in
March. Some worries have emerged that given the current defeat for President Trump
with respect to the repeal of Obamacare, the President might have a difficult time
passing his tax reform legislation. And if this were to occur, growth estimates might be
reduced. With the exception of the Nationwide HighMark Bond Fund, all managers
outperformed the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate Index.
The equity segment returned 6.67%Q. With the exception of REITs, all equity segments
posted positive performance in the quarter. The large cap equity segment outperformed
the S&P500 Index due mainly to the strong performance of the two large cap growth
managers: Harbor Capital Growth (+10.6%0) and the T. Rowe Price Growth Fund
(+11.1%). The small cap equity segment also posted strong outperformance, returning
5.5%, vs. the Russell 2000 Index return of 2.4%. The most significant contributor to Plan
performance in the quarter was the international equity segment. Our overweight and
outperformance in this category benefitted Plan returns. All of our four managers
outperformed the MSCI-SAFE Index with the Dodge & Cox International Fund (+9.3%a)
and the Hartford Schroders Emerging Market Equity Fund (+12.5%) aiding performance
the most.
Our target asset allocation at quarter-end was: equities 50%, bonds 47% and
cash/money market 3%.
Andrew Brown
PARS: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
First Quarter 2017
Presented by
Andrew Brown, CFA
Beginning Value $ 566,683.26
Asset Allocation Contributions 451401,317.51
Withdrawals -10,195,066.57
Total Assets: $50,266,113 Gain (Loss) 5,536,244.87
Interest and Dividends 81957,638.32
Period Ending 3-31-2017 Net Accrued Income 551074.12
1 Q 17 Return: 3.81% Ending Market Value $5093219891.51
1 Year Return: 9.73%
Inception-to-Date Return: 9.82%
Inception Date:4-1-2009 Cash
Fixed Income
* Ending Market Value differs from total market value on page 3 due to differences in reporting methodology. The above ending market value is reported as of
trade date and includes accruals. The Asset Allocation total market value is reported as of settlement date.
JK� PARS: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
ASSET ALLOCATION -- CentralSanitaryontra Costa.
As of First Quarter 2017
Current Asset Allocation Investment vehicle
Equity 50.24% Range: 40Vo-60% 25,253,455
Large Cap Core 4.97% SMGIX Columbia Contrarian Core Cl Z 21496,940
11-51% VGIAX Vanguard Growth & Income Adm 57877980
Large Cap Value 4.29% DODGX Dodge & Cox Stock Fund 2,157,697
Large Cap Growth 2.14% HACAX Harbor Capital Appreciation Instl 190787093
2.15% PRUFX T. Rowe Price Growth Stock 1 170807344
Mid Cap Core 3.61% 1WR iShares Russell MidCap Index Fund 1 814 897
Small Cap Value 181% UBVLX Undiscovered Mgrs Behavioral Value Inst 179167137
Small Cap Growth 3.80% PRJIX T. Rowe Price New Horizons Fund 1 119087149
International Core 4.02% NWHMX Nationwide Bailard Intl Equities 1 210207164
International Value 2.60% DODFX Dodge & Cox International Stock Fund 17305,685
International Growth 2.60% MQGIX MFS International Growth Fund 173067494
Emerging Markets 3.22% SEMNX Hartford Schroders Emerging Mkts Eq 1 176187933
Real Estate 1.52% FARCX Nuveen Real Estate Securities 1 761 942
Fixed Income 46.9 7% Range: 40Vo-60% 23,612,401
Short-Terre 6.30% VFSUX Vanguard Short-Term Corp Adm Fund 311697228
Intermediate-Term 15.60% NWJIX Nationwide HighMark Bond Fund Inst 77 843,840
10.04% PTTRX PIMCO Total Return Instl Fund 57047,888
12.53% PTRQX Prudential Total Return Bond Q 672997575
Floating Rate Notes 2.49% E IFHX Eaton Vance Floating-Rate and Hi Inc 1 11251,871
Cash 2.79% Range: 0%-20% 194009257
2.79% FGZ>OC First American Government Oblig Z 114003257
TOTAL 100.00% $50,266,113
-AHIGHM 10 PARS: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Selected Period Performance
Account 6746030600
Period Ending: 03/31/2017
Year Inception
to Date to Date
Sector (3 Months) 1 Year 3 Years 5 Years (8 Years)
Cash Equivalents .12 .32 .15 .10 .13
iMoneyftt, Inc. Taxable 37
48 09
Total Fixed Income 1.25 2.00 2.38 2.67 4.77
BC US Aggregate Bd Index 82 .44 2.68 2.34 4.00
Total Equities 6.67 18.32 6.67 10.60 14.98
Large Cap Funds 6.51 19.46 9.26 12.87 15.85
S&P 500 Composite Index 6.07 17.17 10.37 13.30 16.99
Mid Cap Funds 4.75 17.69 6.41 10.12
Russell Midcap Index 5.15 17.03 8.48 13.09 18.86
Small Cap Funds 5.51 22-80 8.16 13.64 19-56
Russell 2000 Index 2.47 26:22 7.22 12.35 17-60
International Equities 9.26 14.21 1.19 3.20 9.51
MSCI SAFE Index 7.25 11.67 .50 5.83 9.93
MSCI EM Free Index 11.44 17.21 1.18 .81 9.30
RE IT Funds -.14 2.67
Wilshire REIT Index J3 1.98 10.19 9.76 21.74
Total Managed Portfolio 3.81 9.73 4.55 6.48 9.82
Account Inception-4/2009
Returns are gross-of-fees unless otherwise noted. Returns for periods over one year are annualized.The information presented has been obtained from
sources believed to be accurate and reliable. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. Securities are not FDIC insured, have no bank guarantee,
and may lose value.
HIGHMAR - PARS: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District IN.
For Period Ending March 31, 2017
3-Month YTD 1-Year 3-Year 5-Year
Fund Name Inception Return Rank Return Rank Return Rank Return Rank Return Rank
Columbia Contrarian Core Z (7113) 6.80 14 6.80 14 15.32 59 10.14 10 13.66 4
Dodge& Cox Stock (8114) 4.97 13 4.97 13 28.58 1 9.44 8 15.24 1
Harbor Capital Appreciation Instl (7110) 10.64 18 10.64 18 15.83 36 10.17 23 12.30 36
Vanguard Growth& Income Adm (12116) 5.28 63 5.28 63 16.43 46 10.57 3 13.54 6
T. Rowe Price Growth Stock Fund 1 11.17 11 11.17 11 19.27 11 11.34 8 13.63 10
l d x: S&P 500 6.07 -- 6.07 -- 17.17 -- 10.37 13.30 --
iShares Russell Mid-Cap (3116) 5.10 21 5.10 21 16.79 57 8.30 28 12.90 24
Idx: Russell Mid Cap 5.15 -- 5.15 -- 17.03 -- 8.48 -- 13.09 --
Undiscovered Managers Behavioral Val b (9116) 2.09 17 2.09 17 18.24 86 9.67 7 14.32 3
Idx: Russell 2000 Value -0.13 -- -0.13 -- 29.37 -- 7.62 -- 12.54
T. Rowe Price New Horizons Fund 1 10.15 4 10.15 4 23.92 31 9.05 12 14.52 4
Idx: Russell 2000 Growth 5.35 -- 5.35 -- 23.03 -- 6.72 -- 12.10 --
Dodge& Cox International Stock 9.32 9 9.32 9 22.97 1 0.72 41 7.32 6
Nationwide Ballard Intl Equities 1 7.64 59 7.64 59 7.46 85 0.93 36 6.41 13
MFS International Growth 1 8.04 69 8.04 69 9.20 38 2.13 25 4.66 72
Idx: MSCI EAFE 7.25 -- 7.25 -- 11.+67 -- 0.50 -- 5.83 --
Hartford Schroders Emerging Mkts Eq 1 (11112) 12.51 35 12.51 35 20.57 17 2.04 27 1.58 36
Idx: MSCI Emerging Markets 11.44 -- 11.44 -- 17.21 -- 1.18 -- 0.81 --
Data Source: Morningstar, SEI Investments
Returns less than one year are not annualized. Past performance is not indicative of future returns. The information presented has,been obtained from sources
believed accurate and reliable. Securities are not FDIC insured, have no bank guarantee and may lose value.
A AO PARS: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District AHIGHM
For Period Ending March 31, 2017
3-Month YTD 1-Year 3-Year 5-Year
Fund Name Inception Return Rank Return Rank Return Rank Return Rank Return Rank
Nuveen Real Estate Secs Y (10115) 0.45 55 0.45 55 2.39 42 9.66 27 9.55 18
Idx: Wilshire REIT Index 0.03 -- 0.03 -- 1.98 -- 10.19 --
9.76 --
Pimco Total Return Inst'l 1.63 10 1.63 10 2.44 30 2.77 29 2.96 30
Prudential Total Return Bond Q (5116) 1.84 5 1.84 5 3.43 15 3.83 4 4.06 3
Vanguard Short-Term Investment-Grade Adm 0.83 15 0.83 15 1.88 33 1.94 8 2.14 12
Nationwide HighMark Bond Fund Inst 0.78 75 0.78 75 1.53 49 2.64 38 2.73 40
Idx: BarCap US Aggregate Bond 0,82 __ Q.82 _- 0.44 __ 2,68 -- 2.34 -_
Eaton Vance Floating-Rate& Hi Inc Inst (12116) 1.55 6 1.55 6 10.90 24 3.71 9 4.58 19
Data Source: Morningstar, SEI Investments
Returns less than one year are not'annualized. Past perfomnance is not indicative of future returns. The information presented has been obtained from sources
believed accurate and reliable. Securities are not FDIC insured, have no bank guarantee and may lose value.
PARS: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District