HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.a.1) Receive informational copy of Uncodified Ordinance No. 294 reflecting an updated schedule of sewer service charge (SSC) rates for residential and non-residential customers commencing July 1, 2017, as adopted by the Board on April 20, 2017. f,
central Contra Costa Sanitary
May 4, 2017
Attached is an informational copy of Uncodified Ordinance No. 294, in strikeout,
reflecting the action of the Board taken on April 20, 2017 to adopt a schedule of sewer
service charge (SSC) rates for residential and non-residential customers commencing
July 1, 2017. The rates shown reflect the Boards action to increase SSC rates b
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slightly less than 5.5 percent for Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-18, and by no more than 7.0
percent for Fiscal Year 2018-19. The ordinance includes the requirement that a public
hearing must be held before imposing any second-year increase.
Below is a table comparing in strikeout the SSC rates as had been proposed by staff
and the actual rates as they were adopted by the Board on April 20, 2017:
FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19
Increase Annual SSC Increase Annual SSC _
Single Family Residences $27 $530 $37 $56 7
Multi-Family Residences $26 $513 $36 $549
Effective Date July 1, 2017 July 1, 2018
(Residential rates shown in dollars per residential unit.)
Non-Residential As shown in strikeout on the attached Ordinance.
With the reduction in revenue from the adoption of a lower rate increase percentage
p g
than that used for financial planning purposes, staff anticipates that the FY 2017-18
financial outlook can be balanced on a "one-time basis" through theapplication of
anticipated operations and maintenance (O&M) budget savings from the FY 2016-17
O&M budget. However, the loss of revenue from the reduced rate increase for
FY 2017-18 will need to be offset by other budget measures for FY 2018-19 and future
years, unless higher rate increases than previously contemplated for those years are
Attached Supporting Document.-
ocument.1. Uncodified ordinance No.294 (in strikeout)as adopted April 20, 2017
WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San) has previously
developed and instituted a Sewer Service Charge Program to finance the services and
facilities furnished by Central San, and
WHEREAS, it is reasonable and necessary that all users of Central San's wastewater
and household hazardous waste collection, treatment, recycling, reuse and disposal
services and facilities, including those temporary users served under Special Discharge
Permits, contribute their appropriate portion of the funding for such Central San services
and facilities; and
WHEREAS, Central San's Board of Directors has reviewed the current Schedule of
Sewer Service Charge Rates and has determined that the annual residential sewer
service charge rate should be increased by $27 --per single family living unit to
$530- , and $26 34-per multifamily living unit to $513 for Fiscal Year (FY)
2017-18, and $37 per single family living unit to $567 , and $36- per
multifamily living unit to $549 for FY 2018-19, and that non-residential sewer
service charge rates should be increased proportionally similar amounts as the single
family service charge rate as, set forth below in Exhibit A; and
WHEREAS, Chapter 6.24-030 of District Code provides the enabling authority for
Central San to implement the proposed uncodified Schedule of Sewer Service Charge
Rates; and
WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing to receive comments and protests and to
consider the proposed uncodified Schedule of Sewer Service Charge Rates was held
on April 20, 2017; and
WHEREAS, in adopting this Ordinance, the Board of Directors finds that:
a. Written notices of the proposed increase in sewer service charge rates were sent
by first class U.S. mail to parcel owners who receive sewer service from Central
San, using data provided by Contra Costa County Assessor's Office, at least 45
days prior to the Public Hearing on the proposed increase conducted on April 20,
b. All legally valid protests against the proposed increase in the sewer service
charge rates, including those provided in person, by facsimile, e-mail and
U.S. mail, were considered and tallied at the Public Hearing conducted on
April 20, 2017, and Central San was not presented with protests by a majority of
the owners of the identified parcels affected by this change.
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Ordinance No. 294
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d. The amount of the charge imposed does not exceed the proportional cost of the
service attributable to the properties receiving service and the charge is only
imposed on those properties actually receiving service or for those which service
is immediately available.
e. This action is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) pursuant to Section, 15273 (a) (1-4) of the District CEQA Guidelines.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of Central San does ordain as follows:
Section 1 (To be Uncodified
The "Schedule of Sewer Service Charge Rates" as set forth in full in Exhibit "A" to this
Ordinance, which exhibit is incorporated in full herein by this reference, is hereby
adopted in uncodified form pursuant to the provisions of District Code Section 6.24.030.
As of the effective date of this Ordinance, Sewer Service Charges shall be charged at
such rates and for such categories of users as set forth in said Schedule, and shall
remain in effect until amended or replaced by ordinance.
Section 2
All ordinances, parts of ordinances and any provision of Ordinance No. 285 in conflict
with the provisions of this Ordinance are repealed. The provisions of this Ordinance,
insofar as they are substantially the same as existing provisions relating to the same
subject matter, shall be construed as restatements and continuations thereof and not as
new enactments. To the extent the sewer service charge rates or any portion thereof is
determined invalid or unconstitutional, or during any period where the new rates are
stayed due to a legal challenge, such portions ns of Ordinance No. 285 shall remain in
effect and such rates and charges due thereunder for any categories of users shall
remain due and payable as if those portions of Ordinance No. 285 had not been
With respect, however, to violations, rights accrued, liabilities accrued, or appeals taken,
prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, under any chapter, ordinance, or part of an
ordinance, such chapter, ordinance or part of an ordinance shall be deemed to remain
in full force for the purpose of sustaining any proper suit, action, or other proceedings,
with respect to any such violation, right, liability or appeal.
Section 3
Prior to imposing the rate set forth under this Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2018-19, the
Board of Directors shall consider, at a noticed public hearing, the District's proposed
budget, its financial condition, projected capital and operations and maintenance costs,
as well as other factors which bear on the revenue requirements of the District, before
June 30, 2018, to determine whether the increased amount set forth herein for Fiscal
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
Ordinance No. 294
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Year 2018-19 is still necessary. If the District Board concludes by a majority vote that
sewer service charges for less than the amount set forth in this Ordinance for Fiscal
Year 2018-19 will produce adequate revenues for that fiscal year, the Board may by
resolution fix the Fiscal Year 2018-19 sewer service charges to be imposed at
appropriate amounts up to the maximum of the rates set forth herein without an
amendment of this Ordinance. In such case, the resolution shall clearly set forth such
lesser charges that are to be imposed and those charges shall remain in place until
further action of the Board. If the Board determines the rates set forth in the table are
appropriate for imposition in Fiscal Year 2018-19, no further action of the Board shall be
Section 4
This Ordinance shall be a general regulation of Central San and shall be published once
in the Contra Costa Times and San Ramon Valley Times, newspapers of general
circulation within Central San, and shall be effective on July 1 , 2017. This Ordinance
shall be kept on file with the Secretary of the District.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of Central San on the 201h day of
April 2017, by the following vote:
AYES: Members: McGill, Pilecki, Williams, Causey
NOES: Members: Nejedly
ABSTAIN: Members: None
Paul H. Causey, P.E.
President of the Board of Directors
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Elaine R. Boehme, CMC
Secretary of the District
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District
County of Contra Costa, State of California
Approved as to form:
Kenton L. Alm, Esq.
Counsel for the District
Schedule of Sewer Service Charge Rates (Uncodified)
This schedule of Sewer Service Charges (to be effective July 1, 2017), was established
by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Ordinance No. 294, adopted April 20, 2017.
User Group Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year
2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Residential (rate per Residential Unit)-
lingle Family Dwellings, Mobile Homes $503.00 $530.00 538.00 $567-00 576.09
partments, Condominiums, Duplexes, Second Living Units,
obile Homes $487.00 $513.00 521.00 $549.00 558.00
Commercial/Non-industrial (rates per hundred cubic feet):
I Landard Commercial Rate for Users Not Listed Below $4.98 $5.25 5.33 $5.61 5.71
Automotive $5.73 $6.04 6.13 $6.46 6.56
qakeries $13.22 $13.93 14.14 $14.90 15.14
otels/Motels $8.64 $9.10 9.24 $9.74 9.89
Supermarkets $9.34 $9.84 9.99 $10.53
ortuaries $11.47 $12-09 12.27 $12-93 1- -4-
estaurants $9.34 $9.84 9.99 $10.53 10.70
inimum Annual Charge $504.00 $530.00 538.00 $566.00 57-5-.W
Industrial (rates per unit specified)-
Wastewater Flow (per hundred cubic feet) $3.67 $3.87 3.93 $4.14 4.21
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (per 1,000 pounds) $1,216.00 $1,281.27 $1,370.72
Q 9.
Suspended Solids (per 1,000 pounds) $567.00 $597.44 606.45 $639.14 649.28
Fixed $87.23 $91.91 $98-33 9-9-.,8P
inimum Annual Charge $504.00 $530.00 538.00 $566.00 575.00
Special Discharge Permits & Contractual Agreements: Determined Determined Determined
Individually Individually_ I Individuall
Central Contra Costs Sanitary District
Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 294
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Schedule of Sewer Service Charge Rates (continued)
Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year
User Group 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Mixed Use (for parcels with shared water meter; rates per hundred cubic feet):
Rate Group XA: (90-99% Standard Commercial; 1-10% Restaurant) $5.32 $5.61 5.69 $6.00 6.09
Rate Group XB: (80-89% Standard Commercial; 11-20% Restaurant) $5.77 $6.08 6.17 $6.50 6.61
Rate Group XC: (70-79% Standard Commercial; 21-30% Restaurant) $6.23 $6.56 6.66 $7.02 7.13
Rate Group XD: (60-69% Standard Commercial; 31-40% Restaurant) $6.67 $7.03 7.1 $7.52 7.63
Rate Group XE: (50-59% Standard Commercial; 41-50% Restaurant) $7.12 $7.50 7.62 $8.03 8.16
Rate Group XF: (40-49% Standard Commercial; 51-60% Restaurant) $7.56 $7.97 8.09 $8.52 8.66
Rate Group XG: (30-39% Standard Commercial; 61-70% Restaurant) $8.01 $8.44 8.57 $9.03 9.18
Rate Group Xyl: (20-29% Standard Commercial; 71-80% Restaurant) $8.45 $8.90 9.04 $9.53 9.68
Rate Group XI: (10-19% Standard Commercial; 81-90% Restaurant) $8.91 $9.39 9753 $10.04 10.2 Q
Rate Group XJ: (31-35% Standard Commercial; 65-69% Bakery) $10.69 $11.26 44-43 $12.05 12.24
Rate Group XIS: (21-30% Standard Commercial; 70-79% Bakery) $10.32 $10-87 11.04 $11-63 11 11.892-
Rate Group XL: (16-20% Standard Commercial; 80-84% Bakery) $10.92 $11.51 11.6 $12-31 12.500
Rate Group XM: (11-15% Standard Commercial; 85-89% Bakery) $11.26 $11.86 12.04 $12-69 12.89
Rate Group XN: (5-10% Standard Commercial; 90-95% Bakery) $11.54 $12.16 12.34 $13.01 13.21
Rate Group XO: (10-15% Restaurant; 85-90% Bakery) $11.69 $12.32 12.5 0 $13.18 1-Q.3
Minimum Annual Charge $504-00 $530.00 $566.00
Central Contra Costs Sanitary District
Exhibit A to Ordinance No. 294
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Schedule of Sewer Service Charge Rates (continued)
Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Fiscal Year
User Group 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19
Institutional (rates per hundred cubic feet unless otherwise noted):
Churches $4.98 $5.25 $5.61 -
Schools (Daycare, Preschool, University) $4.98 $5.25 $5.61
Schools (Elementary) $6.19 per $6.52-66-.61=2 $6.98 7.09
studentper student per student
Schools (Intermediate) $12.1 6 per $12-81 $13.71
student 13.01 per 13.93 per
student student
Schools (High School) $12.16 per $12,81 $13.71
student 13.01-per 13.93 per
student student
Fraternal & Service Organizations $4.98 $5.25 $5.61
Local & State Institutions $4.98
$5.25 $5.61
Other Tax Exempt (Except Federal) $4.98 $5.25 $5.61
!tG 74-
Federal Institutions $4.98 $5.25 $5.61
Utilities with Special Tax Status $4.98 $5.25 $5.61
Independent Living Facilities, Rest Homes, & Convalescent Hospitals $4.98 $5.25 $5.61
$&.-33 $-&�
Minimum Annual Charge $504.00 $530-00 $566.00
538.QG 575-